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Any advice on how to become rich?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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eb you make more money than most and I do pretty good as well
we both have made some sacrifices in our life to get where we are at and these young guys don't seem to listen.
you use common sence and personally most successful people I know no matter how much money they have budget make an accountability for spending and saveing.
from what I see most live beyond their means.
if your a low income maker and you like the net when your computer craps out scrap your internet plan and get a laptop and use wi fi at free locations
if you deal with bell Canada you can contact the loyalty department doing your homework prior and save at least $20+ a month same with videotron
depends what you want you cant have your cake and eat it too if you guys sacrifice and save.learn to save.its easy to blow money and hard to save harder to keep it.

JSB very true and your posts in this thread are on target. We came from a generation where the values of hard work, saving money and living within budgets was stressed. The younger generation has more distractions and they all want to live like Kings without making any sacrifices - there is a sense of entitlement to more than what they have worked for or really deserve. As you say they want their cake and to eat it too. I read the posts of Halloween Mike and he seems typical of what I have seen with younger people in the USA. I think the problem they have is that the Internet has created a gigantic distraction and the work ethics of their forefathers have been dissipated. Everything I have, I worked for. I took out student loans to pay for law school and paid them back, within 6 years of graduation. Now they want education to be free. I really worry for the future of these people as I see a culture of laziness has been bred by all of the distractions.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Some people like to drive new cars every few years and don't mind making a car payment part of their budget. It's their right to spend their money how they want to...
For those people leasing can make a lot of sense, you get more car for the same payment and you get to walk away at the end of the lease with no commitment. Sure there are people that lease vehicles because they can't afford the purchase payment, but there are just as many who are choosing not to purchase.


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
I have news for you, leasing is always more costly than buying. If you dent up the car, you do not walk away from the lease


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have news for you, leasing is always more costly than buying. If you dent up the car, you do not walk away from the lease

I have news for you, you are allowed to dent within specified parameters and you are told what those parameters are at the beginning of the lease. This is because certain dents of certain size are fixable, and some are not.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I can tell you a number of things.
1st of all eb is a senior poster,and to show a bit of respect would be nice of you, althought stubborn and hard headed at times, I have met him in person many times and yes I have personally pissed him off a lot,but I do like the guy ,and have respect for him, to the dismay of many.he is a professional, and makes more money ,than most could wish ,and unlike many people with money he is not tight and I found him to be kind hearted and generous when not pissed off.
maybe he comes across the wrong way to some, but he has good advice, if you could take the time to listen ,and not be condescending and rude.

eb you make more money than most and I do pretty good as well
we both have made some sacrifices in our life to get where we are at and these young guys don't seem to listen.
you use common sence

ive met rumples
and whats funny was, a high profile x member was dumbfounded to how successful rumples was ,as rumples was apparently in the same line of business as the latters family.
rumples aside from being successful and modest was a kind hearted person .a very normal person to sit and have a drink or bite to eat with which I did on a number of occasions.

Geez John, what's with all the brown nosing.:D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My advice to be rich is to do whatever rumples does for a living, according to post 5 the guy is literally swimming in cash.
OK, I'll fess up. Unfortunately for everyone else, I have a corner on this particular market. I'm Joe.T's bookie.


Mar 28, 2007
A friend of mine was complaining that he was always short of money.
Each morning restaurant $10.00.
Each day lunch $15.00
End of day paper and Starbucks $ 6.00 Total is $930.00 per/month
You have to learn to spend within your means.
If you know a few people to purchase a rundown house together and fix it yourself flipping is a good money maker.

It's the repetitive spending that adds up. It gets painless because you see it every month. I like to get my balls waxed at a salon but it costs almost a hundred a month. Each and every month the damn hair keeps growing back.

In all seriousness, it is the spending like Cable or cell phones, or big car payments (or ball waxing) that you pay all the time that become painless. Generally you don't hand over the cash in a wad like seeing an escort. So you don't feel the pain. The cost is just on paper, so it doesn't seem real.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
The only way to really become rich is through the power of network marketing. Read my five reasons why just below>
Five Powerful Reasons
Why Network Marketing
Such A Great Business Opportunity

There are various reasons why network marketing has become the business opportunity of choice for most seasoned entrepreneurs and novices alike. I have identified five which I consider really make network marketing a business opportunity that appeals to anyone. They are...
The major reason why network marketing is the ideal business opportunity for anyone is leveraging. Without leverage there is no network marketing.
Leverage is at the core of any successful network marketing organization. Look at any succesful network marketer you know, you will find that the basic element that makes his/her business sustainable is leverage.
What do you leverage?
You leverage your time and effort.
By expanding your business.
By setting up other people in their own businesses similar to yours, commonly known as recruiting or sponsoring. By sponsoring others, you profit not only from what you sell directly, called retailing, but you also profit from the sales of those you sponsored and those they sponsored, up to several levels deep, depending on your multi-level marketing company's compensation plan.
Many network marketers fail to understand why network marketing works and as a result fail to make any progress in their businesses. Needless to say, they will come up with reasons why network marketing does not work.
Network marketing is the only business model I know of where the power of leveraging can be used with virtually no financial risk, and this makes it a...
2)Great opportunity to earn extra cash
It is human nature to always want more. Without this craving there will be no growth. We will all be stagnant. It does not matter whether you are a communist, a capitalist, a socialist or anything in between. It does not matter what religious believes you hold either. As long as you are human, you will always have this craving for more. You cannot not have it.
What is unfortunate is that with the traditional 9 to 5 job, most people end up living from pay check to pay check. There is too much month at the end of the money, to paraphrase Jim Rohn. They are unable to meet their families' monthly living expenses, not to mention buying a few luxuries here and there, or saving for the days when they cannot work anymore.
Remember the credit crunch? This natural inclination to want more may have been the cause.
There will always be a constant need for more money. Network marketing can fill this need for you regardless of your current financial position. It provides anyone the opportunity to earn extra cash. You don't have to quit your current job, which means...
3)You can run your network marketing business part time
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The beauty of this is that you can work part time in this business until you build a sustainable network marketing business.
4)Residual income stream
Residual income is one of the major reasons why network marketing attracts so many people, as well as people from all walks of life. Residual income is the income that you work for once, and will receive over and over again. An example will suffice here.
Take any bestselling author you know of.
He/she writes a book, which possibly takes a year to finish writing and have it published. During that year he/she will probably earn nothing form his/her work. But once it is published and hits the stores, the author will earn royalty income from every book sold.
It may be a small amount of money if you look at the individual book sold. But imagine what that author would earn if he/she sold a million books and earns just $1 per book. That is residual income.
Some people confuse residual income with passive income. Passive income is the income you earn even if you did nothing. An example is the interest you earn on money you put in the bank.
Again, because of leveraging you can, over time, build a sustainable residual income stream for yourself, and thereby buy yourself...
5)Time freedom
What is more important to you, money or more time? If you were like most people you would have answered 'more time'. Why? Because given enough money to cover all your needs, chances are you would not continue working the way you do now.
In a job environment we are trading our most valuable asset - our time - for money. We are actually paying for money we receive from our employers or businesses with our time.
I said earlier that the major reason why network marketing is the ideal business opportunity for anyone is leveraging, and that you leverage both your time and effort. By leveraging your time, network marketing affords you the opportunity to buy more money with less time, thereby freeing up most of your time. It is the opportunity to create free time that attracts most people to network marketing.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
"Making Money Made Easy"
If you’re like me you’ve heard this statement a million times and it turns you off. You’ve probably checked out dozens of so-called network marketing opportunities and maybe even tried a few you thought made sense only to find out it wasn’t worth your time.

I’ve come to the conclusion there are 100 scams for every 1 that’s legitimate. I’ve also found the 1 in a 100 that’s legitimate. It's called Karatbars International. It's actually an affiliate program where you decide your level of affiliation whether Bronze, Silver, Gold or VIP. This company has the best compensation plan on the planet that pays you 7 different income streams. They recently developed a 12 week plan that could potentially pay you a weekly salary of $4,500 per week by week # 12. Obviously this system relies on duplication, therefore everyone including you must recruit 2 people to join the program in one of the 4 levels of affiliation. What I love about this program & what really sets Karatbars apart from all other network marketing opportunities is their product which is pure .9999 24 Karat currency grade gold sold in one gram denominations. There is no downside! Everyone involved exchanges their declining paper currency for currency grade gold. The company pays you commissions several ways every time money is moved, you earn money.

If I gave you a choice between S1 million dollars today or a penny doubled every day for 30 days, which would you take? If you chose the Million dollars today, you would be making a huge mistake & here's why.
Pure mathematics..

Take a look at how a penny doubled every day for a month accumulates great value but especially from day # 20 thru to day # 30 >
Day 1: $.01
Day 2: $.02
Day 3: $.04
Day 4: $.08
Day 5: $.16
Day 6: $.32
Day 7: $.64
Day 8: $1.28
Day 9: $2.56
Day 10: $5.12
Day 11: $10.24
Day 12: $20.48
Day 13: $40.96
Day 14: $81.92
Day 15: $163.84
Day 16: $327.68
Day 17: $655.36
Day 18: $1310.72
Day 19: $2621.44
Day 20: $5242.88
Day 21: $10485.76
Day 22: $20971.52
Day 23: $41943.04
Day 24: $83886.08
Day 25: $167772.16
Day 26: $335544.32
Day 27: $671,088.64
Day 28: $1,342177.28
Day 29: $2,684354.56
Day 30: $5,368709.12

Now apply the same principle to the duplication of a dual legged pay system & you will understand the power of leverage & duplication! It's very simple! You buy your affiliate position ( a one time fee) & recruit 2 people to do the same & within 3 months you could be earning $4,500 per week.
I think this is an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity to earn substantial residual income. The income that an NHL hockey coach earns is very possible with Karatbars International..

At the worst case scenario you accumulate gold which always has value & may have even greater value as the price of gold rises..The best case scenario is the strategy model works to perfection & by week # 12, you would be earning a passive weekly income of $4,500+ if u join at the bronze level, $8,000 + weekly if you join at the silver level, $25,000 + weekly if you join at the gold level & $34,500 + weekly if you join at the VIP level.

The strategy is to sign up as a bronze, silver, gold or VIP distributor, activate your account. Commit to buy at least 1 gram of pure gold weekly & also find 2 people to do the same.. By the 6th or 7th week your weekly acquisition of gold will be free because the downline will have grown sufficiently enough so that you would begin to earn commissions & by week #12 you should be hitting the above mentioned weekly salary commissions...

KARATBARS INTERNATIONAL is the most unique network marketing opportunity that I have ever seen. There's no inventory to stock except
for the accumulation of gold which has great intrinsic value. No meetings to attend & the hype is potentially real & authentic! By the way the gold grams that you would accumulate gets delivered to you via Federal Express so you do take physical possesion of the gold you would aspire to purchase.
The difference with Karatbars International & all other network marketing opportunities is that Karatbars has a product pure .9999 gold with massive credibility & no down side where all other network marketing opportunities have only a product..
The following is a mathematical hypothetical example of someone joining the opportunity at the top level that being VIP which by the way costs approximately $2,000. ( A one time fee) I look at it as the cost to doing business but well worth it.

This is a very modest example & very doable.
Someone let's say me joins at the VIP level & then I recruit just 2 people in the first month & acquire 2 grams of pure .9999 gold which I would do every month.
Month #1 the commissions paid would be $814. In month #1
The 2 people brought in 2 people each in Month #2 so I would earn $408 in month #2
Month # 3 it would double to 8 people 4 on each side so I would earn $1,020 in month #3
Month #4 it would double to 16 people , 8 on each side so I would earn $1,938 in month #4
Month #5 it would double to 32 people 16 on each side so I would earn $3,978 in month #5
Month #6 it would double to 64 people 32 on each side so I would earn $ 7, 956 in month # 6
Month # 7 it would double to 128 people 64 on each side so I would earn $15,912 in month # 7
Month # 8 it would double to 256 people 128 on each side so I would earn $31,912 in month # 8
Month # 9 it would double to 512 people 256 on each side so I would earn $53,244 in month # 9
Month # 10 it would double to 1,024 people 512 on each side so I would earn $159,732 in month #10
Month #11 it would double to 2048 people , 1024 on each side so I would earn $239,700 in month #11
& in Month #12 it would double to 4,096 people , 2048 on each side so I would earn $519,282 in month #12
Grand total for the year would be $1,035,910

And it would keep growing each & every month just like a snowball tumbling down a snowy mountainside. At first it starts out as a snowball but then continually gets bigger & bigger as it rolls down the mountain & builds momentum.

The above example was with recruiting just 2 people, now imagine recruiting 10 people each & every month & possibly more!

Think of it as a money tree. You plant some seeds, water & fertilize & a few months later you have a money tree bearing tons of money fruit. Money creates freedom & so many options & the more money, the more options available to you..
The first thing I did before even considering Karatbars International was to verify if there were any complaints lodged against them & there were none, zero..
Company profile of Karatbars International

Karatbars International was founded in 2011. The company specializes in the sale of small gold bars and gift items in gold bullion.

The headquarters and the logistics center of the company is located in Stuttgart Germany. It is responsible for the support, marketing, customer and partner communication, execution and delivery of orders. Headquarter also co-ordinates the launch of new countries throughout Europe. Kartbars International is already in 76 different countries worldwide.

The Karatbars International offers its customers several storage options all free to store their gold..

The main reason Karatbars International Gold is becoming so successful is it was unique from the very start, they knew they could stand on their own two feet without any nickle and dime crap or fees of any kind, it’s all so unique there is no real competition and this is a biggie. The goal from the start was to be the gold company for the masses worldwide and this is what’s happening."

If you are interested or you want more information click on the following link >


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Of course like any business, you have to take it seriously & put in the effort to reap the rewards but you need to understand that the rewards are potentially amazing. True that not everyone can be a "Gretzky" but the ones that do become "Gretzky" in the network marketing world earn millions of dollars per year. And all of this income is residual which means the money rolls in whether you work or not because these so called Gretzky's have built such a massive downline that they are set for life! The top network marketing affiliate earns $13 million dollars annually that's more than $1 million dollars per month .. Check it out for yourself >

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
pyramid schemes scam people who get in too late ( usually after a couple of weeks ), then they fall apart when no one but the top players make any money. Hate scamming people to earn money.


Jan 8, 2012
Been working for the provincial govenment for years as a health professionnal. Good pay, 90k + a year, plus some private practice, which means 110k total... Well, despite the more than respectable pension plan provided by the government, I've decided after 20+ years to go full time on my private practice, and I'm 50... Why ??? Private practice means incorporation, which means between 17-21 % income tax instead of 50%...And no union all sort of shit...Yes you have to reorganize your pension plan, but what the heck...With all the money you're saving, it's worth it. My final words on the health system in Qc: if you are a pofessional, don't even bother and go private. And this should apply whatever you do if you work for the state as a professional, period !! This is a sad statement; I thought of myself as a socialist for years...With all the corruption and the unfairness in our society, I am led to think differently... Save your ass, your mind will folow...


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
pyramid schemes scam people who get in too late ( usually after a couple of weeks ), then they fall apart when no one but the top players make any money. Hate scamming people to earn money.

Karatbars International is not a pyramid scheme because they have a tangible product that they sell which is gold. They also have no debt therefore they stand the chance to be around a long time. You also don't understand their compensation plan which is truly unique! There are people that are in the downline that earn more money than the people above them..
Karatbars International is not a ponzi scheme. They have a physical address in Germany & they sell real products with intrinsic value. Their solvency does not depend on how many members they continue to bring in. As with any company, their success depends on their product sales.Therefore, Karatbars stands to be around for years to come.
How To Tell A
Network Marketing Company
From A Pyramid Selling Scheme

Pyramid selling schemes are fraudulent programs that masquerade as legitimate network marketing business opportunities.
These programs are so well disguised that even people who aspire to become network marketers fall prey to them and lose their valuable time and money.
Two questions appear relevant here. The first is...
How Do These Schemes Work?
Pyramid selling schemes usually pay you for bringing in referrals. The referrals you bring in will have to bring in referrals of their own. Every time a new member enters the structure, the person above him gets paid a commission.
As long as people keep joining at the base, members at the upper levels will get paid. The program, however, collapses when it reaches a saturation point – when recruiting more people becomes mathematically impossible.
The next question then is...
How Can You Spot Pyramid Selling Schemes?
Look for Products and Services
One of the best ways to spot a pyramid selling program is to look for products or services with inherent value.
Legitimate network marketing companies always have products with inherent value, which you can sell to customers and make money. While you might get paid a commission for bringing in referrals, it will not be your main source of income. It will be a minimal once-off payment.
Fraudulent programs, on the other hand, do not have any products or services. Your only source of income will be the commission you get when you bring in referrals. Some schemes do offer products or services that have no value to the end-user.
Be Wary of Membership Fees
Pyramid schemes usually ask for a hefty membership fee just for joining the program. The fee you pay is used to pay the people above you. When you bring in new referrals, the fee they pay is used to pay you.
The whole setup is structured in such a manner that an unending number of new members need to join at the bottom of the pyramid for the existing members to get paid.
Legitimate multi-level marketing business opportunities are mostly free to join. Some programs do charge a small signup fee. The money you pay, however, is not used to pay someone else. It is, instead, returned to you in the form of a sales kit and promotional materials.
Pyramid selling programs often require you to buy a huge amount of inventory, more than what you can realistically use or sell. This practice is called frontloading. Some programs even take it one step further by asking you to buy inventory each month.
This is a sure sign that you are being ripped off. Legitimate online marketing businesses would never ask you to buy a truckload of products that you cannot possibly use yourself or sell to others within a reasonable amount of time.
Buyback Policy
Fraudulent companies do not buy back unused, unopened products from their members. What this means is that if you accidentally end up buying more products than what you can use or sell or if you want to quit the company, you have to keep the products yourself and bear the loss.
Legitimate companies, on the contrary, have a buyback policy wherein they buy back their products and refund the amount to you.
Get-Rich-Quick Promises
Pyramid schemes blur the line between making money and getting rich. While you can make good money with network marketing, it is certainly not a get-rich-overnight scheme.
So, read the company’s claims and promises carefully and see if what they say makes any sense. Remember the age-old axiom – If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
In pyramid selling schemes your position on the pyramid determines how much you can earn. You make more money if you are at a higher position on the structure. Your position is usually determined by how early you join the scheme. Those who arrive early will occupy higher positions.
What the above implies is that the earlier you join the more profit you will make. This cannot be true of a legitimate network marketing business.
In a genuine network marketing business, your income is directly linked to the quality of service you offer to your downline, specifically those you personally sponsored, and not your position in the organization.
The idea of earnings being linked to position in the company has led many would be network marketers to having their fingers burned. They join hoping they will just recruit a few people and let the system do the work. It does not work that way. The larger the sales volume in your organization, the larger will be your earnings.
It is of utmost importance to note that in network marketing you make money when you are making a sale, and when your downline also makes a sale. It is the size of your organization’s group sales volume that makes you the money.
The connection between pyramid selling and network marketing has been the subject of discussion for many decades. The central question seems to be whether or not network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) is a pyramid scheme disguised as a business opportunity. The truth is...
Network Marketing Is A Legitimate Business
Pyramid selling schemes only try to copy network marketing practices to legitimize themselves. So, be on the lookout for them. Lookout for the characteristics of pyramid selling schemes listed above and you are more than likely to avoid them.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lol foot, usually im very ok with long post and favorise them, like when people have something to say, but as soon as i realize it was a pyramid scheme(around line i stoped reading... I may be a bit naive but not stupid.

Im still surprise this thread got so many reply as it was mostly a joke at first, as yeah i wouldn't mind somebody offering me a big job opportunity, but it was just for fun and kidding i made the thread.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
You know what you trash talk all you want. Karatbars is not a pyramid scheme but a legit network marketing opportunity that sells a legit product currency grade .9999 24 karat gold..You may be stupid for not realizing the legitimacy of network marketing & residual income..

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
English got a very good proverb, if it looks too good, it probably is...

How many times i saw stuff on the internet saying " you can make up to 80$ a day just by replying to surveys online" yeah right...


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
I agree that there are many scams out there & probably 1 in 100 that are legitimate. I just got off the phone with my upline sponsor who told me that his upline sponsor earned $8,000 this week. Now this kind of income does not happen overnight. You have to build an organization & that takes time but if you could work this program & stay committed it is very possible to earn $8,000 weekly & even more but it takes time to build & that's what people don't understand. Karatbars is not an MLM it is more like Amazon that pays it's distributors an affiliate commission to recruit & exchange your declining paper money into currency grade gold. This is a wealth building program.. What's your downside here? Nothing because the product that you accumulate is currency grade 24 karat gold that if you needed to exchange your gold for hard cold cash it is very easy to do. I think that Karatbars is a brilliant company with a brilliant compensation plan! >
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