Montreal Escorts

Any fellow black men here?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Hungry, you’re the man. I always enjoy reading your posts. Love your Thomas Sowell quote..that guy is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I know black women that will not take black men.

We all stereotype to a degree. I remember I went into a strip club in Miami with my boss (the black man I referred to above). He had a little too much to drink and he told some unattractive black stripper who was dressed in a nurse outfit to rub my back. I told her not to do that. I said I would not pay and that she is rubbing the wrong thing. After she was done she wanted 20$. I said "I told you I wouldn't pay you for a back rub." She said "you are right...I will get it from your friend." My friend was on the other side of the club by now. She walked over to him and asked for the money and he refused to pay her. She came back to me and said "Is he your cab driver? He's your Haitian cab driver isn't he?" I started to say no and explain he is my boss and he has a PhD but she jumped to conclusions about him so I said "Yes, he drove us over. He's our cabbie" She went off on Haitian cab drivers in general and said that I shouldn't have to sit with him just because he gave me a ride over to the club. She told me that all Haitian men are the same. She was walking back and forth between him and I. She came back to me and said "he just lied to me and told me he was Kenyan and I know a little Kenyan and when I said something he just gave me a blank stare." My friend was born and raised in Kenya. This went on for 20 minutes until she got the bouncer. I called her back and gave her the 20$ My boss and I had a great laugh over this for the next few years.

The point is that people stereotype about other people all the time including blacks about other blacks.

I notice in the personals there are a lot of white couples looking for BBC to fuck their wives. They are never looking for LWD (little white dicks). I think that they should have to give me a chance at a SOG.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I notice in the personals there are a lot of white couples looking for BBC to fuck their wives. They are never looking for LWD (little white dicks). I think that they should have to give me a chance at a SOG.

Same here ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Racism exists and in Quebec it exists as covert racism. See how normal it is for people to generalize a whole race of non-White people, see how normal it is for stripclubs to have a quota on Black girls. Even on this board we see how acceptable it is. Having said that here are a few truths I will expose. The purchasing of sexual services is a mainly White man activity. A disproportionate number of non-White men especially Black men are against paying for sex. It is not in their culture. When we see the amount of Blacks in the population the amount of clients is far less. Prostitution is frowned on by the Haitian community for example. No Black man wants to pay for sex. No Haitian family would ever accept their daughter selling sexual services. Now the logic is almost 99% of clients are White. So any escort cannot refuse to see White men since if she does she might as well quit but her blacklisting Black men who represent maybe 1% of the client base will not affect her income. The financial loss to avoid stress is worth it. Since most Black men are against buying sex in general the Black men who do go are the ones out to make trouble as in pimping or trying to gain sex for free or at a cheap price. Also most people are sheeps who follow the pack. It is very normal for escorts to Black list Black clients so they are doing it. It does not seem out of place.


New Member
Aug 23, 2017
Racism exists and in Quebec it exists as covert racism. See how normal it is for people to generalize a whole race of non-White people, see how normal it is for stripclubs to have a quota on Black girls. Even on this board we see how acceptable it is. Having said that here are a few truths I will expose. The purchasing of sexual services is a mainly White man activity. A disproportionate number of non-White men especially Black men are against paying for sex. It is not in their culture. When we see the amount of Blacks in the population the amount of clients is far less. Prostitution is frowned on by the Haitian community for example. No Black man wants to pay for sex. No Haitian family would ever accept their daughter selling sexual services. Now the logic is almost 99% of clients are White. So any escort cannot refuse to see White men since if she does she might as well quit but her blacklisting Black men who represent maybe 1% of the client base will not affect her income. The financial loss to avoid stress is worth it. Since most Black men are against buying sex in general the Black men who do go are the ones out to make trouble as in pimping or trying to gain sex for free or at a cheap price. Also most people are sheeps who follow the pack. It is very normal for escorts to Black list Black clients so they are doing it. It does not seem out of place.

OK first of all the only thing you got right is your first sentence, everything after that is....TOTALLY WRONG.

1. NOBODY wants to pay for sex.
2. If a region is composed mainly of white individuals every activity happening in that region will be done by white individuals. What! You think Africa doesn’t have SP! It’s simple math.
3. Prostitution is frowned by all cultures, it’s actually frowned by society. Why do you think we use nicknames or fake names, that the girls hide their faces. It certainly isn’t for the Haitian population that represents 2% of Montreal population. Our almost all-white politicians are not fighting the hobby for that demographic (which represents 9% of Mtl).
4. Being cheap or misbehaved isn’t a black thing. I’m black, new to the hobby but I never discussed a price, pay for sex and I still have 2 bachelor degrees.

Cleverly turning stereotypes to facts is racist. Plain and simple.
Before judging any demographic, pick a book and learn a thing or 2. If you think all black people are cheap, after a bit of history you’ll probably think all whites are homicidal maniacs.

As for the other merbites that thinks we have talk enough about the subject or quoting a SP they talked to justifying the behavior; well admitting that racism is just present and will persist doesn’t help anyone. The subjects that make people uncomfortable are the ones that needs to be spoken loudly and with courage. Don’t try to put under the rug just because you don’t relate...

NOW to my beautiful talented SPs.

What you sell is your body and intimacy, therefore you are totally within your right to select who you share it with regardless of the money and I respect that.

All we are asking is openness for blacks or colored.

You refuse black gents because of stereotypes (cheap, gangs, pimps).....ask for a referral.

You refuse black gents because of the size of their chunk....I’m flattered but if we can discuss your measurements the way we do, feel free to ask ours.

You refuse black gents because of your boyfriend/partner/lover...that’s ok it’s probably the only other person that you have a say.

You refuse black gents because of a past traumatic experience or you feel threaten....I understand and I’m sorry for that and hope you got the needed support, I respect your choice still please don’t judge us all for the mistake of one or few.

You refuse black gents because it seems a standard or unease... mention it, we’ll discuss it, I treat you with extra care.

You refuse black gents because well...they’re colored but you don’t want the label. Sorry! Nothing I can do for you!

We’re all human, no black gents may just be 3 words for you but they still carry a lot of resentment. To this day, I’ll remember a section the first add I read when starting the hobby: « I unfortunately do not cater to black or brown men with all due respect. Some exceptions may occasionally be made in certain cases or mixed individuals. If you feel that this criteria does not apply to you but would like to be sure, you can always contact me and in some cases provide a picture so we can discuss further ».

It’s well written, I’ll give you that, but that’s just putting me on a color chart. I never found the courage to figure out where I would be, scared of the degrading but still some “openness”...may I’ll it a try!

and for those SP who lives life freely of gender or race....Thank you a million time!
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am an old German and recognise myself as a black man, if some guy with a dick can call himself a girl why not.. Ok, kidding aside.
A SP has the right to refuse anyone group she wants and does not need to give a reason, blacks are picked on for a reason, word gets around from SP to SP, if a certain group has more issues than normal it is easiest to exclude the entire group.
BLM is complaining about blacks being shot by cops, look at the stats, where these things happen blacks are the main criminals in the area, they kill more blacks than anyone, they kill more whites than anyone. Look at the lootings after the last hurricane, what was the predominant color of the criminals?
This topic of SP's refusing to see blacks has been done at this and other forums, in the end it is the SP's choice.
Call an agency or Indy, mention you are of color and rent an escort.
Personally I judge people if they are assholes or not, do not care if they are black, yellow, blue or brown.... well blue maybe as they may not be breathing.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My post has nothing to do about the MERB members or the majority of colored people, I also do not care what Hitler or the SS did 60 plus years ago, I was not there, I did not do it so I do not think about it much, sad events but it is history.
If you read the posts above mine it was more of a response to them.
Sterotypes will always happen, people hear the news, people converse with others, word gets around.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Merci Mocha!!!
Ce n'est pas la premiere fois que tu decris avec precision le sentiment qu'une tres grande majorite d'entre nous partageons...
Amen sista.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Two things:
First, I don't like it either Mocha. I don't like the sound of it and that is why I offered my comments above. I don't think it is always an issue of racism but it may be one of personal safety as one women eluded to during our meeting. These girls work in the shadows and they prefer an easy mark. They want the best odds of seeing a guy that won't harm them and will hand over the fee, hassle free. It is not fair, but if you want to be in this hobby then you got to deal with it. Many black men find a way to cope. I am assuming that they get to know other hobbyists, agency owners, and escorts on MERB. Find girls that will vouch for you and join P411. Make an effort to show up at GTs and get to know people they review on TER and ISG etc. and establish themselves.

Heck, I just had a girl blow me off twice on the East Coast twice. (Note* This is a poor choice of words. If she blew me off I wouldn't have a problem.) It has happened in Vegas, Montreal, and other places. I have yet to break into the Korean escort scene on the West far they wont have me. Why? I don't know. Maybe I need to get my P411 account activated again I'm thinking? There are other issues. Maybe I will just say "screw it" and go back to Montreal. I once walked into a Waffle House in Mississippi with all black staff and customers and nobody waited on me so I got up and left and went to another restaurant had breakfast. Over the years, I have had women that wouldn't see me and I didn't always know why. So I move on and find others that will see me.

What I do not like is people embracing victimhood and it is getting worse. My friend the State Trooper told me that 9 out of the past 10 black people that he gave a speeding ticket to told him that the reason he pulled them over was that they were black. He told me that one was going 95 MPH and had tinted side windows. He had no idea what color the lady was. Everyone wants to be the victim. I like the recent SouthPark Episode where Randy is enraged by the Columbus day parade and he goes to to have his DNA tested. In the episode, Ancestry is running commercials saying something like "We thought that we were German and celebrated Octoberfest but I just got my DNA back and I'm 31% Victim." And another person said "I just found out that I'm 7% Vicitm."

In the United States I am sick and tired of all these people running around trying to make themselves out to be victims. Why not stay in school. Learn to speak proper English. Stop bullying and ostracizing those from your community that are the smartest and the brightest. They should be revered. Study STEM and take that free education and take advantage of the opportunities of affirmative action....the world is your oyster.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes, ladies are allowed to refuse whoever they want, based on personal taste or plain bigotry and racism, but I do not approve of writting this "preference" directly in the ad for everyone to see.

Is it not easier if the escort puts this in the ad? Does it not save time, wasted time of the colored gent trying to book? This is not only in Montreal but I have seen it all over Canada, there must be some reason other than bigotry. From talking to a few escorts brown men are included in the no see list also, these are due lack of respect to the SP, some I have talked to in Alberta refuse blacks because many try and pimp them, scare customers away from the door when they find out their incall location if they do not agree to pay for " protection services ". An escort has a dangerous job at times, if they feel that certain restrictions will make them feel safe no one should question their decision.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
From talking to a few escorts brown men are included in the no see list also, these are due lack of respect to the SP

I’m assuming that you are referring to mainly Arab men? If that’s the case, I have heard from several SPs as well about a lack of respect and hygiene.


Active Member
May 5, 2015

I'm getting tired of this. The girl that I respect are the ones that are not interested in seeing black man and assume their choices. They are just as many bad white clients as they are bad black clients. Some White guys do try to pimp girls, some white guys have a bad attitudes towards SP, same shit with brown guys and black guys.

There's two reality that you are unaware of. First, half of the girls who says that they don't see black men do see black men. You wanna know why? Because it's their way to filter the good from the bad apple. They way you ask about it, the way you express your self. Do I agree with it? Nope but it's their business. Second, do you have to mention to every SP that you addressed yourself to that you're white? No. Us we do. Wanna know why? Because as metropolitan montreal can be, people are still scared of other races. They still think that if a black man drives a nice car, he's either a drug dealer,, a pimp, had stolen the car or just all of the above. A black man that have money isn't legit at first sight. You don't live with the weird looks towards you when you're at the spa, at the opera or at a nice restaurant...

The reality is that you don't have to live with that pressure. Enjoy it because you don't know the value of that freedom


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

It's not clear to me whose post you are calling out as bullshit, but I think you may be right as far as your point that some SPs who say they will not see black guys, will actually see black guys if they are assured they will be treated with proper respect. What that probably means to them is a well written, polite and respectful email, no ebonics or wannabe rap lyrics, they are looking to weed out the gangstas in favor of the professional black male who looks like Sean "P Diddy" Coombs, with his $1000 suits while sipping Cirac Vodka. That's who they want to see show up at the door. I guarantee P Diddy would not get denied by any SP in Montreal, although from what I have heard he doesn't actually favor white girls but is more a brown girl kind of dude. So he would probably never find out assuming he has been to Montreal and asked for girls, which I would bet good money on.

I am a white guy, and don't pretend to understand some of the feelings you have expressed. However, if I was a black guy I would likely be resigned to some of these realities and try and put my best foot forward in the circumstances.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Hi EagerBeaver,

It was just "un cri du coeur"

We see the situation the same way. Like I said, I'm not saying that I agree with that but I'm not the one setting the rules.

Although I believe that you can do both, resigned to some of these realities but also talk about them to try to change something :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So you're saying that it's best to post ignorant, racist, insulting words in ads than to politely tell the man on the phone? Or maybe give that Black man a chance to make a good first impression by exchanging a few words on

How many time have you read here that a black man went to see an escort who refused him at the door because he did not mention he was black? The gent lost his time and the escort lost a customer.
Lose, lose on both ends.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Most White men would be on their high horses too if they saw ads saying that Whites were not welcomed. Imagine how this looks and sounds like: No soft or small dicks, no handicaps, no redheads, no obese, no grandpas, no gays, no over-50s, no balds, no midgets nor short guys, no crooked teeth, no gray or saltnpepper, no hairy gorillas, etc... Be for real. "No Black Gents" is very insulting for Black men and Black people.

I already talk about this debate a lot in the past, my post are still there to read but let me add a few things on what you mention here. I am a 32 years old guy. It happen a few times i came across escorts who only see older guys (40+). Does its annoying a bit? Sure. But its there choice. One of them is actually one of the very few very good provider in my home town of Sherbrooke, she happen to have the look i like and i would had definately wanted to see her, but i can't. So what else can i do but move on and find other SPs?

By having the No black men mention in there ads, they just make sure the client won't waste his/her time. Cause if she don't want to see black men, then she don't want to. Thats all.

I already said it in the past in my previous post but the sex industry is not like going at the restaurant or renting a room in an hotel. Its not racism to refuse to HAVE SEX with somebody.

Black men do not always come with bad intentions. Screening is easy to do to avoid a few bad apples. You can tell if a guy is a little thug by the way he writes, talks and carries himself. The things he say, how he says it and the street ghetto slang he uses, be it ebonics or white Hochelaga slang.

Did you expected Eric Salvail to be what he is acused of being now? I sure didn't. Bad persons does not have it written on there forehead and if you think a few emails can be enough to figure out a person... well you must be clairevoyant. I know some are plain idiots and write very bad introduction emails, but i heard stories of dudes looking very normal and all on the phone, in email, or at first look and turning to be jerks in a meeting.

nstead of asking the guy "Are you Black, because I don't do Blacks", she can just ask him what his background his, like many escorts do on this board to screen Gentlemen.

If the guys says he's Black, then there's also a polite, diplomate way of refusing him. She can be honest and say "Listen, I felt it was offensive to write "No Black Men" in my ad, but, I'm sorry, I do not meet with Black men. If the guy asks why, then she can just say that she has too many Black friends and she doesn't want to take a chance to run into someone she or they might know, in order to ensure her privacy.

Some escorts already find it overwhelming to answer everthing. Between time wasters, dudes that just want email sexting, genuine guys who want infos but are not ready to book yet(sometimes its my case) , they see puttingt his in there ads as saving considerate time.

In any case its your opinion, and you have the right to have it. And i respect it. But i disagree with it. I personally am a bit tired of the SJW way of society in current years. I don't deny there was true racisms in the past and there is still racisms sometimes in modern Quebec. But these days you have peoples crying racisms for just about everything. Its like nowadays there is reverse-racisms. As in you need your "quota" of colored peoples to not appear to be a racist and appeal to everybody. For instance in movies. Even if there is no reason for it. For exemple turning white characters into black or asian characters.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I don't think Black men should have to let girls know upfront about them being Black, as if "Hi my name John and I'm Black, is that ok for you?" is an acceptable norm... If the girl did not tell him she didn't want to meet with Black men, then she can't be mad at him for not informing her and for coming at the door. That was her job to let the guy know about her restriction in the first place. And no, I'm not saying she should see him anyhow to compensate for his lost of time because of her.

I am old and always mention my age in case an escort has something against seeing an old person, not an inconvenience but something that will make the meeting go smooth.
The bold type.............. The reason for posting no blacks. Now you understand.
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