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Any Predictions For Strip Clubs After Smoking Ban?

Uncle Kracker

Fuck Models Love Stripper
May 30, 2003
vtguy said:
I'm pretty sure they've been smoke free for years.
Last time I was there they had a tiny, closet like room dedicated to smoking (and that was it)... A few tables, chairs, a tv playing the news, and smoke. I was smoking at the time, but I walked in there and thought "I can wait." No ventilation at all...


Nov 22, 2005
How will strip clubs comply

It will be interesting to see which strip clubs comply with the new law. I have a feeling that the off island clubs (further away from the city) will be less strict about it.


Bored silly...
May 16, 2006
Alright the ban is in effect I guess... sad :(

Guess I'll stay at home more often.


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Jun 15, 2004
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Chan said:
Alright the ban is in effect I guess... sad :(

Guess I'll stay at home more often.

You might be sad, but as one of the 75% of Quebecers who doesn't smoke, I'm very happy and will certainly be going out a lot more often.

BTW, polls are showing that 93% of the population support the smoking ban. That means that the majority of smokers supports the ban.



Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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I'm very happy and will certainly be going out a lot more often.

Are you trying to tell us that you didn't go out because people smoked? I know a lot of non-smokers and a lot of them hate smoke BUT I have yet to meet one who honestly told me that they were staying out of bars because of people smoking in them.

BTW, polls are showing that 93% of the population support the smoking ban. That means that the majority of smokers supports the ban.

How about a link to this poll...


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Jun 15, 2004
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spin said:
Are you trying to tell us that you didn't go out because people smoked? I know a lot of non-smokers and a lot of them hate smoke BUT I have yet to meet one who honestly told me that they were staying out of bars because of people smoking in them.

I'm not saying I didn't go out, I'm saying that I'll now be going out a lot more often.

How about a link to this poll...

It was quoted in the Gazette:

Tobacco troopers alight
Cold Turkey: Quebec to kick butt in key city bars, then execute province-wide blitz
Mark DelVasto (right) and Ryan Ruddick light up on the terrasse at Ye Olde Orchard Pub and Grill on Monkland Ave. in Notre Dame de Grace yesterday. Open-air terrasses are exempt from the smoking ban that goes into effect tonight at midnight.

Published: Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The province has identified bars and taverns that it expects will try to resist its smoking ban, and plans to dispatch its new tobacco troopers to quash their attempts with stiff fines after the law takes effect at midnight tonight.

With polls showing 93 per cent of Quebecers in favour of joining the rest of the world in banning smoking in public places, the Health Department said yesterday it has no plans to go easy on offenders in the initial days of the ban.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2005
Unfortunetaly I am still a smoker but i don't want to debate the merits of it and will remain on the subject matter: how will did affect business?.

Well it depends on the type of business.

Most restaurants which were already family oriented for example McDonald's were already smokeless and will not have any adverse effect.

Restaurants oriented towards an evening crowd or very active during the tourist season may feel the pinch not this summer but next winter. Smokers will continue to go to the restaurant but maybe not as often, will spend less and will remain a shorter length of time. It is uncertain if this lost revenue will be replaced by additional business generated from non smokers.

In respect to bars, there is a great deal of variety in this type of business.
Brasseries or bars that do good business in the daytime will certainly have an adverse effect. In some cases 80% of their longtime clientèle are smokers. The effect will gradually and slowly arrive.

Discothèques attract the young nigth crowd and migth (your hunch is as good as mine if you think othewise) increase their business.

In my mind strip bars are like the brasseries: the efffect will be slow but gradual. Location, location, location will be paramount to survival.

I personnally felt that the status quo was functionning and it was generally accepted that in most public places such as schools, hospitals etc the smoking ban was a necessity.

If today I was a restaurant or bar owner I would be under the impression that a part of my business has been expropriated without compensation because I lost a portion of my client base. If after the smoking ban, the government via Loto-Quebec follows suit and withdraws lotery machines you can kiss goodbye a good portion of the bars at least outside the greater Montreal region.

Worst, now that there is a total smoking ban in all public places what will be the next subject matter that will draw the attention of all gooddoers and our politicians?

Beware of surveys and the apparent facility with which the government seems to be able to have public support for the ban.

One member quoted a survey result which shows a 93% support for the total ban. One must not forget that most "québécois" are socialist at heart but capitalist when it comes to their pocket. So if something seems good and rigth the "québécois" will say yes as long as it does not cost him a dime but when jobs are lost and businesses are closed that 93% may shrink as quickly as it was inflated.

Yesterday I took a short walk. I saw clients and even the business owners on the sidewalk smoking their cigarette. The law will be respected in the immediate future but after three or four weeks the regular clients will be sick and tired of having to go out for a smoke and may decide to take their beer at home.

And what about next winter?

Maybe we can organize parties (smokers only) and hire strips dancers (also smokers) for private parties at home.


Bored silly...
May 16, 2006
Nevermind... I'll go out tonight :D

I'll drop into Desses and see how the ban is taking effect... I wouldn't be at all too surprised if the place is nearly empty. Though I think I'll leave after a quick drink. I'm the type that needs a smoke while I drink up.


Nov 22, 2005
previouisly stayed away

Actually, I was one of the folks who did avoid bars most of the time because of the smoke. The only time I even went to strip clubs was when with buddies. Now with the smoking ban, I may go out to them more often alone when I have nothing else to do.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
BTW, polls are showing that 93% of the population support the smoking ban. That means that the majority of smokers supports the ban.

Polls in general can be skewed to produce the results you desire. I am a smoker and I am in favor of banning smoking in restaurants but not in bars. In a poll I would be considered as being in favor of the ban. I find it interesting that cigar lounges are exempt. Maybe because the clientel of those places tend to be quite upscale people with a lot of money, power, or both and no one wants to piss them off. Why can't a bar owner open a smoking bar, and hire only staff that are willing to work in this atmosphere?

What pisses me off the most is the smug non-smokers who are gloating over the ban. I'm just waiting for one of them to get on my nerves in a bar after I've gone a couple of hours without a smoke. He'll have a hard time breathing in all his clean air with a broken nose. :cool:
My defense? Temporary insanity brought on by nicotine withdrawl due to the smoking ban. I think that everyone that is ticketed for smoking should fight the ticket in court. We should be able to back up the court system for a couple of years with no problem at all.

In the meantime, I'll be doing my drinking and smoking at home and saving quite a bit of money along the way.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Smoking Ban..I don't see any negative effects coming from the Ban. People in General don't go to Bars & restaurants in order to smoke. What you will most likely have is individuals smoking before entering the establishment..and upon leaving..

You're quite correct. People don't go out to smoke. But smokers do tend to smoke when they go out. If I'm paying the cost of a case of 12 beer to drink 2 in a bar, I like to be able to smoke while I'm doing it. When I go to a culb, I generally go there for 3 or 4 hours. If I have to go out every half hour for a smoke, I won't be coming back in. I'll probably have one beer and leave, on the rare times that I will go out at all.


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May 25, 2003
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Business up or down?

Check out many of the states in the United States. Prior to the no-smoking era many businesses, especially restaurants and bars, feared loss of business. Every article I read after the ban indicated that business at both restaurants and bars increased. This is not a surprise to me. As a non-smoker, and a non-breather in smoke-filled rooms I would not go to a restaurant with smoking permitted. That drove my friends crazy. As for bars I cannot begin to count the number of bars that I walked into and walked out in less than two minutes. The smoke was so heavy I could not breath. When the smoke was not too bad I would stay for a beer or two. But the next morning I realized that my hair and clothes were saturated with the rank odor of stale cigarette smoke.

So, businesses have nothing to fear. They will continue to make more money.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

On the terrasse of the vip section at Wanda's. It will probably be the only place where I will spend much time at a bar this summer.



Bored silly...
May 16, 2006
Ok, I didn't goto Desses as I originally planned. Instead me and a buddy dropped by Snookers on Marcel Laurin (21+ bar). Upon driving into the parking lot, lots of people loitering outside talking and smoking. I say loitering because when we left, I swore they were the same people I saw when we first went in. Anyways we played 9 ball for about half an hour and only had a Corona to drink each, when we said fuck it and left. We were insanely craving for a smoke, but leaving the table jsut to go out to smoke, and the pool time accumulating was not something we're into. The place was just a bit less packed than usual on a Thursday night. But they're also a sports bar with a insanely huge projection in the middle - and it was the playoffs game (Carolina vs Buffalo) so maybe that's why it wasn't empty. There was barely anyone playing pool, looked like 90% of everyone was just watching the game. Anyways I'll have to drop by again when there's no major sports game on.

What pisses me off the most is the smug non-smokers who are gloating over the ban. I'm just waiting for one of them to get on my nerves in a bar after I've gone a couple of hours without a smoke. He'll have a hard time breathing in all his clean air with a broken nose.
My defense? Temporary insanity brought on by nicotine withdrawl due to the smoking ban.


People don't go out to smoke. But smokers do tend to smoke when they go out. If I'm paying the cost of a case of 12 beer to drink 2 in a bar, I like to be able to smoke while I'm doing it. When I go to a culb, I generally go there for 3 or 4 hours. If I have to go out every half hour for a smoke, I won't be coming back in. I'll probably have one beer and leave, on the rare times that I will go out at all.

I completely agree. Strip clubs should have some kind of a hand stamp, so they know who smokes. That way you don't have to tip the doorman/bouncer everytime you go back in... but of course I don't think they'd make you tip everytime. But that was just a thought...


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Check out many of the states in the United States. Prior to the no-smoking era many businesses, especially restaurants and bars, feared loss of business. Every article I read after the ban indicated that business at both restaurants and bars increased.

Sorry but this is completly false - Some bars have had up to a 50% loss in business after the ban in other parts of Canada and the USA.

I'm very familiar with restaurants, bars and so on..from all the owners I spoke with..they are damn pleased about the more of this smoking/non-smoking section BS.

I don't know what bar owner you spoke to but NONE of us are pleased.

What pisses me off the most is the smug non-smokers who are gloating over the ban. I'm just waiting for one of them to get on my nerves in a bar after I've gone a couple of hours without a smoke. He'll have a hard time breathing in all his clean air with a broken nose.

Amen my brother :D


Nov 15, 2005
spin said:
................I don't know what bar owner you spoke to but NONE of us are pleased................

A restaurant I go to for dim sum used to have a lineup for non-smoking tables while there were empty smoking tables. Once the smoking ban came into effect (a city in Ontario) the owners were really happy; the place is always jam packed, with no empty tables.

And yes, I do realize that the original comment was about bars, not restaurants.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I am breathing easier today

chef said:
A restaurant I go to for dim sum used to have a lineup for non-smoking tables while there were empty smoking tables. Once the smoking ban came into effect (a city in Ontario) the owners were really happy; the place is always jam packed, with no empty tables.

What a beautiful day, I am breathing a lot easier. I can actually go to bars and restaurants and come back without needing to take my clothes to the dry cleaners or having to wash my hair before I sleep so my pillow doesn't smell like an ashtray the next day.

I agree with Chef, the impact will be positive for restaurants but I also feel it may hurt some bars. It's hard to gauge the net effects right now.



Nov 15, 2005
johnhenrygalt said:
Of course nothing would have prevented that restaurant owner from making his own restaurant non-smoking if he thought that it would improve business. No government regulation forced a restaurant to allow smoking.......................

True, but the owners were concerned that if they did so they would drive away the smokers (to restaurants that did allow smoking) and the business. With a level playing field (smoking disallowed everywhere) they do not have that concern.

BTW as a non-smoker I'm glad to see that my favourite restaurants in Montreal have not allowed smoking for a long time.
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