Montreal Escorts

Are Montreal Escorts generally having a good time with clients?

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Sometimes you hang out with your colleagues, sometimes not.
But we are not colleagues, major difference here. If she agrees to keep you a little longer for free its probably because you already repeated several times or she really tries to get you to do so. Its down to marketing, part of the business.
Of course if she doesn't enjoy your company so much she wont go the extra mile to keep you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
But we are not colleagues, major difference here. If she agrees to keep you a little longer for free its probably because you already repeated several times or she really tries to get you to do so. Its down to marketing, part of the business.
Of course if she doesn't enjoy your company so much she wont go the extra mile to keep you.
I so agree with you.
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Dec 21, 2018
I mean, some SPs hang out for hours after their time is up and have given unpaid sessions, I think that's a pretty good indicator of a good time. But I'm not sure how common that is.
I don’t hang out for hours after our time is up, but if the conversation is mentally stimulating and I’m enjoying myself, I will definitely continue our conversation/ not watch the clock sooo closely compared to someone where our vibes weren’t matching or their hygiene was lacking.


Hard Member
Oct 14, 2014
My view?

It's a job. It is their job. Sometimes you get along well with people you work with, sometimes not. Sometimes you hang out with your colleagues, sometimes not.

But it's hit and miss, and it remains a job.
I think a better comparison would be Account Management. Sometimes you really enjoy talking to them and even possibly upsell and others, you keep it to a minimum in terms of session durat.ion (i.e..what they paid for).

But at the end of the day, clients will be clients and the dynamic will not change

Toto beefcake

Strangely, there are guys here who mostly review themselves, bragging about how many orgasms they gave the girl.
Not sure why they do that.
( and from what I've read on twitter, they're full of shit :D )
Just go look at the penthouse thread, youll find them all there
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I mean, some SPs hang out for hours after their time is up and have given unpaid sessions, I think that's a pretty good indicator of a good time. But I'm not sure how common that is.
it's not uncommon and it's happened to me, but many guys egotistically interpret this as somehow meaning they are hot fucking shit, when in reality it's not the case at all. It's usually a combination of two things: (1) escort connects with you and thinks you are a decent guy and worthy of being seen again even if not the second coming of Brad Pitt; and (2) escort is thinking of becoming Indy and looking to develop a good regular client base, or Indy looking to expand regular client base. Any other interpretation leads me to tell you to listen to the wisdom spoken by Ving Rhames in one of his most memorable roles:
Obviously if you aren't the last booked client of the day it's unlikely to happen.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don't ever use paid sex with escorts as a means to boost your ego. It's sex that is being paid for and companionship that is being paid for! An escort is supposed to make you feel good about yourself and when she does that, she did her job, no more or less. Guys who see this as somehow boosting their ego and self esteem are probably seriously lacking some self esteem.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2014
The number of orgasms you give an SP is directly proportional to the amount of money she receives.;)
Old post but, this should be " The number of orgasms you THINK you give an SP is directly proportional to the amount of money she receives.;) " lol
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Toto beefcake

it's not uncommon and it's happened to me, but many guys egotistically interpret this as somehow meaning they are hot fucking shit, when in reality it's not the case at all. It's usually a combination of two things: (1) escort connects with you and thinks you are a decent guy and worthy of being seen again even if not the second coming of Brad Pitt; and (2) escort is thinking of becoming Indy and looking to develop a good regular client base, or Indy looking to expand regular client base. Any other interpretation leads me to tell you to listen to the wisdom spoken by Ving Rhames in one of his most memorable roles:
Obviously if you aren't the last booked client of the day it's unlikely to happen.
Lol this could be directed to at least 80 percent of merb posters. The guy you relied to being one. Love the pulp fiction video fantastic!


Active Member
Oct 9, 2006
I know for sure my favorite escort does not have orgasms with me.
When I asked her to teach me what she likes, all I got was some very vague instructions and clearly fake moans.
So I adjusted my expectations.
I won't be a good lover, but I can be a damn good customer.
After all, that's all I ever was.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Don't ever use paid sex with escorts as a means to boost your ego. It's sex that is being paid for and companionship that is being paid for! An escort is supposed to make you feel good about yourself and when she does that, she did her job, no more or less. Guys who see this as somehow boosting their ego and self esteem are probably seriously lacking some self esteem.
In that extremely rare likely hood say if it was something that developed into something beyond than what it is you end up in a pretty shitty situation long term wise. Especially if you are a traveler. Now you have a long-distance thing going on. Why on earth do you want that? Long distance anything will just ruin it all by itself. That predicament will show up sooner or later. Ughhhh.... Finally the sex and interaction will be medicore and meh. If this was a local situation it is going to get in the way of your hobbying if you want to continue that and if you are someone who likes to remain free.

If it was a great and memorable experience let it be that and let go before it hits the ultimate.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I think Montreal is the “Central Hub of happening” in the province of Quebec.

Young people move to big cities to be happy. The excitement of the big city and having fun, or even studying, makes for happy people, some of whom are happy hookers. Every big happening city requires a lot of money, so there are going to be lots of sex workers in big cities compared to small or mid-sized “less happening” cities. New York City has a tremendous number of great, albeit very expensive, sex workers. And it isn’t based on population. NYC might have one great Hooker for every 10,000 inhabitants, whereas Des Moines might have 1 for every 100,000. Even though the disposable income might be higher for most johns in Des Moines.

I have never been able to fully reconcile this Des Moines Dilemma.

Anyone want to explain why Montreal has such a better commercial sex scene than Calgary?
Sorry for my late arrival to this thread…

Agree with much of what's been said about Montreal being the metropolis. The reason it differs from other North American cities is its culture. Sex is generally more accepted and not seen as a taboo. This is reflected in general society as well as sex work. I don’t know how many strip clubs there are in Quebec, but it must be the highest per capita in America.

There is a saying that people in Toronto live to work whereas those in Montreal work to live. The same could be said for Calgary. No offense to anyone from those beautiful cities!
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Aug 28, 2016
always remember this is a customer-provider relationship, a job, not a date
but if you take care of the envelope business immediately after arrival, if you are well groomed and take a shower, if you respect her time, her limits, if you didn't emailed her a hundred times, if you are respectful, if you ask her before doing anything, then chances are she will be more likely to enjoy the time with you

Supporting Member
Wouldn’t you be happy? Unlimited orgasms. Having sex all day. Making 10k a week cash

seriously. If they don’t fake it. They won’t make it
It takes a high level of “ I don’t give a shit” to be an sp
A high tolerance to all kinds of gents
From cheese dick, to bad teeth. To smokers breath. And even smelly ass
These girls deal with all kinds. And to get paid. Have to go through with it.

so. If you want to garantee yourself a good time
Be nice. Respectable. Clean. And she’ll have a better time than she did with 50% of the guys she saw that week
10 k a week ... im montreal good look.. and we have taxes and expenses

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My own observation : it's been 5 years and that one guy still hasn't paid me. I try not to give service before pay now, but still this kind of post makes me feel like I'm a bitch for doing so. So I sometimes can't bring myself to ask for it and I just stress for the whole appointment, which could affect the service even if I try my best not to let it show.

I'll let you guess which is more damaging between not being entirely satisfied with the service you got, or getting raped by deception and robbed.

Stop advocating for this. Makes it harder for us to stand up for ourselves and then shitty things happen to us. You (not you specifically, but general you) have the option to meet with well reviewed ladies, why not do that instead so you don't have to worry and we don't have to risk being raped?

Supporting Member
Disclaimer: I have no experience with low fee SPs (<200/hr) nor any outside Montreal.

I've lived with two SPs (one platonically) and have known a few others socially. Here's what that very small sample of all SPs have told me about themselves and their colleagues :

1) Most clients are clean and pleasant. SPs sincerely enjoy talking with them.
2) Only the desperate (desperate as in lack of clients or insatiable need for money) SPs will repeat with clients they strongly dislike. They will encourage the ones they like to call for them again.
3) Only 30% of agency clients attempt to sexually stimulate them and only 1/3 of those 30% succeed.
4) Even if they do orgasm, they don't necessarily enjoy having sex with clients. Some clients are better than their boyfriends in bed, but they still much prefer sex with the latter.
5) Many will attempt to hide their occupation from their boyfriends and tell clients they are single even if they are not.
6) Some SPs hate their job and transfer that hatred to their clients.
7) A very, very tiny fraction are nymphomaniacs. A tiny fraction enter into a love relationship with their clients.
8) For most, the happiest time of a session is receiving the payment.

My own observation:
9) Some lose interest when the money is in their hands. Try not to pay in advance. NEVER loan money. Even in the unlikely event that you actually are reimbursed in money or services, aggravation is guaranteed.
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