Montreal Escorts

Are Montreal Escorts generally having a good time with clients?

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Everyday im happy! Do I enjoy all the meeting... almost of time. Doesn't need to have a orgasm to have fun. Love connection with human & pleasure to make new friends and meet always new person a real pleasure.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hm well you have to remind yourself that reviews are an indication of how we, and the date, were perceived by the client. Not the other way around. A review won't say if we were faking the whole time, if we thought the client was annoying or anything like that. I've had discussions with girls that went like "Wow have you seen my most recent review? Seems like this guy had a lot of fun. Well at least one of us did because it was not me!" haha.

Sorry to break the bubble!
I think pretty much every client is aware of this. I do what i can to make the provider's job easier (being clean, nice, not too demanding, and following the restrictions well) but eventually i can't change my face or remove my belly lol. There is just so much i can do physically. Ultimately it cost me close to a week salary for 1h of fun, so i think its fair game to expect the focuss to be on ME having a good time. For instance Daty is not something i enjoy, so i just don't do it. I do want them to have a positive "experience of work" but i really don't care if they enjoy the sex itself. Good Acting is in my opinion a pre-requisite in this job, unless you are among the rare person where physics really do not matter.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I think pretty much every client is aware of this. I do what i can to make the provider's job easier (being clean, nice, not too demanding, and following the restrictions well) but eventually i can't change my face or remove my belly lol. There is just so much i can do physically. Ultimately it cost me close to a week salary for 1h of fun, so i think its fair game to expect the focuss to be on ME having a good time. For instance Daty is not something i enjoy, so i just don't do it. I do want them to have a positive "experience of work" but i really don't care if they enjoy the sex itself. Good Acting is in my opinion a pre-requisite in this job, unless you are among the rare person where physics really do not matter.

Yeah, I get that, of course you are likely to center your own pleasure and that's totally fine and not at all what I was talking about! I was just replying to AlmostMidaged because he said "[...] wondering if the fact most MERB Advertisers have good reviews is a good sign that Montrealers who go see them mostly behave." - the review is the client's POV, not ours, so it has zero correlation with how *we* perceived the appointment. That's what I meant :) For example I could be thinking a client was smelly and sounded rude during conversation, and that same client is still going to give me a good review because he enjoyed the appointment. The review is not an indication that I also liked the appointment (he was smelly and rude!), only he did enjoy it. So no, the fact most MERB Advertisers have good reviews is *not* a good sign that Montrealers who go see them mostly behave.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Strangely, there are guys here who mostly review themselves, bragging about how many orgasms they gave the girl.
Not sure why they do that.
( and from what I've read on twitter, they're full of shit :D )
Not so strange, get a bunch of little boys gather together and, sure enough, you end up with a pissing contest!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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To answer OP’s question: yeah, I think a lot of the providers are having a good time… but not necessarily because of the sex!

Beyond the exaggerated reviews and inflated egos, I think a lot of johns (hopefully most) eventually learn the biggest trick of the trade: if you wish to make the most of any session, making the girls feel safe, comfortable and desired is way, way more important than performing like a Mick Blue grade stud.

You won’t ever catch me bragging about the sex. Ever. But over the years, I have been consistently asked by the girls if/when I’d be calling back, been told to mention my name to the booker so the girl would show up even if she wasn’t scheduled and even been handed out personal phone numbers on more than one occasion.

And I strongly doubt that’s because my mid-forties figure made such an impression!

So yeah, I think good times can be had on both sides of the fence. Are they « generally » having a good time, though? Only they can answer that one!
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