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Aren't pussies ugly?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I think there is a reason why the flowers look like vaginas. It is one of those complex mysteries of nature and life.

Last week, I went to a wood and saw a stone that looks like my ass... Do you think there is a reason ? Is it the proof of a divine inspiration ? Do you think nature has a mysterious plan for my ass ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Man77777. I am laughing my ass off.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
I call a pussy a "Fisnairis" It just seems to fit because what a fisnairis does is snair a cock inside of it..

But most importantly remember this > " Men are born between a woman's legs & then spends the rest of their lives trying to get back in between them because there is no place like home"

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I never found vaginas to be good looking personally. Yes they feel good when your in sure, but on the look side, never apeal to me, for exemple i prefer a woman in panties topless for a great pic than completely nude. I will agree Dicks are not that great looking either often, but(and nothing gay saying this) there just something about a dick i find "better done" as its just a piece of meat hanging out. Its more practical too, and since its exterior, i dunno its different The vagina in close up really dosen't appeal me. But i LOVE looking at boobs tough and loves the woman body in general. I guess its psychological.... i never got down on a woman too, never apealed to me to do this.. and since i pay... i got the word on that lol.

But at the same time, nothing that is link to human interior really look apealing to me either lol.


Nov 12, 2007
If this song College Try doesn't turn you off vagina, nothing well.
The Blonde one tried the lesbian thing in college but the moment she came to face with another woman's Taco...

I thought I understood what was up down there
But it's just so human when you see it up close
It's a messy visible secreting organ
Real woman genitals are kinda gross

I thought it'd be smooth and non-threatening
Or nonexistent like Barbie's
Instead it looks like a half eaten Beef and Cheddar
In the garbage can at Arby's

It's wrinkly and flappy and uneven and messy
And kind of pink but also kind of brown
With a super aggressive tongue-like hole
And a hoody triangle protruding skin mound

It's like a weather beaten deflated football
Or a decomposing, bloody pear
Or a toothless mouth with gum rot and yeast
That's salivating and covered in hair

I knew it smelled weird but this is extreme
Like old French dressing at a salad bar
Or expired banana Activia
Or a dead, rotting turtle you left in your car

It reminds me of the smell of my grandma's house
Or a guinea pig with bacterial disease
Wafting from a jar of formaldahyde
Or fresh Spaghetti-O's and warm blue cheese

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