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Asian Girls? What's The Big Deal?


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010


Sep 8, 2004
-- if I want to squeeze water filled balloons, I can do so much cheaper buy buyng balloons and filling them with saline water. :eek:

Hey! Not a bad idea :eek:. Does the added salt really add to the touching pleasure or could I achieve the same just with plain water? Inquiring mind wants to know :confused:


Jul 21, 2005

IMHO, the number one plus for Asians is their awesome Breasts and Nipples which sag less and the nipples are usually more responsive. My current GF of 5 years is Asian, and from my limited experience, it seems that Asians are also wetter and I could swear the angle of their pussy going in is also different.

As far as I know there are 5 races, based on color from the original geography of origin, although current DNA studies show that all 5 races are heavily mixed with each other and most of us have roots in 3-4 races.

North = White race
Equator = Brown race
South (Africa) = Black race
West (America) = Red race
East (Asia) = Yellow race



New Member
Oct 30, 2009
Don't get me the wrong way here but why the asian girl fetish with some guys?

Usually asian girls are not outgoing by nature, more reserved. They don't really have knock out bodies, typically short, small breasted, flat asses. Hard to find an asain girl with curves. Sexually they don't really exude sexiness on an everyday basis.

In the end I don't see why?

Traditionally, as a white guy, I've been content with white women, but over time, the more white women I've seen in interracial relationships, the more I've come to think, "Fuck it, white women aren't the only game in town." Asians have them beat in many respects. For starters, Asians tend to be feminine in both appearance and behavior. They have natural, straight black hair and tend to have decent complexions. They tend not to be fat. On average, they are at least cute. They also tend to work hard. And they top the charts in intelligence and achievement. What's not to like? Big boobs and big asses don't do anything for me, so I don't have an issue with their lesser endowments. And while I do prefer taller women, Asians who grow-up on a western diet can be just as tall as non-Asians.

asian r tighter too... lol

If this is true, this alone would suffice as an answer to Don's question.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
0 seems that Asians are also wetter and I could swear the angle of their pussy going in is also different...

Coincidence that ur Asian GF is wetter + possibly owns a different entry angle than ur past non-Asian GF's... nevertheless, enjoy!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
lol , got to love the dude who bump a thread from 2011 with a simple random answer like the post before his was made yesterday :p


New Member
Aug 11, 2014
Hey guys, I am posting and following this thread, since I'm Asian myself, therefore I do like Asian women. Had some other members point me towards a few agencies, none that had Asians. Yet on, I saw a few Asians. Am I correct in thinking that if I want an Asian SP, that I find a MP? (as it pertains to Montreal)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The problem is when it comes to asian here in MTL, they are usually in asian agencies, and those have different rules set. They are also more YMMV than regular agencies. So depends if you don't mind this or not...


Jan 8, 2012
Une des plus belles escortes que j'ai vues était Lianne d'Asservissante, une grande Vietnamienne avec du D refait mais superbes, de très longs cheveux, de belles hanches fortes et fermes...Un corps presque parfait. Je l'ai vue 3 fois alors que généralement je ne rappelle pas une fille. Plutôt passive et soumise, mais c'est un fantasme qui colle bien avec les Asiatiques. Évidemment, pour de l'action plus intense et hardcore, on repassera; les Asiatiques sont effectivement réservées, la plupart du temps... Mais ça met de la variété. De temps à autres aussi, une belle Jamaïcaine, je ne dis pas non. Noires, blanches, Asiatiques...Il y a un moment pour chaque chose... la variété est ce qui rend la sexualité durable, sinon on meurt d'ennuie après un temps :cool:


New Member
Aug 11, 2014
Une des plus belles escortes que j'ai vues était Lianne d'Asservissante, une grande Vietnamienne avec du D refait mais superbes, de très longs cheveux, de belles hanches fortes et fermes...Un corps presque parfait. Je l'ai vue 3 fois alors que généralement je ne rappelle pas une fille. Plutôt passive et soumise, mais c'est un fantasme qui colle bien avec les Asiatiques. Évidemment, pour de l'action plus intense et hardcore, on repassera; les Asiatiques sont effectivement réservées, la plupart du temps... Mais ça met de la variété. De temps à autres aussi, une belle Jamaïcaine, je ne dis pas non. Noires, blanches, Asiatiques...Il y a un moment pour chaque chose... la variété est ce qui rend la sexualité durable, sinon on meurt d'ennuie après un temps :cool:

I guess I better learn to speak French in about 2 days huh?


Jan 8, 2012
I guess I better learn to speak French in about 2 days huh?

Ok I'll translate this for you, cuz I'm cool...and bilingual:lol:

One of the best lookink girls I ever saw was Lianne, from Asservissante, a tall Vietnamese with huge manmade D's, long hair, strong hips and firm ass...A flawless body...I saw her 3 times, while normally I never call back to see an escort I've already seen. She was rather passive and submissive, but it's something that fits well when you fantasize about Asians...Of course, if you're looking for hardcore, intense action, you better pass your turn; Asian girls tend to be reserved, generally...But variety is important. Once in a while, I also like the company of a Jamaican girl. Black, White, Asian...There's a time for everything. If you don't diversify your habits, sexuality becomes boring after a while...:cool:


New Member
Aug 11, 2014
Ok I'll translate this for you, cuz I'm cool...and bilingual:lol:

One of the best lookink girls I ever saw was Lianne, from Asservissante, a tall Vietnamese with huge manmade D's, long hair, strong hips and firm ass...A flawless body...I saw her 3 times, while normally I never call back to see an escort I've already seen. She was rather passive and submissive, but it's something that fits well when you fantasize about Asians...Of course, if you're looking for hardcore, intense action, you better pass your turn; Asian girls tend to be reserved, generally...But variety is important. Once in a while, I also like the company of a Jamaican girl. Black, White, Asian...There's a time for everything. If you don't diversify your habits, sexuality becomes boring after a while...:cool:

Thanks you Madman!!! Btw, do you all recommend this MAE88 agency? I was looking through the advertisments by agencies and saw that they have 3 Asians. I'm worried the Asian women aren't as GFE perhaps? Any advice on Asian SPs?


Jan 8, 2012
Thanks you Madman!!! Btw, do you all recommend this MAE88 agency? I was looking through the advertisments by agencies and saw that they have 3 Asians. I'm worried the Asian women aren't as GFE perhaps? Any advice on Asian SPs?

Honestly, i don't know much about this agency, cause I don't like incallls, I prefer to avoid them; I like to be in control of the environment... The only thing I can say is that I've been thinkink about breaking my own rules to see some of their girls, cause they often look insanely attractive. their pics are highly photoshopped, however, so you should be careful. Reviews on MERB suggest that you can get good services from those girsl but with some restrictions, depending on the girl. The web site is quite explicit as to what you can expect from any specific girl


New Member
Aug 11, 2014
Yes I looked at MAE888's website, it was very explicit. What about the MP in Montreal? Are they all full service and/or GFE?


Jan 8, 2012
I don't go to MP cause IMHO they're cash grab traps, but this is my point of view and other merbites could have a different perspective on things. As I mentionned, I like to be in control of the environment, it puts you in a position to negociate more things, options...

Randy Johson

Jul 2, 2009
Happy to share my insights on Asian women SP's here..I also prefer outcall where I can treat a woman as a guest in my house. That means I can control the mood- music- food -drinks. It is also where I have the toys to play with if I choose and if the girl is into it.
My favorite Asian SPs have all been girls who are students..studying here at McGill or Concordia and come from Toronto -Vancouver or overseas (Hong Kong - Singapore). They have decided to get into the business while they are here and nobody will know them or find out.
They all speak perfect English are intelligent and can hold a good conversation. There is a great eroticism to be with a beautiful 20-24 year old Asian who looks GND & innnocent become sexually open to try new things and enjoying herself.
The only problem is when you find ones you like and want to repeat ..they are gone for good after they graduate...the fun is in the hunt for the next one.


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
I am attracted to Asian women... usually will pick them over anyone else in the agencies for an outcall.

In my experience.... Montreal does not have much in terms of a reliable Asian escort selection. To the asian escorts in montreal and the asian escorts supporters, my apologies if this is incorrect, but in my experience.... theres not much selection or option.

If you want a good Asian sp selection, the Toronto Agencies have quite a few. I know one agency that has 5 or so, and they are excellent. Outcall not incall.

Vancouver was good, but I did not hobby there enough to say its an excellent selection. My experience there was excellent with asian sp.'s, but I only tried two sp's in Vancouver. I would imagine its a fairly good asian scene, since most of my Canadian- hobbying co-workers call it Hong-couver!


New Member
Aug 11, 2014
I am attracted to Asian women... usually will pick them over anyone else in the agencies for an outcall.

In my experience.... Montreal does not have much in terms of a reliable Asian escort selection. To the asian escorts in montreal and the asian escorts supporters, my apologies if this is incorrect, but in my experience.... theres not much selection or option.

If you want a good Asian sp selection, the Toronto Agencies have quite a few. I know one agency that has 5 or so, and they are excellent. Outcall not incall.

Vancouver was good, but I did not hobby there enough to say its an excellent selection. My experience there was excellent with asian sp.'s, but I only tried two sp's in Vancouver. I would imagine its a fairly good asian scene, since most of my Canadian- hobbying co-workers call it Hong-couver!

I'm in Montreal, out by the airport. It's my last night, I've seen talia today and almost was thinking of finding an asian but just don't know where to look but this MAE888 agency. maybe i should pass rather than make a bad decision lol
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