I knew my english was bad, but not as much as what was conclude few posts above but pretty much what it says here above
So yes ZM, accordly to what I was told, this was exactely what I was trying to explain. Even if like you said, it's doesn't seem to be blackmailling clients, it is unfortunate when these occur or let's say if you prefer, not very pleasant.
Possibly not a constant practice but keep in mind that for whatever situation it applies, talking about urband legends always takes some guts !
However, take it or leave it, it's a free world. For me, the point is finally understood and I couldn't say it better then with the above example by ZM. By the way ZM, did it took you long to understand what I was trying to explain ?
One last thing:
Marketing tool, yes I give it to you. Everything that can be developp as a marketing tool will be in any business.
And we say in french: '' Et que le meilleur gagne ! ''