Frozen Pizza...
They typically taste like rubber sandals topped with kerosene but I found one that is quite acceptable : Dr. Oetker. Thin crust, Roman style, DO NOT OVERCOOK...
Elio Pizzeria, mentioned a few times here, used to make a good one but it's been a long time for me so I wouldn't know now. There's Dante, of course, Martini on Lajeunesse...
My problem is I like Neapolitan-style pizza. 1983, I had one in Naples (Italy, not Florida) which I can't get over. It was more oily than the typical Neapolitan margherita, which wasn't a problem
au contraire, cooked to perfection, all the aromas in balance... Had it with Ceres beer...
I haven't yet found a place in Montreal that makes it that way - so I make my own. Moreover Ceres beer is not imported here.