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Bloc head refuses Canadian flags to vets


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Never say never... ;)

What about the Federal sticking his nose in provincial jurisdictions like health, family, education, energy and others?
What about the amount of money Quebec and other provinces pays in taxes to Canada and who is not redistributed equally to them?
What about the fear campaign that was made by the Federal gov and others, predicting almost the end ot the world if Quebec voted yes to the last referendum?
What about the lies stating Quebec would end-up alone without any commercial partners in case of a yes to that referendum?
What about the insinuations made to immigrants stating they would loose their Canadian citizenship and would be sent back to their country?
What about the lies stating Quebec could no longer use the Canadian dollar?
What about the incredible amout of money spent by the Federal, companies and others, spent by the NO side, who was never accounted for, in opposition to all laws regarding financing of any referendums or elections, while the YES side had to comply with the law?
What about the peoples in Western Canada who start to think about separating themself from Canada also?

Can you really say "Never"?

I would love if Quebec could stay within Canada but, the only way it's going to happen is if Quebec accept to "blend-in" and accept to becomes a "bilingual" province. (read "mainly English with French language tolerated and French peoples assimilated.)
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New Member
Nov 5, 2004
Elvis said:

Stupid flag wars from stupid politicians are a classic in stupid canadian politics. This is just another stupid episode. Others are yet to come.

So please stop posting stupid posts.

This is a Board for FUN THINGS! Is it that hard to understand?? Do you have reviews of Sexy "Leggy" Sheila?? Does she kiss and does DATY, 69, greek and anal? No? You don't know?? So, please sh** up.

Moderator: Could you please stop that stupid thread? :mad:

By the way, while at it, if you want to discuss politics, let's go.

From CBC site (certainly not a "separatist" site):
Bellavance says he'd be happy to intervene on behalf of constituents who may be having a hard time getting flags, but that doesn't include handing out flags himself. These are the facts. Actually, I agree he could do more but I don't see much of a problem there.

If I want a flag, any kind of flag, a Canadian one, a Quebec one, I go to the store and get one. I start to find those old veterans a little bit stupid. They cannot dial Heritage-Canada phone number? They all suffer from cataracts?

I offer my good eyesight and my nice voice to these veterans to call Heritage-Canada, and my phone line as well, and even offer my paper pad to take notes. And my pen.

gohabsgo: personally, I am a stupid conservative, I am even pro-Bush, but the Bloc in no more a "Fucking disgrace" (not my words) to this country than the liberals, the NDP or the conservatives. We can make fun of them, if we want, but they all try to do their best with their own understanding of the world. Have you ever tried to listen to more than 25 seconds to Duceppe?

To all, read these comments from ELFGONEBAD:


:mad: :mad:

Firstly, the Lounge area in all the sites TERB, PERB, & MERB is an area where a variety of topics is discussed including politics.

Secondly, you totally missed the point in the veteran's request for a Canadian flag. This request happens every year and every year a flag has been supplied with no problems. - until this year.

I think supplying a flag is a very small gesture considering what these people did for your freedom & the Bloc's freedom you enjoy today.

Is supplying a Canadian flag to some war veterans that much of a threat to the separatist movement in Quebec ? It appears so !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Bloc

I am an American and don't profess to know anything about Canadian politics. I never even heard of the "Bloc" prior to reading this thread.

That being said, it seems to me from what I have read here that the issue is one of respect. A lot of Canadians fought and died at Juno Beach, alongside their American allies on Omaha. They fought under the flag of Canada, not under any other flag.

I think that maybe someone should give this Bellevance a hard slap in the face.
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Gentleman Horndog
Jun 10, 2003
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Elvis said:
....when you say that I totally miss the point, you should doublecheck the title of this threa: " Bloc head refuses Canadian flags to vets": it is not the bloc head who refuse to give the flag, it is only an obscure back-bencher unknown to all of us in the province....

Actually, Elvis, you missed a nuance in the English language.

The expression "Bloc head" is a play on words, un jeu de mots. "Bloc head" could be taken to mean the head of the Bloc, but it could also be a play on the word "blockhead". A blockhead is a very obtuse, stupid person.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
...Is supplying a Canadian flag to some war veterans that much of a threat to the separatist movement in Quebec ? It appears so !...

It's not a threat, it's one guy who stuck his foot in his mouth! Duceppe (head of Bloc Québecois) did reprimand the guy and reassured peoples that was not the way the Bloc was thinking. Why are you stating this again? You are deforming the truth! Is it because you can't understand the concept and point of view of peoples who think differently from you or because you can't accept somebody who might think differently and you want to spread your version. I feel YOU act as if ideas you disagree on or don't understand are threatening you. This is not the case, rest assured!

...and this is not a flame, just discussing here! If it turns to a flame war, I'm outta here!

EB you are right, it's a question of respect. The guy was reprimanded but certainly desserve both a slap and a kick in the butt.
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New Member
Nov 5, 2004
Mettod - relax, if Ducieppe gave this guy a slap on the wrist and told him to smarten up, then good. I hope he's learned his lesson. End of story. Fini
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