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Karla Homolka in Montreal ??

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I do not think she educates them about life and they are group supervised, I would have no issue. They let out someone who cut the head off someone in a greyhound bus after only a few years, rapists get out after a few years some even get let off scott free.

Just to add, if she had not met Paul this probably would not have happened ( someone posted the same earlier ).

Well put. I agree with you. And nobody seems to give a shit about the fucking mental case who decapitated that kid on the Greyhound bus although he's walking among us.

I've also read many books on the Karla Homolka/Paul Bernardo case and she was likely as much a victim of his as the girls were. She was in a bad & abusive marriage and possibly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or something similar. But there's no doubt she was also screwed up in the head at the time when she drugged her youngest sister in order to offer her as a 'gift' to Bernardo in order for him to rape her, which ended up in her unfortunate death.

But like you said, had she never met Paul Bernardo (who was also later suspected of being the infamous 'Scarborough Rapist') i doubt she would have wound up in the mess she was in.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Everybody makes mistake in his(her) life, so give her a chance to start over again !

I find it odd how much peoples are willing to give her a pass... She didn't simply "made a mistake" , she participated in the killing and dismembering of 2 young teens. She only got out early because she testified against Bernardo to save her own ass... :/

How would you react if in 10 years Magnota would be out? Oh he just made a mistake right...


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
She was sentenced and did her time.Do you honestly think she was the one pulling the strings and is a danger to society ? A woman in love is stupid; this is why so many young girls prostitute themselves with the help of a pimp. She's been out of jail for years now and is trying her best to stay under the radar.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
And nobody seems to give a shit about the fucking mental case who decapitated that kid on the Greyhound bus although he's walking among us.

Vince Li

Maybe not in Montreal. Almost every day someone here in Winnipeg mentions him.
He has even been allowed to change his name. The system has made it look like he is the victim for fuck's sake.
Maybe if the tv crews had not been right in their face...if was a long standoff with him in the bus.
They should have done a Toronto style assault and shot him.

Note I did not paste any of the many many CBC articles crying for pity for Vince Li.
Yeah it was not his fault but it wasn't Tim McLean's fault he got beheaded and partially eaten.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You know i m not in favor of the death penalty but i don t think i would be offended if it was in affect. you know it s one think killing when your in a sort of work that his dangerouse but it s another thing
when you kill an innocent person. There s certain crime such as shooting a poor worker in a store for a few dollars or people that break in home to scare people in ther own home should havec no chance at all.
Your proven guilty beyond doubt the injection should not be far.

Trust me, the death penalty would be the easy way out for those creeps and most of them wish they'd bring it back. It's easier for them to have their lives ended now instead of spending most of the rest of it in prison.

A lifetime prison term is probably more of a deterrent than the death penalty would ever be.

Research has also shown that it costs taxpayers a lot more to kill someone (due to all the legalities) than simply lock them up in jail, which is also costly.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Vince Li

Maybe not in Montreal. Almost every day someone here in Winnipeg mentions him.
He has even been allowed to change his name. The system has made it look like he is the victim for fuck's sake.
Maybe if the tv crews had not been right in their face...if was a long standoff with him in the bus.
They should have done a Toronto style assault and shot him.

Note I did not paste any of the many many CBC articles crying for pity for Vince Li.
Yeah it was not his fault but it wasn't Tim McLean's fault he got beheaded and partially eaten.

So he's in Winnipeg? Thanks for the warning.

Someone should get him a gun for his birthday and supply it with one bullet. Maybe he'd figure out the right thing to do with it.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Yes, he supposedly begged the police to kill him.
Funny how he had no problem killing someone else but could not do the right thing and kill himself.

Tim McLean's funeral was a few blocks down my street. It was a huge affair.
The Westboro Baptist Church planned to disrupt the funeral, so there were literally thousands of counter protesters waiting for them.
RCMP and Winnipeg police riot squads.
Snipers on the church roof.
Streets cordoned off for blocks all around.
I posted pictures on the western board.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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She was sentenced and did her time. Do you honestly think she was the one pulling the strings and is a danger to society ?...

She didn't do the time she should have according to Canadian law. I've often seen it remarked that had the police and prosecutors grossly underestimated her involvement.
Also, sometimes the authorities are lazy or fearful of losing a case so they offer a deal to one of the criminals to ensure a conviction.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In other news, our good friend OJ Simpson should be released from his very unfair prison sentence sometimes this year. Da Juice!


New Member
Mar 11, 2011
Note I did not paste any of the many many CBC articles crying for pity for Vince Li.
Yeah it was not his fault but it wasn't Tim McLean's fault he got beheaded and partially eaten.

This case is a debated and discussed at length in the psych community. Would you not agree that for a person to decapitate another person and be a free person less than 9 years later is very unlikely. All events of incarceration, trial and treatment/imprisonment must align favorably for the accused before this would happen. This case as most of the world knows it does not seem logical, but does the general public know all the facts. What is known is that Vince Li was a educated person that could not find suitable work in Canada because he did not have Canadian qualifications. He was depressed and often wandered off on trips across Canada. On one of his trips he met Tim McLean and a female companion, both carnival workers. During the bus ride Vince Li decapitated Tim McLean for no apparent reason. The female companion runs off and turns herself in several days later accompanied by a lawyer.
During the trial Vince Li is treated with leniency by the judge, the police as well as the prosecution. Now less than 9 years after the event Vince Li has received an absolute discharge. Could it be that all the way down the line from the police, prosecutor, judge and psychiatrist there is information of this case that can not be told in open court? The questions have to be asked if Tim McLean was the author of his own misfortune, why did his female companion run off after the beheading, why did she need to turn herself in with a lawyer?
Vince Li was a depressed person that has never been violent an any way before or after the incident. It is speculation the he was dosed involuntarily with a drug that cause him to hallucinate. Some drugs leave the body quickly and can not be detected, so there is no evidence that Vince Li was dosed with a drug. Speculation can not be introduced in open court as evidence, but a judge can be biased into lenience if he reads a psychiatrist report suspecting the possibility that Li was involuntarily dosed with a drug.
For people that say this case does not make sense then maybe they do not know all the facts.
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