Montreal Escorts

Karla Homolka in Montreal ??


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
joelcairo said:
Geez, what's happening with the parole board? Usually they rush to get these solid citizens back on the streets. Don't tell me the parole board actually got one right for once!
Every parole board has its day.


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
Elle avait deja paye sa dette envers la societe, personnellement je lui laisse la 2 derniere chance. Elle n'avait pas eu une vie facile just apres sa sortie de prison, malgres qu'elle a essaiye de refaire sa nouvelle vie loin de sa ville natale, mais les gens n'ont pas la laissee tranquille a Mtl, dont elle n'avait pas le choix d'exiger a la Republique avec son nouveau conjoint.

Elle a ete complice de plusieurs crimes monstreurs, mais je crois que a l'epoque, si elle n'etait pas connue son ancien conjoint, elle est actuellement une autre personne que une criminelle et elle vit encore au Canada. Presentement meme si elle est libre, mais elle va vivre avec tous ses culpabilites pour le reste de sa vie. Je souhaite que avec son nouveau conjoint et le beau climat de la Republique vont l'aider a ramener une paix interieur et une vie de bonheur cette fois-ci.
She had already paid her debt to society, personnaly I let her a second chance. She had not an easy life just after her release, despites she tried to rebuild her new life away from her hometown, but people didn't left her alone in Mtl, which she didn't have a choice to exile to the Republic with her new husband.

She was complicit in many monsters crimes, but I think at the time, if she wasn't known her former husband, she is currently an other person that a criminal and she is living in Canada. Currently even if she is free, but she will live with all those guilty for the rest of her life. I hope that with her new husband and the beautiful climate of the Republic will help her bring the inner peace and a life of happiness this time.

C la vie
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I despise the phrase "paid one's debt to society". In this case Karla paid no debt to society, she went to jail unwillingly and as a far as i know she compensated nobody for her criminal acts. The correct phrase is "served one's time" and any claim that she paid her debt to society in general is a load of B.S...

Total agree with you !
Some can't be rehab and you need to set exemple in order to make sure someone else will think twice before.
But hey ! we not only give them a chance to live but we don't ask for a life commitement and we even get people to buy their memoirs or make movies about them.

Not to mention that society is paying more for their time in prison than what they would give to a child living in poverty.
Our justice in this case = "hypcrisy".


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
There is no way in my opinion to give any sort of pardon to such a creature. This is just disgusting and unrespectful for the victims and their families... Send her to Guantalamo, she will be surrounded by the same kind of people as she deserves, and certainly lots of them are better persons than she is... Having Karla free could even make me vote for Georges Bush ! This guys at least has no pity for these sort of creatures.


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
Even many psychologists have found that she'll not represent a danger to society anymore, so it's serves nothing to deprive her freedom, instead of giving her a second chance, hoping that she will become a good person in this new life, It's what she has succeeded doing quite well. It's exactly what the majority of people in society want to see it. I'm very glad to see the love and the compassion of our society can change a bad person to a good person.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
She served her time, every minute of it which is a lot more than most criminals, and she deserves to be free. But in no way do I think she deserves to be pardoned. No one who has committed such a crime should ever be eligible for a pardon. As for 'paying her debt to society' goes, I think the term itself is total bullshit and I can't think of any criminal who's ever 'paid their debt to society'. Unless she turns into Mother Theresa and devotes her life to helping lepers or something similar, what she did can never be 'paid back' or compensated for.

Murderers, rapists, child molestors and other violent criminals or sex offenders should never be eligible for a pardon under any circumstances. The crimes they committed should follow them the rest of their lives because what they did will follow their victims and the victims' families for the rest of their lives. Why should the criminal be allowed to erase it?

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Even many psychologists have found that she'll not represent a danger to society anymore, so it's serves nothing to deprive her freedom, instead of giving her a second chance, hoping that she will become a good person in this new life, It's what she has succeeded doing quite well. It's exactly what the majority of people in society want to see it. I'm very glad to see the love and the compassion of our society can change a bad person to a good person.

To me its total lack of respect to the families of those victims. Total lack of respect to people who are trying to live properly in a society without killing others. Giving Homolka a 2nd chance which the victims will never get and keeping a guy like Benardo in prison to the expense of our society is a total lack of respect when this guy is costing us way much more than it cost to make sure an innocent child can live.

This way of glorifying redemption is making me sick.
As if you could just kill people and get rehab because you made your time in prison or even made so much good after.

As a Quebecois I could hate some of the politics that Harper has in this country and I could be proud for all the work the Bloc has done in getting scandals out but as far as I'm concern with criminal law it's the opposite.

The Bloc isn't though enough and even Harper isn't though enough.


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
I don't like Karla, but I have a compassion for her, anyway as our society has also shown it to her and with a right reason. As I already said in another post, I believe she would not have been a criminal, if she was not met her former husband who was the brains of all these crimes, which she was an accomplice. if Karla had a hateful in the past, we should not have this same hatred to condemn her, otherwise we would not be good than her so much.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I don't like Karla, but I have a compassion for her, anyway as our society has also shown it to her and with a right reason. As I already said in another post, I believe she would not have been a criminal, if she was not met her former husband who was the brains of all these crimes, which she was an accomplice. if Karla had a hateful in the past, we should not have this same hatred to condemn her, otherwise we would not be good than her so much.

Tell you what CLAVIE ! here is a real one to think about.
Are you against killing a child ?
You would say : Of course I am ! There is no reason in hell to do this.

Yet...if this child would become Adolph Hitler ?
Could you pull the trigger ?

Our world is full of 'ifs' but there is a line you should never cross or pay for it.
And serving a couple years in a prison isn't fit for this kind of hatred.

Do your math. Take the amount it has cost to keep her in prison and divide with what it takes to save a child who will die in the next few minutes because of our dear 'human rights' society.

Then do your plus and minus.
In the balance you have a woman who participated in killings and videotaped this and struck a deal to get less than life's imprisonement and over one million souls.

Are you telling that you would favor her over one million of innocent children ?
Think about it !

Have fun !


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
JH Fan, Homolka served her time and she's entitled to be free according to our justice system. Didn't we go through all this when she first came up for release? I thought we were talking about her getting a pardon? It's been 5 years since she was released and as far as I know she hasn't been arrested for anything since. I have no problem with letting her live her life, but no pardon, thank you.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
JH Fan, Homolka served her time and she's entitled to be free according to our justice system. Didn't we go through all this when she first came up for release? I thought we were talking about her getting a pardon? It's been 5 years since she was released and as far as I know she hasn't been arrested for anything since. I have no problem with letting her live her life, but no pardon, thank you.

Do you mean she learned to speak french ? Then I guess you're right she can live here in Quebec and will be certainly welcomed. I hope she converted to be a true catholic now. :)

Tell me Techman... why didn't she served her time in Ontario in the first place ?
Give us the real good answer.

If she's only speaking english I guess I would have to say 'go back in know the old 401....'


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Why don't you ask the government why she spent her time in Quebec? I don't know or care. She was in a federal prison so the money was not paid by the Quebec system anyways.

And she no longer lives in Canada.


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
JH Fan, Homolka served her time and she's entitled to be free according to our justice system. Didn't we go through all this when she first came up for release? I thought we were talking about her getting a pardon? It's been 5 years since she was released and as far as I know she hasn't been arrested for anything since. I have no problem with letting her live her life, but no pardon, thank you.
Homolka will have never served her time for families and vitims... I hope someone will be able to find her one day... If this creature would have done this to any of my family I would have stoped hobbying in order to save every single $ I earn and find where is that piece of shit to to send it where it deserves : in my toilet bowl and flush. point.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Homolka will have never served her time for families and vitims... I hope someone will be able to find her one day... If this creature would have done this to any of my family I would have stoped hobbying in order to save every single $ I earn and find where is that piece of shit to to send it where it deserves : in my toilet bowl and flush. point.

And what about the guy who's being released after serving 2 thirds of his 11 year sentence for raping his own daughter throughout her life, including while she was hospitalized for cancer? This piece of shit is going to be back on the street in a matter of days. This guy should rot in prison.


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
And what about the guy who's being released after serving 2 thirds of his 11 year sentence for raping his own daughter throughout her life, including while she was hospitalized for cancer? This piece of shit is going to be back on the street in a matter of days. This guy should rot in prison.

I did not say that she was the only failure of the Justice system... unfortunatly she is not...


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
Tell you what CLAVIE ! here is a real one to think about.
Are you against killing a child ?
You would say : Of course I am ! There is no reason in hell to do this.

Yet...if this child would become Adolph Hitler ?
Could you pull the trigger ?

Our world is full of 'ifs' but there is a line you should never cross or pay for it.
And serving a couple years in a prison isn't fit for this kind of hatred.

Do your math. Take the amount it has cost to keep her in prison and divide with what it takes to save a child who will die in the next few minutes because of our dear 'human rights' society.

Then do your plus and minus.
In the balance you have a woman who participated in killings and videotaped this and struck a deal to get less than life's imprisonement and over one million souls.

Are you telling that you would favor her over one million of innocent children ?
Think about it !

JH Fan,

So tell me, what do you want our justice to do now, if you have so much hatred towards her like that ? kill her with a bullet in the head as in China and remove all her organs to save other peoples ? and then tell our government to go to China to discuss the respect of Human Right? Unfortunately, we have no new from her since she left Canada with the baby, whatever she'll live with the shame and the guilty for the rest of her life, no matter where she lived.

Everybody have already made the mistakes in his poor life, serious or less serious, after what is more important that he will not recidivist again, it's case of Karla.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
And what about the guy who's being released after serving 2 thirds of his 11 year sentence for raping his own daughter throughout her life, including while she was hospitalized for cancer? This piece of shit is going to be back on the street in a matter of days. This guy should rot in prison.

I don't share your point of view on many things but on this you are right on !
As long as he rot. Not just a beautiful cell with all facilities.
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