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Karla Homolka in Montreal ??

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
JH Fan,

So tell me, what do you want our justice to do now, if you have so much hatred towards her like that ? kill her with a bullet in the head as in China and remove all her organs to save other peoples ? and then tell our government to go to China to discuss the respect of Human Right? Unfortunately, we have no new from her since she left Canada with the baby, whatever she'll live with the shame and the guilty for the rest of her life, no matter where she lived.

Everybody have already made the mistakes in his poor life, serious or less serious, after what is more important that he will not recidivist again, it's case of Karla.

Look. you kill someone because he killed your child, girl, wife, family member or in self-defence.
You 'made' a mistake and will have to serve time.
That's ok since you have to be made an exemple for everyone that violence is not the option.

You kill or take part of killing someone who didn't have any chance of getting away using sleeping pills or anything like, after you raped her and then hide your crime by cutting her into pieces and then you have the guts to strike a deal with our dear justice system and ask for mercy and pardon ?

In China they not only kill the motherf*kers but they used to (not sure if they still do) give the bullet to the family...meaning you guys should have done a better work than letting this animal live.

She took part in killing her own sister man.

I think you do have compassion CLAVIE and probably like I used in a past life.
Which was 'way too much' until I woke up.

As for telling my gov. to go see China and tell them how to run their country... I'd rather say to Ottawa 'shut the f*ck up' and mind your own business.

If China wants to kill those animals who went into primary schools and killed children with a knife then I'd say 'Go for it'
The world doesn't need to pay for feeding these piece of shit.

We have millions dying every year who didn't ask to be born in poverty.

If we can't afford to deal with world poverty. Than we can't afford dealing with the 'real' animals.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
What they used to do in China was send the bill for the cost of the bullet used in the execution to the family.

I believe in the death penalty in cases of pre-meditated murder or murder during the commission of a crime. You could add child molestors to that list too. While I understand the rage and wanting to even the score yourself, that would lead to the end of society as we know it. Revenge and justice are not the same thing. If you don't like the way the justice system works, contact your member of parliament or MNA and let him/her know about it.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
If you don't like the way the justice system works, contact your member of parliament or MNA and let him/her know about it.

Au petit trot s'en va le cheval avec ses grelots...
Seriously, I know the climate is changing but didn't hear the seasons did.

Hi, is this my dear member of parliament ?
ha man ! it's says to leave a message !


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I just read up the the Homolka case. Justice, or more pertinently punishment for a capital crime, is rarely ever going to be satisfying. I don't think it's even possible. I am not arguing here for or against the death penalty, but there is no way the death of another person is going to compensate for the death of a loved one. At best justice in such cases is fair payback, nothing more. The original loss is permanent and endlessly painful no matter what you do to the killer.

So Karla Homolka served 12 years being sentenced before new evidence proved she deserved the "ultimate penalty." No it's not enough. But would it be enough if she had been ripped apart by horses, hanged-drawn-quartered, burned at the stake??? And for whom? You? Is it you who is supposed to receive justice or the family? How can the family be compensated for the loss of a loved one, especially a child, no matter what the execution of the killer?

You can call it justice, and in this case execution probably would be, but all you are really arguing about is keeping the score even between killers and victims. That would be fine, but it's not to be in this case and there is no use wishing otherwise. At least some significant time was served, not enough for us, but significant. Remember there are a lot of murderers out there who serve no time. That won't make anyone feel better about this result, but there was some lesser measure of justice rather than none.

Those of you advocating and pining for the Chinese system of justice should remember the situation is often the reverse when they are more likely to execute innocent people, often without what we consider a legal process or rights of the accused, to compensate for a murder so they can say they brought justice whether they executed a guilty person or not.


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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
... all you are really arguing about is keeping the score even between killers and victims.

Hell the Air India ? they didn't even put anyone in !

Here's another argument... why pay so much for our justice system ?
Why pay lawyers so much in arguing the fine stupid prints and then strike a deal like they did with Homolka ?
Why keeping someone in prison cost way much more than a bed at the hospital ?

It`s a farce.

Sure I would probably not stop over if she would cross my path but surely I would prefer that her kind be used to know how long anyone can survive on Mars...without food ? or can we plug the dam well in the gulf using them ?

Ya know ?

Could we used some of these as human bombs also ?
Imagine the Taliban`s or Al Qaeda members` face getting killed the same way ?

They`de probably say we are barbarians...


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006
Sure I would probably not stop over if she would cross my path but surely I would prefer that her kind be used to know how long anyone can survive on Mars...without food ? or can we plug the dam well in the gulf using them ?

Ya know ?

Could we used some of these as human bombs also ?
Imagine the Taliban`s or Al Qaeda members` face getting killed the same way ?

They`de probably say we are barbarians...

Please dont get by the hate ! Merb community is a LOVE community here, specifically a LOVE the men towards every women, Karla is a woman though...

You can do whatever you want with Paul, her ex husband. without him, Karla would not be in prison and without her, Paul would killed and raped the girls anyway, there's nothing that changes either with or without Karla. This time, Karla is living with a man who loves her for real and who can change her to become a good person. I think this man is very great.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Please dont get by the hate ! Merb community is a LOVE community here, specifically a LOVE the men towards every women...

Bah ! ok ! be merry ! have fun and spread this love all over !
There just no way I can understand women !

Ok ! what's to eat now ?


Nov 12, 2007
What they used to do in China was send the bill for the cost of the bullet used in the execution to the family.


Which is bullshit, if someone killed me, I wouldn't want the family charged for the bullet for the execution, I have a perfectly good rusty potato peeler that can be used to scape the person to death. Using a bullet, that just isn't ecologically sound.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Which is bullshit, if someone killed me, I wouldn't want the family charged for the bullet for the execution, I have a perfectly good rusty potato peeler that can be used to scape the person to death. Using a bullet, that just isn't ecologically sound.

Wo ! this is even weirder than master_bates post !

A potato peeler ? you mean... a real willy waller 2006 ?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Everybody makes mistake in his(her) life, so give her a chance to start over again !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
She fucked up, did her time as many thousands of criminals did, her being out and a volunteer does not bother me. What bothers me is the huge amount of pedophiles that are given a slack sentence and let out early to re-offend.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This wasn't someone fucking up. She didn't drive with one drink too many and killed a random family. This wasn't a one time thing...

Would you seriously be ok with her taking care of your kids, educating them about life?

I do not think she educates them about life and they are group supervised, I would have no issue. They let out someone who cut the head off someone in a greyhound bus after only a few years, rapists get out after a few years some even get let off scott free.

Just to add, if she had not met Paul this probably would not have happened ( someone posted the same earlier ).


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
She learned her lesson, I don't think she would do it again! yes, she met the wrong guy at the wrong place, and the wrong moment ! everybody deserve a second chance ! come on Karla ! stand up and don't disappoint us !

Count Vlad

Mar 29, 2011
You can not be so sure she was the instigator and he met the wrong person at the wrong time and the wrong place.
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