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Booking Problems and what to do about it...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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CS Martin said:
For instance EGB, how do you go about planning your backup ladies?

If this is for me- I look at the weekly schedules where applicable and see who is working in the time slot I need, which is almost always 6-9 p.m. If no weekly schedule is available I call the agency. I then rank them 1-5 or however many there happen to be on my list. Sometimes if I get no showed I save it for the following night (If I have an 8 pm date and get no showed, the chance of then getting a substitute before 11 pm is usually slim based on my experience). I generally try to have a good idea of who will be on before 4 pm so I can start making my calls. This is why Devilish and GOF are a problem for me, unless I call Chris and know ahead of time.

The last trip I made to Montreal I did not get no showed, but I recall a few years back where I had a 5 day trip and got no showed every night, even on one occasion by FKS, which offered me a substitute whom I ended up seeing. Generally I will reject substitutes unless they happen to fit my criteria which that particular lady did.

On one night in 2005, I achieved my personal record of 4 no shows in one evening, 2 of which were Class XXX bookings, one from Platinum Escorts and the other from Dangerous Curves. I finally ended up accepting a substitute from DC in frustration, and she menstruated on my back - see related story:

There is no real tried and true formula for success on backup plans. I must admit Special K is somewhat better at backup planning than I am, in part because I am am self limited by only being able to hobby within narrow early evening time windows and not late in the evening. In my case, I try to see if I can get a feel from the booker as to how solid the booking is, and if it is not solid, or I don`t get that feel, I will call and check availability elsewhere and tell the second booker that I MAY need someone but not sure yet because I am waiting to find out whether I have a conflict. I never double book.

One time, my ATF Melissa/Jessy was supposedly back to work at Platinum. I called Chris and he told me to call him when I was in town. I left a bunch of messages with Chris, starting at around 4 pm and never heard back from him. By 8 pm I decided Chris probably could not find the highly unreliable but amazingly gorgeous Melissa, who was 9.5 or better in all departments IF you could get her to show, which was a huge fucking IF because she was the most unreliable escort ever in Montreal escort history but at the same time, so fucking beautiful that you were compelled to roll the dice and deal with the good chance of a no show. She no showed me about 6 times and I saw her 3 times, not a good ratio! Anyway on that evening in March 2007, it is like 8 pm and no call from Chris so I call Martin of XXxtase and lo and behold he has a debutante available who was my type (Jennyfer) and I go ahead and book her for 8:30 pm. I get off the phone with Martin, and guess who calls, as soon as I hang up, good old Chris. He says Melissa is on the other line. I was so tempted but I did not want to call back Martin and cancel on him, because I had cancelled on him the prior day. So I told Chris that I already had a booking. In fairness to Chris, he probably had called Melissa all week and never heard from her until that moment, because that girl was unbelievably unreliable. One time she had not shown within 45 minutes of booking time and I called IN, who she was then working for, and they told me they dropped her off at my hotel 45 minutes previously at the designated time. I then at that very moment hear a knock and its Melissa. I tell her the agency said they dropped her off 45 minutes earlier, I was worried sick and getting ready to call the police. She told me she got lost at the hotel (the Hyatt), as she had been dropped off on Jeanne Mance and did not know how to get to the hotel or the rooms. That was Melissa. Most beautiful SP I ever saw in my life but she sort of was not really all there. The elevator did not go to the top floor in her head. To say she was flaky would not quite capture what was going on there in that girl`s head.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Chris Devilish Escorts said:

Unfortunately you were the victim as others were of Amanda cancelling her day.

The girls have the right to do so and its unfortunate that Amanda did it LAST SECOND.

She essentially called my driver at the precise time that she should of been where she was supposed to be to inform us that she is running late in which I called to inform you, then I recieve a call saying that she will not be coming in and she was actually in bed!!!!!

Unfortunately I was the bringer of bad news.

I did try to replace her by offering you Clara but only 30 min later because thats when she was starting. I tried to get her in early she said it would be possible, but called me back to let me know that she couldnt be ready as early as she thought. Thats why I didnt mention her until after because I was waiting for answer as it if she could come in early. Then she said yes and then realized that realistically she couldnt make it. Both her and I tried out best.

It would be my pleasure to offer you a free hour for your loss of time/room as it was not within my control.

As you mentioned I kept you up to date as much as I could with time based on the information she was relaying to me.

Unfortunately these are situations that we cant control... The responsability of humans. I cant predict it and I am sorry for that and your loss of time as it was a loss for us as well.

Have a great day.

Billy :)
The Devils Protege

EagerBeaver said:

I don't think MERB should be used to extort free hours from agencies. While I am not accusing you of using the Board for terrorism, these issues should be settled privately with an agency. Lately it seems as though the days of Robert Gilette have returned to MERB with one hobbyist after another going on the attack with the apparent hopes of getting a freebie by raising a fuss on the Boards.

Hello Chris of Devilish (Billy),

Offering the free hour was the WRONG MOVE! I thought you explained yourself very well, and the circumstances as you explained them, did not warrant any kind of compensation at all. You did nothing wrong. These situations are just part of the daily risks of hobbying we all face, and have all dealt with eventually. Your good intentions here still makes the episode look either like some sort coercion or favoritism. Either way any resulting review is now tainted and thus worthless. It also encourages others to post and expect the same and it is grossly unfair to all of those who have endured the same situation and neither asked for nor been offered anything for it. But what I find most unfair is that your offer commits some lady to losing her part of the fee. If there is a situation where such compensation can be justly given, such as possibly some outrageous behavior or grossly inadequate SP performance, why don't you give up your end of the cut and allow the next lady (not responsible for this event) to keep hers. Your reply was all that was needed; nothing else.

Please be careful about creating unnecessary appearances that may create more issues than the one you are trying to solve.

I once received an offer from XXXTASE of a free hour due to extremely outrageous behavior by one of their ladies. I did not take it. And, I have had between 5-10 no-shows and/or last minute cancellations.


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Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
Merlot said:
Offering the free hour was the WRONG MOVE! I thought you explained yourself very well, and the circumstances as you explained them, did not warrant any kind of compensation at all. You did nothing wrong. These situations are just part of the daily risks of hobbying we all face, and have all dealt with eventually. Your reply was all that was needed; nothing else.

I have one relative who books airline flights at some times of year in the HOPE of being bumped and getting a deal. ;) I definitely think there is a risk that MERB gets abused by people looking for deals.

That said I always try to confirm the booking an hour or two before I get the room. So far, I have always known about cancellations at least that far in advance so I can always opt out. I have to admit that I'm often so horny that I end up checking last minute booking options (Devilish, GOF, etc) and, with a prepared priority list, I have been pleasantly surprised on occasion (Danika(ex-devil) and Simone(Eleg) come to mind!) with my last minute selections. However, at least this was still a choice I made, I hadn't sunk money into the room.

Where I would feel that an agency owed me something would be if they told me everything was okay and then it went sour when I called to tell them the room an hour or so later. That's personally where I think, if he can afford to, Chris and other agencies should be gracious with everyone (whether posting on MERB or not). I would, of course, try to fix the situation by accepting a decent back-up option from that agency or another agency if required. I gotta say though I'd be mighty pissed if nothing came through.

It could be good business to compensate a cancellation IMHO, if it is affordable, because you negate the potential bad impression that a last minute cancellation creates. I think Chris knows his business, he probably knows better than us when compensation is called for.

PS : for an out-of-towner who already has a room anyway, I don't quite know if quite the same situation ever arises. For you guys, well, you just look for an alternative for that night and, if not, for the next. I think cancellations that are announced days in advance or even the same day are, well, part of this world. I myself have to cancel sometimes because of changes in plans, etc (Usually days in advance).
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Mar 26, 2004
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Man what a load of crap....

We should review our good experiences as well as our bad. We know there are troubles in the industry but to remain silent does no good and, for example, there is little help in trying resolve a continuing booking problem with a booker. We know there are problems with B & S... so don't mention when you had a problem???? etc etc come on guys get real.

Should car problems not be reviewed because everybody knows you have problems with cars? You see one complaint and 100 accolades and you buy the car. A thousand accolades for on time arrival of lady - you factor this into your consumer choice as you would for a thousand complaints for an agency.

As understandably unpleasant as the recent "Billy" incident may have been for some it is instructive; I betcha a million to one that the open discussion has MADE THINGS BETTER (not worse) FOR THE OWNER, THE CUSTOMER and BILLY himself.

(I have often had what I have done assessed by those in attendance... I have asked the attendees, even if they weren't inclined to do so, to make at least one negative comment or suggestion for improvement.)

Agencies don't lose respect just because they have a problem; they lose it when they try to fudge it or refuse to deal with it. An agency GAINS respect (read: clients) when it has a problem and openly resolves it. Based on recent actions, Devilish has been added back on to my list of agencies I will feel comfortable dealing with.
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Mar 20, 2008
EagerBeaver said:
From what I have seen lately some posters who in my eyes are really peons and carry no cachet here seem to be trying to get various agencies to bow to Board pressure. They claim to be posting for the good of all hobbyists but they want a free hour, plain and simple.
Not everyone.

Frankly for many of us, our time is worth far more than the lousy SP fee.

In my louzy plumbing business I charge $90 per hour (and many posters here earn a lot more than that), so if I lose a morning ( 4 hours - travel time, booking time etc...) waiting for a girl that does not costs me $360 plus the about $400.

So yeah, if an agency offer a free hour great....its a nice thought....but mostly they'll offer the free hour with a second rate girl.....on her last call of the evening....

(Even Devilish will never get you a free hour with Daphne, Tyler or Missy). So for many of us this "free" hour is worthless....Except....that it keeps the agencies in line, because there is always the risk that other people may ask for free hours too ...

EagerBeaver said:
I have had more no shows than all of the whiners on this Board combined. I settled my disputes privately, like a man does. But I should note I never accepted discounts or freebies because you know what, shit happens.

Yes I was pissed when I had a 4 hour booking with Eleganza and the date gets cancelled an hour beforehand. But on the other hand John has sent me a ton of great ladies over the years.

You take the good with the bad.

See above. Maybe your time aint worth a lot. But many us,
with family, the gym and the hobby are strapped......not for money but for time....

So when an agency girl does not show up it is a big problem.....

The other thing is that as an "out of town guy" who seem more willing to accept substitutes - "like a man does".

But a lot of veteran posters have seen all or almost all of the hot girls to be offered a second rate girl, who you already saw three or four times, when she started five years ago, is no consolation...

As a out of may not be aware when the agencies do this to you....but beleive me they do....

In Billy's case it is his I had seen the girl referred to in this thread (Amanda, who Billy advertised to me as "new" about a year ago) at about three different agencies before she entered the hobby again as a "new" girl at Devilish.....

EagerBeaver said: hobbyist after another going on the attack with the apparent hopes of getting a freebie by raising a fuss on the Boards.

EagerBeaver said:
I don't think MERB should be used to extort free hours from agencies.

No. We just want the agencies to act professionally.

When girls dont show up, the agencies always inevitably blame the girls....but it is almost always the agency's fault because either:

a) they book the girls before the dirver picks them up (in other words the girl has not yet confirmed)

b) They listed or adveretised the girl as "available" on their site (in order to generate phone traffic) .....even though they know from the beginning the girl would never show....

In Eleganza's case they always post hot girls in the lineup who never show up...then when you call (if they answer) you get offered a second string lady....

Merlot said:
Offering the free hour was the WRONG MOVE! IYou did nothing wrong. These situations are just part of the daily risks of hobbying we all face, and have all dealt with eventually.

Yes, And that is the whole point of message encourage agencies to improve the way they do business.

MERB has already done a great job by highlighting the Bait and Switch shops....

Identifying agnencies that regularly advertise girls as available...who never show up*, would be another great step forward....

* BTW, one favorite agency trick when a high roller client calls, is to change the SPs schedule, to shift a hot SP's schedule to give her to high roller, and to phone the other poor loser who originally booked her and tell him "she never showed up...." .....then the loser gets offered a second rate girl......
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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Talk about paranoid. All these unbacked assertions Benny. I can't believe you can actually speak and be heard by talking out of your rear end, I thought for sure your panties would block whatever was being spewed out of there. Simply amazing.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
bensonnobalia said:
* BTW, one favorite agency trick when a high roller client calls, is to change the SPs schedule, to shift a hot SP's schedule to give her to high roller, and to phone the other poor loser who originally booked her and tell him "she never showed up...." .....then the loser gets offered a second rate girl......

Okay B...

I am listening but what do the high-roller clients have that makes them special, do they send the agency extra cash? I mean, why would the agency care who gets the girls? On the whole shouldn't they prefer home town clients who can book any day of the week? I dunno. I hope your wrong on this one 'cause, just for example, I have had bookings with Karyna or Gianna cancelled the day of on several occasions. I am going to assume it's cause the girl herself decided not to work but maybe I'm naive.

Girls on Fire

The Devils Twin
Mar 30, 2007
Sorry Benny

bensonnobalia said:
So yeah, if an agency offer a free hour great....its a nice thought....but mostly they'll offer the free hour with a second rate girl.....on her last call of the evening....

(Even Devilish will never get you a free hour with Daphne, Tyler or Missy). So for many of us this "free" hour is worthless....Except....that it keeps the agencies in line, because there is always the risk that other people may ask for free hours too ...

I really didnt want to step in here but Mr Benny " I dont have any clue what i'm talking about" change your name to that please.. As for this last statement Benny you dont have a single ounce of knowledge to what your saying do you!!! In all the years i have been doing this and i bet it's a hell of alot longer then you have been calling sp's i have not ever once chose for the client who his free hour is going to be with!!!!! I have given free hours with the ladies of there choice, be it madison, daphnee, chloe, danika, jen, kiki and the list goes on... Sorry there mr benny :confused: "your new look , but your are really dazed and confused and i am really fed up of reading about all your stupid statements and bullshit that you have absolutely no idea about!!!!

Sorry again guys but i am really getting fed up of his worthless statements!!!


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I usually stay out of SP threads because as most people are aware, it isn't my side of the hobby. But when I see Benson coming into this thread and posting his 'expert opinion' and trying to put down posters like SK, EB, CS, Rex Kramer, who have been around MERB almost since the beginning, it just makes my head spin.

Seriously Benson, do you actually think you know more than these respected senior MERB reviewers? Have you ever even posted one review of any SP that anyone has heard of? I did a quick look at your old posts and I see a lot of comments on others' reviews and the odd post where you claim to have seen a particular girl also, not to mention all of your complaints, but I can't seem to find a single review of a reputable Indy or agency girl! How are posters supposed to confirm your own credibility?

And before you say that I have no business posting in this thread, based on your own review record, neither do you!

Oh yeah, one last talk about losing a morning's business if you have to wait for a girl. I guess that if you are hobbying when you are supposed to be servicing your own clients that they must know all about late appointments and no shows themselves. I wonder if there is a plumber review board? :cool:

And so that my post is at least partly on topic...from reading the board for almost 5 years now I would say that girls showing up late or no showing are the smallest problems of the SP hobby. Much less a problem than receiving bad service or a bait and switch or the many other problems that occur from time to time. Is it inconvenient, frustrating and sometimes a bit costly? Sure it is. But it could be worse and what the hell, there's always next time!


Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
You guys don't get it..............

You all have cocks. Some of you are more prone to be guided by them than others. The agencies know this. Fuck , everyone with half a brain understands this. The smart guy's start a BUSINESS that taps into this built in fault. You all rant on and on about the no-shows and the unprofessionalism- boo hooo-
These guys don't give a shit. Behind you , there's someone else with cash in his hand and is more than willing to hand it over to them instead of him holding onto his own cock. The agency owners get it. The chicks get it. But for some reson you guys don't get it and keep whining over and over. I get such a kick over the complaints on this board.


sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006

Girls on Fire said:
... i am really fed up of reading about all your stupid statements that you ...


Oh my gold !

Chris lost the good manners and good control of himself lol

Girls on Fire

The Devils Twin
Mar 30, 2007

CLAVIE said:
Oh my gold !

Chris lost the good manners and good control of himself lol
Hello Clavie,

Yes i did and i know its not like me but this mr benny dah has nothing useful to say EVER !!!!! Enough is enough......



sexe on the beach
Sep 6, 2006

Girls on Fire said:
Hello Clavie,

Yes i did and i know its not like me but this mr benny dah has nothing useful to say EVER !!!!! Enough is enough......


It's ok Chris, we don't have problem with that, it can also happen to me from time to time :mad: . these are the things that could happen to anyone :D
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Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
But when I see Benson coming into this thread and posting his 'expert opinion' and trying to put down posters like SK, EB, CS, Rex Kramer, who have been around MERB almost since the beginning, it just makes my head spin.

Look...all of those guys clearly have their sides of the story...I am just telling you mine. Just because we disagree, does not make them wrong or me for that matter. But tks for your comments.

Dr Edgar Who said:
Okay B...I am listening but what do the high-roller clients have that makes them special, do they send the agency extra cash? I mean, why would the agency care who gets the girls?

Compliant clients....the yes men....(of whom there are a lot on this board) are every agency's dream....especially if they have money.

Ii is far more profitable to send a girl to a single four-hour call.....than to four x one-hour calls.

In the first case, the SP's shift is over after four hours.

But for four one hour calls...the driver has to sit around all night waiting to schedule four different appointments which may or may not come depending on how busy the night is....and then he has to drive her all around the city..... is far better for an agency to send a girl to an "out of town guy" who will accept anything the agency sends, rather than to a jaded local customers, who may refuse a girl if she arrives doped up, wih a bad attitude or does not fit the description.

Girls on Fire said:
In all the years i have been doing this and i bet it's a hell of alot longer then you have been calling sp's...

Well, I have been seeing SPs for 35 years....I cruised the street girls for the first 20 years, in calls joints for the following 14 or 15 years....and have been dealing with MERB shops for about a year. I have never asked you your age, but you don't even look 35.

That means that you were almost surely just a glimmer in your mother's eye the first time I banged an SP....

Girls on Fire said:
Sorry there mr benny :confused: "your new look , but your are really dazed and confused and i am really fed up of reading about all your stupid statements and bullshit that you have absolutely no idea about!!!! Sorry again guys but i am really getting fed up of his worthless statements!!! Regards, Chris


Look you have been in the biz a long time.....and while the other posters can doubt what I say....well...let's just say you of all people know full well all I say is true.

But I will say this: although this thread may reflect badly on you guys (at GOF) are one of the best agency's out there.

Every time one of your girls does not show up for an appointment (I can count three or four times during the past year)....your booker offers me a free room....

I never claim it.....but the thought is nice.

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Jan 7, 2006
Sorry Ben I Dont Buy It

Sorry Benny i don't buy it.....

If you have been around that long you would not be saying 3/4 of what you are saying......

Ben can i offer you some kind words of advice...... Stick to the reviews!!!!!

Feb 12, 2005
I am quite surprised by the reactions from many merbites. You guys really don't know the importance of time. I have never cared about money. Many times I give $40-$50 of tip and for two hour service I give even $100 tip. When a SP is not available after booking, I loose only may be $50-$70 in hotel room booking. But If I loose 2-3 hours, that has much more value for me. It takes many days of planning to come out from your busy work schedule.

Its ok. I give up my free booking. But then what is the purpose of this board? Only to review poor SPs? Are those agencies above criticism? Until now I was under the impression we are free to give our opinion about the whole industry.
If we don't question the service provided by the agencies, do you think the service will improve?

Normally I find that SPs and agencies are doing good job. But some times they need fine tuning. And without criticism they will not do it.

Good luck with your next booking.



Mar 20, 2008
Chris Devilish Escorts said:
Sorry Benny i don't buy it.....

If you have been around that long you would not be saying 3/4 of what you are saying......

Ben can i offer you some kind words of advice...... Stick to the reviews!!!!!


Sure. I'll think about. As for you guys: keep it up.
You are raising the bar for a lot of agencies out there.
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