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Booking Problems and what to do about it...

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
bensonnobalia said:
Compliant clients....the yes men....(of whom there are a lot on this board) are every agency's dream....especially if they have money.

Ii is far more profitable to send a girl to a single four-hour call.....than to four x one-hour calls.

In the first case, the SP's shift is over after four hours.

But for four one hour calls...the driver has to sit around all night waiting to schedule four different appointments which may or may not come depending on how busy the night is....and then he has to drive her all around the city.....

Also.....it is far better for an agency to send a girl to an "out of town guy" who will accept anything the agency sends, rather than to a jaded local customers, who may refuse a girl if she arrives doped up, wih a bad attitude or does not fit the description.

Okay but, first off I think there's a bit of a contradiction here... you suggest the "high rolling" out of towners get the good girls but now you say they are pliant and accept the lousy girls... so which story is it?

I happen to be a "good client" I think, I'm clean, I pay, I'm respectful, I don't ask for weird stuff, I am where I say I will be. More to the point above, I never book for less than 2 hours, often book for 3 or even 4. With Devilish and XXXTase, if anything I have been told that more than 2 hours was sometimes not possible with a popular girl 'cause she was so much in demand and they were trying to accomodate as many clients as possible. When John has cancelled 3 hour plus appointments with Karyna on me the day of (I cry over those missed appointments everyday :D) I don't think it's because somebody else booked for longer than me. I imagine she just felt ill or didn't feel like working that day. Why assume that John decided to rip me off by giving her to some out-of-town high-roller? Cause it seems this is just a story you think is true not something you actually have any idea is true or not. There's got to be a credible reason for John (or whoever) to do that and the only one I can think of is that he would have been paid somehow. I'm skeptical, and it's a big accusation for you to throw out if you have no idea if it's true.

Now, when John opens shop at 11 on Monday (or whatever) I think he does probably check his mails and if you asked for a 4 hour booking and he's had good experiences with you then, yes, I think probably have a better chance of landing a date with Karyna or Gianna than if you asked for a 1 hour booking and he knows from experience that you are a pain in the ass and the girls find you annoying/disrespectful/whatever. That's business, John more-or-less tries to be fair while I am sure giving some edge to good clients and repeat customers. I really doubt that he (again I'm just taking him as an example) actually goes around cancelling regularly on people to send the girls elsewhere. Again, maybe I'm naive. If it makes you feel better, longer appointments are no guarantee against cancellations. EB even books for 5 hours, longer than I have ever and he has suffered (oh, we hobbyists suffer :p ) like the rest of us.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Just a little question, when you guys book 3-4 hours, do you have sex the whole time? I mean i can do 2 SOG in an hour, could manage a third one if i really want to, but after that... Wich lead me to believe you probably do it one time, let 30 minute pass, start again and such. But then don't you feel you pay too much for nothing? Like why not book the girl 1 hour per week, have a great time with her, and repeat next week... I supose you spend time dining or such with the lady...but isen't it costly to do that? I imagine 2 hours = 300$ normally so 4 if probably around 500 or 600... Wich is a bunch of money, and i don't even count the room and anything else you may pay... I supose guys doing that obviously dosen't work in a wall mart but still...

Im not judging her, just being curious since the subject was brought...

If i can compare to strippers, its like when i paid 5 or 6 songs to one girl at 10 bucks the dance, i felt it was enought, the first 2 are the best, 3-4 you are still having fun but after a while it become the same thing over and over again, of course this is just touching but i supose after a 4 sog you probably are not in the same mood as the first one. Then one time i had a stripper that started talking to me waiting for next song to start it off(wich they usually do when you go in the booth half song) but when the song started she kept talking because i supose she liked the conversation, i still had to pay the 10 bucks for that, so when the second song started i politely ask her to start dancing, not that i didn't care what she was saying, but i was paying for her to dance and touch her, not to discuss and help her in her life... Wich kind of compare to the situation here of a 4 hours encounter. Of course maybe you guys search only the companionship of a girl, wich is good, but it seem a little expensive just for having a diner, watching a movie or such...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Benson, I have a way for you to establish some credibility. You claim to have been in the hobby for what, 35 years? So this has to put you in your 50s at the very least. But your posts read like they were written by some young guy trying to pull one over on the rest of us and no one has ever met you and no one can confirm any of your stories. So why don't you drop into the upcoming GT and say hello to everyone? Most senior posters on the board have met at least one other member, many have come to GTs in the past. This would go a long way to establishing some trust on the board.

Or if that is too difficult for you, I'd be glad to meet you 1 on 1 for a drink or even a coffee, or lunch or brunch, to have a chat. Or you can drop in to Cleo's this Saturday to sign the petition and say hi.

I'm quite sure that you will refuse any offer to meet anyone in any circumstances, but I thought I'd make the offer anyways.

Apr 16, 2005
Method to the madness?

Just a little question, when you guys book 3-4 hours, do you have sex the whole time? I mean i can do 2 SOG in an hour, could manage a third one if i really want to, but after that... Wich lead me to believe you probably do it one time, let 30 minute pass, start again and such. But then don't you feel you pay too much for nothing? Like why not book the girl 1 hour per week, have a great time with her, and repeat next week... I supose you spend time dining or such with the lady...but isen't it costly to do that? I imagine 2 hours = 300$ normally so 4 if probably around 500 or 600... Wich is a bunch of money, and i don't even count the room and anything else you may pay... I supose guys doing that obviously dosen't work in a wall mart but still...

Im not judging her, just being curious since the subject was brought...

Pretty hard to judge the motives of another. But like anything in life there is often a method to the madness. I would venture to guess that this is an issue of quality not just quantity. This is an intimate encounter, not a widget factory. It is true that for some the outlay in cash can be somewhat daunting. But for others it is not. And for those clients consider that even though they are paying, they may still want to make the encounter relaxed for both. For some SP's the barriers are steel plate. Others may be open to reserving judgment until knowing a client a bit better and can relax more with him. But for a variety of reasons, perhaps particular to that SP, what someone judges to be a class encounter etc. a client feels the return is worth the investment. Could result in ensuring a memorable experience.:)


New Member
May 18, 2009
Dear Mike:

its not hard to take some educated guesses and draw conclusions from the situation.

the "men" you were refering to as people who book for 3-4 hours are very likely to be arround 40s, and making over 80-100k a year. Mostly married, and just possibly have kids at home.

From the way you talk about money and stuff, Im gonna go ahead and guess that you are still at a relatively young age when compared to those "men", and correct me if Im wrong but I think you do not have a relatively high paying job as in your money does not come easy.

Conclusions I draw from those premises and what you posted is that you are mainly looking for SEX with a HOT chick and sex is your only concern.

however, as for the "men" you refered to, (again, just an educated guess), they are looking for more than just the ACT of sex. I really dont wanna get in the reasons as for why do men seek SPs, but Im pretty sure that those men who book more than 3-4 hours have more of a psychological need ( as in an escape from home, work, anything) rather than a strongly physical demand.

PS: Im proly even younger than you, just a fun fact..lol


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Guys, it's not always black or white, it's sometimes grey!

  1. Do girls sometimes don't show-up, leaving the agency holding the bag? Of course!
  2. Are some agencies sometimes favor certain customers or appointment duration? Of course!
  3. Are some agencies sometimes overbook the girls? Airlines overbook flights constantly so, of course some agencies overbook the girls!
  4. Are some agencies sometimes using excuse #1 to justify #2 and #3? You bet!

What's the percentage of truth? No scientific studies were ever done so, all we have is these boards like MERB.

Of course, these cancellations and delays can be reported here. Yes, that's part of the goal of this board. Some agencies have almost none of these problems and it seems to be a recurring occurrence at others. So, some are reliable and some aren't.

Once the "on time" and "missed/delayed" appointment are reported here, an agency's reliability is easy to assess and those who's time is too precious to have miss/delays can book elsewhere.

If Gertrude work for agency FuckYou and FuckYou is known to be unreliable, it isn't because you find Gertrude hot that FuckYou will become reliable so, either you book Gertrude and accept the risk or you book Bertha, who's not that hot but work with the reliable CareForYou agency.
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Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
Regular Guy said:
Pretty hard to judge the motives of another. But like anything in life there is often a method to the madness. I would venture to guess that this is an issue of quality not just quantity. This is an intimate encounter, not a widget factory. It is true that for some the outlay in cash can be somewhat daunting. But for others it is not. And for those clients consider that even though they are paying, they may still want to make the encounter relaxed for both.

Well, reasons vary I'm sure...I have never had a dinner date, I would rather meet a good friend for dinner I think, their company is free! Sometimes, yes I might be down and partly want to talk and there are some indies who are very warm and good at raising one's spirits so there have been times that I would say that was one reason. Mostly though, as suggested, it's to provide a more relaxing and enjoyable environment for the girl in the hope of having a better encounter. I personally prefer talking for a half hour to someone before starting any action, it doesn't feel natural for me otherwise. I think Lion Heart has said it many times, there is the much cheaper alternative of staying home if it is going to be mechanical anyway. I take time in the hope (usually rewarded) of more sensuality. I like talking to people anyway, I generally enjoy the chats and sometimes too much and have to rush a bit in the end when the chatting has gone on so long that half the time is gone!

I'm no GG though, I have never booked a girl and forgotten to have sex :p.
And that most definitely would never have happened with Karyna, though she was perfectly charming in conversation.:D

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
metoo4 said:
If Gertrude work for agency FuckYou and FuckYou is known to be unreliable, it isn't because you find Gertrude hot that FuckYou will become reliable so, either you book Gertrude and accept the risk or you book Bertha, who's not that hot but work with the reliable CareForYou agency.

That Gertrude! She's just too hot.

Someone should try and revive these classic names like Gertrude and Bertha, they have such trouble finding names for SPs!


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Dr Edgar Who said:
That Gertrude! She's just too hot.
You bet! Once you get the wrinkles out of the way, she's still tight for her 70 years! :) Bertha's got great DDD tits but the problem is, when doggy, if you go too hard and get the bed bouncing, her tits get cough under the bedpost because they're sagging a bit.. :p
Apr 16, 2005
I'm no GG though, I have never booked a girl and forgotten to have sex .

Don't hit me with those one liners so early in the day! I almost spit my orange juice over my keyboard.:D


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
bensonnobalia said:

Well, I have been seeing SPs for 35 years....I cruised the street girls for the first 20 years, Ben



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
metoo4 said:
Guys, it's not always black or white, it's sometimes grey!

  1. Do girls sometimes don't show-up, leaving the agency holding the bag? Of course!
  2. Are some agencies sometimes favor certain customers or appointment duration? Of course!
  3. Are some agencies sometimes overbook the girls? Airlines overbook flights constantly so, of course some agencies overbook the girls!
  4. Are some agencies sometimes using excuse #1 to justify #2 and #3? You bet!

What's the percentage of truth? No scientific studies were ever done so, all we have is these boards like MERB.

Of course, these cancellations and delays can be reported here. Yes, that's part of the goal of this board. Some agencies have almost none of these problems and it seems to be a recurring occurrence at others. So, some are reliable and some aren't.

Once the "on time" and "missed/delayed" appointment are reported here, an agency's reliability is easy to assess and those who's time is too precious to have miss/delays can book elsewhere.

If Gertrude work for agency FuckYou and FuckYou is known to be unreliable, it isn't because you find Gertrude hot that FuckYou will become reliable so, either you book Gertrude and accept the risk or you book Bertha, who's not that hot but work with the reliable CareForYou agency.

I totally agree!! I think this is a very realistic way to see things! And even if FY agency has more no shows, we still won't be able to know why that is. Maybe it's because they have more unreliable girls. Maybe it's because they juggle things differently than CFY agency. But it's good to know the risks.

We should not equate posting a complaint to wanting or trying to extort a free hour out of the agency. Sure some people may want that, but agencies wont start giving off free hours like candy. And if they promise and don't deliver that free hour, again, this should be reported!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
AznDude said:
Dear Mike:

its not hard to take some educated guesses and draw conclusions from the situation.

the "men" you were refering to as people who book for 3-4 hours are very likely to be arround 40s, and making over 80-100k a year. Mostly married, and just possibly have kids at home.

From the way you talk about money and stuff, Im gonna go ahead and guess that you are still at a relatively young age when compared to those "men", and correct me if Im wrong but I think you do not have a relatively high paying job as in your money does not come easy.

Conclusions I draw from those premises and what you posted is that you are mainly looking for SEX with a HOT chick and sex is your only concern.

however, as for the "men" you refered to, (again, just an educated guess), they are looking for more than just the ACT of sex. I really dont wanna get in the reasons as for why do men seek SPs, but Im pretty sure that those men who book more than 3-4 hours have more of a psychological need ( as in an escape from home, work, anything) rather than a strongly physical demand.

PS: Im proly even younger than you, just a fun fact..lol

Right on the spot, if i can say :D I am paying for sex because in real life i am not the very attractive women catcher, and i am also a shy person, and on top of that im not the type who like to go out. I never make the first move. Its stupid in a way considering i am a clan leader on the internet, leading a team and all. So with this method, i can have the candy any other man have
whitout having to trouble too much myself. My job is paying me enought for what i need, but of course it can't compare to a 40 y.o business man. I am also young, 24, and the whole "hobby" as people call it is new for me so thats why i want to understand every aspect about it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Halloween Mike said:
Just a little question, when you guys book 3-4 hours, do you have sex the whole time? I mean i can do 2 SOG in an hour, could manage a third one if i really want to, but after that... Wich lead me to believe you probably do it one time, let 30 minute pass, start again and such. But then don't you feel you pay too much for nothing?

Halloween Mike, sorry, but your post is leading to 2 different discussions on unrelated topics. Your topic is a good one but should be in its own thread. These should be separated please.

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
jeff jones said:
Mike you seem like a nice guy so here is some free advice. We must support our beloved sp's at all costs. So remember if your job does not pay enough in the future to support your needs there are tons of ways to get money for the hobby, banks, household finance, avco, credit cards, borrow off family and friends and if it still isn't enough then go see a reputable loanshark. My friend you are young and you will have a whole life time to pay off your debts:D

I take it Jeff that you've even mortgaged your tent?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hormone : My question have been answered anyway, thanks.

Jeff : My job is fine and pay my needs in both the skin pleasure and other ones, and exept a couple bucks on a credit card(like everybody) i have no debt, so i can live day to day whitout any probleme. ;) That was just questioning for me because i want to understand all the side of this "hobby".


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
All comments welcome on MERB or so I hope

There was a thread last week focussed on « Chris VS the rest of his team », which was closed.

I perused it and found one positive, three neutral and eight negative comments from separate posters. None of the posters has joined the board in 2009, and three of the negative posters joined MERB prior to 2005.

That being said, I put much less credence in a poster’s join date and number of posts as in their posting history. It’s the content of the posts that matters, not their number. The post counter goes up even on a 2-line post questioning the legitimacy of another poster…

One thing I have found in this “industry” is normal business rules are skewed. It’s not like cars where you can simply go to another dealer and get the exact same thing. No matter what some say, emotions get into the mix and some will keep their peace just because they want to meet that special lady. Therefore bookers at agencies with highly sought-after ladies can expect more leeway, maybe even get used to it… They are more likely even than the ladies to be shielded from criticism, because they “hold the key” to those cherished meets.

Everyone wins if something positive is learned from relating our experiences, negative ones included.

Techman says something about “there`s always next time!”. WOW! I say that after a so-so $20.00 restaurant meal. With my self-imposed 2-hour minimum, “next times” are a little onerous. In fact, a “black series” of dates last fall has been a major factor in changing my hobbying habits: mostly a decrease in money spent and less “experimentation”.

Billy was criticized by some for attempting to “sell” alternate ladies when the caller’s first choice is unavailable. Well, no one can blame a normal salesperson for trying to sell what he has to offer. Bookers must remember that these are personal choices and the amount of money involved. Some guys call on impulse and want a lady, almost any lady, as long as she is attractive and GFE. Others have put more time in choosing.

I always have “alternates” of my own in mind, but they are not necessarily with the agency who just told me my #1 choice can’t be met. Even experienced bookers have needed to understand to “let me go” instead of risking having their “suggestion of the day” blow up in their face. Overselling may work once, but feeling burned stays with the client much longer.
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
metoo4 said:
Guys, it's not always black or white, it's sometimes grey!
  1. Do girls sometimes don't show-up, leaving the agency holding the bag? Of course!
  2. Are some agencies sometimes favor certain customers or appointment duration? Of course!
  3. Are some agencies sometimes overbook the girls? Airlines overbook flights constantly so, of course some agencies overbook the girls!
  4. Are some agencies sometimes using excuse #1 to justify #2 and #3? You bet!
What's the percentage of truth? No scientific studies were ever done so, all we have is these boards like MERB.

Of course, these cancellations and delays can be reported here. Yes, that's part of the goal of this board. Some agencies have almost none of these problems and it seems to be a recurring occurrence at others. So, some are reliable and some aren't.

Once the "on time" and "missed/delayed" appointment are reported here, an agency's reliability is easy to assess and those who's time is too precious to have miss/delays can book elsewhere.

If Gertrude work for agency FuckYou and FuckYou is known to be unreliable, it isn't because you find Gertrude hot that FuckYou will become reliable so, either you book Gertrude and accept the risk or you book Bertha, who's not that hot but work with the reliable CareForYou agency.

1. Mods please remove this post because:
a. it makes far too much sense, and
b. it doesn't attack someone who has, in good faith, made a negative informative post.

Thank you.
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