bensonnobalia said:Compliant clients....the yes men....(of whom there are a lot on this board) are every agency's dream....especially if they have money.
Ii is far more profitable to send a girl to a single four-hour call.....than to four x one-hour calls.
In the first case, the SP's shift is over after four hours.
But for four one hour calls...the driver has to sit around all night waiting to schedule four different appointments which may or may not come depending on how busy the night is....and then he has to drive her all around the city..... is far better for an agency to send a girl to an "out of town guy" who will accept anything the agency sends, rather than to a jaded local customers, who may refuse a girl if she arrives doped up, wih a bad attitude or does not fit the description.
Okay but, first off I think there's a bit of a contradiction here... you suggest the "high rolling" out of towners get the good girls but now you say they are pliant and accept the lousy girls... so which story is it?
I happen to be a "good client" I think, I'm clean, I pay, I'm respectful, I don't ask for weird stuff, I am where I say I will be. More to the point above, I never book for less than 2 hours, often book for 3 or even 4. With Devilish and XXXTase, if anything I have been told that more than 2 hours was sometimes not possible with a popular girl 'cause she was so much in demand and they were trying to accomodate as many clients as possible. When John has cancelled 3 hour plus appointments with Karyna on me the day of (I cry over those missed appointments everyday
Now, when John opens shop at 11 on Monday (or whatever) I think he does probably check his mails and if you asked for a 4 hour booking and he's had good experiences with you then, yes, I think probably have a better chance of landing a date with Karyna or Gianna than if you asked for a 1 hour booking and he knows from experience that you are a pain in the ass and the girls find you annoying/disrespectful/whatever. That's business, John more-or-less tries to be fair while I am sure giving some edge to good clients and repeat customers. I really doubt that he (again I'm just taking him as an example) actually goes around cancelling regularly on people to send the girls elsewhere. Again, maybe I'm naive. If it makes you feel better, longer appointments are no guarantee against cancellations. EB even books for 5 hours, longer than I have ever and he has suffered (oh, we hobbyists suffer
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