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Booking Problems and what to do about it...

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Seeing as this thread has taken on a new direction and that the majority of the posts are dealing with booking problems in general, among other things, I have changed the title of the thread to reflect this fact.



Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Mod 8 said:
Hello everyone,

Seeing as this thread has taken on a new direction and that the majority of the posts are dealing with booking problems in general, among other things, I have changed the title of the thread to reflect this fact.


I hope no advertiser objects.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Sapman99,

Yes, that thread was closed after I removed almost two pages of garbage posts. If members cannot stick on topic and insist on turning discussions into flame wars and attack threads, then yes, they will be closed.

If people want to see threads remain open, then they should learn how to conduct themselves like adults instead of children. Behave like children and the thread gets closed. Simple enough for anyone to understand I would think.

And the way this thread is going, it looks like it will soon end up the same way.

Mod 8

sapman99 said:
There was a thread last week focussed on « Chris VS the rest of his team », which was closed...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
Dont laugh CS. In the 1970s and much of the 1980s all of the best girls worked the streets. (In calls and outcalls simply did not exist back then) everybody cruised the main.....


Hey tks. for the invite. I'll try to stop by.

I joke sometimes about the time you spend in strip joints, but in the past ten years my body has slowed down immensely and stamina with the SPs has really taken a slide.

I am pretty sure that in another couple of years I'll be just like you.

As for crediblity, well, I am not really here to impress anyone.

I just give my opinion.....and then....I I don't get hit by anything that is thrown....


Sorry M8, but I hope that I have the right to reply...

Well Benson I have to admit that you are right about the Main back in the '80's. That part of town was jumping with hot girls.

But you are wrong about the time I spend in strip clubs. In fact I have only been in for a beer 3 times in the last two years. But I have to say that I find it a little depressing to see someone bragging about 35 years spent in the hobby. If I couldn't get laid without paying for it for 35 years, I sure as hell wouldn't be bragging about it. I'd probably be so depressed that I might have committed suicide by now.

And it's a good thing that you aren't trying to impress anyone, because you really aren't. Someone who has had to pay for sex for 35 years isn't impressive, it's sad. :rolleyes:

Now, I'm done with you.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I would like to make some clarifications based on some of the subsequent commentary in this thread. There are two kinds of ways to respond to booking problems or other problems with agencies. There is the selfless way, where the poster comes on the board and makes us aware that he had a problem and what the problem was and doesn't seek anything in return. Nobody has a problem with those kinds of threads; they should be encouraged. But that is not the kind of thread we have been seeing lately.

The second kind of thread, which we have seen lately, is where the poster tells us of a problem he had, but then demands that he be compensated in some way for the problem and uses MERB and MERB members as hostages in a selfish game that hurts the community at large. For reasons that follow, I equate this game to Board piracy, much like the kind of piracy that is going on unchecked in international waters off of Somalia.

Let's take the Bensonnabilia model just as an example. He says that he does his hobbying between $90/hour jobs plunging his clients' toilets, and if he has a booking problem, he loses a lot of money and gets nothing in return if the girl does not show. But how exactly is this Devilish's problem? Isn't this Bensonnabilia's problem? I assume if he has hobbied for 35 years as claimed he knows that shit happens and neither Devilish, nor XXXtase, nor Eleganza can guarantee the responsibility of the 18-22 year old girls that they employ in being precisely on time, or even in showing up at all. They party, they get hungover, they menstruate, they have mood swings, sometimes they get pregnant, often they get into fights with their boyfriends or parents or siblings that leave them emotional wrecks and unable to work. In the Bensonnabilia model, liability for the possibility of all of these problems occurring, even though they are well known problems that frequently occur, shifts irrevocably to the agency.

However, it is isn't just the agency that is paying for Benson's folly. It is all the rest of us as well. If Chris gives Benson a few free hours because he lost 3 toilet plunge jobs due to a Devilish no show, it is not Chris that is paying it in the long run, it is all of the rest of us paying customers. When a ransom is paid to a Somali pirate, who do you think ultimately pays? It is those who buy the cargo on those ships, which are now much more expensive to insure and accordingly will be priced much higher. Similarly, if the Board pirates are allowed to use MERB to extort freebies from agencies, the cost of dealing with a small problem group of pirate hobbyists will be passed off to the regular paying customer. The cost is in many forms - excess agency resources being used to deal with problems, which resources are channeled away from giving better service to the rest of the customers who are not squeaky wheels.

A few posters here are very poor historians and forgot that we had the same problem about 4-5 years ago when, ironically, another Chris run agency, Dangerous Curves, started doling out free hours in response to MERB complaints like Dominos did with pizza on the Internet. As that practice grew, so did the number of threads articulating problems and demanding compensation. Ultimately, a small group of pirates were banned from the Board for engaging in this practice which was causing problems for the agency, MERB and paying customers who understand that shit does happen and we should not be paying for it when it happens to someone else.

Because I am not interested in supporting hobbyists who in essence are chiseling welfare payments from the hobbyist community at large, I filed a complaint with the Mods about this thread and demanded that they do everything possible to discourage this type of practice, but at the same time, I want to make it clear that nobody is prevented from posting the thread which simply informs of a problem. I saw at least one other thread where the poster kept saying the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER and that is when you know you have a pirate on your hand, and one who wants a ransom. All I am saying is, don't pay it.

Regarding WBB, I consider him a productive member of this community and I told the Mods as much and also told them it is scary when you see productive members getting the message that they should behave as the Board pirates behave. I assume that WBB read the other threads and felt that what was good for the goose is good for the gander.

Regarding Bensonnabilia, I am not calling him a pirate but rather using his own logic as an example. I do agree with one thing Benson said, which is that when I am in Montreal I don't have the pressure of lost time, because I am an out of towner on vacation. However, I still fail to see how lost time that is lost time of one's own choosing is anything other than assumption of a known risk.

To everyone, be well and don't let the Board be taken over by pirates. I also agree with Korbel or Merlot that Chris or Billy exacerbated this problem by publicly making it known that they will pay ransoms. Dealing with these issues privately I have no problem with, but announcing a policy publicly is self destructive.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
Come on....sitting around strip joints for 35 years watching girls....that is sad.....

I'll be around Cleo's on Saturday to sign your petition, just like you why don't you bring along whatever you have been banging lately...?

Then we can compare her with the last girl I banged...Anita at GEM

C'mon a bit....

Where's the review? :rolleyes:

And sorry, dude. I didn't just watch them. I took them home. And I didn't pay for it. And why the hell would I want to bring a gf who no longer has any connection to the biz to Cleo's?

And bragging about someone you banged when anyone with the inclination to spend the money could do the same is just lame.:cool:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
EagerBeaver said:
I would like to make some clarifications based on some of the subsequent commentary in this thread. There are two kinds of ways to respond to booking problems or other problems with agencies. There is the selfless way, where the poster comes on the board and makes us aware that he had a problem and what the problem was and doesn't seek anything in return. Nobody has a problem with those kinds of threads; they should be encouraged. But that is not the kind of thread we have been seeing lately.

The second kind of thread, which we have seen lately, is where the poster tells us of a problem he had, but then demands that he be compensated in some way for the problem and uses MERB and MERB members as hostages in a selfish game that hurts the community at large. For reasons that follow, I equate this game to Board piracy, much like the kind of piracy that is going on unchecked in international waters off of Somalia.

Let's take the Bensonnabilia model just as an example. He says that he does his hobbying between $90/hour jobs plunging his clients' toilets, and if he has a booking problem, he loses a lot of money and gets nothing in return if the girl does not show. But how exactly is this Devilish's problem? Isn't this Bensonnabilia's problem? I assume if he has hobbied for 35 years as claimed he knows that shit happens and neither Devilish, nor XXXtase, nor Eleganza can guarantee the responsibility of the 18-22 year old girls that they employ in being precisely on time, or even in showing up at all. They party, they get hungover, they menstruate, they have mood swings, sometimes they get pregnant, often they get into fights with their boyfriends or parents or siblings that leave them emotional wrecks and unable to work. In the Bensonnabilia model, liability for the possibility of all of these problems occurring, even though they are well known problems that frequently occur, shifts irrevocably to the agency.

However, it is isn't just the agency that is paying for Benson's folly. It is all the rest of us as well. If Chris gives Benson a few free hours because he lost 3 toilet plunge jobs due to a Devilish no show, it is not Chris that is paying it in the long run, it is all of the rest of us paying customers. When a ransom is paid to a Somali pirate, who do you think ultimately pays? It is those who buy the cargo on those ships, which are now much more expensive to insure and accordingly will be priced much higher. Similarly, if the Board pirates are allowed to use MERB to extort freebies from agencies, the cost of dealing with a small problem group of pirate hobbyists will be passed off to the regular paying customer. The cost is in many forms - excess agency resources being used to deal with problems, which resources are channeled away from giving better service to the rest of the customers who are not squeaky wheels.

A few posters here are very poor historians and forgot that we had the same problem about 4-5 years ago when, ironically, another Chris run agency, Dangerous Curves, started doling out free hours in response to MERB complaints like Dominos did with pizza on the Internet. As that practice grew, so did the number of threads articulating problems and demanding compensation. Ultimately, a small group of pirates were banned from the Board for engaging in this practice which was causing problems for the agency, MERB and paying customers who understand that shit does happen and we should not be paying for it when it happens to someone else.

Because I am not interested in supporting hobbyists who in essence are chiseling welfare payments from the hobbyist community at large, I filed a complaint with the Mods about this thread and demanded that they do everything possible to discourage this type of practice, but at the same time, I want to make it clear that nobody is prevented from posting the thread which simply informs of a problem. I saw at least one other thread where the poster kept saying the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER and that is when you know you have a pirate on your hand, and one who wants a ransom. All I am saying is, don't pay it.

Regarding WBB, I consider him a productive member of this community and I told the Mods as much and also told them it is scary when you see productive members getting the message that they should behave as the Board pirates behave. I assume that WBB read the other threads and felt that what was good for the goose is good for the gander.

Regarding Bensonnabilia, I am not calling him a pirate but rather using his own logic as an example. I do agree with one thing Benson said, which is that when I am in Montreal I don't have the pressure of lost time, because I am an out of towner on vacation. However, I still fail to see how lost time that is lost time of one's own choosing is anything other than assumption of a known risk.

Hello all,

Good post. I have to agree with everything here.

Chris seems to be the kind of guy who wants to make everything right by being generous, and that also has some good business logic to it. As I said before, there are situations of special circumstance where some compensation might be warranted. It is commendable that any agency wants to show that it is responsible and answerable to it's clients. It also makes for an opportunity for some positive free advertising. But, the negative affects in this case nullify all else. Compensation for situations typically beyond the control of the agency, and/or not leading to any actual loss of funds should not be done. This policy bows to and encourages further "piracy", and creates an inverse reward system favoring both those who might complain about the normal problems in completing bookings and deliberate pirates over straightforward and honest dealing members. Whether done publicly or privately, and eventually it all comes out, it is counterproductive regarding the relationship between agencies and clients. If any agency wants to maintain respectful relationship with it's clients it must consider how it's choices affects all clients. There was no real fault with just reporting a poor outcome. But, giving a reward to someone for one of the most obvious natural hazards of hobbying... "the cancellation" ...can only risk resentment and encourage coercion. Private or's the wrong move.

On another note: we all choose when to see escorts. If you choose to make an appointment to see a lady when you could be making money otherwise, that's your choice. Obviously, the choice is yours to live matter how it turns out.

Cheers, :cool:



Benson and Techman: your exchange of posts reminds me of that thin line between love and hate. Considering how frequently you two exchange...when's the date??? LOL!
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
bensonnobalia said:
I'll be around Cleo's on Saturday to sign your petition, just like you why don't you bring along whatever you have been banging lately...?

Then we can compare her with the last girl I banged...Anita at GEM

C'mon a bit....
Benson is this your idea of a review:rolleyes:

BTW you shouldn`t be so proud of yourself......and I`m sure you know why.... and what I`m refering to.
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
CaptRenault said:
I had some plans for the evening, so I decided to try a daytime appointment for a change. Since Jessy of MSC answers the phone earlier in the day than anyone at other good agencies, I gave her a call in the morning. I picked Quincy because of her exotic background and shapely-looking body.

Unfortunately as the time approached for our early afternoon rendezvous, I received a call from Jessy telling me in a polite, apologetic way that she could not reach Quincy because Quincy's phone was out of service. :confused: Because Jessy has a good reputation and she manages her agency well, I took her at her word and moved on. Still, it was strange that Quincy was back on the schedule the next day. I guess that, like a lot of girls, she can be capricious.

Hey Hi Cap R.,

You know, me too when I tried to reach her and it said there where no more
service to that number, I was like >>> :confused:

Quincy is working hard these days not only in this business but as well on a
personal project :) In between the two, she just forgot to go and pay the
cell bill, wich she did that morning after trying to reach me to know when
her first appointement was.

'' Un oubli '' like we say cause not only Quincy is very reliable but she is
defenitely way far from beeing capricious. Actually she was on the
lineup the same day.

Sorry again for the inconvenient :)
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