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Bose's surround sound system

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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My post seems to have slipped to the first posting on this thread!



C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
J. Peterman said:
My post seems to have slipped to the first posting on this thread! :confused:

That is kind of funny... When did you post it? The date indicates that it was posted during the night of the 11 into the 12th when clocks were springing forward. I imagine it's some server error pertaining to DST...


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
I wanted to test this out... it seems to work! The Merb clock has been corrected! Finally! It's still 2 minutes off, but I guess that's fine. Thanks Fred Zed.

Your travelling in time theory may very well be correct J.P.

Re-Edited @ 14:09 -> see for yourself!

I'm done hijacking the thread.
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Membre émérite.
Feb 10, 2006
I feel like wasting money, I should buy some Bose

Highly overrated company that manufactures inferrior audio components that fail to compete with equipment in a pricerange that undercuts many Bose products tenfold.

Paper cones (yes, speakers are made of paper and cost about $2 each!) , 'secret' frequency response, and wide gaps in the crossover dynamics make for muddy and empty sound with high distortion in the upper ranges coupled with limited bass response from the 'bass module,' which is little more than 3 small drivers (5 inches!!!) arranged in a sequence.

Bose is very often an emotional purchase by uninformed (through no fault of their own) buyers looking to buy a ‘surround sound system’ and more often than not the size of the Satellite Cubes is what seals the deal. However if you’re after genuine sonic fidelity and aren’t limited to a speaker that’s tiny, I urge you to do your research, hear multiple systems and refrain from impulse purchases, your ears and wallet will thank you.

No highs, no lows, must be Bose!


New Member
Jan 11, 2005
OK doc, probably a little over the top...

I agree with others here that Bose generally is not to be confused with high quality audio, but there are reasons why it sells so well. Bose is like audio fast food--it is tuned to have a pleasing sound to the average, untrained ear. There is nothing wrong with that! I love my Bose clock radio--overpriced, yes, but it works great and is perfect for the bedroom. Best of all it is not fattening! On the other hand, for high fidelity music (and home theater) listening, nothing compares to my Rotel/B&W set up (also overpriced)--to my ear. Home theater is different to pure music listening, in that the sonic quality is inherently limited and colored by the source--kind of like listening to a 5+1 iPod. "High fidelity" home theater is something of an oxymoron.

Sound is like color, we all perceive it slightly differently, and therefore we have varying tastes and we listen to different things. Some of the high quality speakers that others have mentioned here are indeed high quality and high fidelity--but I haven't liked the ones that I have listened to (e.g. Paradigm). That doesn't make them bad speakers!--just not my flavor.

docprostate said:
Highly overrated company that manufactures inferrior audio components that fail to compete with equipment in a pricerange that undercuts many Bose products tenfold.

However if you’re after genuine sonic fidelity and aren’t limited to a speaker that’s tiny, I urge you to do your research, hear multiple systems and refrain from impulse purchases, your ears and wallet will thank you.

No highs, no lows, must be Bose!
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