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Bruins to win in Four!!


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
One of the biggest problem s with the NHL is faking an injury to stop the play. The owners of the NHL teams are wondering why there revenues are down!!! I don’t know the lack of a profit is because players are cheating by faking an Injury. I do know this though; faking an Injury it cannot help the NHL make money!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The 'real' reason why the Bruins won, though, is Raycroft. The guy is absolutely incredible! He reminds me of Theodore two years ago in his series against these same Bruins. I have a feeling that even if Boston wouldn't have scored when they did last night, that they would have won anyway. Raycroft was in this 'zone'.....nothing was going through.


"Leafs to the Cup, Sens to the links"

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Penalty on EB

Originally posted by EagerBeaver
Larry 88,

We are talking about faking injuries to draw penalties in a crucial NHL playoff game, not about 50 and over beer leagues where macho attitudes prevail.


I for one don't appreciate your snappin' at Larry. He's relaying a scenario which fortunately is the way MOST people play the game of hockey, but I think it's obvious you wouldn't have any perception of that since I don't think you've ever laced up a pair of skates in your life, unless of course they were figure skates ;)

No hard feelings but keep the snide remarks to yourself.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I just watched parts of Julien's press conference on tv, and he himself said that you just don't stop skating/playing when you get slashed unless you hear a whistle from the referee.

Souray then asked reporters, without expecting a reply: "It's double stop skating?"

It looks like Kovalev might not have been offered a ride home after the game. He's been known to be a selfish player all his life, and continues to be. I doubt the Habs' organization will re-sign him to a new contract, which is up after this year.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
First I have played hockey for over 15 years before I have an injury that prevents me from ever lacing up again!!. But I love to watch others play the game especially my nephews. Second I don’t think that The NHL is having monetary problems because of fakers. But you’re probably right about the currency! I hope that the Canadians will be all right; they cannot operate 35%-40% loss and keep the doors open! I don’t want to see a NHL team called the Louisiana Leafs or the San Francisco Senators, or the Montana Canadians or even more ridiculous the Atlanta Flames


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I'm not disqualifying your opinion on this matter just because you never played organized hockey...I was just a little perturbed at your reply to Larry88 that's all. I should know by now not to take your posts so literally as you do have a distinct way with words..Lol.

I actually agree with you about Melrose and Smith who are both incredibly qualified as commentators/authorities on the game of hockey. You should've heard the hockey authorities on TSN giving Kovalev a ration of crap for his actions. Lol.


I disagree with you in regards to the slash non call. I've seen the replay at least 20 times now on TSN and the so called slash was very weak contact. If they're going to call every single penalty in a game it would last 8 hours. Both the Montreal coach and Sheldon Souray were exactly right in what they said. Kovalev should NOT have just stopped and tried to "get a call", and the Habs got what they deserved for Kovalev's foolishness.

I'm pretty disgusted in both Ribiero and Kovalev's actions. Kovalev though has more than likely cost the Habs the series.

Though I do hope they win tomorrow night so I can see the Bruins beat them live at the BC on Saturday night :)

Take care,


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Kovalev made a very poor decision and THAT is the bottom line. If it weren't for his Oscar nominating acting job (He'd have won the Oscar if a penalty was called) and his running into Souray this conversation would never had existed. I blame nobody but Kovalev.


Ps..He should watch where he's skating next time he fakes an injury ;)


Hairy One....
Mar 30, 2004
East Side YUL
Cant we all just agree that the Bruins are better...and deserve it more. If I wanted acting like Kovalev, and Ribero, I'd watch wrestling. This whole discussion, my friends, is why hockey has gone to the dumps. Bring back the early 80's (thats all I remember). All sports are like this....what would you guys say if you followed soccer.....they all drop like flies. Enjoy it for what it is... and don't take it too's a sport after all.

.....oh ya....habs suck...GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
SL The main problem with baseball is due to one person George Steinbrenner!!!

As for hockey being the quickest game I agree with SL. In high school I played both football and Ice hockey for a large school division 1 program. My football team was one of the best in the state we won the state championship (Super bowl). I was in my top physical condition in the fall but on the first day of ice hockey I threw up and was not in the top condition I thought I was in. Hockey is a very fast sport and you have the least amount of time to make a good decision or a bad. Hockey is a game of instincts or anticipation. You have to skate hard keep your head up and stick down and anticipate what your team member is going to do as well as your opponent. You can still understand hockey if you have never laced them up! Playing the game for years or those 5:30 am practices on a Saturday morning, summer training camps does help make you a little more aware of the game. . God I miss being on the ice and the sound of the Zamboni going by.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I believe if the Bruins win this series they will likely play Philadelphia.

TB being the highest seed will play the next lowest seed to advance which would be NJ, Ottawa, or Toronto. I don't foresee NJ coming back from the 3-1 series deficit.

Bruins vs. Ottawa in the Eastern Conference Finals is my prediction.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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God I'm going to have to eat my words. Yes I am a loyal Habs fan but Raycroft has taken control of the series and Theodore isn't there. The Canadians have played great hockey but he hasn't made the saves he needs to make to win. Hats off to the Bruins, they have done exactly what they have to to wina series.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
The Bruins are playing like there will be no hockey next year! Waite there will be no hockey next year!!! Go bruins this might be your last chance to win the Cup!! The B’s need only 13 more wins baby!!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Classy Bruins Fans!!

The Bruins themselves didn't look very good tonight, extremely undisciplined play by their Captain and the Habs took advantage of the opportunities they had. Consolation being that I will be able to hopefully see the B's beat the Habs in Montreal on Saturday night.

I hope Canadien fans that watched the game on CBC took notice of the classy response the Boston fans had to the singing of the Canadian National Anthem. They cheered enthusiastically throughout the whole anthem. If only the Montreal fans had as much class.



Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
The Bruins simply got out played last night !!They looked even worse than The Canadiens in game one!!

Originally posted by leglover

Actually Montreal fans do have class. And not only class but also political understanding! That is why they can distinguish between an arogant/agressive/wild foreign policy from a peacful one.
Have you ever asked yourself why you are not as popular as before in the world?

Come one are we going to bring foreign diplomacy in a hockey game!! This is not an anti US thread! It a bruins Canadeins thread!! And for your information; radio and TV stations asked the fans of Boston to be bigger than the fans of Montréal. We are pissed off down here, about the booing!!! As you should be, if we were doing it to you!!!! please stick to hockey or start another thread!!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I didn't have the opportunity to see Leglover's post either as he must have decided to delete it after EB laid into him. Here's the quoted part I found on Willapd's post.

Originally posted by leglover

"Actually Montreal fans do have class. And not only class but also political understanding! That is why they can distinguish between an arogant/agressive/wild foreign policy from a peacful one.
Have you ever asked yourself why you are not as popular as before in the world?"

I agree with Willy that this should not turn into a foreign policy bashing thread, but I will say that I lost alot of respect for Montreal hockey fans after their display in games 3 & 4.

Leglover, how do you think it feels to the families of those men & women in the Middle East fighting so hard for the United States, when they hear the people of Montreal jeering the US National Anthem?

Whether people approve of the war or not those kids overseas are just doing their job and their families don't deserve to hear it from classless hockey fans.

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