To answer the question about cars. No i don't own one, i don't own a liscence, never pursued one either. Never liked driving. I tried it a bit for a while with family members and honestly i just feel super unease at driving.
I can stll go around with something else that work pretty good wich is call my legs

Joke aside, living in a small town i can go from both side of towns from east to west and north to south on foot. I taught a few times of buying a scooter, cause the liscence for that is very minimal (you do not need a car liscence) but it would need to be stored in Winter. Maybe ill do it one day.
Before that i would use the long distance bus or when it comes to Montreal services like amigo express and at times bus too. Bus is off limit now wich sucks a bit but to be totally fair, i don't crave Montreal much right now. I mean yeah going there to meet was always the principal driving force, but i also enjoyed music shows, arcades and such and even if they were open and i was vaccinated, like i said i am against the vacccine passeport concept AND i have no interest to go to an arcade bar if its to keep a mask on all the time. And who knows what crazy restrictions they had concerning the cabinet (i mean, do you need to sanitarize every single time you switch?)
When it comes to traffic lights and such, its nowhere near the concept of vaccine passeport im sorry. Without lights and stops traffic would be impossible and they been there pretty much since driving a car became a thing. Limiting where one person may go base on a POTENTIAL medical status is completely different. If im positive to have covid etc im more than fine to isolate 2 weeks and be denied going into places. But being denied base on a potential IF i may have it, thats wrong. And even if i do become infected and heal up, i could still not go because i don't have the right papers, despite natural immunity being valid for at least a few months. Anyway this is just a huge shitshow plain and simple.
And finally regarding a sentence written above
Ouf, thank god

But as you previously stated, besides this hiccup, yes HM's posts usually portray him as a fairly decent and ok guy.
Thats something that kinda frustrate me. The governement and the media did such a great job on turning peoples against anybody that is against vaccine passeport, mandates and over the top measures that now these statements make this person question my status as being decent and ok.
I am really as straight forward as it comes in life. Some of you both clients and SP who met me knows the type of guy i am. Im just a generic dude who enjoy entertainement like video games, movies, music, and live a simple life overall. I never been someone to be part of conspiracy theory or q-anon or whatever these groups are. If anything i had a friend a few years back wich was high on that stuff and i always laugh at the crazy stuff he would tell me. He was a gamer buddy, not a super close friend, but when we game it was fun. Its just at times with this stuff it would make me roll my eyes. But now im seen as something like that by some folks just because i have my own opinions on something.
I may be a question prone person, but i am not a nutjob. Was Covid really a natural virus that evolved? Maybe. Was it leak accidentaly out of Wuham's lab? Maybe, i dunno. Hell could it had been leak on purpose? MAYBE... I DO NOT KNOW and there is no proof of anything. At this point i don't even really care that much. All i want is the world to go back to what it was, with all the liberties and rights i had before ! And im old enough and wise enough to take care of my own health, i don't need Daddy Legault to prevent me from going to a bar in Montreal where everybody is stockpile on each other while there is multiple thousands new cases a day. Im smart enough to know it wouldn't be a good idea.
There is that public personality Guylaine something who said not long ago in the media she loves to be told what to do, to be control, it make it easier for us, something like that. Reading this made me go "yikesss". WTF ! She does not want to think by herself?
Anyway i could go on and on on this matter.