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Bye bye Cinema, Bars, StripClubs or others... vaccinated or not ! Im laughing HARD !


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
like you I have read many books, historical and fiction on both world wars and yes there were many that volunteered, young men tend to be brave and foolish and I would dare say many once reality hit them in the face on the front lines would have had a change of heart.
Many brave men died on all sides as the average person doing all the dying believed all the hype from the politicians.

There would be far less wars, revolutions etc…. If the politicians were the first ones thrust into the front lines.
I remember my parents telling me that most of the young Russian soldiers rolling in to countries like Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, didn’t even have a clue which country they were in or why and what they were fighting for.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Got a notice today. They are allowed 25 people in lessons. And private lessons still available
Confirmed by 2 different gyms
I called again to confirm at 3 gyms I go to and they all said they are closed until further notice, including open mats. I'm very surprised your gyms are still open? Open mat only I'm guessing?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Get a puppy. Your life will be changed
Tell that those who had their livelihood affected by government lockdowns. Moving on for someone who likes to compare authoritarianism to law and order here is one for you. About traffic lights. I always said that traffic lights are often unnecessary and are nothing more then a nuisance. Authoritarians usually like to add more rules and restrictions for design failures or mismanagement much like the government always does. Example imagine waiting for a light to turn green in the middle of the night for close to 5 minutes and there are no cars. That was my reality. I used to go this stripclub called Aramis in Salaberry de Valleyfield and that street the club was on right after I left the light would remain red for a good ten minutes yet there were no cars, needless to say I started running the red light. Authoritarians like people to follow rules even if it is not needed like these lockdowns for covid. The problem with your comparison is "If it is no big deal to do something" then "it is no big deal to not do something".

Traffic lights can be replaced by traffic circles and they work so well far better then any traffic light. Cars share the roads with bicycles and pedestrians... No signs, no lights, no signage and data confirms there are far less accidents and traffic moves much more smoothly. Who knows why they keep on using traffic lights in North America? I guess the love of authoritarianism. I never believed in seatbelt laws either but not in their ability to save lives but it is not the place of government to force people to wear them. People should know better if they decide to not wear it is on them if they get into an accident. Why no laws against cigarettes? How many deaths cigarettes are alone responsible for? Ohh but government makes lots of money off them with taxes. Maybe that has something to do with it. Well here is the article on traffic lights.



Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I called again to confirm at 3 gyms I go to and they all said they are closed until further notice, including open mats. I'm very surprised your gyms are still open? Open mat only I'm guessing?
One is definitely open with group classes…illegally? Not sure. Did not question. The other is mats only. I used the punching bag there.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
@Fradi and @EagerBeaver You guys are going to far with your thoughts. OP only reads comic books. In his mind. Captain America and Red Skull fight. No one ever dies. They just get at it again in the next issue.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
To answer the question about cars. No i don't own one, i don't own a liscence, never pursued one either. Never liked driving. I tried it a bit for a while with family members and honestly i just feel super unease at driving.

I can stll go around with something else that work pretty good wich is call my legs :p Joke aside, living in a small town i can go from both side of towns from east to west and north to south on foot. I taught a few times of buying a scooter, cause the liscence for that is very minimal (you do not need a car liscence) but it would need to be stored in Winter. Maybe ill do it one day.

Before that i would use the long distance bus or when it comes to Montreal services like amigo express and at times bus too. Bus is off limit now wich sucks a bit but to be totally fair, i don't crave Montreal much right now. I mean yeah going there to meet was always the principal driving force, but i also enjoyed music shows, arcades and such and even if they were open and i was vaccinated, like i said i am against the vacccine passeport concept AND i have no interest to go to an arcade bar if its to keep a mask on all the time. And who knows what crazy restrictions they had concerning the cabinet (i mean, do you need to sanitarize every single time you switch?)

When it comes to traffic lights and such, its nowhere near the concept of vaccine passeport im sorry. Without lights and stops traffic would be impossible and they been there pretty much since driving a car became a thing. Limiting where one person may go base on a POTENTIAL medical status is completely different. If im positive to have covid etc im more than fine to isolate 2 weeks and be denied going into places. But being denied base on a potential IF i may have it, thats wrong. And even if i do become infected and heal up, i could still not go because i don't have the right papers, despite natural immunity being valid for at least a few months. Anyway this is just a huge shitshow plain and simple.

And finally regarding a sentence written above

Ouf, thank god ;)
But as you previously stated, besides this hiccup, yes HM's posts usually portray him as a fairly decent and ok guy.

Thats something that kinda frustrate me. The governement and the media did such a great job on turning peoples against anybody that is against vaccine passeport, mandates and over the top measures that now these statements make this person question my status as being decent and ok.

I am really as straight forward as it comes in life. Some of you both clients and SP who met me knows the type of guy i am. Im just a generic dude who enjoy entertainement like video games, movies, music, and live a simple life overall. I never been someone to be part of conspiracy theory or q-anon or whatever these groups are. If anything i had a friend a few years back wich was high on that stuff and i always laugh at the crazy stuff he would tell me. He was a gamer buddy, not a super close friend, but when we game it was fun. Its just at times with this stuff it would make me roll my eyes. But now im seen as something like that by some folks just because i have my own opinions on something.

I may be a question prone person, but i am not a nutjob. Was Covid really a natural virus that evolved? Maybe. Was it leak accidentaly out of Wuham's lab? Maybe, i dunno. Hell could it had been leak on purpose? MAYBE... I DO NOT KNOW and there is no proof of anything. At this point i don't even really care that much. All i want is the world to go back to what it was, with all the liberties and rights i had before ! And im old enough and wise enough to take care of my own health, i don't need Daddy Legault to prevent me from going to a bar in Montreal where everybody is stockpile on each other while there is multiple thousands new cases a day. Im smart enough to know it wouldn't be a good idea.

There is that public personality Guylaine something who said not long ago in the media she loves to be told what to do, to be control, it make it easier for us, something like that. Reading this made me go "yikesss". WTF ! She does not want to think by herself?

Anyway i could go on and on on this matter.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The problem with that is the plane ain’t going to fly itself.
We now have self operating cars and I think it will not be long before we have a computer operated commercial aircraft. Very likely they will use the voice of Hal on 2001: A Space Odyssey to reassure travelers on any problems that occur during the flight.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Actually @Halloween Mike you lost any sense of decency when you started this thread and called it: bye bye gyms bars etc. I AM LAUGHING HARD.
Where you maybe did not think about the people this affects. Not only business owners. But single people for who these places were an outlet. You talk about the media turning people against people. You did that all by yourself.
so if you want to laugh at peoples misfortunes . Then expect people to laugh at yours.

Stan Smith

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Actually @Halloween Mike you lost any sense of decency when you started this thread and called it: bye bye gyms bars etc. I AM LAUGHING HARD.
Where you maybe did not think about the people this affects. Not only business owners. But single people for who these places were an outlet. You talk about the media turning people against people. You did that all by yourself.
so if you want to laugh at peoples misfortunes . Then expect people to laugh at yours.
Especially the non vaxx irresponsables amongs us.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Actually @Halloween Mike you lost any sense of decency when you started this thread and called it: bye bye gyms bars etc. I AM LAUGHING HARD.
Where you maybe did not think about the people this affects. Not only business owners. But single people for who these places were an outlet. You talk about the media turning people against people. You did that all by yourself.
so if you want to laugh at peoples misfortunes . Then expect people to laugh at yours.

What make me laugh is you guys comply, did everything they told you to do, and yet you end up in a similar situation as i am. Its sad for the business owners, im not happy to see restaurants and bars etc go bankrup. The issue is these industry NEED TO STAND UP. If every restaurants said "screw Legault" and all opened anyway, there wouldn't be enough police to arrest everybody. The main issue is so far Quebec has been overall sleepy sheeps. La population du Quebec dors au Gaz comme on dit. They seem to enjoy this crap and is not willing to protest massively and dare i say it RIOT for it.

So ultimately im laughing at the peoples who so far has demonize us, made us look like the bad guys, who taught if they comply they would get rewarded. Im not laughing at the business owners misfortune. This remind me of some movies i saw where a dude betray his own because he expect a reward or position of power and ultimately the villain just execute him anyway with the rest of the peoples he betrayed. Basically your compliance and unwillingless to fight for freedom and liberty end up bitting you back.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Especially the non vaxx irresponsables amongs us.
Why because the Vaccine has proven to be super effective? Not even sure it should be called a Vaccine in the first place. Maybe an immunity booster for COVID or something but Vaccine seems a bit too much for it. It is a bit comical how they would always emphasize that we should get the Vaccine even though it is doing nothing to stop the spread and yet that Passport is still in existence. Do not be afraid to look at reality, even if you do not like it. This Vaccine is not the solution, so stop imposing it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
What make me laugh is you guys comply, did everything they told you to do, and yet you end up in a similar situation as i am. Its sad for the business owners, im not happy to see restaurants and bars etc go bankrup. The issue is these industry NEED TO STAND UP. If every restaurants said "screw Legault" and all opened anyway, there wouldn't be enough police to arrest everybody. The main issue is so far Quebec has been overall sleepy sheeps. La population du Quebec dors au Gaz comme on dit. They seem to enjoy this crap and is not willing to protest massively and dare i say it RIOT for it.

So ultimately im laughing at the peoples who so far has demonize us, made us look like the bad guys, who taught if they comply they would get rewarded. Im not laughing at the business owners misfortune. This remind me of some movies i saw where a dude betray his own because he expect a reward or position of power and ultimately the villain just execute him anyway with the rest of the peoples he betrayed. Basically your compliance and unwillingless to fight for freedom and liberty end up bitting you back.
Poor HM, I understand that you have time to write long comments, because you are not vaccinated.

I agree with Flyingby so much, and actually you pity me.

I had a good meal with a friend, it was a real delight. Ah yes you can't.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Poor HM, I understand that you have time to write long comments, because you are not vaccinated.

I agree with Flyingby so much, and actually you pity me.

I had a good meal with a friend, it was a real delight. Ah yes you can't.

Maybe its actually that i am in my 30s, i have a pretty good computer and i type fast? ;)

You had a great meal with a friend? Great. I can't? Baaahhh. Wrong. I did recently too. Only difference is we got it delivered. Oh no... i couldn't go sit in a restaurant where peoples talk loud, where i got to wait on someone to bring me ketchup, wait again to pay yada yada yada. Knows what? I rather eat that meal at home, in the comfort of my appartement. Enjoy your restaurant while you can because they closing soon, along a curfew again. Likely december 26. We know Legault, we know his answer to panic is always the same one.

I watched Matrix Resurection yesterday and it was actually better than in theatre. I was able to drink a few beers, go to the bathroom when i want, not endure annoying "kids" (or young adult) talking and slurping their coke. Maybe more movie will release at home as same time as theatre now that its going so badly. I think Matrix was supose to be the last one from WB/HBO but i wouldn't be surprised if they delayed movies again or allow a dual release.

So things are not that bad. Its more about taking a stance for a principle.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
HM. I won’t quote you. Too long
But that is life in society. Certain rules. Or else it’s anarchy
If you worked. Paid taxes. Contributed. Maybe you would understand that.
what you are suggesting is pitiful. A disgrace to what is right

in your theory. Do whatever the hell we want. If a girl is cute. Rape her. Rape all of them. Not enough police to do anything. If a store has what I want. Rob them all. Not enough police to do anything

Your latest post. You watched matrix. You didn’t pay. You stole it

living in society is trying to ensure certain rules are in place.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What is your solution?
The solution is to let it spread like the way it happens in nature. You who claims to be a scientist should know better, all diseases progress peak then go down as the population adapts. The population will build immunity. Currently what the government is doing, yo-yo between locking down and reopening and implementing authoritarian measures is a fail and so is their vaccine is my definition of insanity. Insanity as defined by Albert Einstein "“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
What is your solution?
I am sure you are aware that some people have lost their jobs because of the Vaccine mandate. The logic behind was that the Vaccine stops the spread of the Virus, well because the Vaccine weakens it. Now we know that to be wrong or at least not very accurate. Did this government recognize that mistake and backed off? No, they are still going and trying to blame the Non Vaccinated, like if they were the ones partying, going to restaurants, Bars, theaters, etc... We have such limited activities, that blaming us is only a coward move. What you saw as a solution has created a new problem without solving the old one. You think that logic needs to continue? I do not know what the solution is, but I am certain that this is not.
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