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Complaint - Nadya's VIP - About bad Booking experience


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Booking problems do not belong in review threads unless the rendezvous has taken place despite the difficulties.

Well then, moliere's post and the pitiful response given by Nadya should be erased from Liloo's review thread.

Mod 8, I am not trying to corner you here, simply trying to find a solution. We all know that the lounge is not read by many people. May I suggest that spacecadet has a better solution: allowing agency reviews in the review section.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

There have never been agency reviews on MERB and we are not about to start now. Part of the reason for this is that everyone will have a different experience due to various factors, some such as traffic, weather or accomadation problems that are out of the agency's control. There is also the booker, the driver and the girl you see that all play a part in a successful encounter. Some of these factors change from time to time, sometimes during any particular day. All of this can be dealt with in the review of the lady when it is posted. And, as I said previously, there is always the Lounge for other subjects or problems.

For those who do not read the Lounge, I suggest that they simply click on NEW POSTS when visiting the board and you will have a list of all the threads with new posts made since your last visit. It is much more useful than visiting each section of the board individually. If members actually took some time to learn how to make MERB work well for them, and to read the rules and guidelines now and then, maybe they would find this community much more useful and user friendly. They would also be a lot less ignorant in regards to what happens here on MERB. But of course, that would take some effort on the part of members which seems to be too much to expect.



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
To the mods:

I can understand you guys saying that a complaint against the agency shouldn't be made in a thread pertaining to a particular SP of that agency. So how about us opening a new thread in regards to the agency itself (in the review section)?

MERB should be about reviewing both the SPs *and* their respective agencies (if applicable). If one review against a shady agency is enough to avoid all other users from making the same mistake, then I'm all for it. As mods, I'd think you'd want to protect the users of your site in every possible way. Unless of course you're worried about losing advertisers as a result....

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Thank you for bringing that point up. Yes, agencies can respond in the Lounge. In a review thread, agency responses must be limited and approved by a moderator for anything beyond one single post. In the Lounge they may respond as they wish.

Ok perfect, I wasnt aware the lounge was the section to discuss this. Thanks
BTW, are agency reps or owners allowed replies to such a discussion?
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Most of your post has already been answered. There is no reason to review an agency and the lady you see separately. As for shady agencies, we have the bait and switch thread for them. Mods do not concern ourselves with advertising on MERB. We are not paid and whether there is 1 advertiser here or 1000, it makes no difference to us.

To the mods:

I can understand you guys saying that a complaint against the agency shouldn't be made in a thread pertaining to a particular SP of that agency. So how about us opening a new thread in regards to the agency itself (in the review section)?

MERB should be about reviewing both the SPs *and* their respective agencies (if applicable). If one review against a shady agency is enough to avoid all other users from making the same mistake, then I'm all for it. As mods, I'd think you'd want to protect the users of your site in every possible way. Unless of course you're worried about losing advertisers as a result....


Nov 18, 2011

There have never been agency reviews on MERB and we are not about to start now. Part of the reason for this is that everyone will have a different experience due to various factors, some such as traffic, weather or accomadation problems that are out of the agency's control. There is also the booker, the driver and the girl you see that all play a part in a successful encounter. Some of these factors change from time to time, sometimes during any particular day.

Well Mod 8 , Everything you mention here is what makes an `Agency ` , booker, driver, assistant etc... That's why its an Agency and not an independant. So the agency owner should be accountable for anything their staff does, on any given day. These factors are partly why we book with certain agencies and not with others. So in my opinion, reviewing them is not a bad idea. It isnt the client's fault or problem if the agency has an incompetent individual working for them, it is the agency's responsibility just like any other business. If a customer has a bad experience at a certain store with a particular employee that didnt do their job properly, this customer can voice their opinion on appropriate review boards and will mention the company as a whole not the particular individual.
Basically all I'm saying is that if a problem occurs with any part of a booking with an agency, they are responsible 100%. They hired the personel, their problem. Not the client left hanging.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Yes, spacecadet, and all those things can be dealt with in one review, the one posted after seeing a lady. There is absolutely no reason to have a separate review for the agency apart from the review of the lady. What's next? A section to review bookers and drivers? I can see it now..."everything was perfect but the driver got stuck due to construction and arrived an hour late so I give him a poor rating".

What people seem to want is a section to post their complaints as there is no other reason I can see for an 'Agency Review Section' on MERB. Complaints can be dealt with in the Lounge when an appointment goes wrong to the point that no meeting occurs. Everything else can be included in the review of the session.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Thanks for the responses Mod 8. I see all the complications it brings.

In a review thread, agency responses must be limited and approved by a moderator for anything beyond one single post.

At some point, it comes to a case to case basis. I was more preoccupied by the specific response by Nadya, a pitiful one as probably everyone agrees. I see no reason to approve that answer. Not only did she not answer the main complaint by moliere, that of not calling back after moving the client miles away, but she insults him.

BTW, I am all with moliere on this: I think she posted bullshit about the girl not wanting to go at this hotel.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Je n'ai pas tout lu le thread encore, je le ferai plus tard se soir. Je vais juste coller ce que j'ai dit dans l'autre topic en réponse à l'auteur de celui-ci, je le re-poste ici car certain semblent ne pas comprendre le pourquoi de mon intervention.

Les merbistes SAVENT ce qui s'est passé car j'ai laissé le review de moliere et la réponse de Nadya, les membres croiront bien la version qu'ils veulent ensuite. Le reste qui s'en est suivit n'avait aucunement sa place dans le topic de revues de Liloo. La manière dont Nadya traite les clients n'influence en rien le service d'une de ses filles. Elle aurait pu s'excuser, elle ne l'a pas fait certes, mais est-ce nécessaire de garder toutes ses réponses pour le prouver? Pourquoi donner plus de corde à quelqu'un seulement pour qu'il puisse mieux se pendre avec? Avec sa réponse, elle s'est tiré dans le pied, le mal est déjà fait. Garder un tel dérapage du sujet original n'avait aucune raison de rester public.

Pour le lounge, je vois qu'il a déjà 2 pages. J'ignore comment les membres lisent MERB, mais quant à moi; je regarde les "new posts" donc j'ai accès à toutes les sections en même temps. J'imagine que certains lisent des sections précises mais je ne crois pas que se soit la majorité.

Assez de off-topic! Je voulais simplement clarifier le fait que je n'ai rien censuré, ce que j'ai effacé n'avait rien de pertinent concernant Liloo. Pire; il n'y avait rien de nouveau dans les commentaires que j'ai enlevés qui aurait pu se différencier des commentaires originaux. Ce n'était que du répétage, de l'enfonçage dans le trouble et du sortage de topic.


If any of you would like to read it in english, just let me know; i'll translate it later.

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Have you noticed that no one has ever requested an Agency Review section after posting a good review? This subject only comes up after someone has a problem and is not pleased with the explanation the agency has provided. As that is the case, any such section would become a 'bash the agency' section. Agencies who regularly provide good and excellent service would receive no commendations there and those with the occasional problem would be tarred and feathered.

How many people do you think would bother to post a good agency review after a pleasant encounter? I would say either very, very few or none. They would simply post their review and move on. Those who did post good agency reviews would be accused of either being a shill or of sucking up to the agency for preferential treatment.

We would also run into the problem of people posting their SP reviews under the agency thread in that section. This would lead to other discussions and complaints when such reviews would be deleted as they surely would be. People would be bitching about having to post two reviews, one for the agency and one for the SP. It would just never end.


Thanks for the responses Mod 8. I see all the complications it brings.

At some point, it comes to a case to case basis. I was more preoccupied by the specific response by Nadya, a pitiful one as probably everyone agrees. I see no reason to approve that answer. Not only did she not answer the main complaint by moliere, that of not calling back after moving the client miles away, but she insults him.

BTW, I am all with moliere on this: I think she posted bullshit about the girl not wanting to go at this hotel.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Mod 8, as I said before, I think you have made very valuable arguments and I agree with you. Thanks for taking the time to make them.

Mod 10, your last post is exactly what many of us were waiting for. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
La seule raison de l'effacement est le fait que le review thread doit resté review thread à quelques exceptions près. Aucun rapport avec le fait que c'est posts effacés n'avaient pas de valeurs.

Je crois que l'idée d'un thread dans le Lounge est mieux que rien comme j'ai dit surtout si on peut le lier dans le thread où tout à commencer. Et jusqu'à date, y a une bonne participation.

Donc pour être selon la norme, il faut faire un review de la fille ou un non review car le gars finalement allait voir Liloo et qui est associé qu'elle le veuille ou non à cette agence, mais qu'il n'a finalement pas vu. Le meilleur et le seul endroit selon moi pour bien faire connaitre sa frustration d'un mauvais booking est dans le thread de la fille qu'il allait voir. D'ailleur, j'ai noté quelques thread qui démarre par une mauvaise expérience de booking sans qu'il y ait eu de post de review en tant que tel avant un bout...

Une fois la mauvaise aventure concernant le booking exposé, l'agence en cause à droit à une seule réponse... La suite et bien, faut ça se fasse soit en privé ou soit dans un autre thread... Pour laissé le review de la fille en question "clean" ...
Il est clair qu'en exposant une aussi mauvaise expérience en détail, ça va nécéssairement faire des flamèches et c'est ÉVIDENT que un post ne sera pas assez. Il y a trop de chose qui ont été laissé en suspens. Ça ne pouvait pas resté comme ça.
De plus, C'est évident que ce n'est pas avec un seul POST que les gens se font une idée clair... Même principe que les reviews...

C'est clair aussi que le plus facile, sur des sujets qui suscitent une telle "passion" c'est de répondre là où ça origne, tandis que le fer est chaud et n'avez-vous pas dit que d'habitude, ce genre de discussion de dure pas?... Donc c'est clair que la majorité des interventions vont être effacer à moins que le thread du lounge se crée rapidement.

Pour moi l'idée du thread dans le lounge, c'est acceptable...

Mais svp n'aller pas dire que ce que les gens ont écrit, et qui a été effacé, n'avait pas de valeur et ne devait pas rester public et que c'était du répétage et blablabla...

Quand un thread de review contient 10 page de review, tu me crois tu quand je te dis qu'il y a du répétage en crime? Mais ce répétage est important pkoi? Parce que si 100 personnes ont aimé et 12 non, la quantité pèse dans la blance...

C'est aussi la quantité d'interventions, de gens qui relatent des expériences similaires avec la même agence ou qui ne font que donner leur support qui font que ça va peut-être faire changer le comportement de l'agence et ce pour le mieux. L'équation est simple non?

Si pleins de gens expriment qu'ils n'ont pas aimé l'attitude de l'agence, je pense que ça peut faire la différence.
Donc ce ne sont pas des posts sans valeurs! Au contraire, mais ils ne sont pas les bienvenue dans ton thread de review... Donc étant donné que tu es le responsable du review thread, ton sens des valeurs n'est pas le même que pour nous il semble. Mais d'un autre côté, tu as agis "by the book". Mais tu aurais pu t'en tenir à une seule raison, soit c'est du OFF-TOPIC... Point à la ligne... Donc on efface tout ce que tu juges off-topics (Ayant de la valeur ou non)...

C'est certains que l'expérience de booking fait partie de la game. Ça se fait dans presque TOUS les threads de review. Les gens se plaignent qu'ils n'arrivent pas à booker et d'autres en rajoute... Plus récemment, celui de Krystal et Talyssa de Agence Diamondz... Mais aussitôt que ça part en peur, bin faut dégager ailleurs... Cé correct je suppose même si les gens se font wiper leur posts "Sans valeurs"...

Anyway, si ça continue, va falloir ou bien changer le titre du thread ou bien réouvrir et lier le thread sur "...trop de moédration..." ;)
Comme ça, va y avoir 3 couches de thread pour garder une soit disante propreté dans les threads :)



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Mod8, we don't need to post good review of the agency!
Cause we are allowed to post it in the review thread of the Girl!!! this time.
Actually, Good review of a girl is good review of the agency by extension.
It is very common to have people to express their good booking experience in addition to the review of the girl.
For Mike at GG, many congradulate him for his great attitude even after they did a bad review of the girl... But all this in the review thread.

When you have a good booking experience, this is because you met the girl, so you wont see a review of a good booking experience without a girls review.
But the bad booking is because you did not see the girl but the importance to denounce this is still there... but now, it must be elsewhere... well depending how much people will participate to the discussion and how many will repeat blablabla.

100 people saying Mike your the best is OK. 100 people saying Mike your NOT OK, well, we'll never see this since 99 will get deleted...

Well, actually, when you think about that, the good reason to get the complaints of agency out of the way is because when it becomes more & more hostile, it brings bad atmosphere in the pour girl's thread and really it becomes more obvious at that time that it does not belong to there anymore...

Bad review of girls is OK to put many as long as we don't stick too long on one subject after like her weight, stretch marks, prices etc... For bad booking, it's the same. We can relate some bad experience once in a while but not going crazy about it... Sometime it makes sense to just move the discussion away...

This is clear to me, that Bad booking experience is part of the review. It is more related to the Agency but the girls review thread is the way to join the agency publically.
But if reply to such experience goes too far, it has to move away... The lounge is the good place I guess...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
And Mods, you should know me now :)
You know I don't like people getting ban etc...
You should know by now, I don't like people inoffensive comments to get deleted without notice.
Actually, in Liloo thread, not much posts have been deleted.
On my opinion, everything would have been more correct to do what Mod 8 almost did in Liloo's thread, i.e. warn that Off-topic msg will get deleted (not banned ;) ) and leave what has been said there... and suggest to continue in the lounge.
But NOT deleting what was already said. Even, if there was two answers rather than one.
But don't get me wrong, I agree, it was enough at some point in this thread.
My only concerns is all those valuable comments that have been deleted without notice.
Or at least, give sometime to people to start a new thread and move their post...



New Member
Jul 30, 2011
REVIEW threads are for the posting and discussion of reviews. All other subjects are off topic and in future will be removed without notice. IF any member has something to discuss that does not pertain to a review in a REVIEW thread, do it in the LOUNGE where it belongs.

Does that also apply to independants? Its very common to have people complain about bad booking or missed appointments in their review thread. Of course, in that case the woman herself is responsible for the booking, but the principle is the same and according to the rule it should be dealt with in private.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello everyone,

The reason the discussion was terminated in the review thread was that it was a REVIEW thread. As the appointment did not happen, for whatever reason, it had nothing at all to do with Liloo's service. As no service was rendered by Liloo no review of her service is possible. As such is the case, the discussion had no business in a REVIEW thread of any particular lady. This not the first time an appointment was cancelled or went awry for any agency and we have consistantly warned members not to have such discussions in review threads. If members continue to conduct such discussions in REVIEW threads, the posts will be removed and they will not be moved to another thread.

Mod 8


When I first read this I said, maybe. Now it don't buy this rationale at all.

My understanding has always been this board is about the escorting experience. That includes anything connected to fulfilling a meeting. Seeing an agency escort means dealing with the agency, and so anything that happens in dealing with any part of that experience from the agency, driver, escort, hotel access,...before...during...and after is perfectly legitimate review subject matter.

Your view also contradicts what has been allowed. In my own reviews in the last few years I always tell a story starting with the call to book the lady and how smoothly or not everything went from that point on. Why no objections to any of that. Sure you can say the meeting took place so it's a review in the way you define it. But that's the point too. The meeting can't take place without everything preceding it.

Had Liloo made it to the room and everything then fell apart it has always been acceptable to write about this kind of event as a warning to other hobbyists. Since that meeting depends on the arrival process, how then, once arrangements were set, is it not appropriate to talk about the cause of the failure to meet. Doesn't it inform hobbyists that there is a risk their time and payment for a room might be wasted. Isn't the hobbyist benefiting by being able to know the possible risks. Really Mod8, especially for any traveling hobbyist who can't get to Montreal much, such a waste of time and effort would cost a night's lost opportunity altogether. That make this kind of episode very relevant.

Frankly I don't see how you're rule against "agency reviews" is connected to what Moliere wrote in the first place. He did not review an agency. He told a detailed brief story of what happened to him. He may have made some erroneous emotional conclusion about the agency at the end, but a description about one experience with a lady is still NOT an agency review. If that were the case then anything positive or negative related to an agency escort could be called an agency review. That kind of definition gives the moderators too much leeway to delete based on very broad and flexible terms that could eliminate any mention of an escort.

It was also your choice, mods, to leave Nadya's response on the board in the review section that has helped make all of this legitimate. The main part of the story is there and so is Nadya's response. How can you split hairs like that and leave the story in the review section then expect everyone to talk about it in the lounge. Not that moving it now makes any difference.

Moliere went through a lot of effort and time to make this meeting happen...AND...on the agency's terms. But all that happened is he was left hanging, according to him, with no response that night to let him know what was going on. Now he gets a curt "it was canceled" notice on the board with an explanation of the escort comfort that contradicts why he was put through all of this effort. Moliere deserves an explanation of why the agency put him through this effort then left him high and dry.

I agree that a real agency review is not justifiable. It would require the review to be credible on more comprehensive variable factors than anyone could believe he has accounted for. But what Moliere wrote was not an agency review. He described a singular episode...that's all.

My only concerns is all those valuable comments that have been deleted without notice.
Or at least, give sometime to people to start a new thread and move their post...


Unless the mods have good cause to suspect with some certainty that the member has a shady agenda or is lying, no honest comments that help other members should ever be deleted...and should stay in their proper thread context where other members looking for a successful meeting can be warned and have better information to help them avoid wasting their time and money by being able to locate relevant information through the least possible effort and with the closet possible subject connection.

"Does that also apply to independants?" - Siocnarf

Good point.



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Your post 34 actually proves my point. People do not want or need an Agency review section, they want an Agency complaint section. This is simply not going to happen. There is no problem in posting such threads in the Lounge but no special section will be created for this purpose. A bad booking experience or other problems can be detailed in a review when the client has actually seen the SP and there is something to review, even if she was refused at the door. If the client has not seen the SP face to face, there is nothing to review and the details belong in the Lounge.

The thing is that this subject has come up numerous times in the past. One person has a bad experience and then the entire review thread is taken off topic. We clean it up, post warnings, sometimes even close the thread for a few days because warnings are ignored. Then it happens again in another review thread, and then in another. People just do not seem to be able to understand that when a mod posts a warning regarding, it applies not only for that thread but for ALL review threads. That is why sometimes people do get suspended. In the future, only one warning will be posted in a thread and suspensions will be handed out from that post on.


Actually, in Liloo thread, not much posts have been deleted.

Actually, 21 posts were deleted. I would say that is a large number of posts in a thread where 12 posts remain, 4 of which are by moderators and 1 by the agency owner. That leaves 7 member posts in a thread that originally had 33 posts. That means there were three times the number of on topic posts made in that thread. That is simply not tolerable.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
This thread is actually starting to confuse me. Let's keep things simple guys.

I think if we want to write our general experiences dealing with an agency, in the context of a specific review, then no problem. I think the Mods have confirmed that is fine.

It seems that if many people chime in and describe previous negative experiences and the thread gets too far away from the SP the thread is based on and more about the agency in general, then it would be more appropriate to start a thread in the lounge.

I know when I'm trying to read reviews on a particular girl, I'm not interested in having to sift through a bunch of posts not related to the girl in question. I don't see why starting a lounge thread is a big deal when multiple people want to discuss, specifically, an agency's service.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

The thread was a review thread for Liloo. The member did NOT MEET LILOO. Therefore he could not REVIEW LILOO. As such, the post should never have been made in that thread to begin with but should have been made in the LOUNGE. I cannot spell it out any clearer than that.

If you have met the lady face to face, then you can post a review in the lady's review thread and include all the details you want, right back to whatever gave you the urge to book the lady in the first place and the dreams you had about her for days or weeks afterward. If you did not meet the lady face to face, then your post belongs in the lounge. Easy and simple to understand.

Mod 8


Nov 18, 2011
I agree with Every word Merlot wrote. I still don't understand why the hobbyist needs to have SEEN the SP in order to document his experience. The reason he did NOT SEE the SP is entirely the agency's fault not the hobbyist. So i think all of us have every right to know the the info disclosed by the hobbyist and any reply by agency booked.
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