Montreal Escorts

Complaint - Nadya's VIP - About bad Booking experience

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Nothing would please me more then enjoying a public debate with you on different topics ... but you hold the hammer ...

I hold the hammer, but i am not over using it; you can debate with me if you want, but i feel i will repeat the same thing than in Liloo's thread. This is why i said to stop it because it will just be ending ugly anyway.



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May 6, 2004
Quebec city
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Bumper vous dites?!?!

If the booking was for today I tried also for Tuesday on Monday and the booker told me someone booked Neva for 8 hours for his company golf tourney or something like that. Like to work for him.
You may have been bumped by a bigger fish.
Tout comme Sol Tee Nutz, j'ai déjà utilisé le mot «bumper» à propos d'un rdv manqué avec Liloo et Nadya avait montré ses ergots. Parfois la vérité choque!!!
Je constate qu'il est risqué de réserver plusieurs jours d'avance avec cette agence. Ils sont peu fiables et font niaiser le client.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009

Ne recommençons pas la polémique du thread de Liloo dans celui de Neva. Je commence à avoir moins de tolérance sur le répétage.

Je préfère le dire maintenant qu'attendre que ça dégénère, car oui; ça va dégénérer et rapidement si on n'intervient pas rapidement.



New Member
May 8, 2008
Tout comme Sol Tee Nutz, j'ai déjà utilisé le mot «bumper» à propos d'un rdv manqué avec Liloo et Nadya avait montré ses ergots. Parfois la vérité choque!!!
Je constate qu'il est risqué de réserver plusieurs jours d'avance avec cette agence. Ils sont peu fiables et font niaiser le client.

Once more Molière you're still pissing vinegar over a dead issue ... Sol was NEVER GIVEN A DATE AND TIME to see Neva ! NEVER ! He clearly states it !
Last Sunday night he inquired to see her on Monday but there was no space left . Clear enough Molière . Problems with the facts Molière ... Les faits Molière ...
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Once more Molière you're still pissing vinegar over a dead issue ... Sol was NEVER GIVEN A DATE AND TIME to see Neva ! NEVER ! He clearly states it !
Last Sunday night he inquired to see her on Monday but there was no space left . Clear enough Molière . Problems with the facts Molière ... Les faits Molière ...

WRONG... That was the 3rd time I tried to book Neva. The first 2 times I was given a date and time and got cancelled. Tada :)

Just the facts mam, nothing but the facts. :)


New Member
May 8, 2008
WRONG... That was the 3rd time I tried to book Neva. The first 2 times I was given a date and time and got cancelled. Tada :)

Just the facts mam, nothing but the facts. :) It is also stated in earlier posts here, check it out :)

Tssk tssk tssk liar !!! I refer you to your PM last NIGHT ! I had 3 Mods Cc on it ! Not hidden ! Opened !

And I kept it !!! I'm going to send it back once more over to the Mods ... now ...
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I just checked my sent box, to my suprise all of them are deleted. And I never lie. Why are my sent PM's gone? You must have some pull here.
Just checked my posts, mention about the 2 with KIM but I did have 2 with Neva. Maybe on the other board? And I am not the first customer to say they had a time cancelled. Anyways I am tired of you now, have a good night. Nice to see you stick up for your agency but a good owner accepts faults and tries to fix them. You make me wet when you are angry :)


New Member
May 8, 2008
I just checked my sent box, to my suprise all of them are deleted. And I never lie. Why are my sent PM's gone? You must have some pull here.
Just checked my posts, mention about the 2 with KIM but I did have 2 with Neva. Maybe on the other board? And I am not the first customer to say they had a time cancelled. Anyways I am tired of you now, have a good night.

( I'm saving this before you delete it )

Oh what a coincidence ??? Your PM is gone ??? It's with the moderators now.

For everyone . WE NEVER DEALT WITH THIS INDIVIDUAL EVER . Again he called Sunday night and Carroll explained to him why there was no space for Monday.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Never deleted, just added. And yes my sent folder is empty. And you are one nasty viper.
Why do you not resend me back my PM?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
OK, last comment with you. First of all I did get 2 bumps with you. Once I e-mailed mid week that I was coming into Montreal the next week and wanted to see Neva, I was told that the schedule was not ready until Sunday or Monday, I left me first name and asked for a booking, was told OK. I arrived on Monday morning called and was told that Neva was booked solid, gave my name and was told nope. First bump. Second time I had an appointment about 3 days in advance and when I called about 1 hour ahead I was told that the appointment was cancelled, was offered someone else but refused. Second bump. As for my sent PM being deleted, as I said before you must have some pull with the MODS. On you post #17, why would you say something about my PM, to have me look, you knew it would not be there to start your next round of comments. Do you not think the mods are getting sick of your constant whining? You were the kid in class who complained to the teacher " Miss ***** Jessy gave me a dirty look, Miss ***** Mike said I have funny hair. ". You run your mouth a lot here and the mods stick up for you but you are very quiet on the other board, they do not put up with crap like that. MY sent PM's are missing because you have a great amount of pull here, I posted nothing about not trying to book Neva in the past. I am guessing you will demand from the mods that I get suspended and really I do not care if that is their wish so be it. I just got back from a fun night at Cleopatra's, gonna get a drink out of my mini bar and watch some telly. I will check tomorrow and see how much pull you really have.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Darling careful ...

Why don't you do that ... look at the other board for my PM's ... look deep ... very deep ...

And not look on the other board for your PM's but for my comments ( posted ) about being bumped with Neva.
I thought you had more of an IQ than that. Read my comment carefully before you say something, it is not in code.


New Member
May 8, 2008
So the understand you correctly ...
MY sent PM's are missing because you have a great amount of pull here,
Therefore Merb Mods would have entered your PM Box , deleted your PM's, then leave it empty ! LOL ! Oh my God ! Not only did you just shot yourself in the foot ... but you also just buried yourself !
You're a waste of everyones time . Write whatever you want I don't care .



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Why are my sent PM's gone? You must have some pull here.

You have just lost all your credibility as far as I am concerned. Mods have no possible way neither to read nor to delete your pm's. The only way to erase your pm's would be to delete your nickname. May I suggest that you start trying to deal with your obvious anger problem?

Once more Molière you're still pissing vinegar over a dead issue

What do you mean "a dead issue"? It's not at all a dead issue since you never recognized the facts nor apologized.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Alright, i just woke up. Just saw gugu's post but i didn't read anything else yet. I'll do that later this morning.

I just checked my sent box, to my suprise all of them are deleted. And I never lie. Why are my sent PM's gone? You must have some pull here.
You are the only one who can answer your question since we have no acces to your pm's box. We can NOT control, edit, delete or read anything inside there. There is only one person with pull in there and it's you.

EDIT: I just read it quickly and it looks like we've got some psycho-drama here. I won't delete anything from what i did read since it is supposed to concern Neva but i am agree with gugu's suggestion about an anger management.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why is this thread in this section? Neva does incalls, not outcalls.

By the way, we've met, and hopefully we'll meet again. Had a great time with this gem! :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Well, this thread has obviously NO REVIEW about Neva actually and is mostly griefs about bad booking experience.
I suggest this should be moved to:

Since I understand it is not allowed to debate too much of the Agency service in a girls review thread, so I suggest to move it in the lounge in the thread with url mentionned above.

I think it is important that people express their bad booking experience as well to allow the agency to improve.
One or two line about this in the girls thread would be acceptable imho since it happened while booking her, but 2 pages deserves its own thread.
So You can start a new one in the lounge or just use the one I suggest. I can change the title to remove the "Started in Liloo`s thread" if it makes it more general...

I have not met myself the Famous Neva but I`m confident she has nothing to do with the bad booking experience except maybe for her popularity that might give a hard time to the booker :p.
I read her review thread in the Incall section, thread that is 99.9 % filled with good comments and Many members have suggest me by PM to meet that lady.
Why I have not met yet... 1- she has fake tits, 2- Nadya scares me... what a tiger ;) Seriously, Neva is impossible to book a day in advance and I have difficulty to honor advanced booking myself... 3- I try to avoid big agencies as much as possible... 4- I hate to go downtown...

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
What happened here? I'm gone for 24 hours and all hell breaks loose. As I was skimming over the thread I was thinking the same thing as UncleBob, before I got to his post. So, threads merged.

Mod 10 explained correctly that Mods have no powers to read, edit or delete PMs, so Sol Tee Nutz is mistaken. PMs are not automatically saved unless you check that option at the bottom of the page. Your sent messages were not saved to begin with.

People are allowed to voice their compliants, but this back and forth has got to stop. Especially in a review thread. I encourage all parties to try to settle these kind of issues off the board, and if there is a final resolution, to come back and give that account. Going back and forth like this doesn't help anyone. Issues like these can be settled quite easily, if people stay calm and polite.

I'm going to go over everything again, including PMs I was copied on, and see if any further moderator action is warranted.


Active Member
May 6, 2004
Quebec city
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... I encourage all parties to try to settle these kind of issues off the board, ...
Ça ne peut pas se régler en dehors du forum puisque Nadya nie les faits. Je constate que d'autres clients (à part moi) se sont fait niaiser par cette agence et il est important de le dire sur Merb

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

There are ways to get your point across and posting about the same incident over and over again is not the way to do it. You make your post, you make your point and you have your say and you do it ONCE. Then you move on. You do not continue to harp on it until the end of time.

I have read much of this thread for the first time and a number of posts are crossing the line when it comes to our rules regarding respectful posting. Other mods have already involved themselves in this thread so I will not make any decisions on suspensions but it is time that people grow up a bit and get over it. Shit happens. Have your say and then move on. Continuing to dwell on it and then getting pissed off and start posting insults will not end in anyone's favor. Accusing moderators of emptying your PM box and other foolish things only makes the poster look ridiculous.

Now if someone has something useful to contribute other than just tossing accusations back and forth, please feel free to post it. If I see any further insults, the poster will be getting a vacation for the rest of the summer. And I would not advise anyone to attempt to get into a debate with me over this.

Mod 8
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