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Complaint - Nadya's VIP - About bad Booking experience

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Because it is a REVIEW THREAD FOR THE LADY IN THE TITLE OF THE THREAD! We are not preventing the member from posting about his experience! It simply does not belong in a review thread of a SP he cannot review because he has never met her! He can post about it in the Lounge. What is so problematic about that? Can people not find their way around the board?

I give up.


Nov 18, 2011
Ok Mod8 , if The Lounge is the best suited location to address this type of discussion, I guess it should be fine by everyone.

What's a little intriguing is how Sexy Nadya has found time to post TWICE this evening between 7:30 and 9:30pm but hasnt found time to address this with clients or potential future clients.
Maybe Nadya doesnt know how to get around the board herself ;) We should try to tell her that she can click on NEW POSTS so she can find this thread ! LOL

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
On my opinion, everything would have been more correct to do what Mod 8 almost did in Liloo's thread, i.e. warn that Off-topic msg will get deleted (not banned ;) ) and leave what has been said there... and suggest to continue in the lounge.
But NOT deleting what was already said. Even, if there was two answers rather than one.
But don't get me wrong, I agree, it was enough at some point in this thread.
My only concerns is all those valuable comments that have been deleted without notice.
Or at least, give sometime to people to start a new thread and move their post...


I agree with this UncleBob. From now on, instead of deleting posts, I will give a warning that the thread is getting too far off topic and a lounge thread should be started to continue the conversation. I believe I should have did this in Kim's thread instead of deleting the posts without notice.

I'm glad that you can see that some of these discussions, that go too far off topic and go off on a tangent, are cluttering up a girl's review thread (many times negatively and undeservedly so) and should be moved to the lounge.

I think if we want to write our general experiences dealing with an agency, in the context of a specific review, then no problem. I think the Mods have confirmed that is fine.

It seems that if many people chime in and describe previous negative experiences and the thread gets too far away from the SP the thread is based on and more about the agency in general, then it would be more appropriate to start a thread in the lounge.

I think this pretty much describes what we are getting at. Don't think that this is about restricting your freedom to express your feelings or have your voice heard. This is just about not cluttering up a review thread, so other members can get the info they desire in the easiest and most organized manner.

In the lounge, open up a thread and talk about anything you want, as long as it is done respectfully. In a review thread, keep your posts on the girl in question. If a few posts go off topic fine, but when it starts going too far, I will warn you to move it to the lounge.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
He did not meet her, but he had an appointment with her. If she does not show up, in my opinion, it is legitimate to mention it in her review thread, whether it is directly her fault or not. Just my opinion. I agree it should not lead to discussions or speculations, but I would think it has its place there.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I agree with Every word Merlot wrote. I still don't understand why the hobbyist needs to have SEEN the SP in order to document his experience. The reason he did NOT SEE the SP is entirely the agency's fault not the hobbyist. So i think all of us have every right to know the the info disclosed by the hobbyist and any reply by agency booked.

That is exactly the fulcrum of how the entire event turned. To say this event cannot be dealt with in a review thread because there was no meeting is to remove agency responsibility and accountability. So the point of whether the meeting took place should not be separated from the original description of the episode. Saying it's an escort review or agency review simply because of which side of the door the lady stopped at is totally arbitrary and denies a meeting was setup and everyone wasted their time.

Isn't helping members to avoid wasting time really the primary reason for this REVIEW board's existence!

This thread is actually starting to confuse me. Let's keep things simple guys.

I think if we want to write our general experiences dealing with an agency, in the context of a specific review, then no problem. I think the Mods have confirmed that is fine.

It seems that if many people chime in and describe previous negative experiences and the thread gets too far away from the SP the thread is based on and more about the agency in general, then it would be more appropriate to start a thread in the lounge.

The irony is that because of the splitting of this subject to different areas it has gained far more notice and argument and has been made more of an issue. When the mods decided to do this they automatically broadened the subject, beyond the original poster's intent. They made the issue, not Moliere.

As for chiming in, I put in my experience based on the detail that the meeting was moved from one hotel to another, something that happened to me. If those responding have experiences confirming or denying the details included by the original poster then they are on-subject. Details of an event should be confirmed or denied as it starts to show a reliable pattern of behavior that gives the reader more insight to the likelihood of meeting success. What has no value is a member who chimes in to make one-liners on either side that say nothing except...I agree or don't agree...I support or don't support.



Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
He did not meet her, but he had an appointment with her. If she does not show up, in my opinion, it is legitimate to mention it in her review thread, whether it is directly her fault or not. Just my opinion. I agree it should not lead to discussions or speculations, but I would think it has its place there.

You are right Siocnarf, that is why the original post by Moliere wasn't deleted as was Nadya's first response. After that, the discussion was getting too far away from Liloo and was getting into a back and forth, with others getting involved, complaining about prior booking issues. Also, language issues started up. I agree with Mod 10 for deleting the discussion tangent. He didn't just delete the poster's posts, but also Nadya's.

There is no issue if the same posters wanted to start the same discussion up in the lounge!
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
What has no value is a member who chimes in to make one-liners on either side that say nothing except...I agree or don't agree...I support or don't support.

I agree.:lol:

So to sum it up:

1 We are not allowed to review agencies in the review section;
2 We are allowed to review agencies in the lounge;
3 We are allowed to make a post in a girl's review thread if the meeting did not occur for an obvious fault by the agency;
4 In such a case, the agency owner is permitted once response;
5 Also, in such a case, no further discussion of the event is permitted;
6 If members are not satisfied with the agency's response, they may move the discussion to the lounge.

That's acceptable IMHO, because we do not want to clutter the review thread. I just hope that a link to the lounge thread is accepted in the review thread.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
So to sum it up...

God dam this seems even more complicated than the 1page book called "How to win the Stanley Cup after 40years"...

Can't you guys just 'move on' ? :lol:

Hey ! my post is like a one-liners so... no value here !
Anyway got to get some sleep to catch my plane tomorrow mornin'. This time I'll put a metal dildo in my pants. Can't wait to see their face at the metal detectors when I'll have to take it out. ssssorreee !

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
La seule raison de l`effacement est le fait que le review thread doit resté review thread à quelques exceptions près. Aucun rapport avec le fait que c`est posts effacés n`avaient pas de valeurs.

Et si une indépendante recevais un mauvais review et répondais carrément ``dis dont les vraies choses!! Je ne t`ai pas mais c`est seulement parce que tu avais une odeur et une hygiène plus que douteuse..``

Nous devrions les laisser s`arracher les cheveux de leur tête publiquement, à se bitcher et s`insulter pour justifier leur attitude lors de la rencontre? Se serait vraiment plus crédible que de leur dire que leur problème personnel, ils peuvent les régler en MP? Doit-on vraiment tout savoir ce qu`un pense de l`autre? MERB aurait l`air d`un forum sérieux?

J`aurais gardé que les 2 versions des posts originaux, sauf s`il y avait eu un développement, un qui avoue ou qui s`excuse, ou si un de ces commentaires contenait des détails qui auraient pu justifier leur fautes, mais je ne verrais pas l`utilité de garder les commentaires de la sp disant qu`il doit se laver maximum 1 fois par semaine malgré cette canicule si elle se fit à l`odeur émanant de ses sous-vêtements, ni lui disant qu`elle est juste une frustrée. MERB serait un bordel total! Donc; Où doit-on mettre une limite? Jusqu`où doit-on accepter le dérapage et les insultes?

Et encore, dans mon exemple on parle des principales personnes concernées, non d`un client et d`unepropriétaire d`agence qui refuse de parler français.

Does that also apply to independants?

It does since it`s the concerned girl who is booking herself, or having someone to do it for a dancer should get bad reviews because the beer at her club is flat and expensive?... You answer it.

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I agree.:lol:

So to sum it up:

1 We are not allowed to review agencies in the review section;
2 We are allowed to review agencies in the lounge;
3 We are allowed to make a post in a girl's review thread if the meeting did not occur for an obvious fault by the agency;
4 In such a case, the agency owner is permitted once response;
5 Also, in such a case, no further discussion of the event is permitted;
6 If members are not satisfied with the agency's response, they may move the discussion to the lounge.

That's acceptable IMHO, because we do not want to clutter the review thread. I just hope that a link to the lounge thread is accepted in the review thread.


Given that if one puts "Liloo" or any other subject in the search you will get an assortment of answers often having the most obscure or no relation to the search word...don't you get the feeling that the mods want us all to play detective to find what we want to insure a better meeting.

Makes sense if you love a good pain in the *ss treasure hunt. :nod:




New Member
Jul 19, 2012
Neva @ Nadya's (Outcall) - Buyer Beware!

I booked Neva in advance for a 2hr. appointment this week. I’ve had plenty of SP’s show up late, and 30 mins. is no big deal, but an hour after our appointment was to begin, still no Neva. So I called Nadya’s and was informed that Neva was not going to make it. Of course I was frustrated, but I understand that these things happen. However, this is the second time I’ve been stood up by Neva. Having trouble booking an SP is one thing, but once you have an appointment, I would expect a little better track record. I wouldn’t be so disappointed if I lived in Montreal and could just reschedule for a later date. But just visiting 1 or 2 times a year, for 4-5 days makes the time here more of a premium. So when you do the research and book far enough in advance, it’s harder to swallow, finding yourself back at square one late in the day. To Nadya’s credit, they did send Lana over within the hour. I was pretty excited about this, as I had time to read Lana’s reviews while I waited. I’ll submit a separate fuller review of Lana soon. But to summarize, Lana was a very average experience at best, and I would definitely not repeat. Very attractive girl, but she clearly was not interested in kissing at all, was really quick to reach for the raincoat after a short BBJ and was out the door in 45 minutes. Not the kind of service I’m used to from Nadya’s, and not worth the money. While Nadya’s has dropped a notch in my book, and I won’t attempt to ever book Neva again, maybe we’re our own worst enemy. We rate these girls (and their agencies) as superstars (and Neva fits that category), but then demand goes up and there is pressure for them to sell their time to the highest bidder even if means consistently cancelling existing appointments. I know I’m not the first or last that this has happened to, and it likely sounds like I’m eating ‘sour grapes’. But my goal with this post is really just to remind the out-of-towners that there is risk involved if you focus on the top-reviewed SP’s on a short visit to Montreal. Maybe I need to go back to the “crap shoot” approach and just call an agency and let them send over their top pick at the time. What would I do with all the time saved from not reading reviews?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Sorry to hear about your experience chiangmai. I've had that happen too once or twice as well, where I'd fly down to a city just for the sake of seeing a SP (booked far in advance) only to have them cancel at the last moment. So I definitely can sympathize with your situation.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2010
for those type of situation, would it be better to tell the provider first hand? I don't know if you guys have done that already but it's good to let them know so they will pay more attention. For Nadya's I think it's better if you just go to the incall locations to limit her transportation problem

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If the booking was for today I tried also for Tuesday on Monday and the booker told me someone booked Neva for 8 hours for his company golf tourney or something like that. Like to work for him.
You may have been bumped by a bigger fish.


New Member
May 8, 2008
If the booking was for today I tried also for Tuesday on Monday and the booker told me someone booked Neva for 8 hours for his company golf tourney or something like that. Like to work for him.
You may have been bumped by a bigger fish.

Really but REALLY ! Who are you to speculate this none sense ! Since day one Neva never worked 3 days in a week !
She was not scheduled in TODAY ! However we tried to accommodate the man and he knew this all along ! Neva sometimes on days off ; if she's in town will visit certain companions like she did with
Special K for instance ( see his review ) and others but rarely !


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just got banned from Nadyas for my comment. Breaks my heart, NOT. Nadya, If you read my earlier posts I have tried twice previous and got bumped, thought I would give 1 more shot at Neva.
Oh well. I may have mistaken the Tuesday for Wednesday but I doubt it. Heil ! And nonsense is 1 word.

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Great idea Nadya!

Fix the problem by pm or leave it like that but it is pointless to start a public war. I don't see anything good that could happen with the conversation you are both having anyway.

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New Member
May 8, 2008
Great idea Nadya!

Fix the problem by pm or leave it like that but it is pointless to start a public war. I don't see anything good that could happen with the conversation you are both having anyway.


Darling !

Nothing would please me more then enjoying a public debate with you on different topics ... but you hold the hammer ...
I can't risk a suspension . I have people that count on me to make ends meet. Therefore it would a irresponsible act for me to do so .
I like them to much ! And I like you to !

Kisses XXxxXX



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
for those type of situation, would it be better to tell the provider first hand? I don't know if you guys have done that already but it's good to let them know so they will pay more attention. For Nadya's I think it's better if you just go to the incall locations to limit her transportation problem

Yup....for those times where I visited a different city for the sake of a SP, I made it a point to inform them beforehand. But regardless, they cancelled anyways. One was legit (ie. she ended up getting the flu), and I think the others was just bad organization on their part...:|
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