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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I just read that the corona virus can survive in in a lake or river, but it can`t replicate....unless it finds a lungfish.
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Aug 3, 2016
If places in the USA where massive demonstrations and protests are occurring today (May 29) and yesterday do not experience massive hospitalizations from Covid-19 in about 3 to 4 weeks from now, those places will hasten their reopening. But the reverse would be true if in fact those places experience massive Covid-19 hospitalization. We are fu*ked in America regardless.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Today begins phase 1 of the 10th COVID-19 vaccine.

Each time there is a new phase 1 vaccine that starts, it puts a hope during these difficult times.

Still today 74 dead, 70 of whom were in CHSLD and RPA.
Unfortunately there will be several more before a vaccine is found

We need a vaccine for everything to return to normal but there’s a growing fear that political pressure is compromising the safety standards for these vaccine candidates. An unsafe coronavirus vaccine will give the Anti-Vaxxers even amminition to promote their craziness. The worst case scenario is an unsafe vaccine scaring people into rejecting all vaccines.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
We need a vaccine for people’s fucking stupidity more so than the corona virus


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Speaking of stupidity, Trump has just cut all ties with the WHO. The WHO coordinates vaccine distribution internationally. WHAT HAPPENS IF THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE IS INVENTED OUTSIDE THE US??!!



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
A lot will happen from now until there is a vaccine. Trump severing the USA's ties to the WHO is sending a message to the organization and their accomplice China for trying to cover this all up. Tedros Adhanom should be ashamed of himself and step down. Since a vaccine is at best several months away and I don't see there being an issue with a potential vaccine. Whomever gets the vaccine first will share it with the rest of the world.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Greatwalloo I invite you to read back doc holliday's post of 2016 just as trump got elected. We are close to reaching his prediction.

Trump's is the architect of it all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Greatwalloo I invite you to read back doc holliday's post of 2016 just as trump got elected. We are close to reaching his prediction.

Trump's is the architect of it all.
No thanks, Trump has nothing to do with the WHO's and China's cover up attempts.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
A lot will happen from now until there is a vaccine. Trump severing the USA's ties to the WHO is sending a message to the organization and their accomplice China for trying to cover this all up.

Doubt it, in 2016, it was Mexicans and Central Americans. This year it may be Chinese and those wearing face masks. He will affectionately continue to point out some in his audience as “my African American friend” as he knows he needs their votes

If he wanted to send a message he’d ask for an international collaboration for a full scale investigation into China’s response, but he’s alienated USA from the community


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Doubt it, in 2016, it was Mexicans and Central Americans. This year it may be Chinese and those wearing face masks. He will affectionately continue to point out some in his audience as “my African American friend” as he knows he needs their votes

If he wanted to send a message he’d ask for an international collaboration for a full scale investigation into China’s response, but he’s alienated USA from the community

Not sure what Mexicans, central Americans or African American friends or needed votes have to do with a vaccine and the USA sharing it. If the USA discovers it first the non governmental private company that develops it will sell it to the world and make huge profits. There's no reason to not sell it worldwide.

He is sending a message to the WHO and has continually sent messages to China. You may disagree with the strength or type of message sent, but a message it is nonetheless.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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A lot will happen from now until there is a vaccine. Trump severing the USA's ties to the WHO is sending a message to the organization and their accomplice China for trying to cover this all up. Tedros Adhanom should be ashamed of himself and step down. Since a vaccine is at best several months away and I don't see there being an issue with a potential vaccine. Whomever gets the vaccine first will share it with the rest of the world.

Trump was warned about the seriousness of the coronavirus by the US National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) as early as end Nov 2019 but didn’t take it seriously.

Trump is simply making the WHO the scapecoat to cover up his total incompetence in handling the coronavirus pandemic.

The US has one embassy & five consultates in China, one of the consultates is in Wuhan itself!

So, not a single US diplomat in China warned Trump about the coronavirus severity, even after the US consultate in Wuhan was shut down along w/ the entire 11 million people city on 23 Jan 2020?

The WHO has an annual budget of only $2.4 Billion/year. So the world’s only Superpower w/ its Trillion dollar military & intelligence network has to depend on a little international organization to inform it of an out of control biological threat/virus in the world’s biggest country, China?

Dude, the US Intelligence Agencies have an annual budget of at least $57 Billion, probably a lot more undisclosed. So no one in the entire US Intelligence community knew there was a pandemic in the US’s top rival, China?

US allies in Asia like Australia, NZ, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan which depend on the US for their security all mobilized to take on the coronavirus by end January 2020 or earlier. So not a single one of them warned their military protector, the US about the coronavirus?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`ve touched on this before and I haven`t changed my thinking on the subject.
If there is wisdom and balance in the Universe as opposed to some supreme being throwing dice....then this pandemic was conceived and preordained at the Big Bang.
In the last hundred years Nature was being challenged and altered in unprecedented ways by the actions of humanity.
Extinction of thousands of species, Loss of habitat in particular the Brazilian " lungs of the world".
Pollution on such a grand scale that there will soon be more plastic than fish in the oceans .
Pollution that makes the air almost unbreathable in some cities. And of course climate change .

Mother Nature`s answer is the corona virus. An almost perfect weapon to alter human activity and bring back some life to nature.

If a viable vaccine is developed in the next few months then the effect will be relatively minor in historical terms but still enough to alter destructive human activity to a small extent.....with a million deaths and the damage to world economies in the Trillions of dollars.
On the other hand there is no guarantee of an effective vaccine.

There of coarse major silver linings. Nature is healing and our grand kids will inherit a changed but better and healthier world.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I read on another thread that TheGreatwaloo wanted us to open the borders as soon as possible. I didn't answer on this thread, because it was the massage parlors that were involved.

I hope Trudeau will continue his diplomatic work with Trump, and keep the borders closed after June 21.

Because in the United States with all the racial demonstrations, COVID-19 may continue to spread, and several Americans will want to leave the United States, and the attitude of the president has nothing to calm the things.

EUREKA says Donald, I'm going to watch out for black people, I need their votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Donbusch your reply to my quote has nothing to do with what I said. Just more of your conspiracy theories and rhetoric.

Sene5hos I still stand by wanting to opening the borders. I mean really, people will want to leave the US now because of its current turmoil? Please, and you think it will cause a spike in the coronavirus? Also, let’s make this perfectly clear, these are not “racial demonstrations” as so many of the Trump haters try to say. It’s looting and crime, plain and simple. Nothing wrong with a PEACEFUL demonstration. But I’m sure that doesn’t include setting buildings ablaze, looting stores and trying to injure the police. The demonstrators at the Michigan capital building with their firearms in towdid it PEACEFULLY. Not a single person was injured during their protest.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Greatwalooo you do not get it at all. What lead to this chaos?

If Trump was a great president he would have calm things down instead of infuriating everyone a little more.

Ho by the way Sene is absolutely rigth such manifestation will lead to a lot of spread of the virus yes. We know now such grouping of people is the worst for contagion.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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U write so much crap that u cannot even remember writing, “Trump severing the USA's ties to the WHO is sending a message to the organization and their accomplice China for trying to cover this all up.”

The WHO did not cover up the coronavirus, I merely pointed out that it was yr Orange King that ignored all the dire warnings about the coronavirus & is now trying to scapegoat the WHO.

Btw, keep dreaming abt the vaccine being ready in a few months. Stop drinking bleach at the behest of yr Orange King, it’s bad for yr brain.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Greatwalooo you do not get it at all. What lead to this chaos?

If Trump was a great president he would have calm things down instead of infuriating everyone a little more.

Ho by the way Sene is absolutely rigth such manifestation will lead to a lot of spread of the virus yes. We know now such grouping of people is the worst for contagion.

I do get it and I know I’ll never get a fair shot on this board. Trump had nothing to do with the looters and thugs destroying America. The police officers are hired by their individual states or counties, not the federal government. What those police officers did is criminal and they deserve to go to jail for the rest of their lives.

Most of the looters and thugs were wearing masks so we should be fine according to most CNN polls. In North America the coronavirus numbers are way down. It’s paranoid people like yourself that will fear ever leaving your house. I go out, I wear a mask and the deaths and new cases are continually dropping. Are you going to stay in your home for the rest of your life? C’mon, we all need to move on, slowly, safely, but move on we must stop the fear mongering.
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