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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
COVID, global warming, Russians, AI, etc., are used as a substitute for fading religions to manipulate people. Nobody dispute most of these are real threats as probably many more out there that can be used equally. But how they are presented by the media and for what purpose manipulated by different influence groups and governments under disguise of fighting them is a different story.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Yes, no matter how much a partisan hack that you are Trump did not say to drink, eat, use intravenously bleach. He was asking a question.
An other "alternate fact" from a Trumper... He was not asking a question. He was putting on an other "great stable genious" proposal an asking for approval, wich of course he never got.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
A clip I found this morning.

Not my post but I Googled the numbers to check before posting. They are true. Still think my tinfoil hat is too tight? LOL

Copied 12-12-2020. This certainly bang on:

My rant for the day
I was thinking of this today...
142 people died of covid in canada yesterday.. Sounds alarming right... I think that's the goal to alarm us... It is alarming...... but it got me thinkng what if they threw all kinds of numbers at us everyday ... would covid still be the most popular on social media ....... perhaps...
MAYBE if we heard comparison numbers we would feel different... maybe...
Let's see...... 142 people is a lot.... don't get me wrong... Because these are all someone's loved ones, and I get that...
But' let's grieve all the numbers, and be fair about it ♡
Covid Dec 11th 2020: 142 deaths yesterday...
-4157suicides last year- averaging 11 per day I never knew this number... mental health receives such little attention (the leading cause of death in our young people, the same young people we have socially restricted... Imagine the mental health impact for our at risk teens.... Who's fighting for them ... )
-over 80,000 people died of cancer last year in Canada... that's about 220 a day... I didn't know that.... someone's mother, father, daughter, son absolutley tragic ....
-I couldn't find how many people died of the flu, because from what I gather, flu isn't usually marked as cause of death... but if someone has the number, let's have a moment of silence for those lives...
-276,689 died of heart disease that's more than 750 a day...WOW...if I heard that every day, I would probably eat more veggies and less deep fried goodness... this number is OUTRAGEOUS...
- 1500 killed and over 63,000 injured by drunk drivers each year in canada... that means 5 die a day and many more injured ..and we still sell alcohol... tell me again how much the government is concerned about your life
- 6912 died from Alzheimer's ...that's 18 a day
-41,500 from diabetes...that's 113 a day.... and sugar is the #1 ingredient in our market place
- about 57,000 a year die of stroke... about 156 each day
-almost 2 million jobs were lost in April from covid, and it appears over half of those are still unemployed, that would work out to an average of 5479 a day... that's a huge impact on the economy and a lot of mouths to feed...especially when our prime minister hikes up the carbon tax 467%...well played JT, well played.. your love for Canadians is emotionally overwhelming ...
-5.6 million children die each year from hunger...that's 15,000 a day, approx 4 a minute.. and we close our eyes... this one matters to me, so I threw it in...cus you know the land of milk and honey over here...maybe we should grieve these treasures too
-206,905 died over the age of 70 in canada last year... that is a whooping 564 people each day... WOW... imagine if they just announced these number everyday on the radio... how would we feel..??? Depressed at first...and then, they would sadly just become numbers...and they have, that's why we don't pay attention...

And to top it off...if you look at the deaths over the past 5 years in Canada , they all average about the fact this fall has the least deaths over the past 5 years.....go figure...

Media is a powerful player...we can't dismiss that perhaps a major bias is being spoon fed to us through their BS propaganda.... yeah I said BS, cause that's exactly what it is...

My point is...we aren't bombarded with these numbers every day.....and if we were, we would all be shocked...

I didnt realize 500 elderly died each day... that is so sad...someone loved them.... ♡ and they matter too...
and currently those 500 a day are locked away, think about that... Every patriotic covid supporter...they are locking up our grandparents...our parents... That is abusive... absolultey abusive, in every sense of the word...

Ask grandma is she would like to see her kids, her grandkids... I will guarentee her answer will, statistically, be a resounding 'YES', with tears running down her face...Shame on our system ... You can't tell me this is ok...where is her freedom....where are her rights....???

So the argument that covid is contagious, is valid.. with a transmission rate of 1%, that means, if I sat with 100 people, 1 is probable to catch it, sure that's too many... but 99% will recover... so when you put it like that... shutting down the world makes complete sense... No Conspiracies here... keep on walkin...

The numbers posted above, get dismissed every single day...... and covid is controlling our every move... Controlling what we say... Controlling how close we stand to loved ones... Controlling who we see...Who can ride in our car or come through our front door... It controls how we talk about it on the internet... It''s Not controlling how much we spend, just where we spend it...
Who the ^#&#&#; gave covid so much power... oh right the politicians... Who love us like we were their children....
You eat an apple that is sprayed, you fly in drive cars... you walk across the street, you eat peanuts out of the local pubs infested bowl... you get a little water from the river in your mouth and keep swimming...

We take risks everyday... i would rather die of covid surrounded by my family, then live isolated and alone ...

This virus, that statistically speaking is 12x more likely to have you murdered in the city of Calgary, then to kill you if you are under the age of 60....
More likely that you would be struck dead by lightening, then die under the age of 20... Come on, anyone with a brain knows this is not global shutdown material... Unless something bigger is in play.....

I don't buy lottery tickets, because my chances of winning, are equal to that of a lightening striking me dead... and we have pulled all these kids out of school for that statistic...
For all you risk analysts, we should probably wrap up Gen Z in rubber, and stick a lightening rod on their head, because they are at risk of lightening striking, especially in rainy season.... The average age of this virus being life threatening, is over the average age of life expectancy...

Now here's my thoughts, if everything above wasn't enough...
EVERY life...EVERY LIFE matters...
BUT we aren't concerned with all the toxic garbage on the supermarket shelves, which by the way is the #1 cause of heart disease & cancer.... We don't fight mental illness in this nation, we ignore it.... So why, why is covid stealing the thunder....?. got me wonderin....

When the government stops selling cigarettes, the leading cause of cancer, sugary cereals and cheetos, #1 cause of child obesity ...and MSG and Asparthame, that poison people like me...and all the dyes and preservatives FDA approves for human consumption ... then we can talk about how they care about our health & well being ... ♡ Until then, I would rather take my chances with covid.....
This is like the “mein kumph”’of postings saully, need cliff notes


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You saw the video and you still say that. He was asking tue question. Talk about alternative facts...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
When one have a stupid proposal, trying to disguise it in a stupid question is just simply stupid. The same when he suggested to use UV light to destroy the virus within the body . Those UV would kill the virus by breaking its genetic material but it would also break the DNA inside lung's tissue and induce cancer.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
He even knew he fucked up. The press conferences were started by pence, and were good until Trumpy took over and culminated in this bullshit. No more press conferences and covid meetings after that. After that day he went from being a “war time president” to COVID who?????
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Perhaps no Governor has been criticized more roundly on his Covid response than Ronny D in Florida, who is once again taking it on the chin:



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Desantis wants small businesses to stay open which goes against the Dems insisting that they shut down everything and ruin people’s lives. Being from NY I guess I hear about our governor Cuomo all the time and he leads the country in deaths from Covid, especially our seniors. But since the governors brother is on CNN they’ll never report anything negative about CNN’s bodybuilders brother.


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Please, lol, desantis wants Trumpys big cock emptying in his mouth.

Which democrat has shut down? Do tell? There are republican governors who are saying they may need to shut down because there is no where to fucking put patients??
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You enjoy stirring shit up but you consistently never have anything really substantial to add. Which democrats you ask? California, NY, etc. 74% of new infections are coming from households says Cuomo. Restaurants and bars account for less than 1.5% new infections. Gyms are even less than that. There’s no reason to shut down small businesses and ruin peoples lives when they are safer than being at home. Follow the science.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Stirring shit up? Me????? Ok, now your really reaching.

We should just start puttin all the ICU beds in your driveway and back yard patio....set up a little mini casualty in the living room and the basement can serve as a lab with one of those allume home kits

Those Damn Democrats!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
There’s no reason to shut down small businesses and ruin peoples lives when they are safer than being at home. Follow the science.
You have no idea what science is. A simple question. Where do you think the virus comes from when one is contaminated by a relative in his home? Oh! Sorry I assumed you were able of some reflexion.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You have no idea what science is. A simple question. Where do you think the virus comes from when one is contaminated by a relative in his home? Oh! Sorry I assumed you were able of some reflexion.
According to the science it’s not restaurants, bars, or gyms. As far as where the virus came from that’s easy. China, more specifically Wuhan China.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
That’s right, go back to the ethnic slurs when all else fails. Look these people sequenced the virus and gave the world what they need for the mRNA vaccines. 2 blocks up the road from my apt, there’s an industrialist Asian gent sequencing rolexes, do I call them China watches!?!? No! I wear them proudly! Give credit where credit is due!!!
Feb 6, 2016
10,000 deaths a day in the world that are due to covid19 and a year ago there were none.
I think this is actually STN's point (at least one of them). A year ago there were no deaths, and a year from now (hopefully) there will not be any more. But for the rest of his long list of sobering deaths, these tragedies, which many can be considered on par with COVID, have been statistics for many years prior and will continue to be for many many years to come, long after COVID becomes a movie or best selling novel.

I consider all that is COVID to be a terrible tragedy in our world's history, but at times I can't help but question what seems to be a disproportionate response when measured against how we have addressed those other calamities.
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