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Nov 1, 2019
Even weirder to think so many refuse to vaccine their kids against virus that were eradicated 100 years ago... Putting their kids at risk... Will these same people be afraid of such pandemic?

Yes, an effective vaccine would be most important to ultimately tamp down this virus..

Below is a link to an Opinion piece from yesterday's Washington Post by a faculty member of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. No one knows how far it will spread, but if it spreads like influenza, it may be difficult to control. Right now, it appears more contagious than the flu.
Everything is moving quickly. Airlines are suspending service to China through March. Airlines are taking away amenities such as hot meals and blankets.
US citizens returning from China will be quarantined for 14 days
The CDC has declared a public health emergency.

Does this represent "Panic"? Well, public officials making actual policy decisions must weigh the risks vs benefits of doing too much vs doing too little. Witness the shitstorm that occurred when George Bush did so little to help people in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Public Health officials are trying to get out in front of this new disease, and would be thankful if it is later seen as an overreaction, rather than failing to contain a deadly pandemic.


Nov 1, 2019

Interesting articles, Patron. The disruption in people's lives in China might portend our own near future, but I sure hope not. I've heard from people in China now that things are much worse than is reported in the media, and panic is not too strong a word.

China's coronavirus death toll is up to 258.

If I die of a really bad cold or a case of influenza, it won't make any difference to me which was the cause, because I would be dead.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here

If I die of a really bad cold or a case of influenza, it won't make any difference to me which was the cause, because I would be dead.

Your logic is brilliant
As long as they bury you with your ass sticking out of the ground, so i got a place to park my bicycle when i come to visit.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
CB the other day you post an un respectful post in the thread about an escort that was killed, now another cheap shot post. You enjoy this?

We do not.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I said what I had to say. No matter how I read your reply I dont understand it as your written English is poor.


It is an old joke used by many comedians, it is actually quite funny when used in the right context.
basically you can park a bicycle between somebodies ass crack. His English was not all that bad this time and I have to admit he does come up with some classic funny stuff sometimes.


Nov 1, 2019
Now the 300 million chickens that are going to die a slow, excruciating death from starvation divided b 7.63 billion people is a recognizable result.
Will the rotting chicken corpses produce a bacteria that might actually generate a pandemic?

I'm super impressed by your math skills, Patron. You completely lost me in there!

Well, I don't know about a pandemic. But if those chickens have all been injected with antibiotics, then those bacteria certainly do increase the risk of superbugs with multi-drug antibiotic resistance. That is another looming threat to the next generations.
Geez, I'm all gloom and doom today. lol Sorry about that


Nov 1, 2019
If a pandemic may occur because there is no cure for this particular cold that has caused 257 deaths, doesn’t that logically mean there must be an existing cure for the millions of strains of colds already in existence?
I wasn’t aware of a cure. Have I been consuming chicken soup during the winter when I have had a cold for no reason? Has there always been a cure?
I am pretty sure that if malevolent leaders want to send large groups if people to their deaths, they won’t have much trouble doing so. People can be swayed into believing almost anything. Math and critical reasoning skills are far and few between.

Patron, a number of coronaviruses can cause the common cold. The common cold may also be caused by many other types of viruses, but primarily by rhinoviruses. Colds obviously are rarely life threatening to healthy people, but people with chronic lung diseases or diminished immune systems may develop serious illness such as pneumonia.

Because there are so many types of viruses (over 200) that can cause colds, scientists would need to allocate large sums of money to develops vaccines for many dozens of viruses, to protect against a relatively benign disease. The economics don't justify the investment of resources.

SARS is also caused by a type of coronavirus, was first discovered in 2003, and the vaccine is still not ready for prime time.

Of course scientists are feverishly working on developing a vaccine against this new Coronavirus, currently known as 2019-nCoV ("n" for novel). This virus is so new, that they don't yet know how deadly, nor how contagious it truly is; but early statistics are sobering, to say the least. If this virus shows itself to be as serious as it has the potential to be, then a vaccine will be the best way of limiting a possible pandemic. But for those already sick with it, the vaccine will likely not help them.

Check out that link to the Washington Post article in post #25 of this thread; it's an interesting read.

As for the common cold, I find your remedy of chicken soup works much better when I pay an SP to administer the treatment! :eyebrows:


Nov 1, 2019
The problem with Seasonal Scares is the difficulty of getting everyone fired up again the next season.
Remember Zika, which was going to wipe out South America, and most of Florida if the South American mosquitos fell in love and mated with Florida mosquitoes.
It just simply went away. No one watched the sequel the next year.
Now it is a tragedy that so many babies were born with birth defects, but it didn’t wipe out South America, or Florida.

Well, I see your point, Patron, but the fact is that Zika was a big problem in 2014, and many many women delivered babies suffering from Zika induced birth defects, which justifiably alarmed potential parents and obstetricians and midwives everywhere. The first human infection occurred in 1952, and who knows why it became so prevalent in 2014, but has subsided since.
Obstetricians still alert their patients regarding the dangers of Zika infection to both pregnant mothers and to potential fathers (who if infected, can pass the infection to the pregnant mother. They advise those couples thinking of traveling to tropical areas to consider the potential risk, use lots of DEET, and avoid mosquitoes as much as possible.
It sort of goes back to what I was saying before. Whenever a new contagious disease arrives on the scene, there is lots of alarm because doctors and people are justifiably afraid of the unknown. Things calm down once we figure out how it works and how to deal with it. Knowledge is power


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
CB the other day you post an un respectful post in the thread about an escort that was killed, now another cheap shot post. You enjoy this?

We do not.

Jal , Oliver who you probably didn`t know, always lacked class and had a mean streak in his humour especially on the blue board.
Now that he moved back to merb with a new handle ( C.B) he still lacks class. Too bad because he is an encyclopedia of knowledge about the biz.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It's all fine Cloud I said what I had to say. I know him by his reputation here. I wish he would use his knowledge of the biz more and cut the crap at snapping others a little ;)



Nov 1, 2019
200 people have died of a really bad cold, and they are going to cause 300 million chickens to starve to death.

To your point, Patron, and also Aficionado and sharkman,
Influenza, i.e., the flu, has infected 26 million in the U.S. this year, and killed up to 25,000 thus far. So we advocate everyone getting vaccinated for imperfect protection.

The point is not that we should not be afraid of catching the new coronavirus, but just keep it in perspective. Fear of the unknown is a natural and protective reaction. As we learn more about the new coronavirus and it's risk, then the panic will subside.

However, if something akin to the flu pandemic of 1918 occurs, as many healthcare authorities expect someday,then yeah, fear might be appropriate

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
The rapid spread of the deadly virus has been conclusively proven to be Trump's fault.

Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity

On the other hand, as the experts have wisely pointed out,

The point is not that we should not be afraid of catching the new coronavirus,

That is an excellent point. We should welcome a rare chance to catch the new virus. I for one am still looking for a way to get my ass to Wuhan, something increasingly difficult these days. So we should all thank President Trump for not denying us this exciting opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
It's all fine Cloud I said what I had to say. I know him by his reputation here. I wish he would use his knowledge of the biz more and cut the crap at snapping others a little ;)


Many many people agree with you Jalimon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Many many people agree with you Jalimon.

That could be, but how do you know, did you take a poll or contact a couple of hundred people.
Just love when someone speaks on many many peoples behalf.

Yes, he may be crude a little sometimes, but which is better someone who uses flowery words and talks down to people and thinks he is above everyone else.
I will take the crude guy every time over someone who thinks his shit doesn’t stink and believes he is a legend in his own mind.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I will take the crude guy every time over someone who thinks his shit doesn’t stink and believes he is a legend in his own mind.

Not to mention that this particular crude guy usually happens to be right on point.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Many many people agree with you Jalimon.

Thanks Purplem!

Back to the virus Apple just release that they close all their Apple store until Feb 9 in all of China.

This has to be contained quickly or the economical repercussion will be huge... I am sure financial broker's are telling their client to stay calm while themselves cashing out their stock asap!


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
Hello to all,

I'm trying to understand all points of view but unfortunately, some posts are deeply modified or simply erased and then it's very hard to follow the discussion.

As an exemple, GMA wrote a message. I do agree with some parts and i don't with others but that's not the point here. Where is now that message? I dowloaded the whole thread to read it offline since my connection is sometimes very slow. But the following post made by GMA is now nowhere to be found. What happended?

Here is the post post made two days ago (feb. 1 / 2020) :


Registered User
Join Date
Nov 2019

Greatly lower? Can you please show some evidence of us being able to greatly lower the impact. That is just a bunch of false shit.
Haha I love these homework assignments you give me that never change your mind anyway.
We've been through all this before on this thread.
When i have time I Might look up the recommendations on carbon emissions reductions necessary to prevent the future temperature from rising above a certain level. If it rises above that level, then catastrophic changes will occur.
Look around you, the evidence is everywhere:
Wildfire seasons are like sci-fi movies in Australia, California; States like Alaska, Washington, and Oregon are dealing with wildfires that they have little prior experience nor knowledge how to combat.
Venice is chronically flooding, and its population fleeing piecemeal.
The Great Barrier Reef is almost dead
The huge kelp forests in Tanzania are almost dead too
Glaciers around the world are disappearing
Scientists give us another 10-12 years or so to stop the carbon emissions. If we do that, then the climate change will likely stabilize.
But carbon emissions worldwide hit a record in 2019, breaking the previous record set in 2018.
Aside from the world's increasing population, we are hitting certain tipping points that are accelerating carbon emissions. For example, melting permafrost is releasing previously frozen CO2. And the rampant wildfires do the same.
We need a worldwide coordinated effort to deal with this crisis, and the US is traditionally the world's leader in these situations. But we have a corrupt clown as POTUS, so this next election will actually determine the future of the world in many ways.
You can sit back in cold Montreal, STN, and laugh away at climate change because you are insulated from its effects. But coastal and island cities and nations are scared shitless, as are nations where water is becoming more scarce and temperatures unbearable.
BTW, you want evience? Be a student and google this stuff. Try to understand the world around you, and think about other people's welfare.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A meme I recently saw.


Again, you do not get the Corona virus from drinking our beer!
Coronavirus symptoms include fever, runny nose and coughing.
Symptoms of drinking Corona beer include gagging, craving Taco Bell and waking up beside someone who you wish you never met.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ UP 3. Yeah, that was GMA giving the wrong answer to a question I asked to Jaliman, guess when he realized his fuckup he deleted his post. Easy to delete and cover up your errors, the proof is gone.
Someone also called him condescending for that post, perhaps hurt his feelings.
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