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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here

I would hope, if You have been making $200-$600/Hours, you have put some of that $$$$$ away, for These Days of Darkness.

by statistics every person irregardless of money is basically irresponsable with money by the numbers id say 70% of escorts are going to have a really bad every day for a while to come
good news for them mcdonalds is hireing
great news for us is imagine a big mac trio and a blow job please ok sir that will be $12 for the trio and $50 for the bbbjcim

Information from a researcher collaborating with the working group fighting the coronavirus epidemic:
Here we are sending clear, simple and accessible information to everyone, which describes exactly what the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus) is, how it is spread from person to person and how it can be neutralized in life daily.

Infection with the virus does not cause a cold with runny nose or a fatty cough, but a dry cough is the easiest thing to recognize.

The virus does not withstand heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees, so hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea or soup should often be consumed during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus, so avoid drinking ice water.

And for those who can do it, expose yourself to the sun! 1. The size of the virus is quite large (diameter of about 400-500 nanometers),
so any type of mask can stop it: in normal life, special masks are not necessary, simple masks are enough . On the other hand,
the situation is different for doctors and health professionals who are exposed to high viral loads and must use special equipment. 2.
When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as doorknobs, household appliances, bus bars, etc.,
wash your hands well and disinfect them thoroughly. 3. The virus can live nested in clothes and fabrics for about 6/12 hours: normal detergents can kill it.
For clothes that cannot be washed every day, you can leave them in the sun for a long time, the Covid 19 will not resist. How the Covid 19 manifests:
1. The virus first settles in the throat, causing inflammation and a feeling of a dry throat: this symptom can last 3/4 days. 2. the virus then travels through the moisture present in the respiratory tract,
descends into the trachea, then settles in the lungs, causing pneumonia. This stage lasts approximately 5/6 days. 3. Pneumonia occurs with high fever and difficulty breathing, but is not accompanied by conventional shivering.
If you feel like you are choking, contact your doctor immediately. How can you avoid it? 1. The virus is mainly transmitted by direct contact, by touching fabrics or materials on which the virus is present:
it is essential to wash your hands frequently. The virus only survives on your hands for ten minutes, but in ten minutes, a lot can happen: rub your eyes or scratch your nose for example, and thus let the virus enter your throat
... So, for your own good and that of others, wash your hands very often and disinfect them! 2. You can gargle with a disinfectant solution that eliminates or minimizes the amount of virus that could enter your throat,
so you eliminate it before it goes down into the windpipe and then into the lungs. 3. disinfect the keyboard of computers and mobile phones. In addition, Covid19 may not show signs of infection for many days,
during which time it is not possible to know whether a person is infected or not.But when you have a fever and / or cough, your lungs are usually already 50% clear.Experts therefore suggest doing a simple check
that you can do yourself every morning:Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you do this without coughing, feeling oppressive, etc., it shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs
which basically indicates the absence of infection At such critical times, check this every morning in a clean air environment. This is simple information and advice from doctors who treat COVID-19 cases.
Another simple tip, we must make sure to keep the throat moist, at least as dry as possible. Drink a few sips of water at least every 15 to 20 minutes.WHY ? Even if the virus gets into your mouth ...
water or other fluids will carry it through the esophagus and into the stomach.Once in the stomach, stomach acid will kill the virus. If you don't drink enough water regularly,
the virus will be able to get into your lungs more easily. Share this information with your family, friends and acquaintances, solidarity and civic sense count.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Beav onions and garlic can keep the virus away by making people keep their distance from you.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
C.B. Brown;1265603 [B said:
The virus does not withstand heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees, so hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea or soup should often be consumed during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus, so avoid drinking ice water.[/B]


Do you realize how untrue your statement is ? What is the core body temperature ? 37.5 C ….so based on your statement no living humans should be catching this virus.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Watch out with garlic you attract italians

on subject

The US is starting to look like Italy on coronavirus lockdown. It could learn a thing or two

Oliver do you have enough toilet paper? Have you calculated your toilet paper reserve and at what point your ass is going to have to be wiped with the odd rag you have around the house, or that handkerchief Mr. Ballz forgot last time he was over? I actually now have a 30 day reserve by my own calculations. If need be I can stretch it out by using leaves in the woods in my backyard.

I am trying to get your mind on the right track here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017

take you favourte escort to a sauna this virus dies at 25-25d c and bring a bottle of 180 proof booze
your welcome then take a uv light treatment colonoscopy is optional :)

The virus does not withstand heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees, so hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea or soup should often be consumed during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus, so avoid drinking ice water.
Experts therefore suggest doing a simple check
that you can do yourself every morning:Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you do this without coughing, feeling oppressive, etc., it shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs

Why do you keep posting this BS? None of it is true.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Definitely takes more time these days to do a bit of grocery shopping with this herd mentality , got to luv it :/
Just had to get a few things from my local supermarket like I normally do and yes there are people still stockpiling food and yes lots of folks buying plenty of TP

But even levelheaded folks that don’t usually overreact have no choice but do the same otherwise it will be gone by the time they need it

@CBB Maybe now would be a good time to go buy a bidet if you don’t already have one ,,,way easier to self quarantine and won’t need to go out to stockpile TP ;) . Also not sure about hot water like you mentioned but vitamin D is good for the immune system and kills viruses


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
But even levelheaded folks that don’t usually overreact have no choice but do the same otherwise it will be gone by the time they need it

Very true my friend. I think Italy's nation-wide lock down is scaring even the most logical tinkers among us.

Let's hope that "wealthy" nations will devote more national resources to the study of life sciences and for the development of medicine and treatments for viruses and cancers. Companies like Alphabet (Google's parent company) and Apple, with their huge hoards of cash, should increase their research and development of life sciences and biotechnologies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think we have been worrying about the wrong things. We could have been preemptive and ready with vaccines and medical supplies. Maybe this crisis will convince some of the fence-sitters that vaccines are not a government conspiracy? Chemophobia is very big in China and there is a growing global movement. Everyone wants all natural ingredients because they are less toxic. This is patently false. In fact, the 7 most toxic chemicals known to man are naturally occurring. People have emptied the shelves of cleaning compounds to kill this virus and nobody gives a damn if they are naturally occurring or not. They just have to be efficacious. Also, those products need to be preserved and NGO's like to scare the begeegees out of lay people about those preservatives but the real problem is the potential for unknown bacteria to grow in these products. A good example is ladies eye liner in the 1960. Ladies were diluting these products and contacting pseudomonas of the eye and going blind. So don't fear the preservative. Fear what can grow in your product without the preservative.

We need more STEM education in school and less leftist indoctrination.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
People binging on toilet paper seems to be the 'in' thing right now all over North America. Personally i'm not buying more than usual but always make sure i have enough to last me for a week. And if it ever happens that i run out and there isn't any toilet paper for sale anywhere i'll go to plan B: corn-on-the-cob. I was told by older folks that corn-on-the-cob works as good as toilet paper. So maybe it's time to start binging on corn-on-the-cob! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump is on the air giving a press conference on the Corona Virus!...he's wearing his USA cap!...:usa2:
The best thing Trump could do is go into hiding, keep his big mouth shut, stop tweeting and let the experts handle this thing. Every time he opens his mouth all that comes out are lies, bullshit and his usual nonsense! Every time he speaks publicly the stock market starts to crash! No one believes what he says since he's a compulsive chronic liar and is literally unable to say anything that is true! It's lie after lie after lie!

Now after getting criticized for refusing to get tested although everyone he seems to get into contact with seems to end up with the virus or in quarantine, he now says that he got tested last night. I DON'T BELIEVE IT FOR A MINUTE!!! He lies all the fucking time!!! On top of that he always criticizes his own experts and acts contrary to how we are told to act in order not to spread the virus! Just take yesterday's press conference, for example. He's touching everybody, he's shaking hands with everybody, he's touching the microphone over & over, he's got everyone in front bunched up together.....AND AMONG THEM ARE THE FUCKING PEOPLE HE APPOINTED TO FIGHT THIS THING! The fucking moron is literally potentially infecting the exact people who are heading this fight! On top of that, more & more people who've recently been to Mar-a-Lago are testing positive!! It makes you wonder if Mar-a-Lago isn't the place where all these infections are taking place!!

And now he's wearing a fucking campaign hat for this supposedly serious press conference to talk about the coronavirus. In-fucking-credible!!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The issue with skype or other stuff like that is that not every escort is at ease with internet stuff. Some truly want to stay anonymous so its not a viable solution for them...

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Pence says European travel ban will extend to U.K. and Ireland

Vice President Mike Pence announced Saturday that all travel to Ireland and the United Kingdom will be suspended, effective midnight EST on Monday. He said that Americans and legal residents abroad in those countries can return home.

Why it matters: The administration initially left the two off its restricted travel list, but that case has been weakened due to an uptick in cases in the UK.

Details: The travel restrictions do not apply to cargo or economic shipping, officials with the coronavirus task force said.

Flashback: President Trump announced earlier this week that European travel to the U.S. will be restricted for 30 days, with exemptions for Americans who undergo screening upon their return...

Who in the World is still Flying, Traveling??



Feb 17, 2019
The issue with skype or other stuff like that is that not every escort is at ease with internet stuff. Some truly want to stay anonymous so its not a viable solution for them...

Yeah, that's true. And I guess there is also the issue of someone recording them and posting it on the internet. That could destroy their anonymity especially if they are an SP that doesn't show their face in their pics, etc. . . .
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