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Jul 6, 2017
How much you wanna bet that the Brazil president really does have the caronavirus? ...

How much you wanna bet that Trudeau has the virus? His wife finally announced that she had symptoms for several days now and finally got tested. What's the chance that Justine had intimate contact with her during her pre-symptom stage of the virus? When did he finally know of her symptoms? Most importantly, has he been tested himself? Why hasn't the media been hounding Trudeau with these questions? The simple answer is they don't give a shit!! They are just trying to fuck with Trump. Even Justine doesn't give a shit. He has no plans on getting tested unless or until he shows symptoms. Every time Trump calls them "Fake News", whether it is justified or not, is a big Fuck You to the liberal media and helps to spread doubt in the un-elected 4th Branch of Gov't.

Thor Jr

Asian Peach Inspector
Jul 24, 2008
Thor - I hope they have plenty of toilet paper at the incalls because this is risky behavior. Please watch the video below. Your session should look like this to be safe:

HA, i love that movie, but where can i get a condom that big? the biggest i have here is the magnum style and i usually have to lube them to get it on.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Man, why all the hate on Chinese cuisine?? This wild shit has been eaten for years, viral jumping is gonna happen, it’s just an amount of time before a new pathogen emerges. They say HIV equivalent is SIV from bush meat likely. I’m not gonna blame culture or a group of people, I’m just gonna say that’s the way the world turns

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Just did a quick visit of my local Provigo/Metro/Indie grocer, a little east of McGill.

Not as bad as anticipated:

Yes, no paper-based products and there is a dwindling supply of some dry foods, like rice. But plenty else, including fruit and veg and other fresh food, which suits me well.

And no significant line-ups.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Since China and South Korea are improving, that suggests reinfection may be unlikely.

That is if they are telling the truth .this is the same country which made the whistle blower sign documents stateing his claim was false and the same dr who mysteriously died of the virus
more like 2 in the back of the head


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^That Dr. died from lead poisoning.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A great wonderful girl on twitter posted:

-wash your hands often
-take multi-vitamins & vitamins C -drink a lot of water
-don’t use too much hand sanitizer (it kill the bad bacterias but it also kill the good ones)
-avoid public transport (take your car)

Let me correct a few things...

-wash your hands often

Yes absolutely. Hot water and soap.

-take multi-vitamins & vitamins C -drink a lot of water

Nope. Coronavirus is not regular flu. Vitamin C has no effect. Drinking lots of water is indeed a good advice for regular daily life and if you are infected but will do no good to prevent getting infected.

-don’t use too much hand sanitizer (it kill the bad bacterias but it also kill the good ones)

Hum... I would say in the current situation use as much hand sanitizer as you can. And google the internet on how to make your own if you cannot buy some.

-avoid public transport (take your car)

If you can yes absolutely correct



Active Member
Aug 3, 2016

I would not be surprised if scientists and medical researchers and staff at McGill University came up with viable solutions and treatments against COVID-19.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

I would not be surprised if scientists and medical researchers and staff at McGill University came up with viable solutions and treatments against COVID-19.

The best research in regards to a viable soluion comes form Israel. But 6 to 8 months minimum will be needed.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I honestly suggest to all SP to email their regular client they trust that for the next 3-4 weeks they are the only one they will see. It's the only way to go. I know it's pretty drastic but believe me it's the only way to make sure a win win situation is happening.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I honestly suggest to all SP to email their regular client they trust that for the next 3-4 weeks they are the only one they will see. It's the only way to go. I know it's pretty drastic but believe me it's the only way to make sure a win win situation is happening.

IDK Jali...Here's the problem: Your contagious up to 5-days prior to becoming symptomatic. What good is it if the guy is a regular client or not?


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Well I'm cancelling my trip up north. Hopefully will be back after things settle down. Unlike STD, you or the SP can pass it on to the next person in the supermarket/ in a elevator/ public transit etc. The reputable portion of the industry should take a pause.

I honestly suggest to all SP to email their regular client they trust that for the next 3-4 weeks they are the only one they will see. It's the only way to go. I know it's pretty drastic but believe me it's the only way to make sure a win win situation is happening.
That doesn't do any good. One person can show no symptoms but still pass it on. You can be carrying it, pass it on to a provider. She then visits her grandparents over the weekend and they catch it and have a drastic outcome. You can't address this as if it is an STD because transmission method is different.

There was a article earlier today explains why mass closures are ordered. Lawsuits is part of it but the primary goal is to slow down transmission so that healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Statistically x% of population will be infected. Without closures, you hit that x% of the population being infected over a short time period overwhelming hospitals. With closures of public places, the x% of population getting infected is spread out over a longer period of time allowing those who were infected early to recover and out of the healthcare system before those infected later will need medical attention.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
Visit site
The lockdown in Italy isn’t going well with a record 250 deaths on Friday alone (7% fatality rate). Denmark & Poland also on lockdown but more as a preventive measure I think. But Catalonia’s in deep trouble & will probably go into lockdown soon followed by the rest of Spain. My suspicion is that France & Germany are next while UK is showing a rapid escalation of Covid-19 cases.

Iran is probably the worst hit of all with The Atlantic estimating as many as 2 million Iranians inflicted. But they’re a secretive repressive regime so guess they can just do a big cover up with mass burials for the dead.

Over in tropical hot humid Southeast Asia, Manila is trying unsuccessfully to lockdown while Jakarta is rumoured to be swamped w/ Covid-19 cases too. So that might indicate the summer heat WILL NOT bring much reprieve to the Covid-19 pandemic for Europe and North America.

New Zealand’s moving to shut its borders w/ a 14-day quarantine for all visitors, guessing Australia might not be far behind.

Basically much of the world has been in denial about Covid-19 and are now playing catch up. Many countries were even lying by preventing people from getting tested for fear of decimating their tourism industries.

It has been about 7 weeks since the lockdown of China and all over the world, our political leaders have wasted precious time by believing & advocating an alternate reality - finally landing us all elbow deep in shit.

All we can do now is try to ‘Flatten The Curve’ through social distancing & improved hygiene. It won’t be anywhere close to a zombie apocalypse but we’re still in for a rough painful year ahead.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
if you are coughing try hold your breath for 10 secounds if you can do this with out a problem your lungs are ok

drink hot water tea or beverages 25-26c kills the virus and if you had it drinking hot water will kill virus so it can help prevent it going to your lungs

7 cases in montreal 1 visited verdun hospital
1 used longuil; metro and a city bus

to you guys retired like me stay home for a bit
try and gradually get some canned goods so if they close the boarders food impact will be less and they are considering doing this
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