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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Cloud your theory does not work at the moment because we are not 100% sure that we are immune after the first infection.

It all relies on maintaining the spread on a level our hospital care system can handle until a vaccine is produced.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Isolate the elderly and vulnerable and then let the virus loose on the rest of the population. .

hmmmm .... no thanks, I don’t want the government isolating me fuck that.
That has been tried they are called old age care facilities, guess where most of the fatalities occurred.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I believe that Cloudsurf is right. All these mathematical models for flattening the curve by social distancing etc. work for isolated system where virus eventually disappears infecting a relatively small part of the population. No country in the world is now an isolated system and the world is too big and too diverse to eradicate it worldwide completely without vaccination and immunization. Eventually you will have it penetrated again and would start from the very beginning. So, either we have vaccine and the mass immunization within few months, or all this self-inflicted damage is practically useless.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Correct Patron. That is why I wrote not 100% sure. There has been report of Chinese testing positive twice so that is why epidemiologist are currently puzzled by that. They are actually waiting on Italians data because they are way more accurate then Chinese for the medical world. And despite complete chaos actual testing and data in Italy is way faster and accurate then many countries would be able to deliver.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
A beautiful, somewhat cold day here in Montreal today with lots of people on the mountain -- but almost none of them over the age of about 35, except a few folks like me.

Meanwhile ...

Long live Italy!

"Quarantined Italians sing from balconies to lift spirits":


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
All New York City public schools have been ordered closed, and now Mayor DiBlasio also ordered all NYC hospitals to cancel all elective surgeries.

Starbucks is commencing all "to go" operations in US and Canada


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Fed cuts rate to zero, launches more bond purchases in historic moves to fight coronavirus...

From reliable sources, Trump was going to fire Powell if he was not going to lower rates to 0% this weekend prior to Monday's stock market open!...the FED was probably going to lower rates on Wednesday at its next scheduled meeting! But Trump put a gun to Powell's head to move sooner!...The Bank of Canada with Friday's move to lower rates by another 0.5% almost sealed Powell's fate by being first movers ahead of the FED (the FED/Powell being perceived as followers with no balls by Trump)!.

However short-term, the move will backfire on both Trump and the FED because this is a Black Swan Event triggered by an unforeseen global health pandemic that kills and not one triggered by a structural financial system problem (bank balance sheet problem) such as in 2008!. We are in unchartered financial waters territory!

Expect the market to resume it's collapse once again tomorrow!

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Gov. Baker bans gatherings of over 25 people, orders school closure, restaurants take-out only

BOSTON — Gov. Charlie Baker said there are currently no plans for a statewide shelter-in-place order, but he has put a number of unprecedented measures in place across Massachusetts.

Just after 6:20 p.m. Sunday, Baker ordered a more restrictive public gathering plan, banning all gatherings of 25 or more people. The governor's initial ban was on gatherings of 250 or more people, which was put into place on Friday.

"These gatherings include all community, civic, public, leisure, faith-based events, sporting events with spectators, concerts, conventions and any similar event or activity that brings together 25 or more people in single room or a single space at the same time. This includes venues like fitness centers, private clubs and theaters," Baker said.

Baker also banned bars and restaurants from serving food and drinks on site, but will allow them to serve food via takeout and delivery services. The on-site service ban begins Tuesday and is scheduled to last until April 17.

"This order doesn't apply to grocery stores or pharmacies. This is about bars and restaurants and those places that people do not absolutely have to go," Baker said. "I realize these measures are unprecedented, but we're asking our residents to take a deep breath and understand the rationale behind this guidance."

In addition, all K-12 public schools in Massachusetts will close Tuesday and suspend operations for the next three weeks through April 7.

Restaurants only to provide take-out.....
I have been using Food Delivery (UberEats, DoorDash, etc) and Grocery Delivery.



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Yikes! How much lower can it drop?

No idea EB...but the move down will happen very swiftly!...Down is down, don't try to get in front of a freight train!

However, perhaps for the first time in US financial can throw out the window the old adage "Don't fight the FED"!

The FED's two rate moves and pumping liquidity into the financial system by buying back bonds have had no impact and will not work short-term to pump up the stock market!

It looks like Trump doesn't get the's the Virus stupid...not the Stock Market!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Can someone catch it again if they’ve recovered ??
Nothing is conclusive at this point so pretty much everyone is guessing but a few days ago I read something similar to what Jalimon mentioned ,,, that yes many have been reinfected
The article mentioned health care workers in China that were in good health and got sick , then recovered but didn’t develop immunity and so then got reinfected and died . They were not thought to be in that age group that was high risk but still died after their immune system was perhaps weakened by being exposed to the virus one too many times
So this COVID19 is not like other viruses were one develops antibodies and then isn’t prone to reinfection ...Or maybe some never really get rid of it but it just goes dormant and then resurfaces . Either way it’s bad news

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
COVID-19: Quebec orders bars and theatres to close, restaurants to limit customers
With the number of confirmed cases on the rise and the province grinding to a halt, Quebec continues to plan for the worst.

QUEBEC — Life in Quebec slowed even further Sunday with the Legault government ordering the closing of bars, theatres, gyms, ski hills, sugar shacks, arcades, and pools to impede the spread of COVID-19 in the province.

Restaurants are also being asked to limit the capacity of their business to 50 per cent to maintain a distance between customers. That means keeping only one of two tables open, for example. Fast food restaurants are being allowed to remain open.

And with the number of confirmed cases rising again — the total rose by 18 to hit 39 — health officials are urging citizens to keep at least a metre of distance — two metres if someone has symptoms — between themselves and other people.

But the government wants people to keep working so businesses, shopping malls and office towers remain open, as will public transit. If people can work remotely, all the better.

“I realize very well we are asking a lot of citizens, that we are imposing many restrictions on your normal lives,” a grave-sounding Premier François Legault said at his daily news briefing at the legislature on the evolution of the virus.

“But tell yourselves what you are doing now will save lives. I know Quebecers are built strong and I know we can win this battle together.”

With his government on high alert and the province operating under the strict rules of a public health emergency for the first in its history — Legault ran down the list of reasons for leaving home: going to work, to buy groceries, to go for a walk, to go to the pharmacy, seek medical help or to help people aged 70 or over.

The stepped up measures follow orders issued Saturday where Legault asked people aged 70 and over to stay at home. Quebec also stopped visits to hospitals, seniors’ residences and long-term care centres.

“The worst-case scenario is to have these centres infected,” Legault said returning to the issue.

Responding to criticism that the new measure means family members and volunteers who are helpful in the care of residents won’t be able to visit, Legault said some exceptions are possible, such as if an individual in a residence is near death.

Legault said there is also nothing stopping people from taking a nice walk in the sunshine as long as the distance rules are respected and there is no physical contact.

The same goes for everybody now that movies theatres and gathering places are closed.

“It’s calming and good for the morale,” Legault said.

Legault said the 18 new cases announced since Saturday morning are proof Quebec’s restrictions are necessary. In other countries, the growth in new cases was exponential. In Italy, for example, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 rose from 21,157 on Saturday to 24,747 on Sunday......

But the government wants people to keep working so businesses, shopping malls and office towers remain open, as will public transit. If people can work remotely, all the better.”

Which People?
When does/should the Government step in?



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Correct Patron. That is why I wrote not 100% sure. There has been report of Chinese testing positive twice so that is why epidemiologist are currently puzzled by that. They are actually waiting on Italians data because they are way more accurate then Chinese for the medical world. And despite complete chaos actual testing and data in Italy is way faster and accurate then many countries would be able to deliver.

Yes but were they sick again? I mean, they test positive but is it less severe? Your body is certainly going to build up a resistance. The reason why this is so sever is because we have no immunity. Kind of like the Native Americans/First Nation and smallpox accept they say that killed ~90% of them. The wort this is going to do is 1-2%. I'm equally worried about losing my life's savings. I've been working all my life so that I could retire in a few short years.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Correct Patron. That is why I wrote not 100% sure. There has been report of Chinese testing positive twice so that is why epidemiologist are currently puzzled by that. They are actually waiting on Italians data because they are way more accurate then Chinese for the medical world. And despite complete chaos actual testing and data in Italy is way faster and accurate then many countries would be able to deliver.

I have less than rudimentary knowledge in life science, but I think it is not logical. Without building resistance to the virus nobody can recover. So, if a recovered person is re-infected again within a short time period it means that the virus is substantially mutated and became unrecognizable by the immune system. Though there is information in press than the virus has not mutated since December.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Exactly. Every medical professional that I've listened to mentioned the herd immunity that we will have once people get sick and recover.Did I mention Joe Roan's interview #1439 with Michael Osterholm yet? I may have mentioned this guy already, the medical detective Michael Osterholm?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump tested negative for COVID-19

It's bullshit! The guy lies about everything and now we're going to believe he got tested & his test turned out negative? At midnight the other night the WH physician sent out a letter that Trump didn't have to be tested. The next day we're supposed to believe that Trump ended up getting tested after all the previous night. So his physician lied & sent out a letter stating Trump didn't need to get tested? Bullshit!!

On top of that....even if he would have been tested (which i doubt) i don't believe for a second he'd tell the truth about the results (since he lies all the time) and tested negative. If he did get tested & then stated he tested negative....THEN HE TESTED POSITIVE!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
It's bullshit! The guy lies about everything and now we're going to believe he got tested & his test turned out negative? !

If he doesn't take the Coronavirus test he's a menace. If he does take the test he's a liar. I wish CNN would make up their mind.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If he doesn't take the Coronavirus test he's a menace. If he does take the test he's a liar. I wish CNN would make up their mind.
When you constantly lie about everything after a while no one believes you.....even when it may be truth. This time around i don't believe Trump ever got tested since it would directly contradict what his own doctor just stated.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
It's bullshit! If he did get tested & then stated he tested negative....THEN HE TESTED POSITIVE!

Your right Doc
He could have a tumour and the Doctor will still say that he is the healthiest person in the world
Plus he is a compulsive liar so who really knows what the truth is
But your starting to analyze things like George Costanza and that could spell trouble ;)
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