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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Any reputable provider and agency should be taking a break for the next 2-4 weeks, for their personal reputation as well as the broader hobby. Perception is in play here as well as science. This is a rare pandemic and we are on the cusp of a surge in North America.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Any reputable provider and agency should be taking a break for the next 2-4 weeks, for their personal reputation as well as the broader hobby. Perception is in play here as well as science. This is a rare pandemic and we are on the cusp of a surge in North America.

Completely agree. It freaks me out to see agencies posting ads with a full roster. Either they don’t care about the young ladies or don’t care about us. And that goes for independents too posting availability as of nothings happening. Strange.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Any reputable provider and agency should be taking a break for the next 2-4 weeks, for their personal reputation as well as the broader hobby. Perception is in play here as well as science. This is a rare pandemic and we are on the cusp of a surge in North America.

Some Montreal SWs on Twitter are announcing as much, both Indie & agency SWs. Most others on Twitter that I follow have gone quiet, probably trying to figure out what to do.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Completely agree. It freaks me out to see agencies posting ads with a full roster. Either they don’t care about the young ladies or don’t care about us. And that goes for independents too posting availability as of nothings happening. Strange.

There is an exception. Montreal Sex City is closed. Kudos to Jessy.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Imagine how awesome it would be to have a gene mutation that made you unsusceptible to Covid-19, fuck dude some of these chics would be retired by the time this covid-19 bitch and TNB passed
Feb 24, 2006


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
Visit site
There is simply too much complacency about Covid-19. This is a new and dangerous virus so don’t assume we know much about it at all. Most of the data is from China and they’ll just tell us what they want us to know. Even China has at best 90 days worth of data. Seriously think about that compared to the decades of data that we have on the Flu, HIV.

Right now, ERs r reporting younger Covid-19 patients (<50 years) in serious condition. No need to panic but let’s not be stupid either. Good luck & stay safe everyone.

Batista Mason

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2011
Completely agree. It freaks me out to see agencies posting ads with a full roster. Either they don’t care about the young ladies or don’t care about us. And that goes for independents too posting availability as of nothings happening. Strange.

Some of them are single mother who needs money for their kids. They most likely didn't expect this to go this badly, so they didn't save their money. They might also not have another job beside this, so they have no other way to get money for the next few weeks, unfortunately. I personally encourage SPs (especially if they have kids) in that situation should look for a regular job and maybe keep doing this as a side job. So if something bad happens that prevent them from providing services, they still have their regular job for money.

EDIT: I just learned that my gym (Énergie Cardio) are going to close until further notice starting tomorrow. I assume that will be the same for all gyms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I don't think agencies get nearly as much traffic as public facilities, so I don't think its any riskier than doing your groceries.

Plus I saw from XO's feed that they do take few extra steps to keep the incalls sanitized lol

not everyone can afford to not work or have the flexibility to work from home :/


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
Visit site
Reported US coronavirus cases in March via @CNN:
(From @ryanstruyk twitter feed, he’s a a producer for State of the Union with Jake Tapper on Sunday mornings in Washington)
3/1 - 89
3/2 - 105
3/3 - 125
3/4 - 159
3/5 - 227
3/6 - 331
3/7 - 444
3/8 - 564
3/9 - 728
3/10 - 1,000
3/11 - 1,267
3/12 - 1,645
3/13 - 2,204
3/14 - 2,826
Now - 3,485

See how it multiplies exponentially. HOWEVER do bear in mind that widespread Covid-19 testing is still not being done in the US. There was a shortage of testing kits then now shortage of RNA extraction kits plus limited lab capabilities & CDC redtape. US has the one of the lowest Covid-19 tests done per capita.

US numbers r likely to be a lot larger. How much does anyone want to bet that Canada bans US travellers from its borders by the end of next week?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
All bars ordered to close in Quebec. All stripclubs announced on their website that they are closed until further notice. What they should have done two weeks ago was close all borders and ground all international flights.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
hopefully this helps put you guys a little bit at ease.
here are China's stats

2/1 404 infected
2/15 59,804 infected 5911 recovered

the amount of infected increased astonishingly

80,806 infected 67,758 recovered

The chinese have managed to reduce the infection rate drastically

They have methods and tools that they have shared with Italy and hopefully we will adopt these methods soon and stay safe.

Cash is one of the most common things that spreads the virus, so avoid using cash, use your card. Avoid touching the machine just tap your card (paypass)

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
From the website of the Government of Canada:

How coronavirus spreads

Human coronaviruses cause infections of the nose, throat and lungs. They are most commonly spread from an infected person through:

* respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze

* close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands

* touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands

Current evidence suggests person-to-person spread is efficient when there is close contact.

Preventing coronavirus

At this time, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 or any natural health products that are authorized to protect against it.


Thor Jr

Asian Peach Inspector
Jul 24, 2008
I don't think agencies get nearly as much traffic as public facilities, so I don't think its any riskier than doing your groceries.

Plus I saw from XO's feed that they do take few extra steps to keep the incalls sanitized lol

not everyone can afford to not work or have the flexibility to work from home :/

I can understand your view on this, and i would like to agree, but if just one client has the virus, then we are all at risk, it will be like a domino effect. This could turn into a long ride for many of us. I sympathize with the ladies, they have family and have bills, but i think you can take 2 weeks off and recover from this short lay off, it may take a little longer but in the end you will be ok. And look at the bright side, in 2 weeks there will be a shit load(toilet paper pun) of horny old men booking like crazy. I am hopeful that in time all will be ok, we as human beings have always bounced back from everything that has crossed our path.
This is where all the billionaires of this world should throw some of their hard earned money into finding a cure, please do not leave it to the governments to fund this crisis. The richest person in the world has 116 billion dollars at his disposal, i dont think it would hurt him to fork over a billion, just thinking out loud.

On the bright side, i am going to the hospital tomorrow and they are putting a camera in my sausage. ouch. Camera up my ass i have gotten use to, but this is new to me and does not sound as much fun as a colonoscopy.

Ok, this is my rant for the day.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is where all the billionaires of this world should throw some of their hard earned money into finding a cure, please do not leave it to the governments to fund this crisis. The richest person in the world has 116 billion dollars at his disposal, i dont think it would hurt him to fork over a billion, just thinking out loud.


Now we get to see the power of the R&D arm of the American pharmaceutical industry that everyone likes to villianize. I can only sit on the sideline and cheer or maybe hope.

BTW - I think, if anything, this crisis indicates that we need to bring some critical industries back on shore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don't think agencies get nearly as much traffic as public facilities, so I don't think its any riskier than doing your groceries.

Plus I saw from XO's feed that they do take few extra steps to keep the incalls sanitized lol



How many people at the grocery store are giving BJ or sticking their tongue in your mouth or actually touching you.
keeping in calls sanitized is only good for not transferring it from objects, which is not where you are likely to get it anyways.

Yes grocery stores are a risk, but you have got to be kidding if you think it is the same kind of risk.
Some just keep thinking with the other brain no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
we could have sessions where both participants masturbate a few meters aways from each other, exactely like the old PussyCorps place in the 90s :) that would be safe, and kind of novel (again).

I remember I had one session at PussyCorp and I was really turned on! The girl was hot and I could not beleive how <graphically> I could see the dildo going in and out of her pussy. Mind you I was in my 20s and like Eddie Murphy said <my dick got hard when the wind blows>.

It's like live-cam shows but better.

Amazing Spa announced they are closing temporarily. Kudos to them, it must have been a difficult decision.
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