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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Oh for fucks sake not this USA Today bullshit


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Well when i said to stay home, i of course meant alone i mean it was clearly implied ahahaha. I saw a couple at the grocery store with masks on their faces and they had their 2 kids with them without masks XD it made me laugh to think they really believes their mask would change anything ahaha

The best of course are the people who wear the masks... over their mouth, but not their nose.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I could wait for patron to come out with translation...but I’ll use google chrome, sharky I got a buddy working in Italian and she said there are a little less than 500 ICU beds in use. A little less than half of those are occupied by people less than 50 years old. There patient patient zero was a 38 year old who was vented for 3 weeks. Don’t remember if there was underlying pulm disease though


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
For sure i agree anyone over the age of 55 or with pulmonary / cardiac problem stay home. Don’t put your health at risk . And For those of you who’ll risk it , before going to the escorts clean yourself thoroughly and wash your hands , use hand sanitizer and maybe avoid kissing if you can .

Ok I`m in my 70`s and diabetic. Statistically I have a 15% chance of hospitalization and death from COVID19 . So yes I`m staying home in isolation and not seeing anyone even my grand kids. And yes its fucking boring and too damn cold to take a suntan on my balcony.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Patrons always there when we need him!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Patrons always there when we need him!

Hence as published in the Italian article, and based on the Italian data reported - and contrary to what we are being told in North America - cases of younger adults contracting the Corona Virus are growing!...and it is therefore bullshit that young adults are not as susceptible to contracting COVID-19!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hence as published in the Italian article, and based on the Italian data reported - and contrary to what we are being told in North America - cases of younger adults contracting the Corona Virus are growing!...and it is therefore bullshit that young adults are not as susceptible to contracting COVID-19!

Shark I dont think they were any report that child do not contract the virus. They do just like every other age group. It simply that stats we have so far shows they are much less impact by it. The vast majority of death are in the elderly age group. The problem with child is if they get the virus they probably will barely notice and therefore transmit it to many people... That is why gouvernment of Quebec just quanrantine every 70 and older. They do not want them to take care of kids while parents needs to work.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Well, those younglins affected? It would be interesting to see how many of them have underlying pulm disease like asthma, smokers, type I diabetics. But yea, Italy is reporting a higher frequency of below 60 yo’s, a lot of which are needing critical care


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Have you guys suspended workouts at your local gym/health club, worried that droplets of sweat from the guy shaking his head on the next treadmill will spray into your face and eyes? Have you given up the laps at the local YMCA pool, not trusting the chlorination level, or perhaps worried that the inadvertent release of random other persons' urine streams/discharges, or that random sneezes and coughs of pool water by others will expose you? Blowing off the hot sauna and steam rooms for the same reasons?

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
Shark I dont think they were any report that child do not contract the virus. They do just like every other age group. It simply that stats we have so far shows they are much less impact by it. The vast majority of death are in the elderly age group. The problem with child is if they get the virus they probably will barely notice and therefore transmit it to many people... That is why gouvernment of Quebec just quanrantine every 70 and older. They do not want them to take care of kids while parents needs to work.

Yes, it's a real problem for some, especially single-parent families, who now have to miss work to stay home with their child or children because the schools are closed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Ok I`m in my 70`s and diabetic. Statistically I have a 15% chance of hospitalization and death from COVID19 . So yes I`m staying home in isolation and not seeing anyone even my grand kids. And yes its fucking boring and too damn cold to take a suntan on my balcony.

I am like you in my late 60 and taking care of a 95 year old who lives with me, so like you I am staying at home as much as possible just groceries and pharmacy.

I would love to see my ATF she is the most wonderful person I have met since my wife passed away.
She is the kindest and most gorgeous young lady I could possibly be with but I can’t take the chance until things improve.
She has made such a difference in my life that I will never be able to thank her enough.

Thank god for face time so at least I can talk to my children and grandchildren and relatives all over the world.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Yes, it's a real problem for some, especially single-parent families, who now have to miss work to stay home with their child or children because the schools are closed.

A couple of my coworkers are single parents now dealing with kids sent home from college unexpectedly. And many US colleges made this decision last week when students were already away on spring break. Yale told students not to come back; my coworker's kid was also on spring break and her college told her not to come back unless she makes a "formal request" and explaining why she needs to come back. All of her clothes, except what she took for 1 week of spring break, and all her books needed to continue online courses, are located in her room at this out of state college. So the "formal request" has to be made and then my coworker must drive with her kid, to another state, to retrieve her clothes, books and other personal belongings, presumably under the watchful eyes of local campus police.

So Coronavirus is defeating the empty nest concept.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes EB have stopped going to the gym
Just came back from a cruise last week that was an experience in itself, we were not allowed to dock as we had 2 crew members on board who were previously on the Grand Princess that was quarantined in California.

We were bobbing up and down 4 miles off the coast of Fort Lauderdale from 5 am. Finally the coast guard came tested the two crew members at noon we received the results at 8pm and were allowed off the ship at midnight.
Flights delayed for 2 days until we finally got home.
So no no gym, no SP, just pharmacy and groceries for me and going outside only for walks and cross the street if anybody approaches.
They scared the shit out of me on that ship so I will stay as isolated as possible.
btw the crew and everybody on that ship were absolutely fantastic how they all pitched in and were cleaning the shit out of everything on board and trying to help the passengers anyway they could with phoning airlines hotels..etc. I will always sail with them in the future.

Meta not Meta

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
^^EB ... and imagine being in the position of a working, low-income single mom, which is a real-life situation I know of here.

Regarding exercise, I've never been a gym guy, just a [slow-ish] runner with stretching and light workouts at home.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I’ve stopped meeting up with the lads for footy and have taken up shadow fucking. It’s shadow boxing, but instead of boxing your fucking instead.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
There's a woman at work who is 8 months pregnant. I know the news says that mostly older people with compromised immune systems are more likely to contract the virus, but I do worry about her. I wish she would take the last month off and self- isolate but she is dedicated to her work. Then I read the news today about 2 newborn babies in China having contracted the virus. Who knows what new details might occur in the next couple of months.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
EB, I’m avoiding the gym myself. I recently had a procedure to fix my shoulder and have been recovering at home for the past month. Finally got the clearance to get back in the gym and then the madness happened. I’m glad that the weather in NYC has been decent lately so I’m doing lots of outdoor workouts instead like biking and walking.
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