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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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3 different family members and friends- all of whom are in the healthcare profession- told me they had reactions to part 2 of Moderna vaccine. All 3 reported being hit with a "wave of massive fatigue" lasting under 24 hours. 1 of the 3 also reported a low grade fever. 1 other family member reported a slight headache several hours after part 1 of Pfizer vaccine, which went away after taking a Tylenol.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Vaccine-seeking NY seniors turned away from Connecticut CVS by local police:
I don't have any sympathy for people who are trying to game the system. Is it not common knowledge that each State is administering its supply of vaccine to its residents?
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
3 different family members and friends- all of whom are in the healthcare profession- told me they had reactions to part 2 of Moderna vaccine. All 3 reported being hit with a "wave of massive fatigue" lasting under 24 hours. 1 of the 3 also reported a low grade fever. 1 other family member reported a slight headache several hours after part 1 of Pfizer vaccine, which went away after taking a Tylenol.
I wonder how that would effect a person 85 yrs old.
Google deaths after covid-19 vaccinations, seniors can not take a fever or anything very well compared to a middle aged person.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine more than 24 hours ago..really no side effects besides a sore arm and slight headache.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Mine was a bitch. Tylenol helped a lot though. Not sure why u even got the vaccine SSJ. Covid May take a look @ u and say “I’ll leave that temple for the ladies”

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Why the fuck isn’t Biden moving up the date of the FDA meeting where they decide the fate of the J&J vaccine!?!? It’s a single shot dose! You can have millions of people vaccinated already!!

Am I missing something? Isn’t the official data out?

Meeting is scheduled for 26/2 I believe

Of all the things the MAGAstanis are criticizing Biden for this should be top on the list

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ If you get the vaccine you can still catch the virus and transmit the virus, what would be the point of a passport system unless everyone was vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Imagine a new variant that isn`t affected by covid anti-bodies and re-infects those who already were infected in the past.
Well according to some reports it is here and spreading. Will it also infect those who have been vaccinated ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Imagine a new variant that isn`t affected by covid anti-bodies and re-infects those who already were infected in the past.
Well according to some reports it is here and spreading. Will it also infect those who have been vaccinated ?
It usually takes decades upon decades for vaccine escape to occur. The data out right now suggests that the efficacy of the current vaccines is still good. Coronaviruses do not mutate nearly as much as other viruses like retroviruses.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I sure am glad that I don't live in Trudeau's Canada. Luckily, I live in Trumpland where Orangeman's Operation Warp Speed ensured that most Americans will get vaccinated well before most Canadians do. The U.S. needs to keep its northern border closed and well guarded so that desperate Canadians don't try to sneak across to get vaccinated!

...Now, Justin Trudeau is no lawyer, as everyone knows. His mauling of the Rule of Law during the SNC-Lavalin scandal — his obstruction of justice therein — made that pretty crystal-clear. But he sure has a lawyer’s enthusiasm for process, doesn’t he?

Actual results? Nope. Not his thing. Trudeau prefers to over-promise and under-deliver. Always. It’s stamped on his DNA.

Proof of this is found in Canada’s blossoming vaccination fiasco. At every turn, on every day, the Liberal leader’s response to the growing vaccination crisis has been to offer up sunny bromides about things that don’t matter. Process stuff.

So, Trudeau wheezes we don’t have a domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity (false). He shrugs, and says we should be comforted by the fact that we’ve purchased — but not actually received — lots of vaccine doses (also false). He says the big problem is the provinces being slow on coronavirus testing (false, false).

The actual problem is really simple: we don’t have vaccines, and the rest of the developed (and undeveloped) world mostly do. Canadians have noticed, too.

An Angus Reid survey released Friday said this: “Fifty-seven per cent of Canadians now say the government has done a poor job of securing COVID-19 doses for the population. This represents a near tripling from the number who said the same thing in early December (23 per cent).”

Among other things, that means we aren’t going to have a Spring election in the country. Good. But it also raises a rather important question: with his approval numbers in a free-fall, why does Justin Trudeau insist on prattling on about process, instead of actual results?

The New York Times, of all newspapers, came up with an answer last week. Self-appointed progressives, the Times wrote, always prefer process. It’s their emotional support animal.

Here’s what the Times wrote. It’s worth quoting.

“Early in the pandemic, countries with populist, right-wing governments were suffering some of the worst outbreaks. Their problems all stemmed partly from leaders who rejected scientific expertise. More progressive and technocratic countries (like Canada) were doing a better job containing the pandemic. Politicians who believed in the ability of bureaucracies to accomplish complex jobs were succeeding at precisely that.”

Then something weird happened, noted the Times.

“But over the last few weeks, as vaccination has become a top priority, the pattern has changed. Progressive leaders in much of the world are now struggling to distribute coronavirus vaccines quickly and efficiently.”

The European Union vaccination effort has “descended into chaos,” said the Times. Democratic states “are below the national average.” And Justin Trudeau’s Canada is “far behind” the United States, the Times stated.

“Far behind” is right: the National Post published an extraordinary front page this week, listing the number of countries ahead of us on vaccines, in headline-sized fonts: 37 of them. THIRTY-SEVEN.

The reason, suggested the previously-Trudeau-fans at the New York Times? Process.

“Why?” queried the Times. “A common problem seems to be a focus on process rather than on getting shots into arms. Some progressive leaders are effectively sacrificing efficiency for what they consider to be equity.”

And therein lies the best explanation of all: Justin Trudeau is just being who he is. He prefers process over results. Talking over doing. Sizzle over steak. Always.

Missing from The New York Times‘ sober assessment of our vaccination failure? A pithy summary of Canada’s situation. So here it is, gratis.

We are so, so screwed.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Why do you F’ers think Trumpy didn’t get the vaccine on TV in front of anyone, him and Melania got it in private? Why? Any thoughts?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why do you F’ers think Trumpy didn’t get the vaccine on TV in front of anyone, him and Melania got it in private? Why? Any thoughts?
Why do they put a round pizza in a square box and cut it into triangles?
No one cares.....
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
DONE...Just got le vaccin--PFIZER- today in Montréal----PALAIS DES CONGRÈS....was there at 13h35 and out by 14h15......all was on time et le service parfait sur toute la ligne...MERCI AU PERSONNEL DÉVOUÉ ET rvous le 7 Juillet...i feel good :)
can't wait de retourner à une vie normale et à mes amours;).


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
I went to get the vaccine at the Olympic Stadium, but I asked which vaccine they were giving and they said Covishield ( AstraZenica ) I turned around and went back home and made another appointment at the pharmacy which will be giving Moderna, tell Legault and Justin to give the AstraZenica to their mothers. I'll wait another 2 weeks!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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USA Releases 1.5 Million Doses To Canada:
Really a generous gesture, the doses could have been given to Italy which needs them badly, but instead head up north to Canada. Hope we get something in return when the border reopens
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