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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
When you see a Nurse, who has treated COVID patients, refuse the Vaccine on the basis of its safety, you really need to question what is being portrayed in the media.

A friend of mine is a nurse in ICU. I asked why one (of 12) of her colleagues refuse the vaccine.

She had no idea if it is safe or not, she assumes yes but believes there is a risk. I think we can agree.
She also measures the risk of contracting a serious form of the illness and she believes it's low. We can also agree.

So on an individual basis, this makes some sense. But on a basis of a society it falls apart as some miscalculate and the others pay the price with overrun hospitals and ICU.

She is free to not be vaccinated, but society has every right to not want her putting them at risk a) as a higher probability carrier b) as a higher probability burden on health care


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OUPS....décision surprise...DUBÉ recule :confused: ..reporte au 15 Novembre la vaccination obligatoire du personnel de la santé....pour éviter de foncer dans un mur...:confused: IMHO c'est une 1ère dé pas évident comme décision car loin d'avoir l'assurance que les
non vaccinés vont changer d'idée...leur donne du laisse ...mais perd de la crédibilité....dommage avait un parcours '' quasi'' 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
OUPS....décision surprise...DUBÉ recule :confused: ..reporte au 15 Novembre la vaccination obligatoire du personnel de la santé....pour éviter de foncer dans un mur...:confused: IMHO c'est une 1ère dé pas évident comme décision car loin d'avoir l'assurance que les
non vaccinés vont changer d'idée...leur donne du laisse ...mais perd de la crédibilité....dommage avait un parcours '' quasi'' 2 cents.

Il aurait simplement du dire "une dose, avec rendez-vous de 2eme dose booké avant le 15 Novembre, good enough". Il aurait du le declarer il y a une semaine pour donner le temps d'avoir la premiere dose. Ceux qui n'ont pas une première dose cette semaine auront pas leurs deux doses d'ici le 15 Novembre


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You are very correct.

Most hospitalizations, most ICU visits and most deaths are in people that are not vaccinated. PERIOD.

It is easy to spot what works and what does not.
Is this an affirmation of the second argument? Of course, the counter argument is that most people are not. Then we go back to the first Argument, yes but it helps reduce the spread.. And off we go again...
Lets take a different perspective, if a flu case is severe and hospitalized, will you suggest that everybody need to take the flue shot? Of course not, but the COVID :eek:.
I believe that the best way to fight COVID effectively is actually in the ICU. Make them better to accommodate more people, and give our immunity a chance to adapt and fight it naturally. This is the best way to reduce the Variants. The Vaccine will also become more effective for the people at risk, instead of having to keep taking Booster shots to deal with variants.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
A friend of mine is a nurse in ICU. I asked why one (of 12) of her colleagues refuse the vaccine.

She had no idea if it is safe or not, she assumes yes but believes there is a risk. I think we can agree.
She also measures the risk of contracting a serious form of the illness and she believes it's low. We can also agree.

So on an individual basis, this makes some sense. But on a basis of a society it falls apart as some miscalculate and the others pay the price with overrun hospitals and ICU.

She is free to not be vaccinated, but society has every right to not want her putting them at risk a) as a higher probability carrier b) as a higher probability burden on health care
We pay for that damn health care, it is there to serve us, and putting who at risk? The Vaccinated? I thought we agreed that Vaccines eliminated the risks!!!
People that are affected by the Vaccines are not numbers.. They need to make that decision without the pressure that this Gov is putting, ESPECIALLY that the Vaccinated are no longer at Risk...
Someone not at risk, punishing another because he did not take the Vaccine, while he himself is no longer at risk.. People's life, freedom of choice, and opinions are no longer important?? I mean how is this so hard to understand! Would anyone undergo Chemotherapies as a safety measure to not get Cancer? I mean even though most people do not get cancer, there is still some portion that dies of it. Isn't that the logic followed here??
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Lets take a different perspective, if a flu case is severe and hospitalized, will you suggest that everybody need to take the flue shot? Of course not, but the COVID :eek:.
I believe that the best way to fight COVID effectively is actually in the ICU. Make them better to accommodate more people, and give our immunity a chance to adapt and fight it naturally. This is the best way to reduce the Variants. The Vaccine will also become more effective for the people at risk, instead of having to keep taking Booster shots to deal with variants.

If any infectious disease be it a flu, small pox, ebola is

a) virulent and deadly enough, to overrun the health care system of every country in the world.
b) has a vaccine that significantly reduces the burden on these health care system

yes, I would mandate a vaccine. Both have been shown to be true.

How did we get the delta variant....let it rip through society and see where we end up. Great strategy you have there.

You use the argument "the vaccinated are not at risk". This is false. They are at reduced risk of catching covid, they are at significantly reduced risk of being very ill. Many still are at risk due to underlying conditions. Those that can't be vaccinated are at risk. Then let's consider the risk due to an overwhelmed healthcare system due to the unvaccinated.

Again, you are free to not get vaccinated, just stay at home and don't put a burden on the rest of society because you think the vaccine is dangerous, despite what the data behind billions, yes billions, of vaccinations has shown.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Since it's that time of the year again, let's take a critical look at cold weather jackets:



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Gaby, Mr.Dubé n'avait pas le choix. Mets-toi à sa place.
Ouin après réflexion et ma montée de lait passée ;) force est de reconnaître que DUBÉ a mis l'INTÉRÊT SUPÉRIEUR de la nation doit aussi tirer la lecon que gérer au public est bien différent de gérer au privé....deux réalités bien diffé


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Ouin après réflexion et ma montée de lait passée ;) force est de reconnaître que DUBÉ a mis l'INTÉRÊT SUPÉRIEUR de la nation doit aussi tirer la lecon que gérer au public est bien différent de gérer au privé....deux réalités bien diffé

L'erreur de Dubé est d'avoir mis un ultimatum donc il pouvait pas survivre les conséquences.
Il aurait du accepter des choses comme des tests fréquents
Ceux qui n'ont pas une première dose, n'auront pas 2 doses d'ici le 15 Novembre, alors il a perdu face est sera pas plus avancé le 15 Novembre.
Il aurait du donner un autre mois a ceux avec un premier vaccin, c'est tout. En fait il aurait jamais du faire l'ultimatum, mais c'est fait.

Je trouve ca drôle. C'est le médecins qui sont le plus vaccinés, suivis des pharmaciens, suivi des infirmières, suivi des infirmières auxiliaires, suivi des sages femmes....Ceux qui connaissent le plus les détails des risques et avantages, sont les plus vaccinés. Intéressant.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
This all comes down to hospitalizations. It's that simple. It's just basic math. The ressources in healthcare are limited and cannot support tens of thoussnds of covid patients.

If everyone who caught covid and got very ill stayed home and died in their bed, the rest of society would not care.

But in reality they come to the hospital and burden the entire healthcare system. My patients have had their potentially cancerous tumor removals post-poned indefinitly because of unvaccinated idiots clogging up everything.

If say 5% of covid patients need hospital care, and we were to let delta run wild and it ended up infecting the entire population over a few weeks, we would have hundreds of thousands of hospitalized covid patients.

The solution is either lockdown indefinitly to prevent infecrions or get the population vaccinated so they don't end up hospitalised.

There is no other alternative.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Low vaccination rate in Beauce.

In general, the situation is explained, in part, by a lower vaccination rate in Beauce than elsewhere in Quebec, says Dr. Romero: 64% of 18-39 year olds are adequately vaccinated in Beauce, compared to 75%. throughout the Chaudière-Appalaches region.
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
The world model 84% vaxxed Singapore.
From Ministry of health. Not news nor fake news.
Canadians news ever report on vaccinated in ICU?

Update on Local COVID-19 Situation (18 Oct 2021)

Situation update

Over the last 28 days, 98.6% of local infected cases were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, 1.1% required oxygen supplementation, and 0.1% had been in the ICU. Amongst those who required oxygen supplementation and ICU, 48.8% were fully vaccinated and 51.2% were unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You just had a boner moment .
So the unvaccinated who make up 16% of the population were responsible for 51% of those who ended up with a serious condition in the ICU.
Nobody said the vaccines were 100% effective but they are 95% effective in keeping you out of the ICU and alive.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You just had a boner moment .
So the unvaccinated who make up 16% of the population were responsible for 51% of those who ended up with a serious condition in the ICU.
Nobody said the vaccines were 100% effective but they are 95% effective in keeping you out of the ICU and alive.
Is that a serious reply!!! Almost 50 % are vaccinated, and you go on to the 16% not vaccinated?? His point was to show that in terms of numbers they are almost equal and yet the media does not bother specifying it.. That is suspicious indeed, and shows how one sided it is. This also makes you wonder what else is not being covered regarding the vaccines, since those statistics, at the very least, touches their credibility.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Is that a serious reply!!! Almost 50 % are vaccinated, and you go on to the 16% not vaccinated?? His point was to show that in terms of numbers they are almost equal and yet the media does not bother specifying it.. That is suspicious indeed, and shows how one sided it is. This also makes you wonder what else is not being covered regarding the vaccines, since those statistics, at the very least, touches their credibility.
His reply makes perfect sense.

85% of the population is vaccinated, 15% not vaccinated. If there are 100million people 85million vaccinated, 15million not vaccinated

Let's say 1000 people get hospitalized. 50% are vaccinated so 500 people. 50% are unvaccinated, 500 people

So 500 of 85 million vs 500 of 15 million people, so about 6x worst.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
His reply makes perfect sense.

85% of the population is vaccinated, 15% not vaccinated. If there are 100million people 85million vaccinated, 15million not vaccinated

Let's say 1000 people get hospitalized. 50% are vaccinated so 500 people. 50% are unvaccinated, 500 people

So 500 of 85 million vs 500 of 15 million people, so about 6x worst.
Still not his point. He is showing the media coverage biasness.
Everything you are stating comes from that source. By proving that the media has not been focusing on the vaccinated in the ICU, but rather only the unvaccinated, it shows how bias it is. This puts all those numbers in question... Which means that repeating them to prove any point is just, well. kinda paroting..
Lots of the Statistics that are being presented are lacking depth, and some points are focused while others not. They might not be lies, but they are definitely misrepresenting.
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