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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Unfortunately Quebec has the highest rate of covid19 in Canada. Per capita Quebec`s rate is twice that of Ontario. Why ?
I think most other provincial governments are more pro-active.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Anti-vaccine osteopathic doctor Sherri Tenpenny delivers an insane rant at the "Re-Awaken America" rally where she says vaccinating children against COVID is a "late term abortion"

I don't understand why medical professionals like this don't lose their license to practice medicine.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC--actuellement 44% des infections sont chez les jeunes au primaire....donc la vaccination devrait aider beaucoup.....vivement le vaccin.....beaucoup de parents sont hésitant ---et on peut comprendre---MAIS le bon sens devrait prévaloir.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Merci pour l'info et de nous rappeler qu'avec encore plus de 2,000 cas/jour au pays la bataille est loin d'être gagnée en dépit d'une amélioration notable.,,,on doit rester très VIGILANT.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

German leaders on Thursday agreed tough new curbs on the unvaccinated, with plans to shut them out of restaurants, sporting events and cultural shows as the country battles to halt a record rise in Covid infections.

Unvaccinated people will be banned from certain public spaces in areas with a hospitalisation rate of more than three patients per 100,000 people over the past seven days.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....pour les 5-11 ans it's a go :) vaccination débute demain.....déjà 80,000 jeunes la tournée mobile des é devrait bien aller.

LEGAULT révise sa prédiction de 80% de jeunes vaccinés afin de ne pas mettre de PRESSION sur les parents et RESPECTER leur choix......c'est habile et joue la bonne carte de la compré on semble reconnaître qu'un seuil de 60% serait satisfaisant..

IMHO on va largement le dépasser.;)

LEGAULT a dit regretter d'avoir dit qu'un grand succès de la vaccination des 5-11ans entrainerait une levée des mesures sanitaires....c'est repris today en mentionnant.....prudence on va y aller une étape à la évidemment c'est la chose à faire.:)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Cas vécu.....hier was talking with a client---une mère--and she told me tomorrow it will b vaccination à l'école de ses filles....and she said i don"t know what to do --suis un peu craintive--- BUT said que ces 2 filles sont d'accord avec la vaccination et qu'elles veulent

le vaccin....and the mother kept saying i don't know.....SO i told her your daughters are right---they know what's good for her, for you and pour tous ceux qui les entourent.....i really don't know what will happen today....i really hope both girls will proceed...

Je voulais rapporter cette anecdote car am sure que ce n'est pas un cas isolé......plusieurs parents---à juste titre--se posent des questions...MAIS suis assuré qu'après sérieuse réflexion ils vont poser le bon geste. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
In Germany there are more cases of covid than the worst days when there were the most cases.

The Minister of Health is completely discouraged, and he said: there are 3 possibilities because of the delta variant, namely:

1) everyone will be vaccinated.
2) those who will not be vaccinated will have covid
3) or they will be dead.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
The real problem is how can you explain to the non vaccinated that the vaccine works, while at the same time explain to the vaccinated that they need a third dose because the vaccine does not work .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
The real problem is how can you explain to the non vaccinated that the vaccine works, while at the same time explain to the vaccinated that they need a third dose because the vaccine does not work .

You don't. Despite the tons of scientific data that vaccines reduce the impact of Covid significantly, they don't understand.You admit that you can't fix stupid
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You don't. Despite the tons of scientific data that vaccines reduce the impact of Covid significantly, they don't understand.You admit that you can't fix stupid
I was being sarcastic there. The important part is that it does not work. Fact is the evidence. We do not need jargons and "sois disant" scientific data. The Vaccine has been around for a while now. Its impact has been tested. Vaccinated still need the same measures of protection as non vaccinated (the spreading myth died pretty fast). Vaccine improves the survival rate argument extremely hard to prove, since at its highest, that is when the virus was introduced in groups, it was quite low to start with, and got lower as the days moved on. Vaccinated are as vulnerable as non vaccinated with regards to Variants. Trudeau wants to protect the Unvaccinated from the Vaccinated, which is like, WHAT!!!, isn't it the vaccine's job? We see a new resurgence in the world and new lockdowns in populations that has a high rate of vaccination (and yes 60 percent is high). Ireland has the Highest Covid hospitalizations despite having the highest vaccination rate (91%) in Europe.
My personal experience (not scientific in any way), with some of my friends that have been vaccinated (40 and under), do not feel generally well.
I know 2 doctors that took early retirement because they are unwilling to be testing subject for a Vaccine they do not believe in.
These are facts, you want to turn your eyes to them, your choice, but they will remain there.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I know 2 doctors that took early retirement because they are unwilling to be testing subject for a Vaccine they do not believe in.
Your 2 doctors did well to retire, because they could have been infected by their patients, especially since they must be quite old ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
On for example here in QUÉBEC....même s'il y a une hausse significative des cas ces dernières semaines---plus de 1,000 ces 2 derniers jours--- et beaucoup chez les jeunes non-vaccinés-----le taux d'hospitalisation demeure stable/sous contrôle avec environ 200 .....avec 80% de la population vaccinée.....faut croire que la vaccination y est pour quelque chose ;) ...

et pourquoi une 3ème dose.....tout simplement pour ne pas prendre de risque car fort possible qu'après 5-6 mois la protection soit moindre----surtout pour les aînés et ceux à risque---même si une bonne protection semble continuer .
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