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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Tens of millions of Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4 or get tested for the virus weekly under government rules issued Thursday.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration said companies that fail to comply could face penalties of nearly $14,000 per violation.

The new requirements, which were first previewed by President Joe Biden in September, will apply to about 84 million workers at medium and large businesses, although it is not clear how many of those employees are unvaccinated.

Tougher rules will apply to another 17 million people who work in nursing homes, hospitals and other facilities that receive money from Medicare and Medicaid.
Those workers will not have an option for testing and will need to be vaccinated.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The man behind the fake news about the death of this young teenage girl from Montreal, which led to anti-vaccine protests in front of schools, has been tracked down.

He wrote the article "Post-Vaccine Death by Heart Attack of 15-year-old Malaka Rizkalla in Montreal," which has been shared thousands of times on Facebook.
The movement had even caused anti-vaccine demonstrations in front of schools in Quebec.
As a result, the Legault government adopted measures to prevent protesters from being near schools.

As for Claude Gélinas, it was in his underwear that he received a visit from the journalists who confronted him. He then withdrew his article on the young teenager.

He also operates disinformation blogs and maintains conspiracy theories. He also has a company, Logix Communications, in Lévis. Malaka Rizkalla died last September living with heart problems for years. She collapsed in the middle of the classroom.
Her sad death has nothing to do with the COVID vaccine, of which she had received her second dose more than 2 months before her death.

Conspiracies and in his underwear = a relationship?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC....91 % pleinement vaccinés et 87% ont recu une dose......BRAVO....c'est on en voit les résultats dans nos hôpitaux.....l'automne/hiver s'installe tranquillement.....alors on demeure prudent. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole is condemning comments made by one of his MPs regarding vaccination and the risk associated with the COVID-19 virus.

O’Toole was referring to remarks made by MP Marilyn Gladu on CTV’s Question Period on Sunday, wherein she took issue with vaccine disclosure, argued against mandatory vaccinations, and called into question the severity of the virus.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC....Bonne nouvelle....une 3ème dose ou dose de rappel sera offerte---SUR UNE BASE VOLONTAIRE--AUX 70 ANS ET PLUS.....dès le 16 Novembre. Selon les experts...non nécessaire actuellement pour les autres catégories d'âge .

Cela ne change rien pour le passeport vaccinal....toujours 2 doses requises.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
QUÉBEC....Bonne nouvelle....une 3ème dose ou dose de rappel sera offerte---SUR UNE BASE VOLONTAIRE--AUX 70 ANS ET PLUS.....dès le 16 Novembre. Selon les experts...non nécessaire actuellement pour les autres catégories d'âge .

Cela ne change rien pour le passeport vaccinal....toujours 2 doses requises.
And you know in 6 months they will force everyone to get a 3rd dose. Just like that the vaccine passport will no longer be valid unless you get a 3rd dose. Then it will be the 4th, 5th, and so on... It will never end due to people complying. Then the government will push the media to blame the increase in cases by blaming the people who took two doses and refused to get a third dose.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
And you know in 6 months they will force everyone to get a 3rd dose. Just like that the vaccine passport will no longer be valid unless you get a 3rd dose.
Generally, we were more reasonable and the rules were stricter here. That explains that per capita cases in Quebec are 10X lower than in France. We were also lucky that the Delta+ variant is still very low here. But with more international travelers from Europe situation may change very fast.

As for the third shot and the Vaxi-Code, you may be right, I hope not. But in France where vaccination is available for 65+ years old since a few weeks, the government decided yesterday that the app will request those will get their third short by 30 days, otherwise they will be denied from privileged allowed to those adequately vaccinated. Again the epidemiology is different from different countries. The density of population in France is 25 times higher than in Quebec. 5X greater population on a 5X smaller territory. Social behavior is also different. Since 2-3 weeks they started to hug and kiss each other.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Austria on Monday introduced tougher coronavirus restrictions across the country, with unvaccinated people refused entry to restaurants, hairdressers, and events. COVID-19 tests will no longer be considered a valid entry pass.

The move comes after the city of Vienna announced similar measures on Thursday.

On Saturday, Austria registered a record high of 10,000 new infections. The country has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe, with only 63% of vaccinated people.

Contradictory to the latest restrictions, the Austrian government has scrapped travel restrictions in regions with low vaccination and high infections rates.

The vaccine is the only way out.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I agree with blogger and health care industry expert Keven Roche that it's time to declare an end to the Covid epidemic and to live with COVID for the foreseeable future.


Many people must now be wondering how the CV-19 epidemic ever ends. The approach adopted by the current federal Administration, and echoed in Minnesota, relies on demonizing the unvaccinated and doubling down on largely futile actions. There is no reason to have confidence in this approach, as it fails to address the underlying problem, which is the vaccines failure to meet inflated expectations. Misinformation provided by governments has also created an inaccurate picture of the epidemic and of the steps which likely do create a rational and reasonable exit strategy.

Our current problem is not that large numbers of people aren’t vaccinated, but that notwithstanding extremely high levels of vaccination, we see ongoing significant numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths and renewed epidemic waves in different regions. Governments emphasize the unvaccinated as the source of transmission, and we frequently hear that it is now an “epidemic of the unvaccinated”. This is not true and we are actually headed toward an epidemic, if it even remains an epidemic, of the vaccinated.

In Minnesota and other states a high and growing percent of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are among persons who are fully vaccinated. The research clearly and uniformly shows rapidly declining vaccine effectiveness against infection after a few months. More alarmingly, effectiveness against hospitalization and death in the most vulnerable—our frail elderly—similarly is greatly diminished. As I have noted before, nothing is surprising about this in regard to a respiratory virus vaccine, although the speed of the decline in effectiveness is disappointing.

The Minnesota Department of Health is slow to identify and report breakthrough events and the data it does present is misleading and incomplete. The Governor stated on October 18 that “the highly effective vaccines….in almost every instance will keep you away from death”. In response to a question regarding fully-vaxed General Colin Powell’s death from CV-19, the Governor said “it is a very rare occurrence for someone to die (after being vaccinated)…I am willing to bet …. Of those 111 deaths over the last four days there won’t be more than one or two that were vaccinated.”

This is simply not true. Since October 4, the Department of Health has announced 671 deaths in its regular reporting and 323 of those have been in fully vaccinated persons, including 111 announced this week. This is 44% of all deaths announced in this time period. And over 7000 new breakthrough cases were announced in this week’s report. Despite government messaging to the contrary, the public is aware of the inadequacy of the vaccines to prevent transmission or serious illness, as now everyone either knows someone with a breakthrough infection or has read of their occurrence in sports figures, politicians and other prominent figures.

In light of this current reality that vaccines are not performing as we were told they would, an exit plan that ends our coronavirus obsession must primarily be attitudinal in nature. The true state of the epidemic and the damage being done by our misguided and fruitless efforts to suppress a virus which cannot and will not be suppressed must be acknowledged. We have seen several European countries take the more enlightened approach that all epidemic restrictions must end and the total wellbeing of all citizens must be the primary concern, not a monomaniacal focus on preventing CV-19 cases, which cannot be accomplished in any event. We have done what we can, it is time to move on and accept this as yet another pathogen which we will live with.

Some specific steps that would be part of a more rational approach include:

1. Either stop the incessant reporting of every event related to the epidemic, which only serves to maintain a high level of attention and anxiety, or provide the public with complete and accurate information about the epidemic, including more details about who is getting infected, and what actually causes many hospitalizations and deaths.

2. Stop over-testing. It serves no purpose to constantly test people who are asymptomatic. The result of excessive testing is large proportions of false and low positives which overwhelm contact tracing efforts and lead to unnecessary quarantines.

3. Stop quarantining children and adults who have not tested positive. Only symptomatic persons who have tested positive or who suspect they may have been infected should isolate themselves. Asymptomatic or presymptomatic transmission is actually low. Most transmission occurs from a few persons who are symptomatic, have large viral loads and substantial contact networks. Forced isolation disrupts education for children, hinders parents ability to work and damages business operations.

4. Stop wasting money on ineffective contact tracing. Minnesota has spent tens of millions of dollars on contact tracing and still can’t identify the vast majority of transmissions. This experience occurs everywhere.

5. Refocus public policy on overall public health and well-being. The restrictions put in place and the campaign of terror around CV-19 have severely damaged educational and social attainment for children, led to financial stress for many, imperiled our public finances, led to increases in serious illness and deaths due to missed health care, increased rates of drug and alcohol abuse and overdose, and caused large rises in mental illness. The threat posed by the virus to our total social wellbeing is far less than the damage done by our ongoing ineffectual actions to suppress it.

6. Most importantly, declare the epidemic over, declare victory if you are a politician and need that win, and celebrate that we survived this epidemic.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I agree with blogger and health care industry expert Keven Roche that it's time to declare an end to the Covid epidemic and to live with COVID for the foreseeable future.
But we need to vaccinate deer first :)



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
FRANCE....Le Président a annoncé qu'au 15 Décembre les 65 ans et plus devront avoir recu une 3ème dose /rappel sinon leur passeport sanitaire ne sera plus valide....ils en sont rendu là......toujours intéressant de voir ce qui se passe chez nos cousins francais. ;)

On regarde/ARRUDA beaucoup ce qui se passe de ce côté là.
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Active Member
Dec 28, 2019
The most vaccinated population in the world (100%) cancels Christmas due to massive rise in infections.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonne nouvelle....SANTÉ CANADA annoncerait demain l'autorisation de vacciner les 5-11 est de 700 cas positifs ces derniers jours par jour---une légère hausse des hospitalisations---et le virus s'attaque particulièrement aux jeunes...

alors oui bonne décision avec en plus l'arrivée des Fêtes.....mieux vaut garder la situation sous contrôle.
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