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CSST and others benefits for the sex workers


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
Hello to all,

This morning while having a coffee in my fav joint, i saw this article in the very distinguished Journal de Montreal.

It's about the story of a lady who had been a victim of a 'murder' many years ago. She's asking to be eligible to receive some benefits from IVAC wich is Indemnisation pour les victimes d'actes criminels. Everybody is eligible under some conditions and the amount eventually being paid relies on many criteria, one of them is the salary you were earning at the time of the incident.

Apparently, the lady could not justify any income. No income tax report, invoices, etc. So the government said that she had a job paying the minimum salary and send her benefits accordingly. And she's not happy.

So my question is, how can you work out of the system (mainly all cash transactions) without paying income taxes and still ask to receive all the protection paid for by those who are paying income taxes?

Mind you, i'm not advocating for the theory stating that we should pay more taxes or that the wealthy don't pay enough.

I am just asking myself how some people can ask to receive money from the workers paying taxes while they work without paying taxes? It's a kind of a round trip free lunch. I don't contribute but still ask to receive the benefits of the social system.

Same thing with the Société de l'Assurance Automobile. If you have an injury in a car accident, you are eligible to receive some financial benefits if you don't / can't work for some time while you heal. The amount is based on your salary or business revenue as shown by your income tax declaration. But if you don't file anything to show your income, the government will pay only 'basic' compensation. But you will receive something anyway.

The problem is that the lady in the newspaper is asking for more money stating that as a sex worker she earned a lot more money at the time. But she can't prove it since she wasn't declaring her earnings as a sex worker and did not pay any taxes. We know why she did not filed an income taxes. It's to avoid paying the taxes (nothing to worry about declaring the type of business she's in, prostitution IS legal in Canada) and thus contributing to the system. But now she's asking to receive the full compensation.

It's like your not buying a property insurance but when you're incurring a loss, you still want to be compensated.

I am targeting the people, like sex workers in the article, who are working kind of full time on the side without paying income tax.


No flame war please! Just a discussion!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ I believe that many of the ladies claim some income. Escorting is not illegal. Sex for money is illegal to buy but the company of another lady is OK so many claim income.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Most of us pay taxes, otherwise how are we supposed to buy things (house, condos, cars, etc).

Prostitution is NOT legal. We live under the Nordic Model. However we are not criminalized for selling the service, which means that technically yes you could report your taxes as a SWer. However, then when you happen to cross borders into countries such as the US, they know what you do for a living. We usually have a cover job for taxes.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
Good evening Rose,

I tought that prostitution was legal while soliciting or offering the service was illegal. Sorry if i mislead anybody. Is there a lawyer somewhere ? :)

So, you are saying that you pay taxes on the income earned on your regular job. But my question is do you declare (and how do you do it) and pay income taxes on you SWer job?
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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
What does it matter? To be honest, I am a bit at a loss here as I myself never had any illegal income. But if I had, I am pretty sure it would have mattered to me. And I would have thought twice before reporting it as such.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Good evening Rose,

I tought that prostitution was legal while soliciting or offering the service was illegal. Sorry if i mislead anybody. Is there a lawyer somewhere ? :)

So, you are saying that you pay taxes on the income earned on your regular job. But my question is do you declare (and how do you do it) and pay income taxes on you SWer job?

Hey :) SW is my only job. I just say I do something else that is aligned with my other passion/interest (ex. massage therapist, photographer, etc). We have access to SWer friendly accountants as well to guide us.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Yes, a good explanation, thank you for posting. Especially this part is good to know:

There may also be a gap between theory and practice on the disclosure of illegal income reports. In other words, the IRS may share the information with law enforcement even when it's not supposed to.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
My instinct would certainly be to trust no one. And the article you linked seems to be in agreement with that.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
To qualify my earlier statement: the one (and only) place to trust would be a really reliable laundromat.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Well, I agree, definitely a serious problem. Reporting yourself to the IRS doesn't, however, immediately come to mind as something that helps to solve it.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Problem is that so few laundromats even take cash now.
Are you a american I don't know where you live but in montreal i have 4 near me and they are all fact some cover the loonie slot as to accept quarters is a different calculation appaerently
and like most cash business they only] declare a fraction of what they really make


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
So, what do you all think of a SW who's not able to report her income 100% (for legal reasons) and or don't report in order not to pay the income taxes but still ask for all the social protection from the government like the lady in the article (read my first post to have the link to the article).


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
There are many people that abuse the system and it is almost a citizens right to fuck the tax man as much as he can seeing as he is getting reamed on a daily basis with taxes, hidden taxes of many kinds, property tax, school tax, water tax, municipal tax, gst, pst, pet licence, drivers license, building license
to name a few I am sure there are many more, everybody tries to reach into your pocket.

Why would SP be an different than other people, them not paying taxes is the least of my concerns.
My take on it at least when they fuck you it is pleasurable, unlike all these scum bag politicians who’s past time is to think up new ways to tax you that you may not notice, carbon tax anyone.
If they can get away with paying less taxes good for them it will certainly not make any difference to the average person or to me.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Yep Fradi. I agree with you. If you deal in cash what little can you claim and get away with and still be able to establish enough credit to get a mortgage etc? that is how much you claim. Why should you pay more to a government that spends money like a drunkin' sailor on shore leave with no regard to budget and only cares about staying in power for another term? SP's should pay enough to keep the IRS at bay and then, if she has more after investing in her future (pay yourselves first ladies remember your job is NFL or Not-for-Long), she can donate to the charities of her choice or help others with it by giving directly. Screw the government.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
^ Screw the government.
Especially when we have a idiot like Trudeau in charge.
They tried to push electric cars then realized they were loseing tx dolalrs on gas and tried to impose a tax where you would have a meter in your electric car and pay a tax on mileage but it never cam to light.
wwe as citizens watch our money most of us and the government throws away our had earned tax dollars
everything is basically shit
roads schools hospitalx where does the money go aside from the criminals who have to get their cut of


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Because tax returns are confidential and the IRS can’t share the information unless law enforcement has a case and gets a court order to get access to a taxpayer’s records, this is less risky than it sounds.”
Hmmm… you would trust the IRS with declaring criminal activity etc… but you wouldn’t trust an SP with your real name lol.
Nope, Nada, Never.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I wasn’t serious about giving your name, I realize it is standard practice in the US and I would trust a well reviewed Indy far more than anyone from the government.
Disclosing anything illegal to the IRS or any other government agency never in a million years, you actually think any employee would own up to giving out your information or the IRS as a government agency lol. Unknown leak, part of an investigation etc… they can come up with untold BS ways they got your information.
I have less than zero trust in giving anything remotely incriminating to any government agency.
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