CLOUD 500 said:Given the recent thread of "SP right to refuse a client" I thought I would bring this up. I would this very disturbing. I walked into the stripclub tonight and I see two cops frisking a black male as if he was a criminal. So I enter the club and the place was infested with about 20 police officers checking the place out and frisking and checking the identification of every black client in the club. The girls were standing watching all of this I asked some of the various girls in the club and confirmed the cops came in a huge group and were interrogating all the black clients in the club. Which makes me wonder why the selection to one group of people? Also there were a few Indian clients and they were also interrogated by the cops. I noticed these kind of raids more often and one of the girls confirmed they come in a few times in the week usually in the beginning of the week and it seems the cops are focused on the colored clients. Any thoughts on this? I found this very disturbing enough to ruin my night but to be saved by the lovely Mya she also said she needed some company which is why she sat at my table.
Hello Cloud,
Implying racism while missing critical information is irresponsible. All you have is your observation and stories from the girls, but nothing, not even hearsay about why the police were there at this time. I understand how someone who is Black can feel about seeming to be targeted. Yeah, it must truly suck. That still doesn't make this a case of racism, and just because it might seem that way on the surface doesn't make it so. Anyone who makes a habit of hanging around where drugs, prostitution, and possibly the "rackets" thrive is going to increase the odds of running into the police significantly. The police do tend to appear at such places and if the come en masse against the possible firepower they may face...don't blame them.
Given all that, this is after all, just a raid. Where is the event that makes this critical enough to alert everyone here. Sorry you had a bad time. Maybe it was just what you imply...maybe NOT! Maybe you need to seek out alternative forms of entertainment more often since you are no longer enjoying the company there.
Good luck,
booty123 said:I let nothing pass me...I just belive its been a couple month the same routine is been done.Its a more effective way and more discret way approche on that issue...
last time just to talk on this 15 police car block in on St laurent and St caterine why?? Imagine they was doing a anti gang routine check at kingdome ,and Cleopatre...15 cars + street block + 25 or more office...Now Im a client paying for some good time and im getting disturbe by so many law officer every 2 wks at whatever downtown clubs...normal ?
Hello Booty,
So you just want to have your good time the cops. If the other side disturbs your good time or possibly interrupts your life... permanently are okay with that?????
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