Montreal Escorts

Disturbing Event At Cleopatra


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
CLOUD 500 said:
Given the recent thread of "SP right to refuse a client" I thought I would bring this up. I would this very disturbing. I walked into the stripclub tonight and I see two cops frisking a black male as if he was a criminal. So I enter the club and the place was infested with about 20 police officers checking the place out and frisking and checking the identification of every black client in the club. The girls were standing watching all of this I asked some of the various girls in the club and confirmed the cops came in a huge group and were interrogating all the black clients in the club :mad: . Which makes me wonder why the selection to one group of people? Also there were a few Indian clients and they were also interrogated by the cops. I noticed these kind of raids more often and one of the girls confirmed they come in a few times in the week usually in the beginning of the week and it seems the cops are focused on the colored clients. Any thoughts on this? I found this very disturbing enough to ruin my night but to be saved by the lovely Mya she also said she needed some company which is why she sat at my table.

Hello Cloud,

Implying racism while missing critical information is irresponsible. All you have is your observation and stories from the girls, but nothing, not even hearsay about why the police were there at this time. I understand how someone who is Black can feel about seeming to be targeted. Yeah, it must truly suck. That still doesn't make this a case of racism, and just because it might seem that way on the surface doesn't make it so. Anyone who makes a habit of hanging around where drugs, prostitution, and possibly the "rackets" thrive is going to increase the odds of running into the police significantly. The police do tend to appear at such places and if the come en masse against the possible firepower they may face...don't blame them.

Given all that, this is after all, just a raid. Where is the event that makes this critical enough to alert everyone here. Sorry you had a bad time. Maybe it was just what you imply...maybe NOT! Maybe you need to seek out alternative forms of entertainment more often since you are no longer enjoying the company there.

Good luck,


booty123 said:
:) I let nothing pass me...I just belive its been a couple month the same routine is been done.Its a more effective way and more discret way approche on that issue...

last time just to talk on this 15 police car block in on St laurent and St caterine why?? Imagine they was doing a anti gang routine check at kingdome ,and Cleopatre...15 cars + street block + 25 or more office...Now Im a client paying for some good time and im getting disturbe by so many law officer every 2 wks at whatever downtown clubs...normal ?

Hello Booty,

So you just want to have your good time the cops. If the other side disturbs your good time or possibly interrupts your life... permanently are okay with that?????


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Jun 25, 2008
Regular Guy said:
A lot of speculation here. It may be true that the police were simply shaking the sheets to see what comes up. It may be true that they were stereotyping by choosing the black clients. It may be true that they had some sort of tip and the profiling fit the tip. Bottom line is that no one knows for sure. I will be the first to defend against racism. Unfortunately we just don't know here. What we do know with this thread is that a scenario has been provided to suggest racism on the part of the police. There is an atmosphere of suspicion. It would have been a lot better if someone had talked to a police officer to inquire, perhaps a white friend at the same table as his black friend. Perhaps somebody could have asked the club owner (You can bet the rent money that the owner would have asked the police for a detail or two.) But nothing has come to light here so far. At this point all we have is the fact that police have entered a club en masse and checked out black clients. What this thread has accomplished is to stir up the members of merb and highlight the issue of racism. In itself that may not be a bad thing. I just hate to see this take place under what may be a completely different scenario from what we believe to be true. I do recall another thread here where this scenario developed and was exposed as a fraud. It would be a shame if different circumstances came to light from what we believe to be true. We already got caught once like that. Shame if it were to happen again.

:) I let nothing pass me...I just belive its been a couple month the same routine is been done.Its a more effective way and more discret way approche on that issue...

last time just to talk on this 15 police car block in on St laurent and St caterine why?? Imagine they was doing a anti gang routine check at kingdome ,and Cleopatre...15 cars + street block + 25 or more office...Now Im a client paying for some good time and im getting disturbe by so many law officer every 2 wks at whatever downtown clubs...normal ?


Jun 25, 2008
thebitchelor said:
i dont remember where and when..but its happened not a long time ago..but if they received a call to tell them that Joe Bloe (whatever his name)...was there and he was with his friends...

And at the opposite...if the cops didnt passed this night..and the gang would started to make some trouble in this bar..then the day after, we would read a thread here, with the same title..but to ask

"Where was the cops?"


if this if that if ...if well clubs have there security: metal dectetor,camera, 3 or 4 security ect...

By the way....i never said law enforcement shouldnt visite....what I said is 20 policement is to much it become a show...!!! 2) Asking question to clients or maybe intimidation....I DONT AGREE ! its always things can be done with out bring in attention!

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
booty123 said:
last time just to talk on this 15 police car block in on St laurent and St caterine why?? Imagine they was doing a anti gang routine check at kingdome ,and Cleopatre...15 cars + street block + 25 or more office...Now Im a client paying for some good time and im getting disturbe by so many law officer every 2 wks at whatever downtown clubs...normal ?

Last week, 10 police cars were blocking St-Hubert between Ontario and De Maisonneuve. Seems like they were raiding a Hotel. Is that normal?

Considering what most of these hotels stand for, I guess it was...

As I said, any regular citizen knows where crime is or where illegal activities are happening. Don't like being on "the watch"? Hang at the library where regular citizens who want to have nothing to do with criminal activities usually go at. Simple!

Want to keep seeing strippers? Then expect to see some HA, some Gangbangers, some cops, and the whole bit!

My my my my my is that ever hard to understand..........


Jun 25, 2008
Merlot said:
Hello Booty,

So you just want to have your good time the cops. If the other side disturbs your good time or possibly interrupts your life... permanently are okay with that?????



:confused: What people cant read...sorry Merlot...I never said they shouldnt visite or secure the clubs...but its a discret way to do so....

let me put it a lamee way so people understand.....

Agency dont KNOW YOU OR EVER SEEN YOUR FACE ...but you dont see the driver walking to your living room or checking out YOUR closet right ??? plus how would you fell?? Security is important but its a way to practice it.


most of the time
Jan 9, 2009
booty123 said:
if this if that if ...if well clubs have there security: metal dectetor,camera, 3 or 4 security ect...

By the way....i never said law enforcement shouldnt visite....what I said is 20 policement is to much it become a show...!!! 2) Asking question to clients or maybe intimidation....I DONT AGREE ! its always things can be done with out bring in attention!
If you want to know more about the activities in the area you should be able to get information at 1180, rue Sainte-Élisabeth.

I you can't stand the presence of LE either you have too much to hide or you are totally unaware of what's going on around you.

(I wouldn't brag about either)
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
booty123 said:
:confused: Agency dont KNOW YOU OR EVER SEEN YOUR FACE ...but you dont see the driver walking to your living room or checking out YOUR closet right ??? plus how would you fell?? Security is important but its a way to practice it.

There is security which is the first level, then, there are Law Enforcement which is another level, usually when things have gone too far and they want to be seen.


Jun 25, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
My my my my my is that ever hard to understand..........

Ask yourslf that question.... Security doesntt have to come with intimidation mademoisel. Im use too see cops around clubs are high crime sector...However Same clubs are having the same routine of 20 cops visiting no...this is not the way doing bussines....
Apr 16, 2005
Another side to it all........................

It's unfortunate but any entertainment in society which is viewed or happens, in fact, to be considered to be marginalized has a tendency to attract undesirables. I can't tell you how many times i have had a dancer sitting across from me literally vibrating from the last shot of snow.(Those visits to the can aren't always to answer a call of nature.) Or how many show up for work with the boyfriend trailing behind to monitor the proceeds for his crystal meth habit. And finally the number of girls who are simply product for street gangs to market. Once they get an "in" they consider the place home territory. It's a slippery slope from great entertainment to a "hole." If it had been a racist thing I have a sneaking suspicion that Cloud500 would have been rousted also. Trust me! If I had been sitting there with a black friend well dressed, an obvious professional, the police would have been engaged in conversation by me (politely of course) as to what the issue was, not to mention any resulting follow-up. There are ways to ask for accountability politely. The police are answerable for their excesses despite what some may think.


Jun 25, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
There is security which is the first level, then, there are Law Enforcement which is another level, usually when things have gone too far and they want to be seen.


Study contends strip clubs aren't a magnet for crimes

staff reporter

strip clubs released a study Friday purporting to show they don't cause any more crime than nearby taverns, minimarts or department stores.

The study analyzed eight years of police responses at three strip clubs and concluded "there is no evidence" they were "disproportionately more often the source of police attention" than other businesses.

"Crime does not tend to accompany, concentrate around, or be aggravated by these adult business," the study said.

;) Law enforcement isi good but to much is to muchch for my tax money lol


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
booty123 said:
Ask yourslf that question.... Security doesntt have to come with intimidation mademoisel. Im use too see cops around clubs are high crime sector...However Same clubs are having the same routine of 20 cops visiting no...this is not the way doing bussines....

Hello Booty,

The most I have ever visited strip clubs in one year is about 4-5 times. In 25 years I never saw a raid or anything else of the sort and I am sure Mary Poppins wasn't running any of these places, including the ones in Montreal ...and none of them were whites only. If any person is seeing more than their share of raids or whatever, they need to find new places to go.

This episode is not worth the attention it's gotten. That's my opinion. Of course, anyone can post on the subjects they wish.



Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
booty123 said:
Ask yourslf that question.... Security doesntt have to come with intimidation mademoisel.

Hummm... Then, you should go tell that to the jerk who pulled me over the other day and gave me a 175$ fine -3 points on my licence for being on my cell phone!! (worse part is I was immobilized and I only checked the caller ID.... wasn't even talking!!) He used his full LE power and attitude to patronize me!... and yet, I didn't go around and complain that he must have been a misogynist or sexist. He could have been more courteous, yes! but in the end, he was doing his job. ;)

I give up! I made my point already.
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most of the time
Jan 9, 2009
There is an information booth in the neighbourhood:D booty123,as I posted before,you should ask your questions at 1180, rue Sainte-Élisabeth!:D


Jun 25, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
Hummm... Then, you should go tell that to the jerk who pulled me over the other day and gave me a 175$ fine -3 points on my licence for being on my cell phone!! (worse part is I was immobilized and I only checked the caller ID.... wasn't even talking!!) He used his full LE power and attitude to patronize me!... and yet, I didn't go around and complain that he must have been a misogynist or sexist. He could have been more courteous, yes! but in the end, he was doing his job. ;)

I give up! I made my point already.

:D damm me too. So did I .
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Apr 16, 2005
Behind the scenes...............

booty123 said:

Study contends strip clubs aren't a magnet for crimes

staff reporter

strip clubs released a study Friday purporting to show they don't cause any more crime than nearby taverns, minimarts or department stores.

The study analyzed eight years of police responses at three strip clubs and concluded "there is no evidence" they were "disproportionately more often the source of police attention" than other businesses.

"Crime does not tend to accompany, concentrate around, or be aggravated by these adult business," the study said.

;) Law enforcement isi good but to much is to muchch for my tax money lol
Sorry but my experiences are completely different from what you describe. In my line of work a workshop was provided by police on the sex trade. I thought I was pretty worldly having "been around". (I wont go into details). Not even close. I don't know the basis of this "study" but it runs completely contrary to what I experienced that day. I got a glimpse into the "real world". Got a couple of stories I will share with you which will give you some idea as to the lengths these gangs and pimps will go to "keep business in the black". Experiences which took on greater meaning for me after learning just how it all worked. Strip club owners watch this stuff like a hawk. Could that be why things are so peaceful?

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
How about road blocks?

When the LE decide they do a road block to catch people who have been drinking, is this an invasion of privacy for the ones who didn't actually drink? Should we create a movement against it? It's depriving us from our right to drive our car without being bothered by anyone if we did nothing wrong... Yet, we still have to prove we didn't drink. What about the right to drink?

Who do they think they are to come up one sober dude's window with a flashlight in his face and ask for his IDs and ask him how much he drank tonight? What gives them the right to assume that all people driving on highway 10 on december 24th around 9pm might have drink and be driving their car?

hmmm... something to think about. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Jun 25, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
When the LE decide they do a road block to catch people who have been drinking, is this an invasion of privacy for the ones who didn't actually drink? Should we create a movement against it? It's depriving us from our right to drive our car without being bothered by anyone if we did nothing wrong... Yet, we still have to prove we didn't drink. What about the right to drink?

Who do they think they are to come up one sober dude's window with a flashlight in his face and ask for his IDs and ask him how much he drank tonight? What gives them the right to assume that all people driving on highway 10 on december 24th around 9pm might have drink and be driving their car?

hmmm... something to think about. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:confused: What about they where a Gun shoot in your area. In because every body in you area know's your an SP they should start searching your home because sextrade= organise crime and violance right...? So since you the only SP on in ur area they should start by investigate your pc , cellular, in search your house for any evidence of gang ralated right ?..mmmmm. ...
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
booty123 said:
:confused: What about they wwhere a Gun shoot in your area. In because every body in you area know's your an SP they should start searching your home because sextrade= organise crime and violance right...? So since you the only SP on in ur area they should start by investigate your pc , cellular, in search your house for any evidence of gang ralated right ?..mmmmm. ...

Huh... you want my honest opinion... No, actually, you don't but I will give it to you anyway!

Leave the SC. I think you might be having some alcool backlash or something like that. :(

As for them searching my pc because there was a shoot on my street (which is so ridiculously unlikely.... :rolleyes: ) well, since I know I have nothing to worry about, nothing to hide, no criminal history and no links to anyone with drugs, guns or gang related, well, I will give them all the info they want from me and I will cooperate. :eek:


Jun 25, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
Huh... you want my honest opinion... No, actually, you don't but I will give it to you anyway!

Leave the SC. I think you might be having some alcool backlash or something like that. :(

As for them searching my pc because there was a shoot on my street (which is so ridiculously unlikely.... :rolleyes: ) well, since I know I have nothing to worry about, nothing to hide, no criminal history and no links to anyone with drugs, guns or gang related, well, I will give them all the info they want from me and I will cooperate. :eek:

Good so maybe 1 or 2 cops to patrol or little routitne check....the remaining 18 or 19 outsite or in the area could be also a good idea. since they all have radio talk...:cool:

oh my God dont tell me you heard about gun fight in the strip club with law enforcement oh my God:eek:
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