CLOUD 500 said:But here is my problem with this. Where do we draw the line? Do we get so paranoid that we have regular security checks and simply declare martial law? Should we have big brother monitoring all electronic activities? Should we have cameras in the washrooms stalls? They could simply be gansta type guys enjoying there time in a stripclub. Sometime too much security is too much. Maybe you should stay home and not ever go to work. You never know there might be some guy out there to rob you or worse maybe someone might run you down with their car. It is after all safer to stay home the rest of your life.
If you aren't doing anything wrong and not breaking any law, why does this bother you in the first place? I'd rather have the police around and not need them than need them and not have them around. If you guys are so paranoid about cops, maybe you are the ones that should never leave the house.
This morning they announced a massive police operation taking place that is targeting organized crime, bikers and street gangs.
Maybe what you were witness to was a preface to this operation, checking IDs to line up possible targets for this larger plan.