Chowzilla: Now I am curious of that brand of condom, if you don't mind sharing it please.
I am old enough to have had the privilege to have a real course on sexuality, even 2 times, one at school and one by my mom who was a health professional as well.
So, it has always been recommended to girls/women that it could be a best idea that she takes care of the condoms so then, she will be sure of how they have been carried/taken care of.
Probably because (and I really saw it, that's not a "légende urbaine") men used to have 1-2 condoms in their wallets, and basically, that's probably the worst way to keep condoms on yourself.
So women with their purses are having certainly a great advantage to bring condoms more securely.
This all said, if I meet someone having his own's, I will just assured myself of their provenance & how they have been taken care of. And if I am having even a subtle doubt (like if they are not brand new), I will use mine.
Someone wanted to use "lamb natural condoms" and well, they are of no use against STI. And that's my personal main concern obviously.