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Do you tip SPs?

Do you tip SPs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 78 60.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 12, 2013
My opinion is that people who tip (I often do) don't do it for the girls but for themself (they want to have a good service, they don't want to look like a cheapass, they want to feel like a generous guys who help the girls...)

u maybe totally right. do it for themself, i mean. and one other reason that i can think of that u may have forgotten, some do it for their ego.

Johns that tip sp's must do it because they think they get something out of it. Let's say a girl who offers sw as part of her service, it is not an extra. Do you think the john who doesn't tip doesn't get swallow. Of course he does and the escort will do it with a smile on her face and pretend that she is into you and likes you wether or not you tip her or don't tip her. Do you think because you tip that you are different then any other john that she sees. Do you think you are special to her because you tip. LOL


jj ur right but they do get someting out of it, they get to feel better. the service that i get doesn't differ from others and i don't tip but they still love me and keep asking me out, off the clock. sadly i have to turn them down because i'm a taken man. gotta hide those damn bite marks from the misses


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

....unlike some i would not repeate something that i saw without being sure that i saw it nor would i manufacture it.

The only thing I've said in the last two days about 'hundreds" of escorts was about someone else who indicated he wouldn't tip so he could see as many as possible. I never use the word prostitute because it implies a street girl on this board and because I feel it's insulting to the ladies.

....unlike some i would not repeate something that i saw without being sure that i saw it nor would i manufacture it.

You sure manufactured an implication I was ever a booker. Why allude to that at all except for a very, very cheap trick that constitutes a lie. Personally, I could never be a booker because it would sicken me to risk sending anyone to some of the clients with the views I've read, and more to the point the risk of abusive clients. seems to me that some people just want to fuck these girls & don't give a rats ass what they think.

I said I give tips because I feel quality service deserves it, and because it makes ME feel good to do so. How I feel about it is the important thing, NOT whether the lady is being genuine or conniving. If the lady feels good about it that's fine. If she feels she put one over on me that's fine. It's my satisfaction with her service and what makes me feel good about how I treated her that matters to me. If other guys just want to "fuck these girls" and pay their money I don't see any problem with that because it's their rightful choice. As long as no one abuses the ladies what can anyone object to about how any client chooses to handle their meeting. If you and your pal need to feel all the ladies are shady and just want to use guys for money that's your right too. It's just ironic that two guys with such negative views stay in the hobby and keep paying for what they say are girls who are shady as in your buddy's constant mantra. If you guys want to feel everyone else is delusional and your negativism works for you, go for it. That's your right. But it speaks to a pessimistic view of people.

Do you think because you tip that you are different then any other john that she sees. Do you think you are special to her because you tip. LOL JJ

You sound like the kind of person who can't conceive of a simple good-hearted gesture. Very sad. But why always criticize others about their right to choose to tip? Does it make you feel better?




Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
My tip for the sp is usually up front before any acts take place. I would say that I include a tip two reasons:
1. In hopes she'll treat me a little different and do a little extra. (I have the money out the sp, before she arrives, in an area so that she can see it. I find paying her from my wallet after the session awkward. Tip is up front, and included with the hourly rate cash)
2. In an effort to not seem cheap. I dont want her thinking there's a cash cow in the hotel room, but in honesty it's $20.... I try to see a few sp's during my trips. If I pay an extra $100 or so for the all the fun that week, its no big deal.

How do you guys provide your tip to the sp? Do you pay after the session (which would make sense if you're giving a tip based on in most industry), or do you pay up front, with expectation that the service will be good?

And how much do you pay for a tip? Do you stick with the roughly 10% (based on $200/ hr)?

Have you ever given a tip worth more.... 25% (~$50) or 50% (~$100), because the service was that good?

Instead of giving a higher tip, as I usually pay up a small tip up front, if the service was really that good, I try to get her to stay for a bit longer... extend the session!

That's just me!


Sep 12, 2013

I never use the word prostitute because it implies a street girl on this board and because I feel it's insulting to the ladies.



Merriam Webster's definition of prostitute is;

to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money. implies a street girtl on this board? there are people on this board who claim to be hobbyists. they like me & u we r johns.


You sure manufactured an implication I was ever a booker. Why allude to that at all except for a very, very cheap trick that constitutes a lie.



cheap trick? wow! r u saying that i manufactured a lie in any form? watch urself! ur treadingon thin suspendable ice with those words. 1st of all, get a sense of humour. try hard to follow nwo, i was making fun of someone who claims to have been a booker and it had nothing to do with you. touch of narcissistic remark there?


Personally, I could never be a booker because it would sicken me to risk sending anyone to some of the clients with the views I've read, and more to the point the risk of abusive clients.



u really believe what u read on the net? wow! so do u really think that because i refer to these women as prostitutes that im likely to abuse them? or do u think that ur somehow different to and with them than anyone else is? u must think ur special


I said I give tips because I feel quality service deserves it, and because it makes ME feel good to do so.



so do u think that should you not tip the service would be lesser?


How I feel about it is the important thing, NOT whether the lady is being genuine or conniving. If the lady feels good about it that's fine. If she feels she put one over on me that's fine. It's my satisfaction with her service and what makes me feel good about how I treated her that matters to me. If other guys just want to "fuck these girls" and pay their money I don't see any problem with that because it's their rightful choice. As long as no one abuses the ladies what can anyone object to about how any client chooses to handle their meeting. If you and your pal need to feel all the ladies are shady and just want to use guys for money that's your right too. It's just ironic that two guys with such negative views stay in the hobby and keep paying for what they say are girls who are shady as in your buddy's constant mantra. If you guys want to feel everyone else is delusional and your negativism works for you, go for it. That's your right. But it speaks to a pessimistic view of people.

You sound like the kind of person who can't conceive of a simple good-hearted gesture. Very sad. But why always criticize others about their right to choose to tip? Does it make you feel better?



this blurb is quite amazing how it seems that u believe that u treat these women better. where do u get this impression? r u in the hotel room with me? do they tell u that u r somehting else?
if u don't just fuck them, then what r u doing? perhaps ur engaging in conversation or companionship with them? or maybe ur actually trying to get them to date u? i don't condemn or put down ur motives or needs then why the need to do so with mine.
i don't know what buddy ur referring to as i have no buddy in this board.

so in finallity, because i or anyone don't agree with u, u feel the need to tell someone that they can't conceive of a good-hearted gesture. quite presumptuous id say.


Jul 18, 2014
I've never considered meeting a "prostitute" defined as a street girl on Merb. I deal with escorts only.


Definitely one of the most Asinine comments on Merb ever.

Are you kidding me? I guess you are so disgusted with girls that engage in prostitution that you can't even bring yourself to the real fact that you are paying to have sex with prostitutes. Its this attitude that makes laws like C36 a reality. If The "johns" are disgusted with prostitutes, how do you think is the view of the vast majority of people that don't use prostitutes ? Really I think you are making a statement that goes against the very nature of this board. What on earth are you even doing on this Board ?

And as for derogatory terms, the word "Whore" is derogatory and insulting, not Prostitute. In Quebec, the word prostitute is used in all forms of the Media as the accepted term for one that engages in the selling of sex for money. "Escort" is only a term used by advertisers as a means to avoid legal issues. A true escort will not engage in sex with the client, but is only there to escort you around town or to events , etc etc.

Merlot, Get real.
My tip for the sp is usually up front before any acts take place. I would say that I include a tip two reasons:
1. In hopes she'll treat me a little different and do a little extra. (I have the money out the sp, before she arrives, in an area so that she can see it. I find paying her from my wallet after the session awkward. Tip is up front, and included with the hourly rate cash)
2. In an effort to not seem cheap. I dont want her thinking there's a cash cow in the hotel room, but in honesty it's $20.... I try to see a few sp's during my trips. If I pay an extra $100 or so for the all the fun that week, its no big deal.

How do you guys provide your tip to the sp? Do you pay after the session (which would make sense if you're giving a tip based on in most industry), or do you pay up front, with expectation that the service will be good?

And how much do you pay for a tip? Do you stick with the roughly 10% (based on $200/ hr)?

Have you ever given a tip worth more.... 25% (~$50) or 50% (~$100), because the service was that good?

Instead of giving a higher tip, as I usually pay up a small tip up front, if the service was really that good, I try to get her to stay for a bit longer... extend the session!

That's just me!

Hello Toxic,

First, let me say that a lady will never look at you as "cheap" if you don't leave a tip. I think what is most important for the ladies is to receive their full donation within the first few minutes of the encounter, without having to ask for it.

Second, giving the lady a tip in hopes to receive "extras" or that she spend more time in your company once your rendez-vous has ended is unfair to her and at the same time, you are setting yourself up for disappointment if neither of those two things happen. If you're going to leave a tip, don't do so because you feel obliged and/or want more from her but do it because it makes you feel good or as a special thank you to the lady.

On a different note, since you say you feel a little awkward taking money out of your wallet for a tip at the end of the rendez-vous, what you could do is leave one on the bathroom sink before heading out (if you did an incall). For an outcall to your room, you could have a nice card (with the tip inside) prepared in advance and present the lady with it when she is about to leave. No awkward moment to deal with and you will both be happy.

Gabby xox

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
What a bunch of sugar coating patsies there is on this board. You just can't say it the way it is. You can't call yourself a john you have to say you're a hobbyist. Well if you get caught for some reason go try and convince the judge that you are a hobbyist. Almost no one on the boards with an exception of a few can say it the way it is. Everything has to be sugar coated so they feel better about themselves or they can justify to themselves paying money for sex. There head is stuck up there butt so far they are cut off oxygen and just can't accept reality. Then to make matters worse if people use terms like johns, pimps or prostitutes somehow it means they are probably abusive people. Get fucking real. LOL



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
What a bunch of sugar coating patsies there is on this board. You just can't say it the way it is. You can't call yourself a john you have to say you're a hobbyist. Well if you get caught for some reason go try and convince the judge that you are a hobbyist. Almost no one on the boards with an exception of a few can say it the way it is. Everything has to be sugar coated so they feel better about themselves or they can justify to themselves paying money for sex. There head is stuck up there butt so far they are cut off oxygen and just can't accept reality. Then to make matters worse if people use terms like johns, pimps or prostitutes somehow it means they are probably abusive people. Get fucking real. LOL

Well I can call myself a John and even a Pimp ,the words doesn't affect me .
But having respect for the ladies and provide certain appreciation in different fashion is gesture of Gentlemen hood .Are you a Gentlemen?

Even Judges,Crown attorneys ,Police investigators,Political Men ,are using Ladies how do they call themselves .
To be part of escort board to pay for sex is a reality ,if someone is shame of it well maybe its not their place .
My friends and family knows what I do ,I do not hide it !
I even dated girls and they new I was a escort Booker owner !
Do you?
The escort board provides valuable infos about the ladies and helps me having great encounters that what I care about ,how an other sees me well if it makes him happy ,it will not change my life .
Everyone is entitle to his opinion!

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I even dated girls and they new I was a escort Booker owner !
Do you?

Do i know that you were an escort booker owner, there is no doubt in my mind, do you know that i am really Brad Pitt. It is easy to say what you want on the internet but it doesn't make it true.

JJ aka Brad


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I've never been big on tipping an SP. But, I have certainly repeated if I thought the service was good. It's not a tip, but the way I show my appreciation is to bring her back for an encore performance.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Do i know that you were an escort booker owner, there is no doubt in my mind, do you know that i am really Brad Pitt. It is easy to say what you want on the internet but it doesn't make it true.

JJ aka Brad
Certainly I agree !But I am not looking to convince anyone .What you believe, true or not ,does not change my realm .
What ever makes you happy to believe is your choice .
I believe when I meet a lady it is better to act as Gentlemen but if you choose differently ,it's up to you !
I prefer a better ambiance to a bad one, so appreciation gesture might help .
But all johns has their ways !You do it your way !

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I believe when I meet a lady it is better to act as Gentlemen but if you choose differently ,it's up to you !
I prefer a better ambiance to a bad one, so appreciation gesture might help .

What makes you think that you act one bit better with the ladies then anyone else that posts in this thread. When the ladies show up with me they are treated with respect from the moment they come into the room until the moment they leave. The big difference is i don't have my head stuck up my butt. I know what this is, it's money for sex. That these ladies are not really into me and we are not friends with them, no matter how they act. I do this because i like having sex with good looking young ladies but i can laugh at myself. I don't let the ladies being gfe with me cloud my judgement. I know that most ladies have a negative view of johns no matter how they act when they are in the room with you and if you were really a booker, a driver or a pimp you would know that. You do not talk like anyone that had any involvement in the biz or you would know this.



Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
What a bunch of sugar coating patsies there is on this board. You just can't say it the way it is. You can't call yourself a john you have to say you're a hobbyist. Well if you get caught for some reason go try and convince the judge that you are a hobbyist. Almost no one on the boards with an exception of a few can say it the way it is. Everything has to be sugar coated so they feel better about themselves or they can justify to themselves paying money for sex. There head is stuck up there butt so far they are cut off oxygen and just can't accept reality. Then to make matters worse if people use terms like johns, pimps or prostitutes somehow it means they are probably abusive people. Get fucking real. LOL JJ

I don't think it really matters what an individual labels it, so long everyone is at an understanding of what is being implied by the terminology.

John, Hobbyist, Prostitute Purchaser, Escort Procurement Specialist.... They all imply the same when I read it... never actually read the last two before.... This individual pays women (or men) to have sex with them, and/ or spend time with them.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
I neverrrr tips a lady is simple....i am going there to have fun....and before the meeting i ask how much or read the information for what i would desire....the reason is quite simple...i hate the part of i prefer to get over it as soon it is possible...or if it is the first time i see is gonna be at the end...or somewhere around that...that is for me....just think about like if for the example the girls didnt like you or else...does she is gonna say...ohh sorry it is 20 dollars more.....So for me i don't want to negociate or talk about money when i am bottom line...never for me...even if it was awful or amazing...the price is the price....


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
Hello Toxic,

First, let me say that a lady will never look at you as "cheap" if you don't leave a tip. I think what is most important for the ladies is to receive their full donation within the first few minutes of the encounter, without having to ask for it.

Second, giving the lady a tip in hopes to receive "extras" or that she spend more time in your company once your rendez-vous has ended is unfair to her and at the same time, you are setting yourself up for disappointment if neither of those two things happen. If you're going to leave a tip, don't do so because you feel obliged and/or want more from her but do it because it makes you feel good or as a special thank you to the lady.

On a different note, since you say you feel a little awkward taking money out of your wallet for a tip at the end of the rendez-vous, what you could do is leave one on the bathroom sink before heading out (if you did an incall). For an outcall to your room, you could have a nice card (with the tip inside) prepared in advance and present the lady with it when she is about to leave. No awkward moment to deal with and you will both be happy.

Gabby xox

Duely noted. I may change my methods a little. Thanks for the tips!


Jan 8, 2012
Tips...You know, I'm a professionnal, I have a couple of university degress, I make 50 per hour as a government employee and 100 per hour in private practice. Had to work my ass off to get my degrees, took me 6 years, and had to reimburse my student loan on a 10 years term. And nobody tips me when I practice my profession, believe me. On top of that, my revenues are cut in half, because of income taxes and other things. So, you're asking me: should I tip an escort...she makes more than I do per hour, won't declare her revenues, did not have to pay for professional training (at least I hope not ...). Give me a break here and get real, I will pay for extras or, exceptionnaly, for above average services, but otherwise,, no, no. With that said, I have a lot of respect for the ladies and I know this is a difficult job, but at the same time, when you decide to become an escort, well this is a personnal decision and you have to assume it.
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