Basically, I just don't see the need for cynicism. .
The quote you posted was from poolguy and he was banned for being a troll, it is his form of entertainment.
Basically, I just don't see the need for cynicism. .
I think the best tip is a repeat business.
Although I usually tip 20% at restaurants, I never tip independent SP & MPs.
Seeing a SP who charges $180 and automatically paying $200 up front does not compute with me ( looks like you are fishing for something extra ). I polled yes but there should have been a sometimes section. people because they...sometimes put up with unreasonable customers.
I beg to differ ricflair,a tip is never expected but always appreciated...that's how I know for sure I was not the only one having a fabulous time :smile:
the donation given without fuss is what is expected...
On comparison of the average circumstances the escorts definitely face a much higher risk class of unreasonable customers. Risk/Danger is always uncertain and the opportunity for violence or worse is always present.
The two jobs are just not comparable on this issue.
Hum i agree we tip too much in Quebec yes.
Bagman : I never tip those, im sorry but i can do it myself, if you insist on doing it, fine, just don't expect a tip. Thats like that SDF that hold the door at the berry-uqam subway station, there is always one and when i can i actually take the other door, im sorry bro but i don't need anybody to hold a door for me. And if i would actually need it, because my hands are full or whatever, i would certainly not be able to reach my pockets. I hold the door for most people behind me, to the pregnant woman, the senior person, or even just regular dude, and i don't ask money. Not saying im not sensitive to these people, i do give to some sometimes, but only to the one i feel really need it. When i go to mtl if i happen to go out a bit, i get asked for cash like 5 times on the same street sometimes... its ridiculous.
Anyway, there is also hair dresser your somewhat expect to tip (learned that years later) , bar, restaurant, hotel (??) , yeah that one is beyond me, when i see a small envelope with a "thanks" on it, i just ignore it. My usual hotel place don't have them, but when they do have some, i don't let anything, im already paying 100$ plus for ONE NIGHT, not even 24H, so sorry buddy... lol I have a friend that did that job, cleaning some motel room, and it was crazy just in alchool what he would bring back, sometimes other type of food, seem like rich peoples don't mind wasting there $. This can be a tip in itself.
Anyway would it be me, tipping would simply get away in every domain, just like +taxes, i hate that concept. I would like to pay the price listed and thats it. Im not saying governement taxes should go away, im saying the price should include it and not be 9.99+taxes. I love those stores that do that, you know what to pay and all and don't have to count jack....
But SP business is different, and if there is a business where tipping is deserved , i think its this one, considering the nature of the deeds. But as i said before, extra for $ = tip for me. Do you guys think the same? Or is it just because im use to something.
I do not think you comprehended what I posted...
I do not think you comprehended what I posted.... I never said there was a comparison and did not even make one, it would be foolish.
But SP business is different, and if there is a business where tipping is deserved , i think its this one, considering the nature of the deeds.
On the tipping, well, to each his own, i do leave a tip for the maid where i stay cause i stay there a lot and i have gotten to know some of them, and i leave a mess and sometimes things have been broken, like with Hannah@ mojo, a lamp was broken and i propped it up as best i could , but im sure when they vacuumed it fell over, lol.
I do tip on other occasions and in different situations, depends if i have it to tip, i dont carry change on me at all times, your loonies and twoonies are a pain, much easier to carry dollar bills and not as cold when you drop them in the girls panties at the strip joints, lol.
Looks like it is 60 - 40 in favor of no tipping so far.
Anyways, If you go to a dentist who performs a root canal and there is zero discomfort do you tip? If a doc performs a perfect colon exam do you tip?
In high paid professionals the tip is returning to see them and telling your friends that you found a great dentist or whatever.
Hello all,
People can have their own opinion of course, but a vote has nothing to do with the right or wrong way of doing anything.
Besides that a dentist has to do the job as needed.
An escort can choose to provide extra service such as rim, CIM, swallow, etc. If she does that and does it well it's going beyond what she had to do and deserves compensation in my opinion. Merlot
I never said all escorts should be tipped. I say those who give the extra quality service should be.
I'm still waiting for anyone to explain how waitressing or dentistry is anything like having great sex with a gorgeous skilled woman.
Is that not the same for SP's?
As I have always stated... If there are "extras " I always tip. For regular service which is advertised the chances are unlikely. My comments were directed towards people who tip in advance before the service even begins.
My exact thoughts, reason I posted that a "sometimes " should have been in the poll as I tip when the extras are thrown in.
Personally I have not compared the 2 professions, just stated that waitresses get tipped by me always because of their minimal wage and it is a "norm " to tip waitresses.
My objection has always been that this stuff about the poor waitress and her need for tips has nothing whatsoever with the question of tipping escorts. I find the comparison a faux rationalization.
Hummm? What about tipping the "Booker's"
So buddy, can I buy you a drink tonight. :eyebrows::lol:
bonsoir mon ami,