Montreal Escorts

Do you tip SPs?

Do you tip SPs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 78 60.0%

  • Total voters

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I tip with outstanding service, CIM when not included, goes over time ( no next appointment ), really acts like she is into the meeting. As a few have posted earlier a good tip is repeat visits and a good review. With my regular I tip at every visit because all the above happen.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey boys,

I'm seeing the old blue attitudes coming in.

Definitely one of the most Asinine comments on Merb ever.

You seem truly very ignorant about all of this. Using the word escorts is only meant to differentiate between street walkers and agency ladies. It was never an attempt to whitewash the real situation. If you are going to respond to a post try reading them then you won't look so bad.

We all know the three parties are pimps, johns, prostitutes. Why are you offended that others choose to call them owners, clients, escorts. How we choose to represent ourselves is very important and that is largely achieved by our chosen words. There's no manhood in acting like a crude animal, in fact it's far more adult not to. But if you insist....

I also doubt that you stand by your crassness when you call agencies. Do you really say: hey pimp, send me a whore so I can bang her like a paid slut. See where acting like a dog gets you.

I know what this is, it's money for sex. That these ladies are not really into me and we are not friends with them, no matter how they act. I do this because i like having sex with good looking young ladies but i can laugh at myself. I don't let the ladies being gfe with me cloud my judgement. JJ

You seem to think you have a superior view over everyone.

....this blurb is quite amazing how it seems that u believe that u treat these women better.

What makes you think that you act one bit better with the ladies then anyone else that posts in this thread. JJ

I KNOW many, many clients treat ladies better than you two if your incredibly negative rotten attitudes about clients and ladies in the hobby reflects how you really feel, and since you both keep pushing your jaded perspectives on everyone endlessly it's case closed.




Jul 18, 2014

I don't have the time to reply to you, I would have to go back and repeat things and make you understand what I said before I will attempt any kind of reply you would understand. Np I don't call asking for a whore. As I said, the term is derogatory and so on and so on..


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
What makes you think that you act one bit better with the ladies then anyone else that posts in this thread.
I do not believe I act better ,I actually believe I act worst ,but I do create a ambiance witch will make me have a better encounter the ladiy is there for the money ,I am there for the sex ,who says we can both have fun !
When the ladies show up with me they are treated with respect from the moment they come into the room until the moment they leave. The big difference is i don't have my head stuck up my butt.
Yeah I agree you use the wrong butt I prefer sticking my head in lady butt !LoL
. I know what this is, it's money for sex. That these ladies are not really into me and we are not friends with them, no matter how they act.
I am not looking for a friend I am looking for a sex partner !Looking for friends,well buddy you are at that wrong place and your judgement is definitely clouded
I do this because i like having sex with good looking young ladies but i can laugh at myself. I don't let the ladies being gfe with me cloud my judgement
Why are you expressing disappointment?
. I know that most ladies have a negative view of johns no matter how they act when they are in the room with you and if you were really a booker, a driver or a pimp you would know that. You do not talk like anyone that had any involvement in the biz or you would know this.

Well its like Johns like you have a negative view of ladies its a mirror effect what you project you received!
And yes I was a Pimp and am aware how the ladies think of certain Johns but I am also aware that they want to see certain johns more then others because the chemistry is better ,I have nothing against you ,I do not know you but just reading what you say is depressing and if you meet the ladies with a negative attitude you encounter success rate will go down .
I prefer I higher success rate and a better encounter but everyone choose as they please .
The escort industry is about pleasures of the flesh everything is stage the GFE service is simply a betterment of what it was before ,and if of you believe it may affect your judgement afterward notify the booker that you do not want the GFE it will not be forced on you, because as you say so well the lady is their for the money ,not to enjoy you !

Hey boys,

I KNOW many, many clients treat ladies better than you two if your incredibly negative rotten attitudes about clients and ladies in the hobby reflects how you really feel, and since you both keep pushing your jaded perspectives on everyone endlessly it's case closed.


I do agree that some clients ,girls does want to see them they go exclusively for the money ,its very difficult to have fun with the negativism that certain johns project !
Sadly !



Sep 12, 2013
Hey boys,

I'm seeing the old blue attitudes coming in.

You seem truly very ignorant about all of this. Using the word escorts is only meant to differentiate between street walkers and agency ladies. It was never an attempt to whitewash the real situation. If you are going to respond to a post try reading them then you won't look so bad.

We all know the three parties are pimps, johns, prostitutes. Why are you offended that others choose to call them owners, clients, escorts. How we choose to represent ourselves is very important and that is largely achieved by our chosen words. There's no manhood in acting like a crude animal, in fact it's far more adult not to. But if you insist....

I also doubt that you stand by your crassness when you call agencies. Do you really say: hey pimp, send me a whore so I can bang her like a paid slut. See where acting like a dog gets you.

You seem to think you have a superior view over everyone.

I KNOW many, many clients treat ladies better than you two if your incredibly negative rotten attitudes about clients and ladies in the hobby reflects how you really feel, and since you both keep pushing your jaded perspectives on everyone endlessly it's case closed.



merlot why is it with almost every post of yours where u r responding to one which differs with your experience/opinion, u lower it to name calling ?

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
merlot why is it with almost every post of yours where u r responding to one which differs with your experience/opinion, u lower it to name calling ?

This is par for the course with him. He has been doing this for years but if you take him on, more often then not he whines to the mods on the boards or thru pm to have the other person banned. LOL



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello guys,

...he whines to the mods on the boards or thru pm to have the other person banned. LOL JJ

Translation: you were given a opportunity to resolve an issue between us and chose to viciously abuse it. Instead of retaliating I passed on the quote to M8 and banned your PMs from my box. I never suggest an action.

And yes I was a Pimp and am aware how the ladies think of certain Johns but I am also aware that they want to see certain johns more then others because the chemistry is better ,I have nothing against you ,I do not know you but just reading what you say is depressing and if you meet the ladies with a negative attitude you encounter success rate will go down.

When you don`t know a person it`s just cause and effect that the only thing to go on is how they project themselves in what they write. When what they write is repetitively negative and appears jaded, how can others not think they carry this attitude into their meetings, especially when they seem so wed to negative views that they don`t seem to make allowances for an alternative viewpoint. It`s not about being better than anyone else, it`s about what certain attitudes are likely to get for you.

I`ve known a few agency owners and some say, yes, the girls laugh at a lot of clients. One owner said they were 100% scheming. Then she (owner) turned out to be as dirty as anyone. Other owners say it all depends on how the client and escort match up in attitudes, goals, in wanting to have fun with no complications or bringing in baggage.

For me I look for someone who can be a true intimate companion and keep things uncomplicated. That`s why I balked at a fabulous offer in 2003 by a special lady to go with her on a cruise and just pay for her ticket. I thought my feelings would get carried away. I don`t carry any expectations of devious conniving women into a meeting. For me I hope it turns into an intimate and fun performance. Some times it works, many times not. But in recent years I`ve made sure I`ve chosen those ladies where the consistent reviews or knowledgeable advice from others indicates the likelihood of success...there`s really no mystery to how to choose, just do the research, and my success rate in recent years has been high. If others doubt that or need to ridicule that...enjoys yourselves. I have fun. You have issues to get over.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hello Toxic,

First, let me say that a lady will never look at you as "cheap" if you don't leave a tip. I think what is most important for the ladies is to receive their full donation within the first few minutes of the encounter, without having to ask for it.

I always love to see the point of view of a provider, but i tend to disagree sometimes. Maybe its the way i learn in that business, always pay at the end to protect yourself, but i feel paying in advance, like full down payment is exposing yourself to problem, especially with somebody/agency you don't know. Its true to have the donation visible is a thing, so she can at least see the money is there, its real, but if she take the money before the meeting is started, i never like it. Money has to be discretly taken at the end, when she is dressing back, putting her stuff in her wallet. I don't mind she take it in front of me and say thanks or whatever, but at the end.

Here is how i used to do things personally. If i saw a girl with an extra avalaible, i would usually put that extra in the donation right away. But one time it was not provided, and i ended up giving away 40$ for a mediocre session... Try to remove the money from the donation... kinda look weird... On the other hand, adding the extra/tip later is not weird. Thats what i do now. I will put the base price on the night table... usually under the phone or something(sorry but i don't use envelopes...i find it silly and i rather make sure she SEE the money) and when she get to the bathroom to shower i will add the extra or the tip.

Now thats just my way, i guess its different from everybody. But i really prefer that payment be taken at the end. When i started in 2009 lots of people said "asking for payment in advance is the first sign of a bad encounter to come"

Now for the ratio of tips vs no tips, im surprise not more people tips, but then again as a booker i was told often by girls the regulars where not tippers. I won't mention a name but the worst i saw was that dude who was a guy that called often, he was not downtown, and he never had the freaking right payment on him. He asked me make sure to tell the girl that she bring change ... worst part is the ammount was 180 and he had 2 hundred bills... How hard was it to tip that 20? I mean if you have the right ammount i can understand to keeping that 20, but asking for 20$ back from an escort... when you already see her at a discounted price... now thats low. If he see that im sure he will know its himself im talking about. Im not a booker anymore, will never be again, so im not shy of mentioning it. I tough it was so cheap... Thats like asking the waitress for 1$ back if you have only a 2$ to tip... cmon.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Now for the ratio of tips vs no tips, im surprise not more people tips, but then again as a booker i was told often by girls the regulars where not tippers. I won't mention a name but the worst i saw was that dude who was a guy that called often, he was not downtown, and he never had the freaking right payment on him. He asked me make sure to tell the girl that she bring change ... worst part is the ammount was 180 and he had 2 hundred bills... How hard was it to tip that 20? I mean if you have the right ammount i can understand to keeping that 20, but asking for 20$ back from an escort... when you already see her at a discounted price... now thats low. If he see that im sure he will know its himself im talking about. Im not a booker anymore, will never be again, so im not shy of mentioning it. I tough it was so cheap... Thats like asking the waitress for 1$ back if you have only a 2$ to tip... cmon.
Hi all Hi HM
Does stories makes the girls really really unhappy no to say pissed off !
But many times it does happen ,some guys will never be satisfied whatever the quality of service he receives always something to complain about !
I was always taken care of driving my best girls ,so many stories about cheap guys, its unreal .
But on the other side certain girls are always complaining also it goes both ways ,you have the sweet ones and you the complaining ones !
To show appreciation is not mandatory ,but when done creates a positive affect !


Oct 31, 2011
Perth, Australia & Eastern Canada
I always love to see the point of view of a provider, but i tend to disagree sometimes. Maybe its the way i learn in that business, always pay at the end to protect yourself, but i feel paying in advance, like full down payment is exposing yourself to problem......

I understand what you mean.

I just really hate the whole payment thing. Most of the know the money is there, and its for them, but will not touch it until we are finished and she is ready to leave... usually during the goodbye at the hotel door. I really hate it when the sp walks in and counts the money directly in front of me.... because of this i tend to pay $50's and $100's, makes that awkward money counting process go by faster.

There should be an escort debit/ visa card... imagine the xmas gifts with pre-loaded cards! HA!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol a pre-paid "Agency Certificate" like they do in some store :p

Yeah i also hate when they count right away. Its so business oriented, its a mood killer. I get it, why would she trust me? But the thing is, its easy to spot if there is 100$ or 200$ in a money pile... the least than could happen is one or 2 twenty shorts... But she can always count in the car and if anything is missing, get back to the room or something... Or maybe she can take the money before going to the bathroom for the end shower, count there. Anything but counting in front of me... lol. And i don't think a dude would take the trouble of putting money on the night table only for at the end saying he won't pay.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Of course I tip them... then I slide it all the way in to the base repeatedly several times... isn't that what I'm paying for??? :lol:


Oct 14, 2012
Well if they ask for the money up front then I never tip. But if not, I kinda have mixed feelings. Tipping represents exceptional service. Ive been in situations where ive tipped someone for an amazing session only to have a bad session tge next time but them feeling insulted that I didn't tip thw same. It sets a precedent and then they expect it every time wether the service was good or not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Of course I tip..

Lily from Montreal

I beg to differ ricflair,a tip is never expected but always appreciated...that's how I know for sure I was not the only one having a fabulous time :smile:
the donation given without fuss is what is expected...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I beg to differ ricflair,a tip is never expected but always appreciated...that's how I know for sure I was not the only one having a fabulous time :smile:
the donation given without fuss is what is expected...

A question for you Lily ,if the tip is given before the service occurs ,how would you consider it ?
Or any Provider ?





Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
A question for you Lily ,if the tip is given before the service occurs ,how would you consider it ?

You're hitting a nerve, BL.

Personnally, I always let the donation on the table with a minimal tip. At the end if it was great, I add some $ to double or triple the tip...
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