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Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Warning: I am not going to answer totally seriously.
But for those who read my website, you will have the real answer in my presentation.
Yes, an escort who wrote about her believing on her website. I know, I'm atypical, someone told it many years of that on Merb. :lol:

For the moment, in a very lightly manner, I would just say that you might not be in the obligation to believe in God,
but to believe & worship a living Goddess on Earth might be much more rewarding, giving your some inert peace & love, far away of the anger who build wars.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The Bible has metaphorical stories or fables about how to live a proper life in society. I dont think they were meant to be taken literally as factual history.

Some parts were written to justify militarist conquest by the chosen people of the book's god.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Doc my wise friend, how do you explain the Koran ?
It was supposedly authored by an illiterate peasant named Mo.
Did Mo have a ghost writer who was familiar with the stories in the bible ?

The people of that time and area were familiar with the bible.
Islam considers Christians and Jews as fellow people, three branches of the Sons of Abraham.

The Koran was dictated by a messenger, it was not composed by Mo.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Me personally, i believe in a higher power but not this god that the bible talk about. I think the bible is book that was written by men to control men all of the stories is fictional, all lies. What do you guys think.

I believe in the notion that God and the Holy Bible when used as a guideline in life, makes one a better person. And in turn makes society a better place to live.


Jun 23, 2013
I believe in the notion that God and the Holy Bible when used as a guideline in life, makes one a better person. And in turn makes society a better place to live.
Don't those guidelines work outside of a God? So why do you need a God to issue them? I am paraphrasing Bertrand Russell.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Booker, speaking the name is considered disrespect by some, just like some in Judaism.
To clarify my post: the Koran is a collection of revelations. They were told to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel, acting as a messenger from God.

Mohammed himself may also have been "unread", which is not the same as "illiterate". This is an important distinction.

Others in his community were definitely literate and wrote down the revelations. Only after his death were they collected into the book known as the Koran. A few slightly different versions originally existed but they were standardised within one or two generations of Mohammed's passing.

Posted off the cuff, not to be taken as gospel.

Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
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I'm also a big fan of writer Richard Dawkins. "The God Delusion" is one of my favorite books of his. Another favorite writer of mine is the late Christopher Hitchens. You can go to YouTube and check them out in interviews. You may even learn something or be enlightened by their views. I'm also into Stephen Hawkins. And Neil Degrasse Tyson. Love them!



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One of my biggest beefs about religion is the amount of money people give ( and some with very little money to give ), some ( many ) religious groups have an incredible amount of wealth while they watch millions starve. Why would a God need all this money? Why are collection plates always being passed around during the sermon? Greed to want more.


Sep 24, 2009
Naw I do not believe in any of the Jew books.

Old testament
New Testament
Q'uran (koran)

All fairy tales just like the easter bunny.

That is not to say that I do not believe in the Gods, I am agnostic that way. I simply do not know who or what they are but there is probably an element of the 'supernatural' in our lives.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jew Books???

The Old Testament yes.

The New Testament not so was written mostly by Jews who turned Christian but compiled by Christians.

The Koran....maybe you know something that the rest of the world doesn`t

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
If you believe and concentrate yourself on one religion, so you imply that others are false.

Often, a religion is chosen by the parents who teach their children all the rites. So it is not a free will decision in those cases, and nor a seasoned adult one also.

To read the history of all religions on Earth and how they appeared, and to what other religion(s) they were based is really illuminating.

You see that all contemporary religions in time were related. That's a fascinating reading.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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To be a student of law one must necessarily be a student of religions and the Old Testament. For example, all modern public health laws are rooted in the Old Testament which addresses everything from personal hygiene to treatment of drinking water to cleansing blood off soldiers returning from battlefields to their native villages. Many modern public health laws are directly rooted in the Old Testament.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Booker if you want citation try this- very simplistic but a seminar I attended on the origins of public health law which cited far more citations including early regulations on drinking water and cleansing of blood of others from the body.

Some of the simple, yet very important, health laws found in the Bible are to:

Eat your meals at regular intervals (Ecclesiastes 10:17).
Don't overeat (Proverbs 23:2, Luke 21:34).
Make mealtime a happy time (Ecclesiastes 3:13).
Don't harbor envy or hold grudges (Proverbs 14:30, Matthew 5:23,24).
Maintain a cheerful, happy disposition (Proverbs 17:22; 23:7).
Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest (Exodus 20:9,10, Ecclesiastes 2:22,23; 5:12, Psalm 127:2).
Keep your body clean (Isaiah 52:11).
Be temperate in all things (1 Corinthians 9:25, Philippians 4:5).
Avoid all harmful stimulants [Note: Medical science has confirmed the fact that tea, coffee, and soft drinks that contain the addictive drug caffeine and other harmful ingredients are all positively damaging to the body]
Help those who are in need (Isaiah 58:6-8).
Bury body waste to avoid disease (Deuteronomy 23:12-13). [Note: This is obviously for health reasons, because history and science has shown that if this was not done, diseases would spread and people would die from them]
Avoid eating animals that were strangled (Acts 15:20,29; 21:25).
Avoid eating animals that die by themselves (Leviticus 17:15; 22:8, Deuteronomy 14:21, Ezekiel 4:14).
Do not boil a young animal in its mother's milk (Deuteronomy 14:21).
Do not eat animal fat or blood (Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 3:17; 7:23-27; 17:10-14, Deuteronomy 12:16). [Note: Recent scientific studies have confirmed the fact that most heart attacks result from a high cholesterol level in the blood -and that the use of "fats" is largely responsible for this high level. Also, the blood can transfer diseases. Science is just catching up with the Bible. ]
Put full trust in the Lord (Proverbs 4:20-22; 19:23).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The point is that the health laws in the bible came before public health laws or modern medicine. And provided their origins. In 2016 we have the science to back it up, but many of thousands of years ago they did not.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello EB

Old testament
, health laws found in the Bible are to:

Eat your meals at regular intervals (Ecclesiastes 10:17).
Don't overeat (Proverbs 23:2,)
Make mealtime a happy time (Ecclesiastes 3:13)
Don't harbor envy or hold grudges (Proverbs 14:30,)
Maintain a cheerful, happy disposition (Proverbs 17:22; 23:7).
Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest (Ecclesiastes 2:22,23; 5:12, Psalm 127:2).
Also, the blood can transfer diseases. Science is just catching up with the Bible. ]
Put full trust in the Lord (Proverbs 4:20-22; 19:23)
Avoid eating animals that die by themselves,( Ezekiel 4:14).

Keep your body clean (Isaiah 52:11).
Help those who are in need (Isaiah 58:6-8).
The Pentateuch which consist of the 5 first books of the old testament
Bury body waste to avoid disease (Deuteronomy 23:12-13). [Note: This is obviously for health reasons, because history and science has shown that if this was not done, diseases would spread and people would die from them]

Do not boil a young animal in its mother's milk (Deuteronomy 14:21).
Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest (Exodus 20:9,10, )
Do not eat animal fat or blood (Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 3:17; 7:23-27; 17:10-14, Deuteronomy 12:16). [Note: Recent scientific studies have confirmed the fact that most heart attacks result from a high cholesterol level in the blood -and that the use of "fats" is largely responsible for this high level. .
Avoid eating animals that die by themselves (Leviticus 17:15; 22:8, Deuteronomy 14:21)
New testament
Don't overeat ( Luke 21:34).
Don't harbor envy or hold grudges ( Matthew 5:23,24).

Be temperate in all things (1 Corinthians 9:25, Philippians 4:5).
Avoid all harmful stimulants [Note: Medical science has confirmed the fact that tea, coffee, and soft drinks that contain the addictive drug caffeine and other harmful ingredients are all positively damaging to the body]

Avoid eating animals that were strangled (Acts 15:20,29; 21:25).


Booker if you want citation try this- very simplistic but a seminar I attended on the origins of public health law which cited far more citations including early regulations on drinking water and cleansing of blood of others from the body.

Very interesting that a seminar for health laws would use the Bible for a sort of guidance,the men that have written the Bible had no science to come to does conclusion interesting ,
Thanks for the referrals EB
The point is that the health laws in the bible came before public health laws or modern medicine. And provided their origins. In 2016 we have the science to back it up, but many of thousands of years ago they did not.


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