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Does anyone train at Monster Gym or Planet Muscle here?


Jul 16, 2004
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I guess ppl are too scared to share this personal information?

Oh well, I was only wondering as I was curious if any SP's train at these gyms as I thought it would be an interesting way of meeting some.

I know at Planet Muscle a couple of the Grand Prix ladies trained there.


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004

If you are wondering why there are so many good looking girls working out there and as if they are mostly strippers for some reason or simply a place for show off. Truth is some actors and actresses (online actors that is), work out there and for some it’s a recruiting place for others a show off place. Are there SP’s, I cannot confirm. I don’t have membership there but know the place enough to confirm you that much. Besides if you have sightseeing our famous amateur actress there yet, it’s because things are not going well for her or she simply has a natural good body for her age.


Jul 16, 2004
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If you are wondering why there are so many good looking girls working out there and as if they are mostly strippers for some reason or simply a place for show off. Truth is some actors and actresses (online actors that is), work out there and for some it’s a recruiting place for others a show off place. Are there SP’s, I cannot confirm. I don’t have membership there but know the place enough to confirm you that much. Besides if you have sightseeing our famous amateur actress there yet, it’s because things are not going well for her or she simply has a natural good body for her age.

I train there all the time now at Monster Gym & there are many attractive girls & women there.

But I can't say if there are any confirmed SP's there & I guess from what you say, you are unclear if there are any SP's/dancers there.

The only ppl closest to celebrities I've seen there are the wrestlers from the WWE who I've met & talked to.

There's one tall & very, very in shape blond in her early to mid 30's I'm guessing at about 6ft1 & at least 155lbs, some ppl thought she is a dancer or SP but I've seen her there with a man who everyone thought was her brother b/c they were the same height & looked very same in the face, but someone said he was her BF.


And speaking of GP... Anyone knows where Jessie is these days? Was bouncing around between GP and l'Eclypse. (tall brunette, pretty face, nice fake boobs, awesome ass... drove a 4-door import). Did she quit? Would be nice to hook up with her again.

Is Jessie tall with brown hair, tanned skin, nice ass & fake boobs?

If it's the same one she has a kid & her BF is a Biker & she also trained at Planet Muscle in Brossard with an ex Mr. Quebec who is a friend of some bikers.

Is this the woman you refer to?


Jul 16, 2004
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I went to monster gym for a free trial.I was disgusted to see a black fag beating off in the sauna while looking at me.Perhaps there is gay prostituion in that place

Are you fuckn' serious?

Although I've never set foot in that back section so I wouldn't know.

I always shower at home.

But I would've complained if I were you to management.

But you should give it another chance at Monster Gym.


Johnny, your description sounds correct, however I don't know anything about any kid. I found out that now she sells real estate... so we shall wait until the real estate bubble bursts and she once again makes her rounds at the usual fs clubs.

Maybe it's not the same one, but one thing that wouldn't surprise me is the fact that many of the ladies in strip clubs & FS clubs probably change their name every so often.

Maybe it's not the same one as that description can be pretty common.

Is Jessie french?

I've also been told that the lady I'm referring to also was in the Quebec Playboy, & she has a kid.

Maybe she doesn't let too many clients know that she has a kid either as I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen her with her son at Planet Muscle

Although I think I might've seen Carol Cox there one time but haven't seen her for a long time.

So nobody has any other knowledge of SP's & dancers at Monster Gym where I go?


Jul 16, 2004
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Smack Appeal

I guess most of us here do our "work outs" somewhere else..

If ya know what I mean :D

Got ya.

But I figured there would've been many SP's & dancers who trained there but they probably go to either Nautilus or the
Pro Gym in the East end.


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Sep 15, 2004
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Serious as a heart attack Johnny, I did complain to the management .The homo actually saw my reaction and got out before I could bring the manager back there.So be sure to wipe down the machines locker room benches and everything else really well before using them.Someone mentioned seeing Carol Cox there, is she an sp?I know she has a porno website and does those pro wrestling parties at unison in St. Laurent and fucks everybody there,men and women, straight, gay or bi so I don't know about using her, possible std risk for sure


Jul 16, 2004
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Serious as a heart attack Johnny, I did complain to the management .The homo actually saw my reaction and got out before I could bring the manager back there.So be sure to wipe down the machines locker room benches and everything else really well before using them.Someone mentioned seeing Carol Cox there, is she an sp?I know she has a porno website and does those pro wrestling parties at unison in St. Laurent and fucks everybody there,men and women, straight, gay or bi so I don't know about using her, possible std risk for sure

Yeah I just feel bad for you that you had to witness that.

Hard to say if he was a full blown flamer, maybe he was just really horny after seeing all the beautiful ladies working out & bending over doing exercises.

I know sometimes I have a hard time training in the gym b/c of distraction such as beautiful women & even pitched a tent if you know what I mean, but always waited to do my business at home or with my now would be "girlfriend".

Her site is & she's apparently married & has 3 kids but does some real dirty & entertaining stuff.

I'm not sure I'd use her as an SP either. I wonder if she knows about this forum?

There's also one guy who looks about 30 who I always see in the late afternoon who looks just like Mr. Marcus the adult film star.

He also has a website.

But it's probably not Mr. Marcus. I was just thinking that it could be him as I've seen some of the Booty Talk movies that he happened to be in

Plus I also saw him on a pay-per-view event hosted by Ron Jeremy in Toronto that was a stripper talent search show similar to what they do on American Idol but it's a stripper.

& Mr.Marcus was one of the judges.

Anyone think it could possibly be the same guy?

I'm guessing no but who knows for sure, as the guy I speak to seems to know a lot of ppl & is popular with some of the hotties at this gym.

I'm not trying to single anyone out here or anything so if it is
Mr. Marcus I hope he doesn't get offended by my wondering if it's him.

If it's him that's cool with me.


Jul 16, 2004
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I believe Carol Cox has posted on MERB and is a member here although her last post was several months ago

That's interesting. Speaking of Carol Cox, my friend's cousin is best friends with Carol Cox's son so my buddy's cousin knows her.

Do you know if the adult film star Mr. Marcus that I mentioned lives around here?

I just can't help wondering the cool dude I mentioned at the gym is really him.


Aug 10, 2004
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No Johnny sorry I don't. Not familiar with Mr. Marcus.

I used to be a member of Carol Cox' web site for a couple of years. She had some very nice looking women affiliated with her. One was named Alyka - very beautiful in a girl next door sort of way. There is another women named Seska who I believe does bachelor parties.

Anyway, less than 48 more hours until we return to your wonderful city


Jul 16, 2004
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No Johnny sorry I don't. Not familiar with Mr. Marcus.

I used to be a member of Carol Cox' web site for a couple of years. She had some very nice looking women affiliated with her. One was named Alyka - very beautiful in a girl next door sort of way. There is another women named Seska who I believe does bachelor parties.

Anyway, less than 48 more hours until we return to your wonderful city

If you do a search for Mr. Marcus adult film star you'll see his pics & bio.

But yeah Carol Cox has some attractive women working with her.

Seska? Sounds like Seka.

Where are you from?

Hope you have a good visit.
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