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Does proper etiquette when entertaining an SP include a full service bar?


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Jun 21, 2003
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Usually when entertaining an SP I make sure my place is clean and tidy, fresh breath and shower, clean towels for her.

But unfortunately some girls are not happy with all this and request their choice of alcoholic beverage.

Since I don't have a full service bar I could not meet her request, she was not upset about this but did suggest that I have drinks on hand the next time I see her or another SP.

This is the first I ever heard of this complimentary drink for an SP, is it me or is she just pushing it?
May 28, 2012
Montreal is a Francophone Environment. Wine is considered as an alternate of water. In the rare instance that I didn't have a full mini-bar or regular one, I made sure to have at least some red wine and spring water available. You want a GFE experience so shouldn't you treat her accordingly? I mean she's going to be there the better part of an hour and tap water out of the sink sounds a little plain. One well know monger has both white & red available and incorporates it into his reviews. Frankly you can get a couple of bottles of wine at SAQ for like $30. Usually will last a few days unless you come across some lush......LOL


Jul 30, 2011
I think given the choice the SP's would vote for hygiene over full-service bar. I don't think that was a very respectful comment for her to make. My, vodka,OJ or cranberry, bottled water(sealed) is more than ample offerings. Can only imagine the comments this SP would make at a dinner


Nov 12, 2007
Tap water is good enough for me. Even if I had lotto money I would drink it.

I don't drink nor do I hang around those who do, so I have no reason to have a bar.

As for hotels, what they charge for the mini bar is insane, and if I am paying 200 bucks an hour, there is no way in hell I am paying inflated prices so she can have a sippy.

She is there to work, let her get liquored up on her own time. Very unprofessional. If you want to offer something, fine, but to demand it?

You should have told her you are an alcoholic. If she had any shame it would make her feel guilty.
May 3, 2010
Would you offer a drink to your dentist, accountant, lawyer, therapist, or other professional? No. They are working professionals.
With that said, an encounter with an service provider is a little more 'intimate' than with the people mentioned above, therefore it is a nice and generous to offer something, but it should not be expected by an SP, nor is it proper etiquette. You are the paying customer after all and ultimately it's the SP that should should be worried about meeting your needs and satisfying them.


Jul 28, 2006
i always make it a point of having 5 or 6 different drinks ready.
if you were entertaining a date , you have a drink ready, so why not make your experience as close to a real date as you can

May 3, 2010
"You want a GFE experience so shouldn't you treat her accordingly?"

A GFE is nothing like a real girlfriend experience (or a real date for that matter). It's delusional to think and act otherwise. I think it's best to find a real girlfriend, wife, a fuck-friend , or even a pick-up at a bar if you need such intimacy.

Ultimately SPs are paid for sex, not intimacy (men are fooling themselves if they think that they are actually creating real intimacy with an SP --> that's pretty sad).
Girlfriend's don't leave their man, with hundreds of dollars, after an hour (at least not a caring/loving one).
Real girlfriends want to snuggle, be held, have pillow talk after sex, have sex again and again, and don't want or need to leave. And often they will actually offer you something (food for example) afterward.
I'll save my alcohol for those girls instead.

Side note: I'm not against offering drinks or that it's wrong, but we shouldn't pretend that we are involving ourselves in a 'girlfriend experience' when we meet a 'GFE' SP, even the best ones, and need to offer more than the agreed upon donation.
We are John's, not boyfriends. Let's act accordingly.
I think it's just the healthy thing to do.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Usually when entertaining an SP I make sure my place is clean and tidy, fresh breath and shower, clean towels for her.

But unfortunately some girls are not happy with all this and request their choice of alcoholic beverage.

Since I don`t have a full service bar I could not meet her request, she was not upset about this but did suggest that I have drinks on hand the next time I see her or another SP.

This is the first I ever heard of this complimentary drink for an SP, is it me or is she just pushing it?

Pushing it!

I try to have a wine the lady will like. But some don`t like to drink alcohol, preferring water or some other non-alcoholic drink. So I offer a non-alcoholic option. However, I don`t see how it`s feasible to have the narrow preference for any one lady in a situation where one called in the moment and did not know exactly who was available. You can ask about her preference anyway and try to fill it, but any lady who expects you to be stocked something like a Depanneur or SAQ is really pushing it.

If the lady does have a demanding attitude about the drinks being offered I`d wonder immediately about her service attitude, and it would be likely the best idea is to move on and send her back before getting involved intimately and committing to her full rate.

Besides, isn`t making you feel good about everything supposed to be part of her GFE/companion skills. If she shows she is annoyed with the lack of drink choices she`s already failed in her job performance.

Good luck,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If the lady does have a demanding attitude about the drinks being offered I'd wonder immediately about her service attitude, and it would be likely the best idea is to move on and send her back before getting involved intimately and committing to her full rate.
Bingo. And how would you feel about being a girl's fourth call after she's had six glasses of wine?

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Usually when entertaining an SP I make sure my place is clean and tidy, fresh breath and shower, clean towels for her.

All that sounds very good. I would add some bottled water and something alcoholic. Not a wide range, since I don't drink much, but something that most people would settle for happily enough -- a decent beer or (as Vercin mentioned) a bottle of wine from the SAQ.

No, these girls aren't our girlfriends, but I think they do count as guests. To tell the truth, if my accountant for some reason had to do her job at my apartment, I would consider her a guest too.

I could not meet her request, she was not upset about this but did suggest that I have drinks on hand the next time I see her or another SP.

This is the first I ever heard of this complimentary drink for an SP, is it me or is she just pushing it?

Pushing it a bit. A guest doesn't lecture her host.

Personally, I can think of just one girl who asked for a drink, as opposed to simply accepting one. I didn't mind because she was so cheerful and friendly about it. She just said "You have a beer for me?" with a big smile and a Quebecois accent.
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