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Ever date an SP ??

Mod 8

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Jun 7, 2007
And GG always gets banned.

What's wrong, GG? Getting bored with no one to play with over there? :cool:



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Oct 21, 2003
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I kept busy yesterday, I had 2 dates.
1- Latina, non escort, very normal girl (hot as hell though) (30 MIN apart)
2- very praised Escort in the board, only good reviews so far. (I didn't pay her)

1- I had a wonderful 2 hours date, talking about life in general I was funny, when come the time to pay for the bill in the restaurant she insisted to pay. We re-scheduled a 2nd date, I was amused. She really enjoyed my company, we didn't kiss but there was something going on.

2- The other date went horrible. First off she was tipsy when I walked in the bar. We were in an expensive bar in the old port next to her place. There were 3 recurring topics: Money, luxury and sex. That was it, she talked about how she gets fucked, of how she's not afraid of rape, she likes sex, she wanted me to go to the bathroom with her and do her, yadi yada yada, she kept drinking champagne awfully and was obviously fucked up. I didn't bring my car on purpose for both dates, because I wanted to know if they were in for my money or for the individual they had in front of them. She spent something like 200$ in champagne. In fact I doubt she really liked champagne, I think she likes luxury and power, because she feels like she's Someone or that she made it. Liking getting drunk with champagne is not classy. In fact, she wanted me to pay for her shit because when we were about to leave I told that I paid my portion and then she said that I was too cheap and that she didn't want to see me no more. I was laughing inside because I was thinking I left the other girl for an alcoholic deranged, nymphomaniac, uninteresting being, no past, no present and the way she's behaving no future? The idea of treating these girls like a slab of meat sounds really tempting or just stop all together. So in the future I don't think I'll be doing this anytime soon. The funny thing is that she wanted me to contact her in the first place.
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Apr 16, 2005
Maybe it goes like this..........

As far as date no. 1 goes and her paying for the meal all she was probably doing is setting you up for a future trip to the cleaners, setting you up so she could get you on the hook, line and sucker.
Well it just could be that she liked him for who he was and by paying for the meal she was sending him a message that she wasn't all about the money. Just think that if he never goes back, she is out the cost of the meal. There are a lot of nice girls in the world. They are not all gold diggers. It may be true that in a lot of marriages the male is the principal breadwinner and traditionally this has been the way. But so what. That's the way of it. When people date they look for an ideal situation for themselves. The measure of success is when it is win/win.
Neither of these ladies were there for the individual they were both there for your money, one was just a little bit more clever at hiding it. In the future stick with date no. 2 because at least she was honest and upfront about the reasons for her being there and it will be cheaper in the long run.
The escort here was just scum. She showed a total lack of respect for L. She is not an escort – she is a user. L made that quite clear. There are many escorts who conduct themselves with class and show consideration for the client. She wasn't! Run, don't walk to the nearest exit.:eek:


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Oct 21, 2003
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Regular Guy, you say those things about that escort but all guys here agree that she's a considerate person...seems to be anyways...

She told me stories about how she committed fraud several times and how she basically fucks everything without discrimination...gosh that made me feel real special...30 minutes passed our date I wanted to get out and go back to the latina girl, she invited me to her place and all...

The latina is a very passionate person, that's why I don't date latinas, 'cause it's like mixing dynamite with matches, for me anyways...You guys are prolly different.

WTF has a very cynical view of the whole thing, that's refreshing! (I'm not sarcastic)

So far I haven't seen one "well balanced" escort outside their work place, all of them have issues, all of them seem to fucked up in some way and I've dated a good amount of them. I started doing it because of the challenge, because most guys treat them like holy creatures, because they are praised and coveted. Once you get down to it, you realize it is over rated.
Apr 16, 2005
SP's versus relationships

Regular Guy, you say those things about that escort but all guys here agree that she's a considerate person...seems to be anyways...
Would you say that the behaviour that she exhibited towards you demonstrated a considerate attitude? From my point of view – far from it. It may be that booze brings out the monster in her. A lot of guys should not drink also for exactly the same reasons. She should know herself and should never have agreed to meet with you while in that state. She should have known the possibility that that kind of behaviour just might come out in a review here.
She told me stories about how she committed fraud several times and how she basically fucks everything without discrimination...gosh that made me feel real special...30 minutes passed our date I wanted to get out and go back to the latina girl, she invited me to her place and all...
There is no question that many escorts are running a tad short on the morality side (and I don't mean sexually). One of the best SP's I had, stole my watch. I had to laugh because I knew the watch had limited value (I'm not big on material pissing contests) but that it was taken to get a hook on me to call her back (Yeah I over tipped!) But on the other side I would bet that there are escorts where you could leave your wallet out while you went for a leak (not saying you should test it though). Now it is true that SP's tend to service all types as part of the job. It goes with the territory. Most clients are gone from memory before she's out of the elevator. That is not to say that there isn't chemistry for some of them. If you want to feel special I don't think escorts are the way to go. The bottom line is that I am taking her as you described her, not what she potentially might be.
The latina is a very passionate person, that's why I don't date latinas, 'cause it's like mixing dynamite with matches, for me anyways...You guys are prolly different.
Well I am not an expert on latinas. I would probably not want to be ducking thrown dishes with every disagreement either. But it's not about latinas but what we call “marriage material” in general. Personally, as far as I am concerned, the ultimate in girls in that department are the French girls. But we each have our own tastes.
WTF has a very cynical view of the whole thing, that's refreshing! (I'm not sarcastic)
For me there is a difference between being cynical and having a healthy skepticism. I do believe that most guys here know the score and take each escort as they find them.
So far I haven't seen one "well balanced" escort outside their work place, all of them have issues, all of them seem to fucked up in some way and I've dated a good amount of them.
Well I suppose it all goes to how you define "well balanced." And have you taken into account the differences in the female mentality and temperament? Don't forget we are hard-wired differently in a number of ways. Don't make the mistake of labelling the vagaries of women as "unbalanced." If any of the SP's who are posting on merb, I for one, would love to have them comment on this point. They might also be able to shed a bit of light on the issue.
I started doing it because of the challenge, because most guys treat them like holy creatures, because they are praised and coveted. Once you get down to it, you realize it is over rated.
Perhaps you are ready for a real and more permanent relationship. Only you know the answer to that. But as many of us can tell you, it's not all roses there either. As far as most guys (and I assume that you are referring to the guys on merb) treating them like holy creatures with praising and coveting, well, it is in the nature of most males that when they see a pretty girl, they want to drop one wing and run in circles. For others, it is all about the fact that people tend to rise to the level according to how they are treated. It definitely works with kids anyway. Create the right atmosphere and it comes back. Finally a positive attitude and being enthusiastic is definitely one of the secrets of getting the most out any encounter. Is it overrated? Depends on your perspective. :)
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Apr 16, 2005
A Healthy Skepticism!

There are many johns who see things the way they are and there are many johns who still believe in the tooth fairy, who wouldn't know when they are being played by an sp if there life depended on it. There is a sucker born every new york minute, i simply choose not to be one of them.
Well that is all true to some extent. So for you, are they all out to get you and each and every one of them is constantly plotting how to make suckers out of clients or do you say to yourself, “I try to look for the best in people but I will always keep my personal alarm system on?" Every moment of our lives in all of our interactions with people, we face this kind of thing. That is because people will usually put their own interests first. The only time you will find a self-sacrificing attitude is in those who truly love you. Does that mean you believe that no one will ever treat you fairly? Or that all SP's are out to rip you off? The only suckers here are any who telegraph that and who let themselves be one. Perhaps you have mistaken the fact that you really aren't cynical but keep a healthy skepticism. What do you think?:)
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Mar 26, 2004
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Is it too early to start the canonization process for "wtf is going on". I think he should be fast tracked like Mother Theresa.

I have an audience with the Pope this Friday in my hotel room so I will ask him. Last time the Pope came, after he left I noticed my coconut lotion was missing from the bathroom.
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Mar 26, 2004
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wtf is going on? said:
To borrow a phrase from a Billy Joel song, i would rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun:)


"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."

Mark Twain


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Oct 21, 2003
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Stop asking, I'm not telling.

I have to agree with Regular guy on french women, (not french-canadian). When I think about it today, I'm happy she treated me like that, because the point of not wanting to pay for shit was to see the relationship she had with money and men. She's the stripper stereotype, she thinks men are means to an end. But, she went through a lot. I am sad for her
Apr 16, 2005
The approach?

wtf is going on? said:
Somehow i don't think any of us who hang around these boards are going to qualify for this. I probably got myself disqualified about 30 yrs ago and i don't think i have done anything to change it unless drinking beer, seeing sp's and going to strip clubs count. To borrow a phrase from a Billy Joel song, i would rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun:)

Then you would have loved the little honey blond who sat with me last night. She changed, came out and right to me. The first two who tried were very plastic and talked at me instead of to me. I sent them on their way. But this one caught my eye when she came in for work. Very hot.
She ordered a beer and as she was reaching for her money I stopped her and paid for it. She said that I didn't have to do that but thanked me (With most strippers you might as well stamp "sucker" on your forehead - "Hey girls we got a live one here!"). Our exchange was honest and we shared a very candid conversation. She was guileless. She respected me by not trying the old, "Hi I'm ______. Wanna go for a dance or what!" Eventually we did. It was great. After, she went off looking for new prospects. Did I feel jilted. Of course not. She was there to make money. Only the emotionally distressed look for any kind of loyalty in a strip club. But I appreciated the respect. And the dance was great. Dropped by my local club on the way back for a quick one. Ran into my favourite psycho case. But that's a story for another time. Bottom line? It's all just fun. I don't take it seriously. Start taking it seriously and you will soon have earned yourself a rubber room. Now in all fairness I have been the marriage and kids route and enjoyed a lot about it. Would I do it again. Maybe but my head isn't there right now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Would you say that the behaviour that she exhibited towards you demonstrated a considerate attitude? From my point of view – far from it. It may be that booze brings out the monster in her. A lot of guys should not drink also for exactly the same reasons. She should know herself and should never have agreed to meet with you while in that state. She should have known the possibility that that kind of behaviour just might come out in a review here.

Initially I would have thought the same as Regular Guy-- and felt a few shivers reading WTF's cynical opinion. And in the end, from experience, I think that this is still probably closer to the truth... :(

Latinofreak said:
Regular Guy, you say those things about that escort but all guys here agree that she's a considerate person...seems to be anyways...

But then I had a strange thought. How can she be so nice to her clients and so shitty on a real date? What if this "well appreciated" escort is simply incapable of engaging in a mutually open and respectable amourous relationship? WHat if this is her way of putting up walls so high to prevent or discourage any approach by a respectable guy? Some people do fuck up everything they attempt... Maybe she's only able to be nice when escorting, knowing there is no commitment, no long term anything? Some people think they are ugly and do everything to prove it... as a test to find someone who will say "no you are beautiful even though..." .
OK, enough freudian analysis here...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Latinofreak said:
The latina is a very passionate person, that's why I don't date latinas, 'cause it's like mixing dynamite with matches, for me anyways...You guys are prolly different.

I agree: Latinas are usually very intense... I like the initial intensity, but it goes out of control compared ot what I grew up with...

[/QUOTE]WTF has a very cynical view of the whole thing, that's refreshing! (I'm not sarcastic)[/QUOTE]

I would call it "protective cynicism" ! :D It's important to keep in mind to remain detached from the fantasy world... to be able to come back to reality.

[/QUOTE](...) and I've dated a good amount of them. I started doing it because of the challenge, because most guys treat them like holy creatures, because they are praised and coveted. Once you get down to it, you realize it is over rated.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure it's the holyness, vs the sex fantasy factor. Like dating a porn star, you'd think they always would want to do the thing real nasty, swallow your cum after anal, etc... But sex is only one (important but small) aspect of relationships...
Apr 16, 2005
Head Cases

hormone said:
Initially I would have thought the same as Regular Guy-- and felt a few shivers reading WTF's cynical opinion. And in the end, from experience, I think that this is still probably closer to the truth... :(

But then I had a strange thought. How can she be so nice to her clients and so shitty on a real date? What if this "well appreciated" escort is simply incapable of engaging in a mutually open and respectable amourous relationship? WHat if this is her way of putting up walls so high to prevent or discourage any approach by a respectable guy? Some people do fuck up everything they attempt... Maybe she's only able to be nice when escorting, knowing there is no commitment, no long term anything? Some people think they are ugly and do everything to prove it... as a test to find someone who will say "no you are beautiful even though..." .
OK, enough freudian analysis here...
You just might have a point here! I must confess I hadn't considered that but it fits very well. Such behaviour may be the result of a poor self-concept. The girl I referred to in my post above as "the psycho case" when I dropped into the SC near my place is a textbook case for what you are describing so I should have picked up on it. When I came in she grabbed me and took me to a table in the lounge area. Since we've known each other for years she has shared with me that she deliberately and consciously protects herself from relationships because she knows with certainty she will get hurt. Can't talk her out of it (Sometimes I feel more like a counsellor than a client with her). Last night I couldn't resist a bit of mischief and said "N_ _ _lie, let's work on this!" I looked into her eyes and said , in a soft voice, "Touch me on the lips with your fingertips" (a gesture of tenderness). She recoiled, "No! I can't, I just can't!" and she beat a hasty retreat back to the bar. You had to be there to appreciate the moment. And just as an additional
thought, I wont take dances from her because she is a control freak in the booth.
I shared this story to illustrate the fact that some of them are real head cases. Thank God not too many.:eek:
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Oct 21, 2003
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hormone said:
But then I had a strange thought. How can she be so nice to her clients and so shitty on a real date? What if this "well appreciated" escort is simply incapable of engaging in a mutually open and respectable amourous relationship? WHat if this is her way of putting up walls so high to prevent or discourage any approach by a respectable guy? Some people do fuck up everything they attempt... Maybe she's only able to be nice when escorting, knowing there is no commitment, no long term anything? Some people think they are ugly and do everything to prove it... as a test to find someone who will say "no you are beautiful even though..." .
OK, enough freudian analysis here...

I'm fucking speechless, THat's exactly what the hell I was thinking about driving home. The problem started the minute she opened her mouth(she was being careful in the hotel, when I paid her hours prior to the date). I asked her if I had to take care of her when she was going to be really drunk when we were in the club, she said "I stop drinking when I'm on the floor, if I wake up tomorrow with some dough on me, home I'll be happy". That's what got me totally grossed out. If we went out on a date it was to see what was her behaviour outside fantasy land. As a matter of fact she's just a mess, today I feel sorry for her, very sorry.

Most of them have very poor concepts, she was impressed at some guy burning a 100$ bills, what impresses me is someone over coming all the odds. I don't even know if that was her because she was drunk I don't know how much she had to drink before I met her. But I'm guessing it was her since she never called back. If it is the case good riddance.

I like your trick, I know a lot of these...women are the weirdest creatures if you're going after them you'll never get them but it is when you start rejecting them that they want you the most. Even with escorts, if you chump called was because you WANTED HER and it is by using these little tricks that the situation will turn the other way around even if you paid in the first place. Cocky helps too, I'll drop the hobby for a while to go to bars, malls and coffee shops at least I'll know straight up what the girls are like in the "real world"...There is no point in continuing, it's not fun anymore I need more than just sex, besides hormone made an excellent point.
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Oct 21, 2003
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For The Last Time>>>>stop Asking Who It Is, ***i Will Never Tell***
Besides why is that so important to you guys? You're not there to make friends or become lovers.
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Apr 16, 2005
I like your trick, I know a lot of these...women are the weirdest creatures if you're going after them you'll never get them but it is when you start rejecting them that they want you the most. Even with escorts, if you chump called was because you WANTED HER and it is by using these little tricks that the situation will turn the other way around even if you paid in the first place. Cocky helps too, I'll drop the hobby for a while to go to bars, malls and coffee shops at least I'll know straight up what the girls are like in the "real world"...There is no point in continuing, it's not fun anymore I need more than just sex, besides hormone made an excellent point.
You just might be ready for a real relationship and your head just isn't into this scene anymore. There is nothing wrong with that. A true soulmate is an incredible find. Can be tough but possible. Then you have a friend and lover and you can build something together. It is nice to know that somebody gives a damn if you make it back home at night, safe. If you haven't had kids well that can be fun too. Not all roses but worth it, at least once. Your best tools to meet the girls, frequency, gentle humour/teasing, a bit cocky as you say and most important, be genuine. Best of luck to you!:)

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Sep 26, 2007
Maybe it's just me but it would turn me on to know that my gf would be having fun with other guys often. I know I'm one of the few and I know I'm weird but I sometime wish my current gf was an escort as I could realize some fantasies and still speak to her about my encounters with other escorts. It would kind of be an open relationship with some cuckhold elements in it.

Maybe I'm weird but I can see it working for some people. Especially me :p :p

I do think it's definetely not for 95% of the people out there...


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Nov 9, 2003
montreal said:
Maybe it's just me but it would turn me on to know that my gf would be having fun with other guys often. I know I'm one of the few and I know I'm weird but I sometime wish my current gf was an escort as I could realize some fantasies and still speak to her about my encounters with other escorts. It would kind of be an open relationship with some cuckhold elements in it.

Maybe I'm weird but I can see it working for some people. Especially me :p :p

I do think it's definetely not for 95% of the people out there...
Want to date?

NOTE: I am just joking around mods, please do note take this post seriously and simply appreciate the spirit in which it was made.



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May 19, 2008
I could never fall in love with one of my clients for the simple fact that money was exchanged for having sex. It could be Brad Pitt or anyone i find HOT and NICE, the mental barriere will always be up. I find it funny how the ladies here are always replying with such beautiful almost poetic replies on how they love their job and they are so emanticipated to love and sex and blablabla...
When is was SPing, i went on dates (of course they paid for my time) and even the nicest clients i`ve had would turn me off outside the bedroom. How can you trust someone and really love a person who`s paying to fuck you and to see you... must be naive.

Maybe im too harsh but to me it just doesnt click. And sorry guys but stop swallowing all the bullshit you hear. If you want a relationship with an escort, then there must be something wrong going on with you. Escort world is a fucked up world, point blank. Why would you want a fucked up relationship, unless you need spices in your life and is bored as hell...

Sorry ladies, do not take this the wrong way, its just how i think.
And yes, i know im negative but i truly feel that way :)

La Femme

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Jan 6, 2008

You are obviously very judgmental towards men who pay for sex. It's your right but please don't assume we all share your views on this subject. :)

I honestly don't see anything wrong with paying for sex. It's a personal choice and if the guy is comfortable with it, I don't see the problem. If I had enough money, I would probably myself call an escort from time to time.

I have never fell in love with a client but there are plenty of them that I find truly interesting "outside the bedroom".

I have read your posts before and I usually like what you are saying because you sound smart and sincere and I appreciate that. That being said, it seems your experience as an SP was hard on you on some level. I can understand that. But you should keep in mind that every woman is different and that for some of us, being an escort IS enjoyable.
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