I don’t think it is right to mention anybodies real name on this forum period.
The escorts adopt a name for their protection just like we have a handle that should be respected at all times on this forum.
what you do in real life is your own business.
Yeah you are pissed that she screwed you over, you got off relatively easy, $2500 is not a huge some of money your ego probably hurts more than the money. Take it as a relatively cheap learning experience, I am sure many guys here could tell you much worse stories.
The escorts adopt a name for their protection just like we have a handle that should be respected at all times on this forum.
what you do in real life is your own business.
Yeah you are pissed that she screwed you over, you got off relatively easy, $2500 is not a huge some of money your ego probably hurts more than the money. Take it as a relatively cheap learning experience, I am sure many guys here could tell you much worse stories.