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Falling in love with your SP/MP


Oct 29, 2019
that... escalated quickly, lol

Yup that sure changed. I think a crush would be more common with many men. I have a crush on my favorite, thats why i keep going back. I am sure she knows it. I happy with that thou. I need no more. We do chat off the clock sometimes, I appreciate that. Thats all I really need. Not interested in dating, I go back to my life and she does her thing.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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@bamjay Nothing would give me more pleasure to see her on the streets one day when she has splattered on the wall and her plastic surgery all gone wrong. Her botox treatment making her face look hideous and un-natural. Her nose job making her look like Frankenstein. Finally, her liposuction making her look like Jabba the Hutt.

You really need to mentally move on. This sounds a bit vindictive and reminds me of an SP I saw who retired 2 or 3 times when she developed relationships with men, only to return to the business each time once the relationships ended. Those guys may have been ex clients, I do not know, but I suspect they probably were. Because she and I stayed in touch via Facebook Messenger when she retired, I saw her pics posted of her various trips taken with the latest boyfriend, who was a very good looking guy and seemed like a good match for her. Then she suddenly stopped posting the pics and was back in the business. I saw her soon after she returned, the last time. She spoke to me with some anger about the most recent breakup and admitted to me that she had paid $200 to some psychic to "cast a hex" on her ex BF. I said to her, "are you serious?" And she said, "yeah, I did it, and I hope the hex is working." I think the hex was that he was supposed to feel pain whenever he looked at another woman with desire, or something like that. It sounds like you are just about ready to do the same, but I say just move on already.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Love, love, very often it starts with a physical attraction, and we quickly forget that we paid for it.

There is also the factor of seduction, which exists everywhere. I remember when I was working I was always trying to seduce, I think that is in the nature of many.

I have to tell myself that every time I see my favorite "I paid for her service and without money, I could never see her"

You can't fall in love with every woman you see.

Oh, love...
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Oct 29, 2019
bravo Eagerbeaver, move on its a life lesson. We have to lose sometimes in order to win. I myself have done some WTF moves then I wonder why I did it after the fact. Live and learn, move on.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but I think some here are looking for more than sex when hiring an escort. I do not think girls start this profession looking for a mate but it the right whale ( gambling term ) comes along they may ride it out.


Oct 29, 2019
Just my opinion but I think some here are looking for more than sex when hiring an escort. I do not think girls start this profession looking for a mate but it the right whale ( gambling term ) comes along they may ride it out.
There is definitely some rider out here in Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Here in Montreal, yes there is sex for sex (ass for ass), but there is also a way to do sex.

We have both options.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
She spoke to me with some anger about the most recent breakup and admitted to me that she had paid $200 to some psychic to "cast a hex" on her ex BF. I said to her, "are you serious?" And she said, "yeah, I did it, and I hope the hex is working." I think the hex was that he was supposed to feel pain whenever he looked at another woman with desire, or something like that.


Girls like this you just want to bang and move on. Great screw and that is about it. You don't want any civie type of relationship/interactions with. Screw. Pay. Leave.

If you run into girls into mystic shit the sex is out of this world yet you are guaranteed to deal with a real psycho down the road.

What is great about this hobby is that it teaches you about women as fast and efficiently as possible. So whatever bad that comes out of it hopefully it does not costs you too much in time and money. If the shit hits the fan do not let her live in your head rent free. Shows you the importance of having and developing boundaries. If you have spent more $$$$ than you should take it as tuition for the School of Hard Knocks of Chics.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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BOOM!Girls like this you just want to bang and move on. Great screw and that is about it. You don't want any civie type of relationship/interactions with. Screw. Pay. Leave


If I may clarify, I was discussing an agency SP that I NEVER had any off clock interactions with, other than Facebook Messenger texts. To be honest, I think she only gave me her contact info for texting to stay in touch in case she decided to come back to the business (hedging of her bets), which she did 3 times before leaving for good. I did ask her to meet during her retirements when I came to Montreal, but she declined, and the declination was out of loyalty to whomever she was dating during the period of retirement. And perhaps out of loyalty to her agency as well. Other than that, our texting chats mostly covered inocuous topics like what TV shows we were watching and liked at the time, what movies we had seen, good Pho restaurants in Montreal, etc. She did give me a few good restaurant tips.

You can be friends with an SP without fucking her, you know.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There is definitely some rider out here in Montreal.

They are everywhere


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
You can be friends with an SP without fucking her, you know.

Unless she tries to hex me or some voodoo shit. LOL.

Yeah if I deem her "stable" then sure we stay in touch. I did it with Nicole of Eleganza for a few years after she left the scene. And Serina of the Courtsans/FKS. Also..... Ophelie from there too.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yeah if I deem her "stable" then sure we stay in touch. I did it with Nicole of Eleganza for a few years after she left the scene. And Serina of the Courtsans/FKS. Also..... Ophelie from there too.

I had always deemed her stable until she told me about the hex, which was the very last time I saw her after knowing her and seeing her on and off for 5 years. Before that, I did not see any signs of it. It kind of surprised me to be honest, because I had never heard her speaking irrationally before. She retired a final time shortly after that last meeting, and I have not seen her heard from her since, nor did I try to contact her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I had always deemed her stable until she told me about the hex, which was the very last time I saw her after knowing her and seeing her on and off for 5 years. Before that, I did not see any signs of it. It kind of surprised me to be honest, because I had never heard her speaking irrationally before. She retired a final time shortly after that last meeting, and I have not seen her heard from her since, nor did I try to contact her.

The best foot forward phase can only last so long. After a while you are going to see the person from all sides. Maybe within days, weeks or years. Once you are able to see all those sides either you tolerate them or you lose interest. In this hobby you just get to see it faster as it is raw yet honest.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

Your situation was a lot of $$$$$. Yeah it did some major damage of course and I hope it didn't hinder your total financial situation where it held you back from living your life and such.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What you guys don’t realize is that there are many forms and kinds of love.
There is the kind you have for your wife and children and family which is unconditional.
Is it possible to have a kind of love for an SP without it being detrimental and you finding yourself in the situation like the OP describes.
I think it is.
I would say I have a special kind of love for my ATF.
I love the fact that in my eyes she is the most gorgeous SP that I could possibly pick, the way she goes out of her way to please me, the fact that we communicate regularly that she is always there with kind and comforting words.
It is fabulous to have a friend like her and to be able to see her and feel like she cares.
Now is this all real, maybe, maybe not, but I am not in love the same way as I was with my wife.
Actually what she deserves is someone close to her age who will provide the same kind of life and love that I had.
That is what I want for her.
Until then I am more than happy to have her in my life and to keep seeing her.
She makes me happy it is as simple as that really. It is a shit world especially now so you should hang on to every bit of happiness that you can.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
@EagerBeaver I'll move on at some point, don't worry. If I were really vindictive, I would have gotten lawyers to get my money back. I do have a paper trail. A nice merbite advised me privately to not go this route. It's not worth the headache. I agreed with him. This is like being raped for us men. Look at the people who posted their stories after me. I don't think they got over it, even after years. It's like being raped. You can't be un-raped.

“This is like being raped for us men” ....seems to be a VERY Strong Conclusion.
A lot of Words you may have chosen, BUT not this Word....

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