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female condoms:? anybody ever try them?

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I am quite curious to know about these..
Recently i was spending time with a friend that drives me nuts and out of nowhere she just pulled out a female condom? Completely mystified with intrigue, i held the thing? I put it up to the light and observed it..then smelled it lol, weighed it..hey, i almost even chewed the wrapper :confused:
this thing was like an artifact from a foreign world to me.
I had never seen, or used one before and the idea of the whole thing sincerely turned me on.
So my question to you is..have you ever used one of these? Can you describe the sensation vs. A traditional male roll on condom?
What are the risks? Are they greater than traditional male condoms?
How are they installed lol? And is it comparable to trustworthy wife sex with 2 clean, unprotected, tested adults?
Oh, and what about the lubrification factor?..
P.s this is not a courtesan related topic, but a 'girl you intend on seeing intimately forever' type topic...
Thanks guys


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I'm curious too. I bought some on a client's request but we never got to try them. I have heard that they are a great alternative for men who tend to lose their erection when donning a traditional condom. My understanding is that they actually offer more protection to the female as they offer more coverage. They are considerably more expensive and not easy to find in Montreal.

Anyone looking to experiment with these, let me know, lol! ;)


New Member
Dec 25, 2014
I know plenty of SPs who prefer them. I have used them a number of times myself and they don't seem to work for me. I don't find I get much feeling from them and they don't quite fit me and are really difficult to get in. But many SPs swear by them! I have had clients love and hate them. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Jul 31, 2013
With SP's experienced with female condoms they are much better than 'losing it' when using a regular condom. Almost, but not quite, like BBFS. If the SP is not familiar with the insertion of the FC, it can be very frustrating (for you), but if you're both comfortable with each other, can be a fun activity!

They are more common in the U.S. where many SP's advertise the fact that they use them so their clients get the BBFS experience. They are definitely more expensive than the standard condom, and I've sold many to Florida SP's. PM me here for prices.


Jul 31, 2013
I'm curious too. I bought some on a client's request but we never got to try them. I have heard that they are a great alternative for men who tend to lose their erection when donning a traditional condom. My understanding is that they actually offer more protection to the female as they offer more coverage. They are considerably more expensive and not easy to find in Montreal.

Anyone looking to experiment with these, let me know, lol! ;)

Tiannas, I'm game. Together with the "Tiani2" from LELO - the incredible little toy that creates bigger shared climaxes. The only issue is who gets to control the remote!

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I am experimenting with some things of my own to make FS more pleasurable for the ladies and gentleman, this would do away with all these one fingered gloves and female condoms. These experiments include crazy glue and nail polish remover, will get back to you with findings...

Thor Jr


Sep 4, 2006
Never experienced them. However, there is a British provider I was thinking about seeing and she does use them, and people who review her (on TER) say the experience feels very close to BBFS. However, proper application of the FC is appears to be a common issue with someone who hasn't used it before.

I am a bit hesitant to request it myself as I think if I enjoy it I will just buy the FC and do away with booking an SP.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Never experienced them. However, there is a British provider I was thinking about seeing and she does use them, and people who review her (on TER) say the experience feels very close to BBFS. However, proper application of the FC is appears to be a common issue with someone who hasn't used it before.

I am a bit hesitant to request it myself as I think if I enjoy it I will just buy the FC and do away with booking an SP.

Is the FC a blow up doll? :lol:

Thor Jr


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'm curious too. I bought some on a client's request but we never got to try them. I have heard that they are a great alternative for men who tend to lose their erection when donning a traditional condom. My understanding is that they actually offer more protection to the female as they offer more coverage. They are considerably more expensive and not easy to find in Montreal.

Anyone looking to experiment with these, let me know, lol! ;)

So interesting that this came up..

The second session that I had with the Venezuelan in Barcelona included a female condom


Best Regards



Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I know plenty of SPs who prefer them. I have used them a number of times myself and they don't seem to work for me. I don't find I get much feeling from them and they don't quite fit me and are really difficult to get in. But many SPs swear by them! I have had clients love and hate them. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

This is related to what I was going to post: because it goes into the female, there's more sensation for the man and likely less for the women. Technically they're safer because there's more coverage and you can put in a few drops of lube if you want, it's totally up to you. The main drawback, aside from less sensation for the woman (and more for the man) is that they're visually unappealing. Oh, they're also exponentially more expensive if you were going to count dollars and cents. Maybe 2 dollars each. At a good sexual health place (non-profit, not dollarama) you can get like 6 or 12 condoms for that price.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I'm curious too. I bought some on a client's request but we never got to try them. I have heard that they are a great alternative for men who tend to lose their erection when donning a traditional condom. My understanding is that they actually offer more protection to the female as they offer more coverage. They are considerably more expensive and not easy to find in Montreal.

Anyone looking to experiment with these, let me know, lol! ;)


PS. True about what you said regarding losing an erection with the regular condom.


Jul 31, 2013
Contrary to the above comment, if inserted properly there is no noise and does feel like BBFS. If you lose your erection when using a regular condom, and the SP is fc experienced, there's nothing like it. If she is uncomfortable inserting it and having sex with it, the whole experience will not be satisfying for both.


Jun 28, 2015
I just ran my crawler on merchant websites which sell these to collect user reviews. Based on the information gathered, the general reviews seem to lean from indifferent towards unsatisfactory with rather small number of positive reviews. Though I can notice a trend that most of the negative feedback was coming from newbies who are unaccustomed to its use. Common complaints involve distracting sounds during coitus, difficulty in inserting it and holding it in place during the coitus etc. However, it seems to be a great alternative for men who have difficulty maintaining erection while using an insertive condom.
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