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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
On a side note. A lesbian disguised herself as a man to seduce her hetero girlfriend into having sex.
She got an 8 year prison sentence.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
. Physically, I heard there isn't much difference between a constructed and a woman who has had her tubes tied. *I doubt many have been with the latter. * Granted, I think I heard somewhere that the doc who performs the surgery can make all the difference in how it looks. I don't know much about the feeling, but lube can probably compensate.

. I am for civil rights.

I am for civil rights civil right not to be falsely misled.

My ex wife had her tubes tied. Its meant to permanently block pregnancy.
It has nothing to do with a woman`s vagina and is performed on her fallopian tubes.
Man are you really that naïve when it comes to a woman`s anatomy ???


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I am thinking about it as a civil rights issue. Someone should not be forced to disclose information that falls under a protected class of discrimination in the workplace. Let's say everything surrounding prostitution was now legal, which created two competing systems. You would have the private sector, which has more freedom to 'bend' and applies rules, and you would have the public sector. Those worker as federal employees woukd be protected from disclosing that information just like they are allowed to use the public restroom whose gender they identify with. Legally they are supported. Physically, I heard there isn't much difference between a constructed and a woman who has had her tubes tied. *I doubt many have been with the latter. * Granted, I think I heard somewhere that the doc who performs the surgery can make all the difference in how it looks. I don't know much about the feeling, but lube can probably compensate.

It is an individual's rght to not disclose information regarding their religious belief, race, sexual orientation, etc. Same applies here.
Just ask if youre skeptical...seeing an SP isn't a proper date...she may be offended and in some instance refuse to see you or something, but 90% of the time I'm pretty sure she will just answer the question...use some social grace and work it in there...

I am not for misleading people. I am for civil rights.

The SP world is all about appearance and traits. Boob color...ethnicity...etc are all perfectly valid questions to ask a SP prior to seeing them, and are not considered discrimination. Clients select the SPs they want to see based on criteria like these.

The same goes with being a transgender. A client might/might not see a SP based on this, and this is information that should definitely be disclosed in their ads.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The SP world is all about appearance and traits. Questions about boob color...ethnicity...etc are all perfectly valid questions to ask a SP prior to seeing them, and are not considered discrimination. Clients select the SPs they want to see based on criteria like these.

The same goes with being a transgender. A client might/might not see a SP based on this, and this is information that should definitely be disclosed in their ads.

One of the fallacies in this thread has been posts that the transgender female is no different physically than a biologically born woman. In case nobody noticed women have much larger hips/pelvis than men. This biological fact is due to childbearing. In fact I learned from testimony of a medical expert that a miscarriage cannot be caused by a motor vehicle accident due to the extent of the pelvis bone in an adult female that protects the unborn child, unless the pelvis is broken.

How does the transgender woman grow hip bone and become curvy? Answer is it does not happen. I am not aware of a surgery to graft or add hip bone, not sure it would even work. In fusion surgeries in the cervical spine and lumbar spine, cadaver bone is harvested. I suppose it is theoretically possible to harvest cadaver bone to widen hips, but can the so called human anatomy experts tell me if there is a surgical procedure that allows this?


Feb 9, 2016
I am thinking about it as a civil rights issue. Someone should not be forced to disclose information that falls under a protected class of discrimination in the workplace. Let's say everything surrounding prostitution was now legal, which created two competing systems. You would have the private sector, which has more freedom to 'bend' and applies rules, and you would have the public sector. Those worker as federal employees woukd be protected from disclosing that information just like they are allowed to use the public restroom whose gender they identify with. Legally they are supported. Physically, I heard there isn't much difference between a constructed and a woman who has had her tubes tied. *I doubt many have been with the latter. * Granted, I think I heard somewhere that the doc who performs the surgery can make all the difference in how it looks. I don't know much about the feeling, but lube can probably compensate.

It is an individual's rght to not disclose information regarding their religious belief, race, sexual orientation, etc. Same applies here.
Just ask if youre skeptical...seeing an SP isn't a proper date...she may be offended and in some instance refuse to see you or something, but 90% of the time I'm pretty sure she will just answer the question...use some social grace and work it in there...

I am not for misleading people. I am for civil rights.
Quite the SJW talk, but I suppose you have good intentions. I suppose, since you are here, that you see escorts once in a while? How would you feel, if the escort you arranged a date with was nothing like what you wanted? Surely, since you're a customer, that you are against bait and switch? The whole point of this forum is to prevent us from being scammed. As I said earlier, I see MERB as a forum by and for customers. We're doing each other a disservice if we protect bad behavior, scammers, etc. If you truly want to protect transsexuals, you should push them to disclose it to their customers beforehand so they don't get bad experiences that will traumatize them. They will get insulted and possibly hurt if it is discovered on the spot by a douchebag.

Honestly, I'm a bit surprised by your political correctness. The hobby itself is considered degrading towards women (which I find ridiculous). To feminists, you're treating women like objects when you pay them for sex.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am for civil rights civil right not to be falsely misled.

Yep... This is worse then misled... This I consider this a violation of the victims body akin to rape I would not see this much differently. I am against political correctness I am raw so I will write this as it is... Fact is a transgender female is a fake female... He is a man who switched sexes artificially... This in itself is a charade... But hey it is a free country if a man wants to walk around and be a woman that is their choice but do not say to people you get intimate with that you are a woman because that is very twisted and sick to have sex with an innocent man who is straight and he is not aware of that. A transgender in my opinion should fall into a third classification of sex... In reality they are not female or male.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am thinking about it as a civil rights issue. Someone should not be forced to disclose information that falls under a protected class of discrimination in the workplace. Let's say everything surrounding prostitution was now legal, which created two competing systems. You would have the private sector, which has more freedom to 'bend' and applies rules, and you would have the public sector. Those worker as federal employees woukd be protected from disclosing that information just like they are allowed to use the public restroom whose gender they identify with. Legally they are supported. Physically, I heard there isn't much difference between a constructed and a woman who has had her tubes tied. *I doubt many have been with the latter. * Granted, I think I heard somewhere that the doc who performs the surgery can make all the difference in how it looks. I don't know much about the feeling, but lube can probably compensate.

It is an individual's rght to not disclose information regarding their religious belief, race, sexual orientation, etc. Same applies here.
Just ask if youre skeptical...seeing an SP isn't a proper date...she may be offended and in some instance refuse to see you or something, but 90% of the time I'm pretty sure she will just answer the question...use some social grace and work it in there...

I am not for misleading people. I am for civil rights.

This does not make any sense at all... You are comparing apples and oranges. I for example hate fake tits... If a girl lies to me and she opens her bra and I see big inflated golf balls I will send her away... But really no big deal. Now if I get intimate then that is a man that is a violation of my body. I would feel that man violated me. I absolutely do not want to get intimate with a man. That is sick and twisted and yes this is very relevant when you to have sex. Religious beliefs, race, etc are not relevant and in a way neither is sexual orientation. A SP could be a lesbian but she is offering service to male clients. However a transgender female is a fake female. A man that artificially changed his appearance to appear as a female and acts and feels like a female but in reality is a man. No matter how to put it that is a man. It is their right to switch sexes and so it is my right to get intimate with either a man or a woman and my cock is only going into the vagina of a authentic woman. Plain and simple. You write like a politically correct feminist. Civil rights and fraud do not mix. Misleading people is wrong not matter what. And here you right workplace are you kidding me? This is not a workplace or some government job. This is two human beings getting intimate. This is not like working in an office of a hospital. But in sex I repeat knowing the true sex of the person you are going to have sex with is VERY relevant.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
However a transgender female is a fake female. A man that artificially changed his appearance to appear as a female and acts and feels like a female but in reality is a man. No matter how to put it that is a man. It is their right to switch sexes and so it is my right to get intimate with either a man or a woman and my cock is only going into the vagina of a authentic woman. Plain and simple.

Hello all

Have a question ?
If you would be seduced by a girl in a Bar and would become intimate and realized afterward that she was before operation, a male ,since there is no payment ,so no job no obligations ,no misleading since there is no publicity ,as intelligent men would it be our responsibility to notice ?




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Have a question ?
If you would be seduced by a girl in a Bar and would become intimate and realized afterward that she was before operation, a male ,since there is no payment ,so no job no obligations ,no misleading since there is no publicity ,as intelligent men would it be our responsibility to notice ?

To me that is still misleading cuz switching sexes is a fraud in itself. A man switched sexes to be a woman but is not really a woman. It is like you having plastic surgery to be a Black man and wanting to have sex with women who only have sex with Black men. This is a scam. And why would anyone would want to sleep with someone only to find out how much the object of their desire despises them and resents them? I know I would not. You cannot put the blame on the man cuz he is not the one deceiving other people. Your statement is comparing a person who goes to buy something and was tricked and defrauded by a seller but it is the buyers fault since he was not responsible enough to notice the fraud. Same idea even if the buyer did not notice the seller is still guilty of fraud the same way a transgender is guilty of fraud. They are frauds if they do not tell the person they want to get intimate with that they are a transgender. Would not any person want to be loved for who they are? There are men who like transgenders. So best to keep it real.


New Member
May 14, 2016
To me that is still misleading cuz switching sexes is a fraud in itself.

If I found out the woman I had been flirting with had been a man I'd probably start feeling sick and feel disturbed about the event for a long time.

However, would you start every conversation or wear a sign warning every woman about something she never wanted to deal with did hard just got out of prison for sexual once had herpes (which could come back), you have some very strange objectionable habits or beliefs. Aren't not being upfront about such things frauds?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
To me that is still misleading cuz switching sexes is a fraud in itself. A man switched sexes to be a woman but is not really a woman. It is like you having plastic surgery to be a Black man and wanting to have sex with women who only have sex with Black men.

I'm NOT getting in these arguments. Like almost every poster in this thread, I'd want to know; but then again, I want to know as much as possible about the person I'm seeing. But I would like to point out something simple: this thread at heart raises a number of enormously complicated issues about gender. There are simply different ideas here about what makes a woman. The idea of gender is changing in our culture. Some people feel all the way down that their gender is not aligned with their anatomy. So the question being asked is: how do we identify a person who grew up feeling like a woman, knowing herself (or himself) to be a woman, feeling that it was her (or his) biologically male body that was false, and who underwent surgery to "correct" her (or his) body? Is this person a woman? Our culture is struggling with the answer, hence the battles over bathrooms. That battle may seem trivial, but it signals how the law treats trans women. In short, a trans SP who has always felt herself to be a woman, who has lived as a woman, and who now has a body that confirms it ... may not be, in her mind, misleading or falsely advertising. In fact, it may be one of the first times in her life that she feels like she's being honest.

I understand that many in this thread believe that your gender can only be aligned with your birth certificate, and that a trans woman is not a "real woman." But that view is being challenged and revised by many in our culture. (Again, I'm not taking a position on any of this--just trying to clarify that our attitudes about the OP question really comes down to underlying assumptions about gender.)

By the way, there's a new book on these issues, comparing gender and race: Rogers Brubaker's "Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities."


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
If I found out the woman I had been flirting with had been a man I'd probably start feeling sick and feel disturbed about the even for a long time.

However, would you start every conversation or wear a sign warning every woman about something she never wanted to deal with did hard just got out of prison for sexual once had herpes (which could come back), you have some very strange objectionable habits or beliefs. Aren't not being upfront about such things frauds?

This entire thread is literally just the feminist nonsense argument "we need to educate men not to rape, women shouldn't have to to protect themselves from rape" flipped upside-down. Except the people who would normally argue the former are arguing the latter and the people who would normally argue the latter are arguing the former.

The hypocrisy and naievity and politicization in this thread is astonishing. Nobody is going to tell you they are going to rape you in advance. Nobody is going to tell you they are going to steal from you in advance. Nobody is going to put their prison history on their resume. Nobody ever discloses their herpes status; 50% of the planet has herpes - I have never once had a sex worker disclose it. Trans-people who want to deceive people will deceive at abut the same rate that men/women choose to deceive..

Protect yourself. Wear condoms. Put your wallet in your front pocket. Purchase sex from reputable sex providers. Don't walk around at 3am alone through abandoned alley-ways and get raped/mugged/beaten. If you give a shit if someone has herpes or not bloody well ask them. If you give a shit if some chick had her hermaphroditic penis chopped of at 3 months old ask her. If Caitlyn Jenner shows up at your house and you can't tell that a man got bought by very rich people to do a massive publicity stunt to pursue certain political agendas then.........

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Simple, I respect their right to want to live as a woman, not an issue, their life.
Respect my right that I don't want to sleep with them, for money or for free.
So don't lie and mislead me.
Don't care about legalities, or being politically correct, leave that for the courts , do care about where I put my penis, and by the way it does have a mind of its own and will refuse to work if misled.

Well said, someone who had a penis in their previous life I do not want to spawn with either, do not care what they do with their body also.
Cut your dick off and install tits, add a dick, remove tits and grow facial hair, put toonie sized hoops in your ears or staple your face, tattoo your entire body your choice and I do not care. My choice if I like it or not.


New Member
May 14, 2016
even so called normal people when you meet them don,t tell you all their bad habbits it normally takes time to find out eg gambler,drug user,alcholic, and some people don't consider some thigns bad habbits or necessary to deevoldge
do you think i any guy here meets a normal woman and after time slips into the conversation ya well i was on a forum with guys who shared stories about haveing sex with escorts etc would fly well

Yes, we guys are super-sensitive because it is a very sensitive issue for one, but we also jump into a he-man attitude about being "deceived" on this transgender thing, but with all the other stuff that could put us at risk or put us in danger we dismiss all the risk because we want to screw hot women. It's contradictory in a way. How many of us as the escort for a doctor's test document or ask...if she always has a guy out a condom on...if she doesn't use drugs...if she has an ongoing STD. No we dive in because she's hot.

When we think about our own usual methods of handling escorts is it the transgenders fault for not telling you or yours for not asking???


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
When we think about our own usual methods of handling escorts is it the transgenders fault for not telling you or yours for not asking???

Most of the guys here can`t tell the difference between a natural pussy or a man made one.....just look at the ridiculous ideas solidsnake had.
So what do you want them to ask.
BTW I asked and she told me she had a cyst removed....maybe true but my instinct told me she was lying.
I wouldn`t dare ask a real woman if she was once a would kill the mood

Johnny Walker

New Member
Jun 4, 2009
A more interesting question is if : What would you do if you found out that the SP you previously saw was a man by reading MERB.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
as intelligent men would it be our responsibility to notice ?

Absolutely, it would be our responsibility to notice, and in general protect ourselves in that type of scenario as well described in Knuckles2 post 247 above,

and if I understand correctly, for some who posted opinions here it would be their responsibility to not notice :confused:
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