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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Sep 14, 2011
I'm not sure how scientific this is but I had a very friendly Brazilian stripper approach me a few years back in a Dallas club. She was very fun to talk with and I thoroughly enjoyed her dances with grinding. She was petite with large man-mades. Her face was so-so, but she was sweet. After a few times seeing her she directed my hand to her privates. After feeling around I decided that the vaginal opening was much too high for a woman. I didn't say or do anything to let her know my suspicion. I didn't want to embarrass her and decided not to see her again. Basically the distance between anus and vagina, (the taint) is approximately 1" for a woman, while the distance between the anus and base of penis is about 3" or more for a male. Therefore wouldn't a fake vagina (post-op) also be approximately 3" from anus? I suppose a really good surgeon could shorten the taint.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`m not a surgeon or a trans expert, but at times a fake vagina has a pee hole where the penis was and a man made vagina where the balls were.


Dec 19, 2012
I would really hate meeting a post-op transgender. This makes me paranoid and suspicious when I meet SPs. I wish transgender operations were illegal, but sadly, I can't do nothing about it. It is sad when men start avoiding escorts if they are tall, a bit muscular or have a rather low-pitch voice, afraid that they are men when they are actually real women. I wish there was a trick to recognize them. Yes, those transgenders should not advertise themselves as females. This is terrible for the industry and turns men off from hobbying. This was always one big fear for me with women.

I had a really bad experience not long ago with a SP and I was very suspicious about her true gender. First, her face looked old and had rough features. Male faces usually look older than female faces. But it doesn't mean anything. This happens in certain women. But the real problem was her vagina. It looked surgically enhanced. It didn't look natural. Ok, maybe, she had cosmetic surgery to remove lips or something. This happens. But the hole was extremely tight. I attempted 4-5 times to enter it with my dick and failed. Now this is simply not normal. This doesn't happen to me. At that point, I was starting to think about trannies and lost my erection. I was pissed off, because I paid for this. Not being able to enter a vagina with my dick is an extremely rare occurrence to me. Like, it would not enter at all.

The point is that the mere presence of one or a few post-op transgenders in the scene is enough to create a climate of paranoia and suspicion, and this is a bad thing.

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Are the transgendered escorts in questions still active and if so, do they work for major agencies?


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
I would really hate meeting a post-op transgender. This makes me paranoid and suspicious when I meet SPs. I wish transgender operations were illegal, but sadly, I can't do nothing about it. It is sad when men start avoiding escorts if they are tall, a bit muscular or have a rather low-pitch voice, afraid that they are men when they are actually real women. I wish there was a trick to recognize them. Yes, those transgenders should not advertise themselves as females. This is terrible for the industry and turns men off from hobbying. This was always one big fear for me with women.

I had a really bad experience not long ago with a SP and I was very suspicious about her true gender. First, her face looked old and had rough features. Male faces usually look older than female faces. But it doesn't mean anything. This happens in certain women. But the real problem was her vagina. It looked surgically enhanced. It didn't look natural. Ok, maybe, she had cosmetic surgery to remove lips or something. This happens. But the hole was extremely tight. I attempted 4-5 times to enter it with my dick and failed. Now this is simply not normal. This doesn't happen to me. At that point, I was starting to think about trannies and lost my erection. I was pissed off, because I paid for this. Not being able to enter a vagina with my dick is an extremely rare occurrence to me. Like, it would not enter at all.

The point is that the mere presence of one or a few post-op transgenders in the scene is enough to create a climate of paranoia and suspicion, and this is a bad thing.

I would argue men such as yourself bring the "scene" or industry down, but maybe that's just me ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I would really hate meeting a post-op transgender.

Me too. Fortunately, I don't like fake tits.
Since I don't book SP with fake tits, the risk to fall on a transgender is almost nil.

Usually for SP Ads with breasts size > C, the ad specifies NATURAL. If not specified, it's enhanced most of the time unless it's very obvious they're natural on the pics.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Me too. Fortunately, I don't like fake tits.
Since I don't book SP with fake tits, the risk to fall on a transgender is almost nil.

Je suis du meme avis. C'est extremement rare que je vais voir une fille ayant du faux seins. La seule fois que ca pourrait arriver c'est si j'aurais deja vu la fille auparavant (avec de vrais seins) et que je voulais vraiment la voir intimement.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Me too. Fortunately, I don't like fake tits.
Since I don't book SP with fake tits, the risk to fall on a transgender is almost nil.

I am with UncleBob... I hate fake tits... I find them very ugly and feels awful... And this is another reason why I would avoid fake tits as almost all transgendered women have fake tits. I would also look at her hips... I like women with wide hips and thick thighs... Transgendered women always have narrow hips for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
La seule fois que ca pourrait arriver c'est si j'aurais deja vu la fille auparavant (avec de vrais seins) et que je voulais vraiment la voir intimement.

I used to have a stripper for regular take outs and since she got fake tits I lost interest in her even though she gave me one of my best DFK. I really hate fake tits. So ugly and they feel awful.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I used to have a stripper for regular take outs and since she got fake tits I lost interest in her even though she gave me one of my best DFK. I really hate fake tits. So ugly and they feel awful.

I suppose the reason i'm not into man-mades is because i love tits. I love how they feel. I love to massage them, carress them, lick them and kiss them. Fake boobs feel too hard and....fake. Except one girl i saw many years ago, who became a favorite: Ann @ChloeMTL a.k.a. Megane @MTLGirlfriends. Her man-made boobs felt totally natural. Every time i'd tell her this, she'd blush and thank her plastic surgeon out loud (he was from Laval). He was an artist!
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